India's Rebirth

  On India



Adya Shakti , 21
Afghanistan, 170,229
Agni, 116,117
agriculture, 39
see also peasantry, village
Ahimsa , 55 , 123, ISI , 168,218,219,246
see also non-violence
Ajatashatru's, 96
Alipore Bomb Ca se , 46 (fn), ISO, 159
Alipore jail, 47 , 48 , 214
Allies (in World War II ), 226, 236,
altruism, 80 , 102, 112
Ambedkar, B. R., 204,205
America , 59 , 81 , 174,237
Americans, 77 , 239
Andhra University, 247
Anushilan Samiti, 13
Arabians, 190
archaeology , 98(fn), l001(fn)
Arjuna, 51 , 125,206,240
art, 65-68, 103, 127, 182,220
Indian a r t, 59 .60, 67, 68 , 168
Arya (English monthly), 83, III
Arya Samaj , 170
Aryan, 49 , 106
character and life, 52, 60
fig h te r, 126
invasion (theory of). 96 , 98,
l00,101 (fn), 107,108, 114 , IIS, 116
language, 97 ,98 , 108 ,109
people, 106,107, 108 , 153
worker, 113
asceticism, 92 , 106,107, 112, 142 ·143,
149, 198,240
Asia, 25, 39, 157, 178
and the Communist pl an, 252·253
astronomy, 168
Augustus, 77
avatar, 49 , 89 , 91, 102
Azad, Abul Kalam, Maulana, 230, 238(fn)


Bahaism. 169

Baker, Edward, 47 (fn)
Bande Mataram (mantra and national
song), 9, 21,22, 37 ,154,222,223
Bande Mataram (English daily), 17,27,47
Banerjee, Jitendranath, 13
Banerji, Surendranath, 17
Bangladesh, 15(fn)
Bankim, see under Charleroi
Baptista, Joseph, 148
barbarians. 126
barbarism, 103, 127, 175,239
Barin, see under Ghose
Baroda, II, 35
Baroda College , II
battle, 45 -46 ,51 , 102, 123-126, 143-144,
206,207, 238·240
beauty, 66 , 68, 103 , 127.217.218,220
Bengal, 39 , 111.112, 152, 153, 222,246
atrocities on Hindus in, 203, 241-242
awakening of, 21,22, 67(fn), 180
partition of, 17, 18, 54 (fn)
Bengal National College, 27
Bhaga vat Gila, 46 , 48 ,52, 125-126,
170,171, 176, 183 ,201,206
Bharati. Subramania, 100(fn)
Bhawani Mandir, 13
Bible, 68 , 170. 176, 190
birth control, 185-186
see also overpopulation
Bolshevism, 151, 183 ,200,203
Bose , Sub has Chandra, 223 , 230,
Brahrnanas, 95 , 105
brahrnateja, 50
Brahmins. 28,29, 44, 55, 87. 120·121.208
Britain, see under England
British. the, see under English
British rule (in India), 9, 18·19,31,
40(fn), 43 , 46(fn), 60,61, 158. 178.202,
219(fn), 230, 231
Buddha. 92 . 106, 144,204,213
Buddhism, 92, 112 , 129, 137, 177
bureaucracy, 58, 68, 135, 220
business. 216, 240

