Sri Aurobindo And The Mother - On India

  On India

On India

SRI AUROBINDO always loved deeply his Motherland. But he wished her to be great, noble, pure and worthy of her big mission in the world. He refused to let her sink to the sordid and vulgar level of blind self-interest and ignorant prejudices. This is why, in full conformity to his will, we lift high the standard of truth, progress and

transformation of mankind.


    India is not the earth, rivers and mountains of this land, neither is it a collective name for the inhabitants of this country. India is a living being, as much living as, say, Shiva. India is a goddess as Shiva is a god. If she likes, she can manifest in human form.


    India is the country in which the psychic law can and must reign and the time has come for that here. Besides, this is the only salvation possible for the country whose consciousness has unfortunately been falsified by the influence and domination of a foreign country, but which, in spite of everything, is in possession of a unique spiritual heritage.


    The future of India is very clear. India is the Guru of the world. The future structure of the world depends on India. India is the living soul. India is incarnating the spiritual knowledge in the world. The Government of India ought to recognise the significance of India in this sphere and plan their action accordingly.


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(On 1 September 1965 Pakistan invaded India's western border at Jammu-Kashmir. The conflict ended in a cease-fire on 22 September. During this time Mother made the following five statements.)

Sri Aurobindo writes in his Essays on the Gita: "The law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid." What does this mean?

Mother, is the present situation in India like the debt which must be paid to Rudra?

    Here is the whole quotation which I had prepared in advance for those who would ask the wherefore of the present situation. I am sending it to you so that your question is taken care of.

    "No real peace can be till the heart of man deserves peace; the law of Vishnu cannot prevail till the debt to Rudra is paid. To turn aside then and preach to a still unevolved mankind the law of love and oneness? Teachers of the law of love and oneness there must be, for by that way must come the ultimate salvation. But not till the Time-Spirit in man is ready can the inner and ultimate prevail over the outer and immediate reality. Christ and Buddha have come and gone, but it is Rudra who still holds the world in the hollow of his hand. And meanwhile the fierce forward labour of mankind tormented and oppressed by the powers that are profiteers of egoistic force and their servants cries for the sword of the Hero of the struggle and the word of its prophet." 1

8 September 1965

    1 Essays on the Gita, Cent. Vol. 13, p. 372.


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    It is for the sake and triumph of Truth that India is fighting and must fight until India and Pakistan have once more become One because that is the truth of their being.

16 September 1965


In spite of your message of the 16th September to the Prime Minister and the Chief of Staff of the Army, was not our Government's acceptance of the cease-fire the best that could be done under the circumstances?

They could not do otherwise.

29 September 1965


    India has become the symbolic representation of all the difficulties of modern mankind.

    India Will be the land of its resurrection - the resurrection to a higher and truer life.


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    O India, land of light and spiritual knowledge! Wake up to your true mission in the world, show the way to union and harmony.

23 September 1967


    Divine Power alone can help India. If you can build faith and cohesion in the country, it is much more powerful than any man-made power.


(Message for Shri V. V. Giri, President of India, who visited the Ashram)

    Let us all work for the greatness of India.

14 September 1969


(Messages for Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, who visited the Ashram)

    Let India. work for the future and set the example. Thus she will recover her true place in the world.

    Since long it was the habit to govern through division and opposition.

    The time has come to govern through union, mutual understanding and collaboration.

    To choose a collaborator, the value of the man is more important than the party to which he belongs.

    The greatness of a country does not depend on the Victory of a party but on the union of all the parties.

6 October 1969


    It is only India's soul who can unify the country.

    Externally the provinces of India are very different in character, tendencies, culture, as well as in language, and any attempt to unify them artificially could only have disastrous results.

    But her soul is one, intense in her aspiration towards the spiritual truth, the essential unity of the creation and the divine origin of life,

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and by uniting with this aspiration the whole country can recover a unity that has never ceased to exist for the superior mentality.


    The soul of India is one and indivisible. India is conscious of her mission in the world. She is waiting for the exterior means of manifestation.



Education has normally become literacy and a social status. Is it not an unhealthy trend? But bow to give to education its inner worth and intrinsic enjoyability?

Get out of conventions and insist on the growth of the soul.

What illusions and delusions our education is today beset with? How could we possibly keep clear of them?

    (a) The almost exclusive importance given to success, career and money.

    (b) Insist on the paramount importance of the contact with the Spirit and the growth and manifestation of the Truth of the being.


    I have the deepest respect for Indian languages and continue to study Sanskrit when I have time.


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    The Sanskrit ought to be the national language of India.


    Let the splendours of Bharat's past be reborn in the realisation of her imminent future with the help and blessings of her living soul.


what is the duty of every Indian today in the present emergency?

    Overgrow your small egoistic personality and become a worthy child of our Mother India, fulfil your duties with honesty and rectitude, and always keep Cheerful and confident, with a steady trust in the Divine's Grace.

3 February 1963


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