CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Collected Poems Vol. 2 of CWSA 751 pages 2009 Edition



All poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms.


Collected Poems


Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

This volume consists of all poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms. All such poems published by Sri Aurobindo during his lifetime are included here, as well as poems found among his manuscripts after his passing. Sri Aurobindo worked on these poems over the course of seven decades. The first one was published in 1883 when he was ten; a number of poems were written or revised more than sixty years later, in the late 1940s.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Collected Poems Vol. 2 751 pages 2009 Edition
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Index of Titles

Adwaita 621
Ahana 475
All here is Spirit 597
Appeal 210
Ascent 581
Baji Prabhou 293
A Ballad of Doom 657
Radha's Appeal 34
Because Thou art 623
Because thy flame is spent 179
The Bird of Fire 547
The Birth of Sin 275
The Bliss of Brahman 616
Bliss of Identity 601
The Blue Bird 533
The Body 617
Bride of the Fire 532
Bugles of Light 673
The Call of the Impossible 595
Charles Stewart Parnell 17
The Children of Wotan 641
A Child's Imagination 211
Chitrangada 309
Contrasts 593
Cosmic Consciousness 603
The Cosmic Dance 590
The Cosmic Man 637
The Cosmic Spirit 619
Creation 614

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Cry of the ocean's surges 653
The Death of a God [1] 665
The Death of a God [2] 666
Descent 578
The Descent of Ahana 495
Despair on the Staircase 639
A Dialogue 286
Discoveries of Science 596
The Divine Hearing 622
Divine Sense 24
Divine Sight 623
The Divine Worker 612
A Doubt 186
The Dream Boat 576
A Dream of Surreal Science 614
The Dual Being 610
The Dwarf Napoleon 639
Electron 600
The End? 643
Envoi 37
Epigram 189
Epiphany 279
Epitaph 188
Estelle 31
Euphrosyne 187
Evening 216
Evolution [1] 594
Evolution [2] 595
The Fear of Death 219
The Fire King and the Messenger 673
Flame-Wind 574
Form 625
God 218

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God to thy greatness 675
The Godhead 607
A God's Labour 534
Goethe 16
The Golden Light 605
The Greater Plan 606
Greek Epigram 685
The Guest 612
Hail to the fallen 676
Hell and Heaven 538
Here in the green of the forest 680
Hic Jacet 17
The Hidden Plan 602
The Hill-top Temple 622
I 619
I am filled with the crash of war 679
I cannot equal 177
I have a doubt 181
I have a hundred lives 180
I made danger my helper 670
I walked beside the waters 668
Ilion 333
An Image 274
Immortal Love 206
Immortality 625
In a flaming as of spaces 650
In a mounting as of sea-tides 636
In gleam Konarak 672
In Horis Aeternum 553
In some faint dawn 650
In the Battle 614
In the ending of time 650
In the Moonlight 237
In the silence of the midnight 679
The Inconscient 671

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The Inconscient [sonnet] 604
The Inconscient and the Traveller Fire 666
The Inconscient Foundation 621
The Indwelling Universal 601
The Infinite Adventure 606
The Infinitesimal Infinite 589
The Inner Fields 627
The Inner Sovereign 613
Invitation 201
The Iron Dictators 624
The Island Grave 30
The Island Sun 638
Jivanmukta 551
Journey's End 576
The Just Man 43
Kama 324
Kamadeva 540
Karma 209
Khaled of the Sea 145
The Kingdom Within 599
Krishna 608
Krishna (Cretics) 637
Liberation [1] 604
Liberation [2] 617
Life 541
Life and Death 216
The Life Heavens 549
Life-Unity 605
Light 5
Light [sonnet] 618
Like a white statue 47
Lila 611
Lines on Ireland 18
The Little Ego 615

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Lorsque rien n'existait 686
The Lost Boat 579
The Lost Deliverer 16
Love and Death 111
Love in Sorrow 28
The Lover's Complaint 26
Madhusudan Dutt 35
The Mahatmas 325
Man, the Despot of Contraries 626
Man the Enigma 589
Man the Mediator 596
Man the Thinking Animal 593
The Meditations of Mandavya 509
The Miracle of Birth 615
Miracles 203
Moments 616
Moon of Two Hemispheres 563
The Mother of Dreams 273
The Mother of God 642
Musa Spiritus 531
My life is wasted 178
Night by the Sea 23
The Nightingale 186
Nirvana 561
Now I have borne 600
O Coïl, Coïl 15
O face that I have loved 177
O letter dull and cold 178
O Life, thy breath is but a cry 651
O pall of black Night 649

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O Will of God 520
O ye Powers 676
Ocean Oneness 573
Oh, but fair was her face 649
Omnipresence 620
On a Satyr and Sleeping Love 22
On the grey street 653
On the Mountains 261
One 635
One Day 542
The One Self 626
The Other Earths 562
Outspread a Wave burst 652
Parabrahman 216
Perfect thy motion 285
Perigone Prologuises 189
Phaethon 42
The Pilgrim of the Night 603
Pururavus 663
Radha's Appeal 32
Radha's Complaint in Absence 32
The Rákshasas 321
Rebirth 213
Reflections of Srinath Paul 267
Reminiscence 203
Renewal 580
Revelation 209
The Rishi 220
The River 575
Rose, I have loved 180
Rose of God 564
A Rose of Women 22
Saraswati with the Lotus 22
Science and the Unknowable 598
The Sea at Night 211
Seasons 219
Seer deep-hearted 677
Self 620

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The Self's Infinity 610
Shiva 548
Shiva [sonnet] 609
Silence is all 644
The Silver Call 594
Silver foam 675
Since I have seen your face 192
So that was why 193
Sole in the meadows of Thebes 519
Song 188
Songs to Myrtilla 9
Soul in the Ignorance 577
Soul, my soul [1] 678
Soul, my soul [2] 678
Soul's Scene 580
The Spring Child 185
Still there is something 181
The Stone Goddess 608
A strong son of lightning 670
Suddenly out from the wonderful East 260
Sur les grands sommets blancs 687
Surrealist 658
Surrealist Poems 659
Surrender 611
Symbol Moon 631
The Tale of Nala [1] 521
The Tale of Nala [2] 525
A Thing Seen 187
Thou art myself 663
Thou bright choregus 47
Thou didst mistake 179
Thou who controllest 519
Thought the Paraclete 562
The Three Cries of Deiphobus 189
The Tiger and the Deer 583
To a Hero-Worshipper 41

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To R. 280
To the Boers 247
To the Cuckoo 36
To the Ganges 256
To the hill-tops of silence 649
To the Modern Priam 188
To the Sea 207
To weep because a glorious sun 182
Torn are the walls 675
Trance 548
Trance of Waiting 573
Transformation 561
Transiit, Non Periit 282
A Tree 207
The Triumph-Song of Trishuncou 215
Uloupie 163
The Universal Incarnation 607
The Unseen Infinite 618
Urvasie 65
Vain, they have said 663
Vast-winged the wind ran 651
The Vedantin's Prayer 212
The Vigil of Thaliard 48
Vision 255
A Vision of Science 204
Voice of the Summits 681
The Ways of the Spirit [1] 597
The Ways of the Spirit [2] 598
What is this talk 182
Who 201
Who art thou that camest 635
Winged with dangerous deity 652
The Witness and the Wheel 577
The Witness Spirit 602

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The Word of the Silence 609
The World Game 632
World's delight 194
The Yogi on the Whirlpool 599

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