CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Early Cultural Writings Vol. 1 of CWSA 784 pages 2003 Edition



Early essays and other prose writings on literature, education, art and other cultural subjects including 'The Harmony of Virtue', 'The National Value of Art'...

Early Cultural Writings

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Early essays and other prose writings on literature, education, art and other cultural subjects. The volume includes 'The Harmony of Virtue', Bankim Chandra Chatterji, essays on Kalidasa and the Mahabharata, 'The National Value of Art', 'Conversations of the Dead', the 'Chandernagore Manuscript', book reviews, 'Epistles from Abroad', Bankim – Tilak – Dayananda, and Baroda speeches and reports. Most of these pieces were written between 1890 and 1910, a few between 1910 and 1920. (Much of this material was formerly published under the title 'The Harmony of Virtue'.)

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Early Cultural Writings Vol. 1 784 pages 2003 Edition

A Proposed Work on Kalidasa

Chapter I. Kalidasa's surroundings.    Chapter II. Kalidasa & his work. The Malavas—the three ages, Valmekie.. Vyasa.. Kalidasa.. materialism & sensuousness..] the historic method.. psychological principles of criticism.. variety of Kalidasa's work.. probable chronological succession of his works.    Chapter III. The Seasons.    Chapter IV. The House of Raghu; its scope & outline; nature of the poem; descriptive epic of later Hindu civilisation; its limitations. Qualities of verse diction. Similes. Description. Sentiment; pathos and eloquence. Relative merits of later & earlier cantos. Comparison of Kalidasa's pathos & Bhavabhuti's.    Chapter V. The Cloud Messenger. Kalidasa's treatment of the Supernatural.. Substance of the poem.. Chastened style.. Perfection of the harmony.. moderation & restraint.. pathos & passion.    Chapter VI. The Drama before Kalidasa; elements of Hindu drama.. the three plays studies of one subject.    Chapter VII. The Agnimitra; its plot; perfection of dramatic workmanship; Kalidasa's method of characterisation; the characters. Dramatic style. Relation of the Agnimitra to the Raghu.    Chapter VIII. The Urvasie.. dramatic workmanship & conception; character of the poetry; relation to Meghaduta.    Chapter IX. The Characters. Chapter X XI XII. The Shacountala.    Chapter XIII XIV. The Kumara.    Chapter XV. Retrospect; poetic greatness of Kalidasa; comparisons with other classical [writers].    Chapter XVI XVII. Hindu civilisation in the time of Kalidasa (this may go with Raghu or Kumara).

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