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Caliph (Sultan of Turkey), 149(/11)
capitalism, 154, 200
capita lists, 77 , 103, 221
caste, 44, 79 , 90, 207-208
original meaning of, 28-30,120, 177
perversion of, 119, 120·121
political use of, 18, 32 , 192(11)
caturvarna caturvarnya, 90 , 120
Chaitanya, 204
Chandala, 29, 44
Chandragupta Maurya, 178
charity, 102, 112, 129
see also altruism
Charkha, 170,215,219,225
Charlemagne, 77
Chatterji, Bankim Chandra, 9, 21 , 155
China, 88 , 137, 202, 220
Communist China, 252
and India, 252, 253
and Tibet, 252, 253
Chokha Mela, 29
Christ, 77, 137, 142, 144, 170, 175,205,
Christianity, 59, 129, 142-143,170,
175-176, 184,217
Christians, 63, 68, 171, 183
civilization, 96, 99 , 100, 126-227, 142
ancient, 96, 100, 117
present, 127 , 134,235,236,241,251
see also Indian, Western civilization
commercialism, 61, 67, 127, 140, 153,
Communism, 90, 103, 154, 174,214,
220-221, 252, 253
Communists (Indian), 231
Confucians, 190
Congress. see under Indian National
Congressmen, 222
conversion, 204,205
of Hindus into Muslims, 167, 245
Coomaraswamy my, A, K., 60(11)
corruption, 209, 222
courage, 22,23, 25, 30, 36, 54, 57, 58,
68, 124, 148, 154
Cowell, E . B., 97(11)
creation (new), 21 , 23, 32, 57 , 91 , 128,
154 , 193 ,200.201,241,244,247

Indian, 214
in politics , 221
Cripps, Sir Stafford, 237
Cripps' proposal, 224(11), 237
culture. see under Indian culture
Curzon, 17
Czechoslovakia , 23 I


Danton, 24
Das, Chillaranjan, 13,47, 159, 185,216,
Dayananda Saraswati, 116 ·118, 170
democracy, 61, 62, 103 ,104, 149, 174,214
Indian conception of, 39
parliamentary, 93, 172,214,221
in the West, 103
see also political systems
destruction, 21, 91 , 123,124, 128 ,241
means of, 228, 251
Deuskar, Sakharam Ganesh, 40(11)
Devil, 143
Dharma (Bengali weekly), 47
dharma, 48(111), 69·70, 15 I, 152, 182
in ancient times, 165 , 177
basis of democracy, 39
India's, 49, 158
see also Sanatana dharma
dictatorship, 214
diplomacy, 37 , 45
divide-and-rule, 17, 18 -19,230
Dominion status (for India), 223-224,
231, 237
languages, 97, 98(/11), 108-109
races, 49(11), 96 , 98 , 107 -109, 114,
115 ,116
see also Aryan invasion
Duraiswamy Iyer, 237(fn)
Durga, 124, 222-223
Dull, Ashwini Kumar, 17
Dull, Rornesh, 40(fn)
Dwaraka, 100-101(fn)


East, 25 , 88
economy, 43, 156,200,220,221

Page 264

Western sys tem of, 42 , 127
India's ruined by Britain, 40(fn), 43 ,
education, 11-12, 127, 2 16, 220
artistic, 66-67,
British European, 39, 43, 52, 55, 59,
60, 65, 183, 220
language emedium of, 75, 157
moral or re legions, 7 3
national, 23, 27, 35, 38, 67 , 133, 180
scientific, 65
teaching by snippets, 74 -76
Egypt (ancient), 137
England, 24 , 60 ,61, 67, 202, 236, 239
the English, 24, 43 , 67 , 71, 217, 239
their coming to India, 60,61,178
language , 157
see also British rule, Europe
Europe, 55,59, 88, 104, 152,217
and Asia, 25, 39
bankruptcy of 77,82, 114,115, 175 ,218
her religious history, 59 , 147
her Shakti, 152
see also education, materialism.
politics, religion, scholarship
of India, 42, 43, 52, 59-61, 71- 72 , 86-87,
of Japan, 88, 216,218
evil, 124, 143 , 171, 182
evolution, 51, 59 , 65, 136, 189,201 ,217,
235, 254
the new evolution, 111
see al so supermind, truth
Extremism, 32(fn)


fanaticism, 147, 167, 169, 190, 197 , 204
Fascism, 194,214,226
fast, see under hunger strike
federation (for India ), 249
fight, see under battle
force (spiritual), see under power
forests, 220
France, 202, 227 -228
freedom, 26, 79, 213 , 2 14, 228
French Revolution, 77, 80
Freud, Sigmund, 218

future, 25,26, 57, 60 , 65, 72, 74, 76 , 92,
94 ,99,101 , 110, 112, 118-119, 129,
141, 142,201,236, 241 ,247,


