India's Rebirth

  On India


We give below, section by section, either detailed references or, when these would be too cumbersome to list in full, guides to the sources. The bold numerals refer to the volumes of the Centenary Edition of Sri Aurobindo's works (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, 1972); they are followed by the page number. "A. & R." refers to the Archives and Research half-yearly series published from Pondicherry.

The reader wishing to know more about Sri Aurobindo's immense contribution to India is invited to study the following titles: Bande Mataram, The Karmayogin, The Secret of the Veda, Essays on the Gila, The Foundations of Indian Culture, On Himself, as well as Sri Aurobindo's talks with disciples: Evening Talks (noted by A. B. Purani) and Talks with Sri Aurobindo (four volumes noted by Nirodbaran).

For a general introduction to Sri Aurobindo's life, thought and work, we recommend Satprem's Sri Aurobindo or the Adventure of Consciousness (Institut de Recherches Evolutives, Paris, & Mira Aditi, Mysore, 1996).


Nearly all the texts in this section are from the Bande Mataram for the years 1893 to 1908 (vol. 1 in Cent. Ed., also with articles in vol. 17 and vol. 27), and from the Karmayogin for the years 1909-1910 (vol. 2, also with articles in vol. 3 and 17). Exceptions are:

1.3 .125-127

9. Sri Aurobindo in the First Decade of the Century by Manoj Das, p . 137

2. 3.181

3. Th e Life o f Sri Aurobindo by A. B.

10. Ibid., p . 134

4. On Himself. 26 .29-32

12. A. & R., April 1977 , p . 56-58

5. A. & R., April 1978. p. 13-18

13. 3.454-456

6. A. & R. , April 1979. p . 4

14. 3.460

7. A. & R., December 197 8 , p . III

15. A. & R., December 1979, p . 196 -199

8. A. & R., April 1979, p . 1-4

16. Ibid., p . 200-201


Excerpts from letters to Motilal Roy are found in vol. 27 (p. 463 to 499). Other references are:

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17. On Himself, 26.27 , 37· 38

56 . 16.392·3 94

18. A. & R., April 1981 , p . 1-6

57 . Th e Ideal of Human Unity,15.492-493

19. A. & R., April 1983 , p.47

58 . Th e Hour of God ( 1991), p. 3-4

20 . A. & R., December 1980, p. 187 -194

59 . A. & R., December 1984 , p. 190

21. Ibid., p, 194

60 . 17.351,357

22 . A. & R., December 1977, p . 84

61. 27 .505 -507

23 . A. & R., April 1983, p . 21

62 . Th e Human Cycle, 15.209·2 13

24 . 3.116-117

63 . Ibid., 15.230

25. 27.182· 183

64 . Ibid., 15.243

26 . A. & R., December 1983, p . 100 , 124

65 . Ibid. , 15.250- 252

27. A. & R., December 1984, p . 132, 136

66 . Th e Renaissance in India , .14.401 -404

28 . A. & R., December 1985, p , 152 , 168

67. War and S elf-Determination, 15.598

29 . A. & R., April 1979, p . 93-94

68 . Ibid., 15.605-606

30. Ibid., p . 94

69 . The Renaissance in India , 14.426·433

3 1. See Th e Politics o f History , by Na varatna S . Raja ram ( Voicee of India , 1995)

