CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Collected Poems Vol. 2 of CWSA 751 pages 2009 Edition



All poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms.


Collected Poems


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Sri Aurobindo

This volume consists of all poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms. All such poems published by Sri Aurobindo during his lifetime are included here, as well as poems found among his manuscripts after his passing. Sri Aurobindo worked on these poems over the course of seven decades. The first one was published in 1883 when he was ten; a number of poems were written or revised more than sixty years later, in the late 1940s.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Collected Poems Vol. 2 751 pages 2009 Edition
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A Dream of Surreal Science

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One dreamed and saw a gland write Hamlet, drink
    At the Mermaid, capture immortality;
A committee of hormones on the Aegean's brink
    Composed the Iliad and the Odyssey.

A thyroid, meditating almost nude
    Under the Bo-tree, saw the eternal Light
And, rising from its mighty solitude,
    Spoke of the Wheel and eightfold Path all right.

A brain by a disordered stomach driven
    Thundered through Europe, conquered, ruled and fell,
From St Helena went, perhaps, to Heaven.
    Thus wagged on the surreal world, until

A scientist played with atoms and blew out
The universe before God had time to shout.

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