All poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms.
This volume consists of all poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms. All such poems published by Sri Aurobindo during his lifetime are included here, as well as poems found among his manuscripts after his passing. Sri Aurobindo worked on these poems over the course of seven decades. The first one was published in 1883 when he was ten; a number of poems were written or revised more than sixty years later, in the late 1940s.
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Thy golden Light came down into my brain And the grey rooms of mind sun-touched became A bright reply to Wisdom's occult plane, A calm illumination and a flame.
Thy golden Light came down into my throat, And all my speech is now a tune divine, A paean song of Thee my single note; My words are drunk with the Immortal's wine.
Thy golden Light came down into my heart Smiting my life with Thy eternity; Now has it grown a temple where Thou art And all its passions point towards only Thee.
Thy golden Light came down into my feet; My earth is now Thy playfield and Thy seat.
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Sri Aurobindo
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