Gandhi, Deva das , 170
Gandhi, M. K., Mahatma , 9,1 51 ,170,
180, 191 -192,202-203, 206,226,230
and birth control, 186
and castes, 207,208
and Charkha, 2 15 -2 16, 2 19, 225
a Christian, 175 -17 6
and Congress, 20 9, 215, 21 9
and Cripps' proposal, 237-238(fn)
a European, 175
and hunger-strike, 145, 168, 17 1
and Khilafat movement, 173
and Muslim demands, 227
and non-cooperation, 160, 180
and non-violence, 166,168,218,219,
in South Africa, 105 , 168
and Swaraj , 173 (11)
and World War II , 217 , 224,
229 -230
Gangoly, O. C., 115-116
Germans , 239
Germany, 112
in World War II , 213, 23 6, 237(fn)
Ghose, Barindra Kumar , 13, 17, 47, 150
Gita , see under Bhagavat Gila
Goethe , 77 , 88
Gounod ajar, 203
Go swami, Bijoy, 76
government, 217, 236
controls, 213
systems of, 165, 172 , 177,178 ,214,215
Greece (ancient), 86 , 119, 168 , 183 ,217
Greek (language), 109
Greeks , 158, 179, 183,213,217
Griffith, Ralph T. H., 97(11)
guru, 119


Haeckel , 87
Hardpans civilisation, 1oo (fn)
hell, 126 , 143 , 147

Page 265

culture. see under Indian culture
Hindus, 19,31 ,39,40,44,58,63,65,
167,179 190,201 ,222·223,227,
religion, see under Hinduism
society, see under Indian society
Hinduism, 48-50, 55, 69·70, 86·88, 92,
94,96, 124, 129, 143, 145-147,207
aggressive and expanding, 131
its central principle, 145·147, 179, 184,
its decline, 81, 131
orthodox, I ,32, 89.90, 94
passive, 183
untouched by the Congress, 32
and violence, 246
se e also religion, Sanatana dharma
Hindu-Misfire question, 17, 18·19,31,
53,54,58,62,65, 165,166, 167, 173,
241,242, 244-245
Hitler, 193, 194,213,217,224·226,227,
229(fn), 230, 239, 242
sympathy for, 225
honesty, 112·113
humanitarianism, 59, 80, 112, 196
humanity, see under man/mankind
hunger strike, 145 , 168 , 171


I. C .S. (Indian Civil Service), 223
idealism, 194, 196,246
imperialism, 24, 202, 226
her assimilation of other cultures,
86, 178,179,248
as Bharata Shakti, 139
as Bhawani Bharati, 15
her decline degeneration, 30, 40.41,
43,59-60,61,85.86, 150-153, 185
her destiny, 22, 133,134, 139,245,250
her dharma Swadharma, 42, 49 , 158,
her freedom, 149,160,209,219,226,
230,237,244,245, 252,253
her future, 61, 72, 92 , 94,110, 112,149,
154, 157 ,203,209,237,245,249,250
her genius spirit, 61,149,150, 172, 178
government for, 172,178,215,

