The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine

The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine 773

The Light begins to work in the emotional consciousness.

The Mother

Acanthus montanns (Nees) Anderson., Acanthaceae
Mountain thistle

Physical description:
Small light purple to purple tubular flowers tinged white with the lower edge divided into three lobes, set in a spiny calyx and borne in tall spikes. A small shrub with spiny leaves.

Common name/s
Acanthe rose
Акант горный

The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine (1)
The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine (2)
The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine (3)
The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine (4)
The emotions awake to the first contact with the Divine (5)

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