Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Mandala One


पश्वा न तायुं गुहा चतन्तं नमो युजानं नमो वहन्तम् ।
सजोषा धीराः पदैरनु ग्मन्नुप त्वा सीदन् विश्वे यजत्राः ॥१॥

1) He hides himself like a thief with the cow of vision in the secret cavern, he takes to himself our adoration, and thither he carries it.1 The thinkers take a common joy in him, they follow him by his footprints; all the Masters of sacrifice come to thee, O Flame, in the secrecy.

ऋतस्य देवा अनु व्रता गुर्भुवत् परिष्टिर्द्यौर्न भूम ।
वर्धन्तीमापः पन्वा सुशिश्विमृतस्य योना गर्भे सुजातम् ॥२॥

2) The Gods follow after him the law of the workings of Truth. He stands encompassing all as heaven the earth. The Waters make him grow increasing in his bulk by their toil,2 the Flame well-born in their womb, in the abode of the Truth.

पुष्टिर्न रण्वा क्षितिर्न पृथ्वी गिरिर्न भुज्म क्षोदो न शंभु ।
अत्यो नाज्मन्त्सर्गप्रतक्तः सिन्धुर्न क्षोदः क ईं वराते ॥३॥

3) He is as if a delightful thriving, he is like the earth our wide dwelling-place. He is enjoyable like a hill and bliss-giving like fast-running water. He is like a charger in the battle rushing to the gallop and like a flowing river,3 who shall hedge in his course?

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जामिः सिन्धूनां भ्रातेव स्वस्त्रामिभ्यान्न राजा वनान्यत्ति ।
यद् वातजूतो वना व्यस्थादग्निर्ह दाति रोमा पृथिव्याः ॥४॥

4) He is the close comrade of the Rivers as is a brother of his sisters. He devours the earth's forests as a king his enemies. When driven by the breath of the wind he ranges around the forests, the Flame tears asunder the hairs of Earth's body.

श्वसित्यप्सु हंसो न सीदन् ऋत्वा चेतिष्ठो विशामुषर्भुत् ।
सोमो न वेधा ऋतप्रजातः पशुर्न शिश्वा विभुर्दूरेभाः ॥५॥

5) He breathes in the Waters like a seated swan. Waking in the dawn he has power by the will of his works to give knowledge to the peoples. He is like the God of the Wine, born of the Truth and a creator. He is like a cow with her new-born. He is wide-spreading and his light is seen from afar.


रयिर्न चित्रा सूरो न संदृगायुर्न प्राणो नित्यो न सूनुः ।
तक्वा न भूर्णिर्वना सिषक्ति पयो न धेनुः शुचिर्विभावा ॥१॥

1) He is like a wealth richly diverse and like the all-seeing of the Sun. He is as if life and the breath of our existence, he is as if our eternal child. He is like a galloper bearing us. He clings to the forests: he is like a cow with her milk. He is pure-bright and wide is his lustre.

दाधार क्षेममोको न रण्वो यवो न पक्वो जेता जनानाम् ।
ऋषिर्न स्तुभ्वा विक्षु प्रशस्तो वाजी न प्रीतो वयो दधाति ॥२॥

2) He holds all our good like a pleasant home; he is like ripe corn. He is a conqueror of men and like a chanting Rishi; there is word of him among the folk: he is as if our exultant steed of swiftness; he upholds our growth.

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दुरोकशोचिः कतुर्न नित्यो जायेव योनावरं विश्वस्मै ।
चित्रो यदभ्राट् छ्वेतो न विक्षु रथो न रुक्मी त्वेषः समत्सु ॥३॥

3) He is light in a house difficult to inhabit;4 he is as a will ever active in us; he is like a wife in our abode and sufficient to every man. When he blazes wonderfully manifold, he is like one white in the peoples: he is like a golden chariot; he is a splendour in our battles.

सेनेव सृष्टामं दधात्यस्तुर्न दिद्युत् त्वेषप्रतीका ।
यमो ह जातो यमो जनित्वं जारः कनीनां पतिर्जनीनाम् ॥४॥

4) He is like an army running to the charge and puts strength in us: he is like the flaming shaft of the Archer with its keen burning front. A twin he is born, a twin he is that which is to be born: he is the lover of the virgins and the husband of the mothers.

