This gaze is the gaze of the Supreme, united by an interdependence, in a fusion, with the Consciousness which reflects the Beauty and Ananda of existence without deforming it. From this look emanates the joy of existence, the power of manifestation of the Eternal Truth, the divine Compassion, the love of perfect Union, the Benevolence without limit, as well as the wrath of God.
These eyes communicate directly with your soul. It becomes like a bridge, and I transmit the force. It passes directly from my eyes, like a ray of light...
You know, if you could look straight into my eyes, concentrate truly, without moving, without thinking of anything, and with an intense determination to unite with my consciousness, to be in relation with this intensity of force which emanates from me through my eyes, then I can do much. If you are receptive, if you can absorb by remaining absolutely calm and concentrated, aspiring to identify yourself with me in an irresistible call towards this perfect union, you can be sure that silently I can lead you towards this unification with me, just by the intensity of the force emanating from this look.
You know, I work a lot, I do many things with these eyes which reflect the soul. These eyes communicate directly with your soul. It becomes like a bridge, and I transmit the force. It passes directly from my eyes, like a ray of light, invisibly, — invisible for those who have not developed the inner vision. But it is in this way that I communicate and work to change the consciousness, the attitude, and to illumine it and guide it for the total progress of the persons whom I see. There are all sorts of methods that I use according to the individual cases.
Sometimes when I hear from far a prayer, a call, a sentiment, an ardent devotion, even a mental formation, a sincere aspiration or a vibration, then I concentrate deep within myself to distinguish better and judge the magnitude of this aspiration or this vibration and when it appears in my inner vision — there, it is as clear as I see you in front of me just now — I hear everything, and I send the answer. It does not get formulated, it does not take time. It is spontaneous, aimed directly at the person who is calling me, and the work is accomplished. It is in a total comprehension that the work is done. You see, it is indirectly direct. But I would say it is more effective and total, because it is with the truth of his being that I communicate. There is no resistance there, I don’t have to pass through these mental, vital and physical layers (gesture), or the psychological formations, habits, the social customs or spiritual deviations, nor the resistance of matter, of ignorance, of inconscience or even of nature which resist my intervention. Like this, it is direct, in a perfect and mutual understanding, without an intermediary; the work of putting the peace, the light or the love is accomplished in an instant.
You understand, you are all tied to my consciousness, in my universal being, in my original Form which is more true and real, united by a spiritual interdependence where all the barriers crumble. I envelop you like this (gesture), in a big… or rather in an enormous sphere, I protect you all against any mishap or attack. I cradle you, I take care of you, I teach you and guide you constantly, so that you may live a pure and healthy life devoid of all pain and suffering, in a constantly progressive blossoming which leads to the New Creation. You do not know how much you are all a part and parcel of myself, that I consider all of you as the precursors of the New Race. My child, this is the truth that I see, the true sense of your existence, — there, the question of why or how does not arise. What a good fortune, my child, to be able to participate in this incomparable and unforgettable event; once one has experienced a little of this phenomenon, it is a complete redemption. My child, this is what all of you are for me, and even more, which I cannot describe in words. My child, this is what I see unrolling before my eyes, like a cinema, but as concrete and real as my terrestrial existence.
My child, I can gaze and gaze without wavering and my gaze merges into the immensity and eternity of space, where time does not exist; my gaze explores beyond all things, beyond all existence, beyond all known realities, and leads towards that inexhaustible vastness where Truth remains inexplicable, where nothing is formulated, yet everything emanates from there. It is the source and the origin of all terrestrial or ultra-terrestrial existences, even beyond the manifestation, — something that cannot be expressed; yet it is the essence of an experience that has been lived.
You know, when I look and concentrate intensely, it is no longer I who look but the Lord who looks through my eyes: then I do not see any outer appearance, any material thing, all disappears from my view except the soul of the things with which I communicate and that tells me everything in an instant. It is so clear, so precise, in a perfect perception, invariable, spontaneous and true. In His vision I see pass in front of me the things which have no real similarity to the things I usually see. But it is real and seized by the Eternal Will. This look can arrest the course of events, change destiny with an unforseeable power, annihilate the forces which oppose, create what is necessary for the New Creation, and preserve what needs to be transformed to collaborate with the Divine.
