Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Haryata Pragatha


हविष्कृणुध्वमा गमदध्वर्युर्वनते पुनः ।
विद्वाँ अस्य प्रशासनम् ॥१॥

1) Do you make the offering, the Priest of the pilgrim-rite has come and he conquers again, for he knows the commandment of the Fire.

नि तिग्ममभ्यंशुं सीदद्धोता मनावधि ।
जुषाणो अस्य सख्यम् ॥२॥

2) Let him sit within close to the keen burning ray, the Priest of the call in thinking man, accepting the comradeship of the Fire.

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अन्तरिच्छन्ति तं जने रुद्रं परो मनीषया ।
गृभ्णन्ति जिह्वया ससम् ॥३॥

3) Within they wish him to be in a man the "terrible one", beyond the thinking mind; by his tongue they seize the peace.

जाम्यतीतपे धनुर्वयोधा अरुहद् वनम् ।
दृषदं जिह्वयावधीत् ॥४॥

4) High burnt the companion bow, a founder of the growth he climbed to woodland, he smote the rock with his tongue.

चरन् वत्सो रुशन्निह निदातारं न विन्दते।
वेति स्तोतव अम्ब्यम् ॥५॥

5) He is the shining calf who wanders and finds none to bind him here, to one who lauds him he manifests the mother.1

उतो न्वस्य यन्महदश्वावद् योजनं बृहत् ।
दामा रथस्य ददृशे ॥६॥

6) And now is the great and vast yoking as if of the Horse, the rope of the chariot is seen.

दुहन्ति सप्तैकामुप द्वा पञ्च सृजतः ।
तीर्थे सिन्धोरधि स्वरे ॥७॥

7) Seven milk the one, two let loose the five at the ford of the River upon the cry of the waters.

आ दशभिर्विवस्वत इन्द्रः कोशमचुच्यवीत् ।
खेदया त्रिवृता दिवः ॥८॥

8) By the ten of the sun Indra made fall the covering sheath of heaven with his triple mallet.

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परि त्रिधातुरध्वरं जूर्णिरेति नवीयसी ।
मध्वा होतारो अञ्जते ॥९॥

9) A new adoration moves round the triple pilgrim-sacrifice, the priests of the call anoint With the honey-wine.

सिञ्चन्ति नमसावतमुच्चाचकं परिज्मानम् ।
नीचीनबारमक्षितम् ॥१०॥

10) With surrender they pour out the inexhaustible pervading well whose wheel is on high and its opening below.

अभ्यारमिदद्रयो निषिक्तं पुष्करे मधु ।
अवतस्य विसर्जने ॥११॥

11) Close by are the stones and the honey-wine is poured in the lotus in the discharging of the well.

गाव उपावतावतं मही यज्ञस्य रप्सुदा ।
उभा कर्णा हिरण्यया ॥१२॥

12) O Ray-Cows, come to the well; here is the great wine-jar of the sacrifice, here are both the golden handles.

आ सुते सिञ्चत श्रियं रोदस्योरभिश्रियम् ।
रसा दधीत वृषभम् ॥१३॥

13) Pour into the wine that is pressed, a joining splendour, the glory of earth and heaven; by the juice of the wine sustain the Bull.

ते जानत स्वमोक्यं सं वत्सासो न मातृभिः ।
मिथो नसन्त जामिभिः ॥१४॥

14) They know their own home; like calves with their mothers they met with each other as companions.

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उप स्त्रक्वेषु बप्सतः कृण्वते धरुणं दिवि ।
इन्द्रे अग्ना नमः स्वः ॥१५॥

15) In the jaws of the eater they made their foundation in heaven, their prostrations of surrender to Indra and the Fire made the Sun-world.

अधुक्षत् पिप्युषीमिषमूर्जं सप्तपदीमरिः ।
सूर्यस्य सप्त रश्मिभिः ॥१६॥

16) The warrior milked out the seven-planed nourishing force and energy by the seven rays of the sun.

सोमस्य मित्रावरुणोदिता सूर आ ददे ।
तदातुरस्य भेषजम् ॥१७॥

17) O Mitra and Varuna, in the rising of the moon he received it on the sun; it is the healing draught for him who suffers.

उतो न्वस्य यत् पदं हर्यतस्य निधान्यम् ।
परि द्यां जिह्वयातनत् ॥१८॥

18) And now let him stretch out2 with his tongue of flame around heaven that plane of him in his full delight which is to be laid as a foundation.

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