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About Us


Sanskrit Karyalaya was established on 1st July, 1984. The guiding force and inspiration behind its activities have been the words of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo on Sanskrit. The Mother said: Sanskrit should be the real national language. It is only Sanskrit which will be ultimately acceptable to the people of India. Sanskrit is the only language which creates an equal handicap for all the parts of the country, so that nobody has a natural advantage over others in learning it. When I speak of Sanskrit, it should be simple, but not simplified. When India goes back to her soul, Sanskrit will naturally become Indias national language. Towards this end, Sanskrit Karyalaya has published several books and is bringing out a periodical called Lokasamskritam (twice a year in February and August).


 Annual subscription                               Rs. 20.00

    Life Membership (for 20 years)             Rs. 300.00

    Air Mail                                                Rs. 200.00

    Sea Mail                                               Rs. 120.00


 Books are available at SABDA, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry-605002, India.

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