220-221, 249
her greatness, 24 , 27 ·28, 44, 64, 110 ,
132, 160
the guide of the world guru of
nations ,38 ,110
her Independence, 19,203,209,224
the laboratory of the soul, 40
her mission, 1,92, 112, 139, 140, 154,159
as the Mother, 13, IS , 16,21-22,28,
41 ,53,54,64,223,243,255
and the new Truth, 171, 184
North India, 107,108, 115
partition of, 17,224, 244,245
her past, 30 , 38, 55, 60, 61, 64, 98(fn),
100,101 , 137 , 157, 165, 172, 177 -179,
her rebirth regeneration, 1,41,44,
57,88,92,93, 110, 140, 153, 154, 158
her Shakti, 13-15, 152, 157, 158
South India, 107,108, 115
her spirituality spiritual heritage, 24,
26 , 40, 52 , 60, 86, 88, 93 ,98(fn), 110,
137,138,139, 145 ·146, 154,158 , 175,
179,184, 195,201,225,240,250
her unity, 62·64, 158,230.244-245,
see al so art, Bengal, British rule,
education, Hindu, Hinduism, Indian,
scholarship, etc.
civilization, 24, 30, 64, 81, 85, 98(fn),
100,101 (fn), 137, 142, 152,247,248
culture, 64, 65, 67, 86, IIS, 137, 139,
140, 145,146, 157, 158, 168 , 171,179,
222,223, 242, 248
Indians,13,15,52,60, 139, 146 ,
150,153, 175, 185,213·214
intellect mind, 12,43,87,88,95,
111,112,126. 147, 157
mentality, 225, 228
society, 85-86, 89.90, 92 , 119 -121,
universities, II, 12,60
Indian National Congress, 9, 17,19,43,
132. 149, 155-156,219, 241(fn), 249
and the communal principle, 19, 53 ,195
corruption in, 209
a Fascist organization. 215
imitation of, 61,62

Page 266

and the Indian people, 18,32
and Jinnah, 223
it s leaders, 10, 20
and Pakistan, 224
and th e Partition, 244
sessions of,
-Arnrttsar (1919), 149
-Calcutta ( 1906), 35
. Lahore ( 1929), 149(fn)
-Luc know (1916),195
-Nagpur ( 19 20), I 49(fn), 155
-Surat (1907), 35
and World War 11,227,231
Indo-Afghan race , 96, 107
Indo-Saracenic architecture, 168
Indra , 116,117
Indu Prakash (Bombay daily), 9
Indus-Saraswati civilization, 1oo(fn)
industry, 14,43,78, 127, 154 ,216,221
institutions, 9,7,72 , 136 , 141,219
intolerance, 147, 167
Islam, 32 , 44, 53, 129, 143, 158, 167, 170,
see al so Muslim
Islamic culture ,168 ,179
it his a, 98(fn)


Jainism, 151 , 176 , 177
Jallianwala Bagh massacre, 156 (fn)
Japan, 88, 137,202,216, 237 (fn)
Japanese, 216, 218
jat, 90
Jews, 190, 242
Jinnah, 223, 224, 230, 241, 245
Judaism, 129
Judea, 137


Kabir, 146
Kala Purusha , 91
Kali Yuga, 91
KaJi,44, 106, 124
Karmayogin (English weekly) , 47, 71,
Kashmir, 228, 245(/n}
Kemal , Mustapha , 169(fn), 192

Khaddar, 170
Khilafat movement, 149(fn), 156(fn),
165 , 169 , 173 , 195
Koran, 170, 190
Korea, 253
Krishna Vasudeva , 46, 50 , 51, 100(fn),
106 , 125 , 205 , 206, 238, 240
Kshatriya , 20, 29 , 44, 46 , 55 , 120,121 ,


Lajpat Rai, Lala, 17
language, 75, 129
see also Aryan language . Dravidian
languages. Sanskrit
Latin, 109
law, its true function , 45
see al so dharma and Shastra Lenin, 192
literature, 73, 80
love, 14, 91,153
gospel of, 45,46, 144


machinery , 103 , 127 , 135, 136, 141
exaggerated importance of, 51,52, 71,
79 ,81
of the State, 104 , 177
Mahabharata, 46, 98(fn), 1oo(fn), 238, 240
Mahomed, 190
Mahomedans, see under Muslims
Malaviya, Madan Mohan, Pandit, 166
man/mankind, 44.45,65,67,94, 112,
134,135, 136 , 196 ,201 ,216,218
his destiny, 136,235,251
in Europe, 78,79
an infant, 193
his intellect, 115, 163,21 8
more mental than woman, 181
his nature , 144, 189, 200, 219
a reasoning animal, 85
his status with regard to woman, 90
of today, 213
a transitional being, 189
see also civilization, future
Mantra, the fu ture, 37 , 155