तं वश्चराथा वयं वसत्याऽस्तं न गावो नक्षन्त इद्धम् ।
सिन्धुर्न क्षोदः प्र नीचीरैनोन्नवन्त गावः स्वर्दशीके ॥५॥

5) We by your movement, we by your staying, come to him when his light is kindled as the cows come home to their stall. He is like a river running in its channel and sends in his front the descending Waters: the Ray-Cows move to him in the manifesting of the world of the Sun.5


वनेषु जायुर्मर्तेषु मित्रो वृणीते श्रुष्टिं राजेवाजुर्यम् ।
क्षेमो न साधुः कर्तुन भद्रो भुवत् स्वाधीर्होता हञ्यवाद् ॥१॥

1) He is the conqueror in the forests; in mortals he is a friend: he chooses inspiration as a king an imaging councillor. He

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is as if our perfect welfare;6 he is like a happy will just in its thinking and becomes to us our Priest of the call and the bearer of our offerings.

हस्ते दधानो नृम्णा विश्वान्यमे देवान् धाद् गुहा निषीदन् ।
विदन्तीमत्र नरो धियंधा हृदा यत् तष्टान् मन्त्राँ अशंसन् ॥२॥

2) He holds in his hands all mights: sitting in the secret cave he upholds7 the gods in his strength. Here men who hold in themselves the Thought come to know him when they have uttered the Mantras formed by the heart.

अजो न क्षां दाघार पृथीवीं तस्तम्भ द्यां मन्त्रेभिः सत्यैः ।
प्रिया पदानि पश्वो नि पाहि विश्वायुरग्ने गुहा गुहं गाः ॥३॥

3) As the unborn he has held the wide earth, he has up-pillared heaven with his Mantras of truth. Guard the cherished footprints of the Cow of vision; O Fire, thou art universal life, enter into the secrecy of secrecies.8

य ई चिकेत गुहा भवन्तमा यः ससाद धारामृतस्य ।
वि ये चृतन्त्यृता सपन्त आदिद् वसूनि प्र ववाचास्मै ॥४॥

4) He who has perceived him when he is in the secret cave, he who has come to the stream of the Truth, those who touch the things of the Truth and kindle him,—to such a one he gives word of the Riches.

वि यो वीरुत्सु रोधन्महित्वोत प्रजा उत प्रसूष्वन्तः ।
चित्तिरपां दमे विश्वायुः सद्मेव धीराः संमाय चकुः ॥५॥

5) He who in the growths of earth holds up his greatnesses, both the progeny born and what is in the mothers, he is Knowledge in the house of the Waters, and life universal; the

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thinkers have measured and constructed him like a mansion.


श्रीणन्नुप स्थाद् दिवं भुरण्युः स्थातुश्चरथमक्तून् व्यूर्णोत् ।
परि यदेषामेको विश्वेषां भुवद् देवो देवानां महित्वा ॥१॥

1) The carrier, burning, he reaches heaven. He unravels the nights and uncovers the stable and the moving; for this is the one God who envelops with himself the grandeurs of all the Gods.

आदित् ते विश्वे कतुं जुषन्त शुष्काद् येद् देव जीवो अनिष्ठाः ।
भजन्त विश्वे देवत्वं नाम ऋतं सपन्तो अमृतमेवैः ॥२॥

2) All cleave to9 thy will of works when, O God, thou art born a living being from dry matter. All enjoy the Name, the Godhead; by thy movements they touch Truth and Immortality.

ऋतस्य प्रेषा ऋतस्य धीतिर्विश्वायुर्विश्वे अपांसि चकुः ।
यस्तुभ्यं दाशाद् यो वा ते शिक्षात् तस्मै चिकित्वान्नायिं वयस्व ॥३॥

3) He is the urgings of the Truth, the thinking of the Truth, the universal life by whom all do the works. He who gives to thee, he who gains from thee,10 to him, for thou knowest, give the Riches.

होता निषत्तो मनोरपत्ये स चिन्न्वासां पती रयीणाम् ।
इच्छन्त रेतो मिथस्तनूषु सं जानत स्वैर्दक्षैरमूराः ॥४॥

4) He is the priest of the sacrifice seated in the son of Man: he verily is the lord of these riches. They desire the seed mutually in their bodies; the wise by their own discernings come wholly to know.

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पितुर्न पुत्राः ऋतुं जुषन्त श्रोषन् ये अस्य शासं तुरासः ।
वि राय और्णोद् दुरः पुरुक्षुः पिपेश नाकं स्तृभिर्दमूनाः ॥५॥

5) Those who listen to his teaching, those who are swift to the journey, serve gladly his will as sons the will of a father. He houses a multitude of riches and flings wide the doors of the Treasure. He is the dweller within who has formed heaven with its stars.