This look of the divine consciousness in which love pours itself in an unending flow to save the world by an infinite compassion towards men and creatures without distinction, in a self-oblivion which leads by waves of immortal joys, radiating the symbols of the Infinite which go back to the Origin, this look born on the borders of two marvellously astonishing worlds, between the Unknown and the Invisible, lives in the powerful light of the suns which shine within, in the deep caves. It sees beyond the worlds and these common things, communes with the powers that built the worlds and enters into the depths where secretly the aspiration is born, because this look has broken the hidden seals.
These eyes are like illumined mirrors seized by an unfathomable delight and love pouring in an interminable flow. This vision climbs back to the high summits where the spirit soars in the joy and harmony of the heavens of the Eternal Truth. The spirit of Beauty expresses itself in these eyes. This gaze full of divine compassion absorbs all the sufferings, pain and miseries of men and the creatures of this ruthless Nature dominated by the anti-divine forces, and renders them pleasant, loving, habitable, without which this world would be a veritable hell. (Mother goes into trance and then She starts speaking as if Sri Aurobindo were present.)
These eyes measure, survey, sense rather than see things as one sees them (trance). His gaze so loving, sweet, full of sympathy pours out a divine compassion which relieves and consoles the miserable and agonising earth that is trying to free itself from the clutches of anti-divine and hostile forces. There is in His eyes the love that transfigures, the light that gives life, the energy which is released to protect, and the power to bless, to sustain and to help in the progress….
You know, I do a lot of things with my eyes; simultaneously there are several actions that are being carried out. By this look I can transfix someone so that he does not deviate from the path, so that he speaks only the truth, so that he submits himself and does not revolt, so that he collaborates with me. If I want, I can hypnotise him… so that he comes out of his negative tendencies; but I do not do it. I can communicate by subtle means to see the soul of the person, the veiled aspiration of his nature, the subtle bodies which accompany him, the aura which protects him, as concretely as I see you now. I see all that goes on in the atmosphere, in Nature, all around, which people do not see.
My gaze which passes beyond, penetrates and sees into the very depth of things, brooks no obstruction or barrier; it sees the atoms and molecules in their detailed functioning. This gaze that extends till Infinity, projects Eternity in its vision, contemplates Immortality in its sight. This infallible look descends by a silent contact and awakens the secret power which resides in the depths of the inconscience of the being which sleeps in eternity. The past, the present and the future accompany the person to announce the possibility of his realisation and the progress he is capable of making in his terrestrial existence. In a single glance I see them before me and his past, his immediate present with the promise of his future are revealed to me. And if I find him interesting and capable, he becomes a part of my consciousness, and accompanies me in his quest towards the Truth. In this way I see many things simultaneously and nothing escapes my view, whether it is visible or invisible. All this unfolds itself in front of me and is projected in the terrestrial atmosphere only when I consent and give the order. I ignore many things which want to manifest and I assign Nature to make her own choice, and she has her impeccable way of bringing out in this universe all that wants to evolve. But when I see some things which want to transform themselves, I hasten their evolution.
You know, each of my eyes works independently: one projects itself in the infinite to discover the future, and the other scrutinises, sees, looks, surveys, explores and arranges so that nothing escapes its vision, in order to contemplate and to extend the Grace. In a single glance I know the history of the person who is before me. All the elements which constitute his being, all the movements of his thought, his impulse, his activity, his attitude, his aspiration, his development, his possibility, all, all that governs his life, I know in an instant, in a flash of time. For me this does not take time because his soul and his aura with his subtle body unfold and spread the consciousness wide open in front of me, so that I may see them as clearly as possible. I do not examine them but on his own he tells me everything that I want to know about him.
