Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Sobhari Kanwa


अदर्शि गातुवित्तमो यस्मिन् व्रतान्यादधुः ।
उपो षु जातमार्यस्य वर्धनमग्निं नक्षन्त नो गिरः ॥१॥

1) He is seen, the great path-finder in whom they have founded the laws of our action; to the Fire well-born, increaser of the Aryan, go our words.

प्र दैवोदासो अग्निर्देवाँ अच्छा न मज्मना ।
अनु मातरं पृथिवीं वि वावृते तस्थौ नाकस्य सानवि ॥२॥

2) Fire lit by the Servant of Heaven travels in his might towards the gods along our mother earth and on heaven's peak he takes his stand.

यस्माद् रेजन्त कृष्टयश्चर्कृत्यानि कृण्वतः ।
सहस्त्रसां मेधसाताविव त्मनाऽग्निं घीभिः सपर्यत ॥३॥

3) Fire because of whom men doing the works that have to be done, grow luminous, him conqueror of the thousands as if in the winning of the purities they serve by the self,1 by their thoughts.

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प्र यं राये निनीषसि मर्तो यस्ते वसो दाशत् ।
स वीरं धत्ते अग्न उक्थशंसिनं त्मना सहस्त्रपोषिणम् ॥४॥

4) He whom thou willst to lead to the Riches, the mortal who gives to thee, O shining One, he holds in himself, O Fire, the hero, who utters the word, who increases the thousands.

स दृळ्हे चिदभि तृणत्ति वाजमर्वता स धत्ते अक्षिति श्रवः ।
त्वे देवत्रा सदा पुरुवसो विश्वा वामानि धीमहि ॥५॥

5) He rends open the plenitude even in the strong place by the war-horse, he founds an imperishable inspired knowledge; O thou of the many riches, in thee we ever hold in the god-heads all beautiful things.

यो विश्वा दयते वसु होता मन्द्रो जनानाम् ।
मधोर्न पात्रा प्रथमान्यस्मै प्र स्तोमा यन्त्यग्नये ॥६॥

6) He who gives to us all treasures, men's rapturous Priest of the call, to him our lauds go forth as if supreme vessels of the honey-wine.

अश्वं न गीर्भी रथ्यं सुदानवो मर्मृज्यन्ते देवयवः ।
उभे तोके तनये दस्म विश्पते पर्षि राधो मघोनाम् ॥७॥

7) The lavish givers, the seekers of the godhead, make him bright by their words as if currying a chariot-horse. O powerful for action, O lord of peoples, in the son of our begettings thou earnest achievement of the possessors of riches beyond both the firmaments.

प्र मंहिष्ठाय गायत ऋतावने बृहते शुकशोचिषे ।
उपस्तुतासो अग्नये ॥८॥

8) Chant to the most bounteous, the possessor of the Truth, the brilliant in light, coming with the laud, to the Fire.

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आ वंसते मघवा वीरवद् यशः समिद्धो द्युम्न्याहुतः ।
कविन्नो अस्य सुमतिर्नवीयस्यच्छा वाजेभिरागमत् ॥९॥

9) High-kindled, fed with the offering full of light, the lord of riches conquers a heroic glory; often may his new right-thinking come towards us with the plenitudes,—

प्रेष्ठमु प्रियाणां स्तुह्यासावातिथिम् ।
अग्निं रथानां यमम् ॥१०॥

10) O thou who pressest the wine, laud the Fire, the guest most beloved of the beloved, the controller of the chariots,—

उदिता यो निदिता वेदिता वस्वा यज्ञियो ववर्तति ।
दुष्टरा यस्य प्रवणे नोर्मयो षिया वाजं सिषासतः ॥११॥

11) The master of sacrifice who turns towards us the hidden treasures now risen and known, he in whose downward descent is a rush as of waves hard to cross, when he conquers by the thought the plenitudes.

मा नो हृणीतामतिथिर्वसुरग्निः पुरुप्रशस्त एषः ।
यः सुहोता स्वध्वरः ॥१२॥

12) May not Fire, the guest, the shining One widely proclaimed, be wroth with us; this is he who is the perfect Priest of the call perfect in the pilgrim-rite.

मो ते रिषन् ये अच्छोक्तिभिर्वसोऽग्ने केभिश्चिदेवैः ।
कीरिश्चिद्धि त्वामीट्टे दूत्याय रातहव्यः स्वध्वरः ॥१३॥

13) May they not come to harm by any of their movements who approach thee with invocation, O Fire, O shining One; for the singer of the hymn2 who has given the offering and does well the pilgrim-rite demands of thee the office of the messenger.

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आग्ने याहि मरुत्सखा रुद्रेभिः सोमपीतये ।
सोभर्या उप सुष्टुतिं मादयस्व स्वर्णरे ॥१४॥

14) Come, O Fire, with the Rudras, comrade of the life-gods for the drinking of the Soma wine, to the laud of Sobhari and take thy rapture in the godhead of the Sun-world.

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