Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Agni Pavaka


अग्ने तव श्रवो वयो महि भ्राजन्ते अर्चयो विभावसो ।
बृहद्भानो शवसा वाजमुक्थ्यं दधासि दाशुषे कवे ॥१॥

1) O Fire, thy inspiration and thy growth and thy lights blaze in their greatness, O thou who shinest out with thy lustres; O great luminousness, O seer, thou foundest by thy strength for the giver a plenitude of utterance.

पावकवर्चाः शुकवर्चा अनूनवर्चा उदियर्षि भानुना ।
पुत्रो मातरा विचरन्नुपावसि पृणक्षि रोदसी उभे ॥२॥

2) Purifying is thy flaming energy, bright is thy energy, indeficient is thy energy as thou ascendest with thy light—a son thou rangest and protectest the Parents and thou joinest together earth and heaven.

ऊर्जो नपाज्जातवेदः सुशस्तिभिर्मन्दस्व धीतिभिर्हितः ।
त्वे इषः सं दधुर्भूरिवर्पसश्चित्रोतयो वामजाताः ॥३॥

3) O son of energy, O knower of all things born, well-founded rejoice in our perfect utterances and our thinkings; in thee they have joined together impelling forces of many forms, richly varied in their prospering, born to charm and beauty.

इरज्यन्नग्ने प्रथयस्व जन्तुभिरस्मे रायो अमर्त्य ।
स दर्शतस्य वपुषो वि राजसि पृणक्षि सानसिं कतुम् ॥४॥

4) O immortal Fire, ruling over creatures born, spread in us thy Riches; thou art master of1 thy body of vision and thou satest thy conquering will.

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इष्कर्तारमध्वरस्य प्रचेतसं क्षयन्तं राधसो महः ।
रातिं वामस्य सुभगां महीमिषं दधासि सानसिं रयिम् ॥५॥

5) A thinker, an arranger of sacrifice, a master of great achievement thou foundest a bounty of delight and a great and fortunate impulsion and conquering Riches.

ऋतावनं महिषं विश्वदर्शतमग्निं सुम्नाय दधिरे पुरो जनाः ।
श्रुत्कर्णं सप्रथस्तमं त्वा गिरा दैव्यं मानुषा युगा ॥६॥

6) Men have set in front this great Truth-possessing and all-seeing Fire for the bliss; thee who hast the ear that hears our words voice, wide-extended, one divine throughout the human generations.

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