70 . Th e Foundations of India n Culture,
14.1 -11

32. Thoughts and Aphorisms (in vol. 17)

71. War and S elf-Determination, 15.588·597

33. The Secret o f the Veda, 10.3

72 . Th e Foundations o f Indian Culture, 14.27,31

34. 17.393-394

73 . Ibid ., 14.73·75

35. The Secret o f th e Veda , 10.33-37

74. Ibid., 14.90

36. Sri Aurobindo-i-His Life Unique, by Rishabhc hand, p, 410-41 1

75 . Essays on the Gita , 13.367-372

37 . 16.402-403

76. The Foundations o f Indian Culture, 14.122-130


77 .17.179

39. On Himself, 26 .424

78 . War and Self-Determination , 15.635

40 . Ibid., 26 .425

79. On Himself, 26 .430-431

41. The Secret o f th e Veda, 10.352·353

80 . Original Bengali text in A. & R., April 1980, p.I-1O

42 . 16.311

81. 16.33 1

43 .1 7.277-279

82 .2.431

44 . 17.337-341

83. On Himself, 26 .432-433

45 . 17.299

84 .17.194-196

46 . 16.317-319

85 . The Foundations o f Indian Culture, 14.363-38 1

47. Thoughts and Glimpses , 16.39 1

86 . On Himself, 26 .437

48. Th e Ideal o f Human Unity, 15.340

87 . Ibid., 26 .438-439

49. The Human Cycle, 15.3-8

50. The Secret o f th e Veda, 10.439

51. Hymns to th e Mystic Fire, 11.9-18

52 . Essays o n the Gita, 13.37-42

53. Ibid., 13.44-45

54 . Ibid., 13.52-54

55. Th e Human Cycle, 15.69-73


Most of the excerpts from Sri Aurobindo's talks in this section are from A. B.
Purani 's Evening Talks. Others are from talks noted by Anilbaran (published
in Sri Aurobindo Circle), and from unpublished notations by Pavitra.

Page 261

88.History of the Freedom Movement in India, by R. C. Majumdar
(Firma KLM, 1988), Vol. III. p. 81

89 . 17.7 -8

105. On Himself, 26 .167

90 . On Himself, 26 .126

106. 22 .208-209

91. Ibid ., 26 .483

107. Ibid., 26 .143

92 . Ibid ., 26 .122, 124

108. Leiters on Yoga, 22 .205

93 . The History of the Freedom Movement in India, Vol. Ill, p.310

109. On Himself, 26 . 125

94. On Him self, 26.468-469

110 . Ibid ., 22 .153

95. Unpublished portion of a letter to Dillip Kumar Roy

III. Ibid., 22 .490

96. Ibid., 26 .165

112. Ibid ., 22. 144 (2nd paragraph only)

97 . Letters on Yoga, 22 .178

113. On Him s el f, 26 .389

98 . Ibid ., 22 .152

114. Ibid ., 26. 135

99. The Liberator by Sisirkumar Mitra (Jaico, 1970 ), p. 199

115. Leiters on Yoga, 22 .490

100. On Himself, 26 .375·376

116. Leiters o n Yoga, 22 . 140

10 1. Leiters on Yoga , 22 .196-198

117 . On Himself, 26 .380

102. Ibid ., 24 . 1608- 1609

118. Leiters on Yoga, 23.665-666

103. Ibid ., 23. 716

119. Ibid., 22 .139

104. Ibid ., 23 .717

120. Ibid., 22 .486 -487

121. Correspondence with Sri Aurobindo by Nirodbaran, 2.1185


All passages in this section are from Evening Talks (noted by A. B. Purani) and Talks with Sri Aurobindo (noted by Nirodbaran).


122 . Th e Life Div in e, 19.10 53-10 56

135. Ibid., 26 .49

123. On Himself, 26 .394

136 . Ibid ., 26 .22

124 . Ibid .

137. Ibid., 26 .171 -172

125. Ibid ., 26 .399

138. Ibid., 26 .407-4 13

126. Ibid ., 26 .396- 398

139. The Ideal of Human Unity, 15.563-565

127. Ibid., 26 .129- 130

140. Ibid ., 15.567

128. Ibid., 26. 167 -168

141. Partially in On Himself, 26. 172

129. Ibid., 26 .168- 169

142. Ibid., 26 .416

130. Leiters on Yoga, 22.424 -425

143. The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth, 16.73

13 1. Champaklal Speaks ( 1976), p.66

144. Mother's Agenda Vo l. 8, p. 173

132. On Him self, 26 .169-170

133 . Ibid., 26.401 -402

134. Ibid., 26.46

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