Page 267

Ma nu, 89
Marx, Karl , 200
materialism, 1,61 ,77-78, 80,85,92,
114 , 140 , 197 ,201
mathematic s, 168
matter , field o f Sri Aurobindo's Yoga ,
189, 193, 194
Maurya, the dynasty, 178
Ma Yadava , 183
Mazzini, 57,93
medic a l science, 102-1 03
Me so potamia , 137
Minto , Earl , 47 (fn)
see also Morley-Minto re forms
Miller, P. (Pramatha Mitra), 13
moderation, Moderatism, 89 , 93, 118
Mohammedans, see under Muslims
monarchy, 177,178, 214
Monier-Williams , M., 97(fn)
Moonje , B.S., see under Munje
morality, 43 , 73, 71 , 186, 20 3,246
Morley-M in to reforms, 3 1(fn), 62·63, 64
Mo slams , see under Muslims
Mother , 113 , 187, 193 , 23 8,241 , 255
the (Great) Moth e r , 21 , 41
see al so India, as th e Mother
motherland. see under India, as th e
Mrinalini Devi , 16
Muller , F. Ma x, 87 , 95, 96,97, 116 ,
Mullick, Subodh, 27
Munje, B. S ., 155
music, 65 , 66
culture, 168 , 179 , 222
League, 31(fn), 195(fn), 224, 241(fn)
religion, see under Islam
Muslims, 167 , 169, 173 , 190
com ing India, 158 , 178 ·179,248
India n Muslims , 3 1, 44 , 53, 58, 169 ,
181 , 203, 222, 223, 227 , 228, 245
their sense of separateness. 31 , 64,
169 (fn)
see also Hindu-Muslim question
Mussolini, 193 , 229 (fn)


Naoroji, Dadabhai, 35 , 40(fn)
Napoleon, 77

Nationalism, 13, 32, 64
its call, 44
is Sanatana dharma, SO
Nation alit movement party, 17,32·33,
36,44,45,47, 50,54,59,60, 93,21 5,
see also Swadeshi
Nazis Nazism, 2 11, 214, 2 17, 2 18,
229(fn), 236
see also Hitler
Nehru, Jawaharlal , 192(fn), 207,
228-229, 238(fn), 245(fn), 253
newspapers , see under press
Nivedita , Sister , 13,71 ,21 9
non-cooperation movement, 156,160,180
non-violence , 45 , ISI , 166 ·168, 170 ,
218,219,225,226,229, 246
see a so Ahimsa
nuclear weapons, 251


obscurantism, 147
occultism, 200
or the box, see under Hinduisrn
over population, 63-64
see also birth control


paganism , 129
Pakis tan, 15(fn), 22 4, 22 7, 24 1, 245(fn),
Pal , Bepin Chandra , 17
Pales tine, 137
Panchayat (system), 178, 221
Pariah, 29, 20 8
parliamentary democracy, see
under democracy
Pars is,63
partition, see under Bengal, India,
passive resistance, 93 , ISI , 167 ·168 ,
Patanjali, III
Patel , Vallabhbhai, Sardar , 243
patriotism, 21 -22 , 23 , 24 -25, 76
peace, the gospel of, 4 5, 125 , 246

Page 268

peasantry, 18, 32, 39, 40, 44
see al so agriculture, village
Persia, 86(fn), 168, 169, 179
philanthropy, 112
see also altruism, charity
poetry, 44, 65, 127, 138
political systems ,
in ancient India, 137 , 165, 172 ,
177,178, 2 14 , 220,221,24 8,
in t he West, 103 -104, 172,214
see also Communism. democracy,
politician, 45 , 132, 202
Indian politicians , 173 , 182 -183,
184 -185,221,229
the qualities of, 20, 25, 202
politics, 18,20,41 ,45,55, 149,240
European Western, 149 , ISI , 153 -154
the field o f the Kshatriya , 20
Indian politics, 93 , 110 , 151 , 153 -154,
171 , 177, 182 -183, 184
language of, 31 , 138
spirituality in, 50,51, 57, 61 , 93, 132,
138 - 139, 149 , 184
Pondicherry, 71 , 83
population, see under overpopulation
poverty, 40, 102 , 112, 220
power (divine, spiritual), 21, 23, 25-26,
36,37 ,55,56,57,74, III , 14 1, 160 ,
184, 236 , 238, 254
see also Shakti, strength
pralaya, 74
press, 80, 174
propaganda, 196
psychoanalyst is, 197-198,218
psychology, 198
Puranas , 69 , 96, loolln), IOS, 110