It is interesting that those who know me a little, perceive how one of my eyes overflows with love, spreads light, charges and illumines the atmosphere with the divine joy, expresses the Supra-conscious, changes and witnesses the course of events and circumstances, brings Peace and hastens the divine manifestation upon earth; how this gaze moves further and further and disappears in the eternity of time and space. Whereas the other one concentrates and sees all that goes on inside as well as outside, judges and measures the value of the person, his attitude and of course his possibilities of realisation and according to his capacities pours a bit of love, light, peace and power to prepare him so as to communicate with his soul. That is how I communicate with his soul. You understand, it is my gaze which sees, prepares the instrument, then consents to bless in order to pour the divine love. In a glance I do all this.
Well, you know, my eyes reflect the Soul, bring forth all the qualities of the soul in its divine purity. They are transparent and lucid, they radiate light and joy. They are filled with compassion and kindness, charged with a sweetness and a benevolence that spreads all around to bless and comfort creatures and men.
You see, it is very difficult to fathom the depth and measure the vastness of this look full of immeasurable wisdom which seizes the soul. These eyes which shine with the transparency of a pure crystal seize and inflame the hearts, burn and consume all the imperfections, dispel and get rid of falsehood, ignorance and so many other evils of the world, as well as hatred and pain, that it is impossible to measure…. It cannot be. It surpasses infinity. Not only that, this look radiates and transforms all that it sees, perceives and touches and triumphs with an ineffable Grace. These eyes full of love, intensely charged by a sublime presence, illumine the hearts in the clear radiance of their light, and the soul of the person is reflected in the eyes. That is not all; these eyes which see nothing but the beauty in the world, communicate with and express the supra-terrestrial or supra-cosmic beauty, have extraordinary powers to bring out beauty in ugliness, transform evil and suffering into divine joy, change ignorance and obscurity into wisdom and light, and unconsciousness into consciousness. Voilà!
My child, if you can concentrate deeply into my eyes, then you will get all that you want to know, all that you want to comprehend, all that you want to realise, just by an intense concentration, just by the power of your will which expresses itself through your eyes. You can have all that you aspire for, all that you need. You can see the whole world in my eyes: the whole universe unfolds in my eyes, all that is beautiful in nature as well as in the heavens. And you will not need to go here and there looking for the so-called attractions and revelations of this world. All is in me, and all expresses itself through me. Take the trouble to find me there (Mother points to the heart) and you will see everything, everything through my eyes. Voilà!
My child, I am the Unknown that is unseizable, yet I consent to be seized; I am the Unknowable, yet men pretend to know me. I am the Infinite but I am constrained to limit myself in a physical body by time and space. I am the Eternal who has submitted itself to be bound in evolution. I am Immortality which awakes in its innumerable aspects that perish, in order to climb back towards the One, and which has consented to a birth, in order to suffer the terrestrial consequences. I am the Nihil where everything disappears; the Inconscience that denies my presence, yet each atom of this mass of ignorance palpitates with my consciousness. I am the Mystery — the great paradox which has begun to unveil the innate secrets of this divine manifestation in the terrestrial and cosmic evolution. By the fact of this immense descent of the Supramental upon earth, we foresee the gradual dissolution of the duality, the contradictions and many other things which trouble ordinary men.
My child, I am the Cause, the great Creatrix from whom everything emanates. All that you can conceive of is created from me, by me and for me it exists. Nothing is which is not in me. You understand, it will take you hundreds of births to understand what I am. And yet I reveal myself to my devotees who love me; and still I shall remain unseizable….
Let us not speak of it any more because the words and the expressions are so lamentably poor, — one would say it is childish, — to express this state of grandeur and sublimity. One cannot. How can you conceive that I am more strong and powerful than all that you can imagine; yet I am more delicate and sweet than all that exists. You see, I can enumerate to you thousands of ways and attitudes of my existence and still you will remain where you are and the whole world will not understand. Voilà!
…Again you are looking at me in that way?
Mother, I am not… challenging You. It is my natural way of looking.
My child, I know, I do understand; (in a jovial mood) you know, if a portion of Rudra expressed itself through my eyes, you would be dissolved. You would not exist anymore. You would not be able to bear that look. So do not make me do it or else you will have such consequences that you will be no more!… completely dissolved.
But do you realise all that I can do with this vision? In the same way I have only to look at you and think: “Let Mona be transformed”, and immediately you will be transformed. Do you want that I should transform you?