शुकः शुशुक्वाँ उषो न जारः पप्रा समीची दिवो न ज्योतिः ।
परि प्रजातः कत्वा बभूथ भुवो देवानां पिता पुत्रः सन् ॥१॥

1) Blazing out brilliant as the lover of the Dawn, filling the two equal worlds11 like the Light of Heaven, thou art born by our will and comest into being all around us; thou hast become the father of the Gods, thou who art the Son.

वेधा अदृप्तो अग्निर्विजानन्नूधर्न गोनां स्वाद्मा पितूनाम् ।
जने न शेव आहूर्यः सन् मध्ये निषत्तो रण्वो दुरोणे ॥२॥

2) The Fire having the knowledge is a creator12 without proud rashness; he is as if the teat of the Cows of Light, the sweetener13 of the draughts of the Wine. He is as one blissful in a man, one whom we must call in; he is seated rapturous in the middle of the house.

पुत्रो न जातो रण्वो दुरोणे वाजी न प्रीतो विशो वि तारीत् ।
विशो यदह्वे नृभिः सनीळा अग्निर्देवत्वा विश्वान्यश्याः ॥३॥

3) He is born to us as if a son rapturous in our house; like a glad horse of swiftness he carries safe through their battle the peoples: when I call to the beings who dwell in one

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abode with the Gods,14 the Flame attains all godheads.

नकिष्ट एता व्रता मिनन्ति नृभ्यो यदेभ्यः श्रुष्टिं चकर्थ ।
तत् तु ते दंसो यदहन्त्समानैर्नृभिर्यद् युक्तो विवे रपांसि ॥४॥

4) None can impair the ways of thy workings when for these gods15 thou hast created inspired knowledge. This is thy work that yoked with the Gods, thy equals, thou hast smitten,16 that thou hast scattered the powers of evil.

उषो न जारो विभावोस्त्रः संज्ञातरुपश्चिकेतदस्मै ।
त्मना वहन्तो दुरो व्यृण्वन् नवन्त विश्वे स्वर्दृशीके ॥५॥

5) Very bright and lustrous is he like the lover of Dawn. May his form be known and may he wake to knowledge for this human being, may all bear him in themselves, part wide the Doors and move into the vision of the world of the Sun.17


वनेम पूर्वीरर्यो मनीषा अग्निः सुशोको विश्वान्यश्याः ।
आ दैव्यानि व्रता चिकित्वाना मानुषस्य जनस्य जन्म ॥१॥

1) May we win the many Riches, may the Fire, flaming high with his light, master by the thinking mind, take possession of all things that are, he who knows the laws of the divine workings and knows the birth of the human being.

गर्भो यो अपां गर्भो वनानां गर्भश्च स्थातं गर्भश्चरथाम् ।
अद्रौ चिदस्मा अन्तर्दुरोणे विशां न विश्वो अमृतः स्वाधीः ॥२॥

2) He is the child of the waters, the child of the forests, the child of things stable and the child of things that move. Even in

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the stone he is there for man, he is there in the middle of his house,—he is as one universal in creatures; he is the Immortal, the perfect thinker.

स हि क्षपावाँ अग्नी रयीणां दाशद् यो अस्मा अरं सूक्तैः ।
एता चिकित्वो भूमा नि पाहि देवानां जन्म मर्तांश्च विद्वान् ॥३॥

3) The Fire is a master of the nights, he gives of the Riches to him who prepares for him the sacrifice with the perfect words. O thou who art conscious, guard, as the knower, these worlds, and the birth of the Gods, and mortal men.

वर्धान्यं पूर्वीः क्षपो विरुपाः स्थातुश्चरथमृतप्रवीतम् ।
अराधि होता स्वर्निषत्तः कृण्वन् विश्वान्यपांसि सत्या ॥४॥

4) Many nights of different forms have increased him, the Fire who came forth from the Truth, who is the stable and the moving: the Priest of the call, he is achieved for us, seated in the sun-world,18 making true all our works.

गोषु प्रशस्तिं वनेषु धिषे भरन्त विश्वे बलिं स्वर्णः ।
वि त्वा नरः पुरुत्रा सपर्यन्पितुर्न जिव्रेर्वि वेदो भरन्त ॥५॥

5) Thou establishest word of thee in the Ray-Cow and in the forests; it is as if all were bringing the sun-world as offering. Men in many parts serve thee and gather in knowledge as from a long-lived father.

