Our Aspiration and Committment
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Our Aspiration and Commitment

This website is a place of peace, harmony and love, above all conflicts and disagreements. It is a collective effort of many souls united in their aspiration and devotion to the Mother and Sri Aurobindo and the Supramental Force which they have brought down and is now in the process of transforming this earthly life to a life divine.

An Appeal

Dear Friends,

On this day when we celebrate Mother's birthday we humbly ask your help for our website, "motherandsriaurobindo.in" and as well as our YouTube channel, "MotherAndSriAurobindo".

We are truly grateful to all who are sending monthly donations (regardless of amount) and to all who send small and large donations during our Fund Drives. We now have just over 14000 videos, talks, articles and images uploaded but many more still to upload. Please consider a one time, monthly or a quarterly contribution.

Many new videos are on their way with sessions on The Life Divine with Ranganath, Essays on The Gita Audio book, Savitri Classes with Narad, OM Choir, Interviews and many more but we are still quite behind in uploading many hundreds of videos. Currently we receive donations only from Indian Bank accounts until we receive FCRA registration. Here are the details required to transfer money to the Narad Trust.

Bank details:

Branch: Pondicherry
A/c Name: Narad Trust
A/c No: 189205003093
IFSC code: ICIC0001892
Address: No 164, Needarajaya payeer Street, Pondicherry-605001

Please email us at "info@naradtrust.org" and share with us the donor's name, address and PAN to prepare and send you a 80G receipt.

With our humble gratitude,

(Narad Trust)