Rajagopalachari, Chakravarti, 166,
Rama, 238
Ramakrishna, 76 , 102
Ramakrishna Mission, 112
Ramayana, 98(fn)
Ramdas. 46
Ramprasad, 146
Rao, S. R. , 101(fn)

rationalism , 55 , 85, 140
reason, 1,85,201 -202
reform sure formers, 89-90
religion, 49 , 101 , 129 -130, 169 , 182 , 190,
20 1, 207
aggressive religions, 183
degeneration failure o f, 80, 169, 182,196
divorced from life , 51 , 68, 139
European conception of, 50, 68, 139 ,
Indian conception of, 69, 182
notion of single religion, 147
see also Christianity, Hinduism,
Islam, sa Liana dharma, spirituality
renunciation (of life), 106 -107, 240
republic (in ancient India ), 137 , 178, 248
revolution, 37, 38 , 110
era of, 140 -141
spiritual, 129
Rig-Veda, see under Veda
Rishis, 26, 49, 89, 98({11), 116, 12 1, 158
Rolland, Roma in, 193
Rome (ancient), 80 , 119, 137
Ro th, Prof. von, 116
Roy, Motilal, 105
Rudra , 123, 144
Russel , Bertrand, 193
Russia , 193, 225 , 252
Russia ns, 176, 2 17


samata , 206
Samurai, 29 , 44
Sanaana dharma, 49-50, 5 1, 69 , 93, 94,
see also Hinduism
Sannyasin, 69 , 106,219
Sanskrit, 12, l00 (fn), 107, 109 , 118, 157
Saraswati (river), 10 1(fn)
Satyagraha, Satyagrahi, l SI , 166, 180,
Satya Yuga, 91
Sayana, 94 -96, 105, 116
in Europe, 12, 80 , 95 -96, 97 (fn), 98(fn),
107 , 115, 116
in India, 12,98(1"), 115-116
science, 49 , 59 , 77 -78 , 80, 110 , 127 , 134 ,
135 , 137,235,249

Page 269

in ancient India. 137
in the Veda, 117
its limitation. 197
superstition of, 87. 99
see also education
secular (nothing secular). 146, 149
Shakespeare, 77
Shakti, 13,15, 139 . 152 -153
se e also India. strength
Shankaracharya, 29 . 87 , 92. 94-95, 97,112,204
Shastra, 69. 86-87, 89. 146
Shiva, 29. 98(fn). 123
Shudras, 29,119,120-121
Sikh Gurus, 146
Sikhs, 63
Snide, Nana Saheb, 218
Socialism/Socialists, 103, 135, 174,215.
soul-force, 124, 191
spiritism. 200
spirituality, 50. 51 , 92, 135, 138 , 171,200
age of, 135 -136
basis of life, 154, 159,203,219
European notion of. 139, 200
of India, see under India, her
in politics, 50-51, 57, 61, 93. 138-139,
149 -150, 184
in society, 134, 138 -139
spiritualization of life man, 129,
134 -135, 139 , 140
Sri Aurobindo's idea of, 149
true spirituality, 139
Sri Aurobindo (main events in his life,
return from England, 9
in Baroda service, II
his revolutionary action, 13,246
editor of Bande Mataram, 17
principal of Bengal National
behind the Nationalist movement,
195 -196,246
Bande Mataram sedition case, 27.
Surat Congress, 35
Alipore Bomb Case, 47
withdrawal from politics, 71 , 110-111 ,
departure for Chandernagore, 71

