Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Prayoga Bhargava


त्वमग्ने बृहद् वयो दधासि देव दाशुषे ।
कविर्गृहपतिर्युवा ॥१॥

1) Thou, O divine Fire, foundest a vast expansion for the giver, thou art the seer, the youth, the master of the house.

स न ईळानया सह देवाँ अग्ने दुवस्युवा ।
चिकिद् विभानवा वह ॥२॥

2) Do thou, O Fire of the wide light, who art awake to knowledge, go with our word of prayer and of works and call the gods.

त्वया ह स्विद् युजा वयं चोदिष्ठेन यविष्ठ्य ।
अभि ष्मो वाजसातये ॥३॥

3) With thee indeed as an ally, most strong in thy urge, we overcome for the conquest of the plenitude.

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और्वभृगुवच्छुचिमप्नवानवदा हुवे ।
अग्निं समुद्रवाससम् ॥४॥

4) Even as the Flame-Seer, Son of the Wideness, even as the Doer of Works I invoke the pure ocean-dwelling Fire.

हुवे वातस्वनं कविं पर्जन्यकन्द्यं सहः ।
अग्निं समुद्रवाससम् ॥५॥

5) I call the force which has the sound of the wind and the cry of the rain, the ocean-dwelling Fire.

आ सवं सवितुर्यथा भगस्येव भुजिं हुवे ।
अग्निं समुद्रवाससम् ॥६॥

6) I call like the creation of the Creator-Sun, like the delight of the Lord of Delight, the ocean-dwelling Fire.

अग्निं वो वृधन्तमध्वराणां पुरुतमम् ।
अच्छा नप्त्रे सहस्वते ॥७॥

7) For the forceful offspring of the pilgrim-sacrifices towards Fire as he grows in his multitudes,—

अयं यथा न आभुवत् त्वष्टा रुपेव तक्ष्या ।
अस्य कत्वा यशस्वतः ॥८॥

8) So that he may come to be with us like the Form-Maker coming to the forms he has to carve, us made glorious by his will at work.

अयं विश्वा अभि श्रियोऽग्निर्देवेषु पत्यते ।
आ वाजैरुप नो गमत् ॥९॥

9) This Fire travels in the gods towards all glories; may he come to us with the plenitudes.

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विश्वेषामिह स्तुहि होतृणां यशस्तमम् ।
अग्निं यज्ञेषु पूर्व्यम् ॥१०॥

10) Laud here the most glorious of priests of the call, the supreme1 Fire in the sacrifices.

शीरं पावकशोचिषं ज्येष्ठो यो दमेष्वा ।
दीदाय दीर्घश्रुत्तमः ॥११॥

11) The intense Fire with its purifying light who dwells eldest in our homes, shines out as one who hears from afar.

तमर्वन्तं न सानसिं गृणीहि विप्र शुष्मिणम् ।
मित्रं न यातयज्जनम् ॥१२॥

12) Declare him, O illumined sage, as the powerful and conquering war-horse, as the friend who takes man to the goal of his journey.

उप त्वा जामयो गिरो देदिशतीर्हविष्कृतः ।
वायोरनीके अस्थिरन् ॥१३॥

13) Towards thee come the words of the giver of the offerings marking thee out and stand firm as companions in the might of the wind.

यस्य त्रिधात्ववृतं बर्हिस्तस्थावसंदिनम् ।
आपश्चिन्नि दधा पदम् ॥१४॥

14) Thou whose triple-seat of sacrifice is untied and unconfined and the waters also have established thy abode,—

पदं देवस्य मीळ्हुषोऽनाधृष्टाभिरुतिभिः ।
भद्रा सूर्य इवोपदृक् ॥१५॥

15) The abode of the bounteous godhead with its inviolate safeties, like a happy regard of the Sun.

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अग्ने घृतस्य धीतिभिस्तेपानो देव शोचिषा ।
आ देवान् वक्षि यक्षि च ॥१६॥

16) O divine Fire, by our thinkings of the light, burning with thy flame, bring to us the gods and do them sacrifice.

तं त्वाजनन्त मातरः कविं देवासो अङगिरः ।

17) The mothers bore thee, the gods brought thee to birth as the seer, the immortal, the carrier of offering, O Angiras.

प्रचेतसं त्वा कवेऽग्ने दूतं वरेण्यम् ।
हव्यवाहं नि षेदिरे ॥१८॥

18) O Fire, O seer, they set thee within as the thinker, the desirable messenger, carrier of the offerings.

नहि मे अस्त्यघ्न्या न स्वधितिर्वनन्वति ।
अथैतादृग् भरामि ते ॥१९॥

19) Mine is not the cow unslayable, I have no axe at hand, so I bring to thee this little that I have.

यदग्ने कानि कानि चिदा ते दारुणि दध्मसि ।
ता जुषस्व यविष्ठ्य ॥२०॥

20) What we place for thee, a few chance logs, them accept, O ever-young Fire.

यदत्त्युपजिह्विका यद् वम्रो अतिसर्पति ।
सर्वं तदस्तु ते घृतम् ॥२१॥

21) What is eaten by the ant, what the white ant overruns, let all that be to thee as if thy food of light.2

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अग्निमिन्धानो मनसा धियं सचेत मर्त्यः ।
अग्निमीधे विवस्वभिः ॥२२॥

22) Kindling the Fire let mortal man cleave with his mind to the Thought; by things luminous3 I kindle the Fire.

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