साधुर्न गृध्नुरस्तेव शूरो यातेव भीमस्त्वेषः समत्सु ॥६॥

6) He is like one efficient in works and hungry to seize, heroic like one shooting arrows, terrible like an assailant charging, he is a splendour in our battles.

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उप प्र जिन्वन्नुशतीरुशन्तं पतिं न नित्यं जनयः सनीळाः ।
स्वसारः श्यावीमरुषीमजुष्प्रञ्चित्रमुच्छन्तीमुषसं न गावः ॥१॥

1) The Mothers who dwell in one abode, desiring came to him who desired them and gave him pleasure as to their eternal spouse: the sisters took joy in him as the Ray-Cows in the Dawn when she comes dusky, flushing red, then shining out in rich hues.

वीळु चिद् दृळ्हा पितरो न उक्थैरद्रिं रुजन्नङ्गिरसो रवेण ।
चकुर्दिवो बृहतो मातुमस्मे अहः स्वर्विविदुः केतुमुस्त्राः ॥२॥

2) Our fathers by their words broke the strong and stubborn places, the Angiras seers shattered the mountain rock with their cry; they made in us a path to the Great Heaven, they discovered the Day and the sun-world and the intuitive ray and the shining herds.

दधन्नृतं धनयन्नस्य धीतिमादिदर्यो दिधिष्वो विभृत्राः ।
अतृष्यन्तीरपसो यन्त्यच्छा देवाञ्जन्म प्रयसा वर्धयन्तीः ॥३॥

3) They held the Truth, they enriched the thought of this human being; then indeed had they mastery and understanding bearing wide the Flame; unthirsting, the powers at work go towards the gods making the Birth to grow by delight.

मथीद् यदीं विभृतो मातरिश्वा गृहेगृहे श्येतो जेन्यो भूत् ।
आदीं राज्ञे न सहीयसे सचा सन्ना दूत्यं भृगवाणो विवाय ॥४॥

4) When the Life-Breath borne pervadingly within has churned him out in house and house he becomes white and a conqueror. Then indeed he becomes the Flaming Seer and companioning us goes on an embassy as for a powerful king.

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महे यत् पित्र ईं रसं दिवे करव त्सरत् पृशन्यश्चिकित्वान् ।
सृजदस्ता धृषता दिद्युमस्मै स्वायां देवो दुहितरि त्विषिं घात् ॥५॥

5) When he had made this sap of essence for the great Father Heaven, he came slipping downward, one close in touch, having knowledge. The Archer loosed violently on him his arrow of lightning, but the god set the flaming energy in his own daughter.

स्व आ यस्तुभ्यं दम आ विभाति नमो वा दाशादुशतो अनु द्यून्।
वर्धो अग्ने वयो अस्य द्विबर्हा यासद् राया सरथं यं जुनासि ॥६॥

6) He who kindles the light for thee in thy own home and offers obeisance of surrender day by day and thy desire is towards him, mayst thou in thy twofold mass, increase his growth, he whom thou speedest in one car with thee, may he travel with the riches.

अग्निं विश्वा अभि पृक्षः सचन्ते समुद्रं न स्त्रवतः सप्त यह्वीः ।
न जामिभिर्वि चिकिते वयो नो विदा देवेषु प्रमतिं चिकित्वान् ॥७॥

7) All satisfactions cleave to the Fire as the seven mighty rivers join the ocean. Our growth of being has not been perceived by thy companions, but thou who hast perceived, impart to the gods thy knowledge.19

आ यदिषे नृपतिं तेज आनट् छुचि रेतो निषिक्तं द्यौरभीके ।
अग्निः शर्घमनवद्यं युवानं स्वाध्यं जनयत् सूदयच्च ॥८॥

8) When a flame of energy came to this King of men for impelling force, when in their meeting Heaven was cast in him like pure seed, the Fire gave birth to a might,20 young and faultless and perfect in thought and sped it on its way.

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मनो न योऽध्वनः सद्य एत्येकः सत्रा सूरो वस्व ईशे ।
राजाना मित्रावरुणा सुपाणी गोषु प्रियममृतं रक्षमाणा ॥९॥

9) He who travels the paths suddenly like the mind, the Sun, ever sole is the master of the treasure: Mitra and Varuna, the Kings with beautiful hands, are there guarding in the Rays21 delight and immortality.

