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Inspiring Thoughts


Weekly Guidance from Sri Aurobindo and Mother

The Mother and Sri Aurobindo

Messages from Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
Discipleship to God the Teacher, sonship to God the Father, tenderness of God the Mother, clasp of the hand of the divine Friend, laughter and sport with our Comrade and boy Playfellow, blissful servitude to God the Master, rapturous love of our divine Paramour, these are the seven beatitudes of life in the human body. Canst thou unite all these in a single supreme &rainbow-hued relation? Then hast thou no need of any heaven and thou exceedest the emancipation of the Adwaitin.

(The Hour of God,Vol:17,Page.137-Thoughts and Aphorisms,SABCL)

The Ashram

Special Visitors

Read in this section about prominent personalities in various fields who met Sri Aurobindo or The Mother in Pondicherry with remarks about them

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