Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Devashravas and Devavata Bharata


निर्मथितः सुधित आ सघस्थे युवा कविरध्वरस्य प्रणेता ।
जूर्यत्स्वग्निरजरो वनेष्वत्रा दधे अमृतं जातवेदाः ॥१॥

1) Churned out and well-established in the house of his session, the Youth, the Seer, the leader of the pilgrim-sacrifice, imperishable in the perishing woodlands, the Fire, the knower of all things born, has founded here immortality.

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अमन्थिष्टां भारता रेवदग्निं देवश्रवा देववातः सुदक्षम् ।
अग्ने वि पश्य बृहताभि रायेषां नो नेता भवतादनु द्यून् ॥२॥

2) The sons of the Bringer, god-inspired and god-beloved, have churned out Fire of the perfect discernment. O Fire, look widely on us with the vast riches, become the leader of our impulsions throughout the days.

दश क्षिपः पूर्व्यं सीमजीजनन्त्सुजातं मातृषु प्रियम् ।
अग्निं स्तुहि दैववातं देवश्रवो यो जनानामसद् वशी ॥३॥

3) The ten who throw the Light have brought to birth all around the Ancient One well-born in his mothers and well-beloved. Affirm with lauds, O god-inspired, the Fire lit by the god-beloved, that he may be the controller of men.

नि त्वा दधे वर आ पृथिव्या इळायास्पदे सुदिनत्वे अन्हाम् ।
दृषद्वत्यां मानुष आपयायां सरस्वत्यां रेवदग्ने दिदीहि ॥४॥

4) One has set thee in the supreme seat of the earth, in the seat of the Word of Revelation, in the happy brightness of the days: O Fire, opulently shine in the human being, in the river of rocks, in the stream of flowing waters, in the stream of inspiration.1

इळामग्ने पुरुदंसं सनिं गोः शश्वत्तमं हवमानाय साध ।
स्यान्नः सूनुस्तनयो विजावाऽग्ने सा ते सुमतिर्भूत्वस्मे ॥५॥

5) O Fire, achieve at my call the Revealing Speech, the many-actioned, the lasting conquest of the Light. May there be for us a Son of our begetting pervading in his birth;2 O Fire, may there be created in us that true thinking of thine.

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