मा नो अग्ने सख्या पित्र्याणि प्र मर्षिष्ठा अभि विदुष्कविः सन् ।
नभो न रुपं जरिमा मिनाति पुरा तस्या अभिशस्तेरधीहि ॥१०॥

10) O Fire, mayst thou not forget22 ancient friendships, thou who art turned towards us as the knower and seer. As a mist dims a form, age diminishes us; before that hurt falls upon us, arrive.23


नि काव्या वेधसः शश्वतस्कर्हस्ते दधानो नर्या पुरुणि ।
अग्निर्भुवद् रयिपती रयीणां सत्रा चकाणो अमृतानि विश्वा ॥१॥

1) He forms within us the seer-wisdoms of the eternal Creator holding in his hand many powers24 of the godheads. May Fire become the treasure-master of the riches, ever fashioning all immortal things.25

अस्मे वत्सं परि षन्तं न विन्दन्निच्छन्तो विश्वे अमृता अमूराः ।
श्रमयुवः पदव्यो धियंधास्तस्थुः पदे परमे चार्वग्नेः ॥२॥

2) All the immortals, the wise ones, desired but found not in us the Child who is all around; turning to toil on his track,

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upholding the Thought, they stood in the supreme plane, they reached the beauty of the Flame.

तिस्त्रो यदग्ने शरदस्त्वामिच्छुचिं घृतेन शुचयः सपर्यान् ।
नामानि चिद् दधिरे यज्ञियान्यसूदयन्त तन्वः सुजाताः ॥३॥

3) When for three years, O Fire, they worshipped thee, the pure ones thee the pure, with the clarity of the light, they held too the sacrificial Names, their bodies came to perfect birth and they sped them on the way.

आ रोदसी बृहती वेविदानाः प्र रुद्रिया जभ्रिरे यज्ञियासः ।
विदन्मर्तो नेमधिता चिकित्वानग्निं पदे परमे तस्थिवांसम् ॥४॥

4) The masters of sacrifice discovered and in their impetuous might bore the Vast Earth and Heaven, then the mortal knew them and by his holding of the upper hemisphere26 perceived the Fire, standing in the supreme plane.

संजानाना उप सीदन्नभिज्ञु पत्नीवन्तो नमस्यं नमस्यन् ।
रिरिक्वांसस्तन्वः कृण्वत स्वाः सखा सख्युर्निमिषि रक्षमाणाः ॥५॥

5) Utterly knowing him they with their wives came and knelt before him and adored with obeisance the adorable. They made themselves empty and formed their own bodies guarded in his gaze, friend in the gaze of friend.

त्रिः सप्त यद् गुह्यानि त्वे इत् पदाविदन्निहिता यज्ञियासः ।
तेभी रक्षन्से अमृतं सजोषाः पशूञ्च स्थातृञ्चरथं च पाहि ॥६॥

6) When the masters of sacrifice have found hidden in thee the thrice seven secret planes, by them they guard with one mind of acceptance Immortality. Protect the Herds, those that stand and that which is mobile.

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विद्वाँ अग्ने वयुनानि क्षितीनां व्यानुषक् छुरुधो जीवसे धाः ।
अन्तर्विद्वाँ अध्वनो देवयानानतन्द्रो दूतो अभवो हविर्वाट् ॥७॥

7) O Fire, thou art the knower of our knowings, ordain for the people an unbroken succession of strengths that they may live. The knower within of the paths of the journey of the gods, thou hast become a sleepless messenger and the carrier of the offerings.

स्वाध्यो दिव आ सप्त यह्वी रायो दुरो व्युतज्ञा अजानन् ।
विदद् गव्यं सरमा दृळ्हमूर्वं येना नु कं मानुषी भोजते विट् ॥८॥

8) The seven mighty Rivers from Heaven, deep-thinking, knowers of the Truth, knew the doors of the treasure; Sarama discovered the mass of the Ray-Cow, the strong place, the wideness, and now by that the human creature enjoys bliss.

आ ये विश्वा स्वपत्यानि तस्थुः कृण्वानासो अमृतत्वाय गातुम् ।
मह्वा महाद्भिः पृथिवी वि तस्थे माता पुत्रैरदितिर्धायसे वेः ॥९॥

9) These are they who set their steps on all things that have fair issue, making a path towards immortality. Earth stood wide in greatness by the Great Ones, the Mother infinite with her sons came to uphold her.

अधि श्रियं नि दधुश्चारुमस्मिन् दिवो यदक्षी अमृता अकृण्वन् ।
अध क्षरन्ति सिन्धवो न सृष्टाः प्र नीचीरग्ने अरुषीरजानन् ॥१०॥

10) When the immortals made the two eyes of Heaven, they set in him the splendour and the beauty. Then there flow as if rivers loosed to their course; downward they ran, his ruddy mares, and knew, O Fire.