Mother, You are only saying that, but why don’t You do it. I am ready. Transform me.
Oh! My child! (Mother laughs) Nonetheless you have to will and work assiduously to become pure and sincere…. Yes, one day I shall transform you. I alone have the keys, the means, the methods and the process. Wait, wait with patience and perseverance. But, if you want to be strong, perfect in your action, intelligent, clever, formidable in each sphere of knowledge and true consciousness, in an instant I can turn you into a formidable being. I have all the powers. Do not doubt it. Voilà!
My child, I do not reveal myself, neither do I declare nor show what I am. But I am the All-Powerful who has descended here below in a human body of flesh and bone, into the ignorance and inconscience, into a surrounding where no one recognises me, because nobody can, in order to raise up the world, the creatures and man towards a new level of this creation…
Do what I have assigned you to do. Work silently, and the goal becomes clearer, brighter and comes closer to you. Give yourself entirely to me.
Mother, make me worthy. (I bow down at Her feet.)
My child, I will tell you one more secret because you want to know what is in my look. It is not that you have asked me, but the way you are wonder-struck by my look, seized, and lost in the consciousness that emerges from my look…. My child, I am the One — the Permanent who is ever awake; I was, I am and I shall be; nothing can surpass me, yet the self renews itself at each moment to discover and again surpass the Permanent that exists in itself. It is a game, an enigma for those who want to know. It is not to be understood and known; but it is a fact that faith alone can find. As I am in Him and He is in Me in a permanent way up there, there is no difference; but for the terrestrial manifestation, we have chosen to be divided in two separate physical bodies here below, to help one another in the terrestrial evolution. It was the only way to hasten the evolution. We are the One and the Unique, the Essence of all that exists, that marches forward towards the truth of Existence. Do not forget, for it is the plan of the Supreme. It is He who has formulated it. So He knows what He is doing. Here is something to change you completely. Look straight into my eyes and follow the road that is being traced before you. It is a visible trajectory, an infallible guide. Be conscious.
Do you know, my child, the thing that I do through my look, without announcing, without anyone being disturbed, sweetly, very gently, full of affection and sympathy? Wherever I have looked, I have planted an aspiration of the Transforming Force, I have sent a vibration of the Divine Consciousness, I have transmitted the power of an Eternal Joy, I have enveloped these beings and things with an Immutable Love. Wherever I have looked, everywhere, whatsoever I have seen or this gaze has fallen upon, wherever my eyes have glanced, or have grazed the unfathomable horizons, or caught a picturesque moment, or traversed the skies, the stars and the suns, or directed a concentration of the consciousness towards all that is gathered by this Eternal Look, I have sent a state, a substance of the Supramental Consciousness, that which does not perish but works incessantly to change the contents of these elements to the New Consciousness. This look is filled with Love, Light, Grace and Divine Compassion. Voilà!
…What? Again the same look! (in a jovial mood) Do you think you can swallow me, now that you know what is there in my look? Do you still have any such intention?
Yes, Mother, I would like to, if I could; I want to identify myself with You, be united with You.
My child, even by identifying yourself with my consciousness you will not be able to measure the value, the true sense of what is there in my look. It is difficult, even with a complete identification. When you become the Divine even in your very substance, then there is the possibility of knowing what is there in my look.
Mother, I would like to look, just go on looking and looking at You and never stop. Even though I concentrate, it does not tire me. Your look is so sweet and loving that I am attracted as if by a magnetic force.
You are right, my child. There is a magnetic power in my look and many other things besides that you cannot explain. Voilà, my child. It is enough for today. If I speak more, you will not be able to digest.
Remember what I have told you. Take the trouble to find me. Follow the path that I have traced before you. Nothing is as important as this work. Nothing can be compared to this. Only the Divine. To find the Divine. This is life, this the aim, this the joy! To love the Divine so that He is always with you. Let it be Him who does all. He works with you. He strives with you. He guides you at every instant.
Au revoir, my child.
(I bow down at Her feet.)
Mona Sarkar > The Supreme > The Luminous Gaze..
The Mother
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