departure for Pondicherry, 71, 83
meeting with Mother, 113
calls for his return to politics,
148-149, 155-156
hi s withdrawal in 1926, 187
accident to his le g. 211
his support for the Allies, 231 , 236, 238
his public support for. Cripps'
proposal. 224(fn), 237
his message for India's Independence,
his passing, 255
see also Chronology, p. 257 ff
Srinivas Iyengar, 215
Stalin, 215, 225
strength, 14-15, 16, 18,21,32,36,45,
52 -53.54,57,58, 124, 125 -126
see also India, Shakti
suffering, 22 -23, 166-167, 176 ,253
Sufism, 168
supermind, supramental, 173-174. 199,200
super station. 55, 85. 87, 90. 95, 99-100,
106, 200
svadharma, 177 , 182,250
Swadeshi movement, 17.35,39. 40(fn),
156,180,183, 195
Swaraj, 17,35,56,93.180,209
inner, 53


Tagore, Rabindranath, 17,27, 193, 194,215
Tagore, Surendranath, 13
Tamil (language), 109
Tamil saints, 146
Tantra, 105
Taoists, 190
tapasyd, III
taxes, 221
terrorism, 56, 93, 246
theosophy, 94, 200
Tibet, 251 -253
Tilak, Bal Gangadhar, Lokmanya,
17,132, 148, ISS , 160, 185, 195,246
tolerance, 179
Tolstoy Tolstoy's, ISI, 176
tradition, 191,240-241
totals, 32 , 44

Page 270

truth, 37 , 57 , 112, 122 , 197
infinite, 204
loyalty to , 206-207
monopoly of, 190
new Truth, 171, 184 , 196,200-201,241
spiritual truth, 202
supreme Truth, 254
Tukaram, 146
Turkey, 169


unity, 31 , 167
see also Indian
Upanishads, 69, 97, IOS, 110, 137, 171 ,
Uttarpara Speech, 48·49


Vaishyas, 29, 120-121
Vander Mataram, see under Bande
Veda, Vedas, 48,69,94,99, 105- 109 ,
date of. 101(fn)
and India 's future, 94
lost sense o f, 95 , 96 -97 , 114
Rock o f the Ages, 97
scientific knowledge in , 117 ·118
sec ret o f, 99, 122
symbolism o f, 98(fn), 114
viewed by Western scholars, 95 ·97,
107 ,116·117
Vedanta, 52, 95, 96, 109, 168
Vedic age civilization, 96 , 119-120
Vedic Rishis, see under Rishis
village, 39, 41
in ancient India, 172, 220
development, 172 , 180
see also agriculture. peasantry
violence, see under non-violence
virtue, 171
Vishnu, 98(fn), 144
Vivekananda, Swami, 9, 24, 76 , 97 , 102,
Voltaire, 77


Wakankar's, V. S 101 (fn)
war, 81·82,123·124, 125,202,239-240
see also World War I, II
waste, 198,199,215
West, 25, 88
red evening of, 157
see also Europe
Western civilization, 24 (fn), 41 , 42 , 56,
59,77-81, 114 , 127 -128, 140, 157 ,216
Wilson, H. H., 97(fn)
woman, 102, 181, 185
in ancient India , 119
in politics, 181
her status with regard to man, 90
her subjection, 138
World War I, 124, 125 ,216
World War II , 211 , 238·239
Sri Aurobindo's support o f the Allie
231 , 236, 238


Yajnavalkya, 96
Yoga, 48 ,52,69, 109, 137 , 159 , 186
national Yoga, 93
old system o f, ISO, 194
Sri Aurobindo 's, 144-145, 171 , 189 ,
191 ,193-194,201,202,203
yo u t h, the young, 44 , 52 , 57 , 154
see also education
Yugantar (Bengali weekly), 17
zamindar, 40(fn)
zenana, 44

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