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रयिर्न यः पितृवित्तो वयोधाः सुप्रणीतिश्चिकितुषो न शासुः ।
स्योनशीरतिथिर्न प्रीणानो होतेव सद्म विधतो वि तारीत् ॥१॥

1) He is like an ancestral wealth that founds our strength, perfect in his leading like the command27 of one who knows, he is like a guest lying happily well-pleased, he is like a priest of invocation and increases the house of his worshipper.

देवो न यः सविता सत्यमन्मा कत्वा निपाति वृजनानि विश्वा ।
पुरुप्रशस्तो अमतिर्न सत्य आत्मेव शेवो दिधिषाय्यो भूत् ॥२॥

2) He is like the divine Sun true in his thoughts and guards by his will all our strong places; he is like a splendour manifoldly expressed, he is like a blissful self and our support.28

देवो न यः पृथिवीं विश्वधाया उपक्षेति हितमित्रो न राजा ।
पुरःसदः शर्मसदो न वीरा अनवद्या पतिजुष्टेव नारी ॥३॥

3) He is like a God upholding the world and he inhabits earth like a good and friendly king: he is like a company of heroes sitting in our front, dwelling in our house; he is as if a blameless wife beloved of her lord.

तं त्वा नरो दम आ नित्यमिद्धमग्ने सचन्त क्षितिषु ध्रुवासु ।
अधि द्युम्नं नि वधुर्भूर्यस्मिन् भवा विश्वायुर्धरुणो रयीणाम् ॥४॥

4) Such art thou, O Fire, to whom men cleave, kindled eternal in the house in the abiding worlds of thy habitation. They have founded within upon thee a great light; become a universal life holder of the riches.

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वि पृक्षो अग्ने मधवानो अश्युर्वि सूरयो ददतो विश्वमायुः ।
सनेम वाजं समिथेष्वर्यो भागं देवेषु श्रवसे दधानाः ॥५॥

5) O Fire, may the masters of wealth enjoy thy satisfactions, the illumined wise Ones givers of the whole of life: may we conquer the plenitude from the foe in our battles29 holding our part in the Gods for inspired knowledge.

ऋतस्य हि धेनवो वावशानाः स्मदूघ्नोः पीपयन्त द्युभक्ताः ।
परावतः सुमतिं भिक्षमाणा वि सिन्धवः समया सत्रुरद्रिम् ॥६॥

6) The milch-cows of the Truth, enjoyed in heaven,30 full-uddered, desiring us, have fed us with their milk: praying for right-thinking from the Beyond the Rivers flowed wide over the Mountain.

त्वे अग्ने सुमतिं भिक्षमाणा दिवि श्रवो दधिरे यज्ञियसः ।
नक्ता च चकुरुषसा विरुपे कृष्णं च वर्णमरुणं च सं धुः ॥७॥

7) O Fire, in thee praying for right-thinking, the masters of sacrifice set31 inspired knowledge in heaven: they made night and dawn of different forms and joined together the black and the rosy hue.

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यान् राये मर्तान्त्सुषूदो अग्ने ते स्याम मधवानो वयं च ।
छायेव विश्वं भुवनं सिसक्ष्यापप्रिवान् रोदसी अन्तरिक्षम् ॥८॥

8) The mortals whom thou speedest to the Treasure, may we be of them, the lords of riches and we. Filling earth and heaven and mid-air thou clingest to the whole world like a shadow.

अर्वद्भिरग्ने अर्वतो नृभिर्गृन् वीरैर्वीरान् वनुयामा त्वोताः ।
ईशानासः पितृवित्तस्य रायो वि सूरयः शताहिमा नो अश्युः ॥९॥

9) O Fire, safeguarded by thee may we conquer the war-horses by our war-horses, the strong men by our strong men, the heroes by our heroes; may our illumined wise ones become masters of the treasure gained by the fathers, and possess them living a hundred winters.

एता ते अग्न उचथानि वेधो जुष्टानि सन्तु मनसे हृदे च ।
शकेम रायः सुधुरो यमं तेऽधि श्रवो देवभक्तं दधानाः ॥१०॥

10) O ordainer of things, O Fire, may these utterances be acceptable to thee, to the mind and to the heart; may we have strength to control with firm yoke thy riches, holding in thee the inspired knowledge enjoyed by the gods.32

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