CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Collected Poems Vol. 2 of CWSA 751 pages 2009 Edition



All poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms.


Collected Poems


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Sri Aurobindo

This volume consists of all poems in English including sonnets, lyrical poems, narrative poems, and metrical experiments in various forms. All such poems published by Sri Aurobindo during his lifetime are included here, as well as poems found among his manuscripts after his passing. Sri Aurobindo worked on these poems over the course of seven decades. The first one was published in 1883 when he was ten; a number of poems were written or revised more than sixty years later, in the late 1940s.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Collected Poems Vol. 2 751 pages 2009 Edition
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To Weep because a Glorious Sun

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To weep because a glorious sun has set
Which the next morn shall gild the east again,
To mourn that mighty strengths must yield to fate
Which by that fall a double force attain,
To shrink from pain without whose friendly strife
Joy could not be, to make a terror of death
Who smiling beckons us to farther life
And is a bridge for the persistent breath;
Despair and anguish and the tragic grief
Of dry set eyes or such disastrous tears
As rend the heart though meant for its relief
And all man's ghastly company of fears
Are born of folly that believes this span
Of brittle life can limit immortal man.

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