Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Trishiras Twashtra


प्र केतुना बृहता यात्यग्निरा रोदसी वृषभो रोरवीति ।
दिवश्चिदन्ताँ उपमाँ उदानळपामुपस्थे महिषो ववर्ध ॥१॥

1) The Fire journeys on with his vast ray of intuition, the Bull bellows to earth and heaven; he has reached up to the highest extremities of heaven, the mighty one has grown in the lap of the waters.

मुमोद गर्भो वृषभः ककुद्मानस्त्रेमा वत्सः शिमीवाँ अरावीत् ।
स देवतात्युद्यतानि कृण्वन्त्स्वेषु क्षयेषु प्रथमो जिगाति ॥२॥

2) The Bull of the heights,1 the new-born rejoiced, the unfailing child worker rejoiced and shouted aloud; in the formation of the gods he does his exalted works and comes the first in his own abodes.

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आ यो मूर्धानं पित्रोररब्ध न्यध्वरे दधिरे सूरो अर्णः ।
अस्य पत्मन्नरुषीरश्वबुध्ना ऋतस्य योनौ तन्वो जुषन्त ॥३॥

3) He who grasps the head of the father and mother they set within in the pilgrim-sacrifice, a sea from the Sun-world; in his path are the shining rays that are the foundations of the Horse of Power and they accept embodiment in the native seat of the Truth.

उषउषो हि वसो अग्रमेषि त्वं यमयोरभवो विभावा ।
ऋताय सप्त दधिषे पदानि जनयन् मित्रं तन्वे स्वायै ॥४॥

4) O shining One, thou comest to the front of dawn after dawn, thou hast become luminous in the Twins; thou holdest the seven planes for the Truth bringing Mitra to birth for thy own body.

भुवश्चक्षुर्मह ऋतस्य गोपा भुवो वरुणो यदृताय वेषि ।
भुवो अपां नपाज्जातवेदो भुवो दूतो यस्य हव्यं जुजोषः ॥५॥

5) Thou becomest the eye of the vast Truth; when thou journeyest to the Truth thou becomest Varuna, its guardian; thou becomest the child of the waters, O knower of all things born, thou becomest the messenger of the man in whose offering thou hast taken pleasure.

भुवो यज्ञस्य रजसश्च नेता यत्रा नियुद्भिः सचसे शिवाभिः ।
दिवि मूर्धानं दधिषे स्वर्षां जिह्वामग्ने चकृषे हव्यवाहम् ॥६॥

6) Thou art the leader of the sacrifice and leader to the mid-world to which thou resortest constantly with thy helpful team of mares; thou upholdest in heaven thy head that conquers the Sun-world, thy tongue thou makest, O Fire, the carrier of our offerings.

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अस्य त्रितः कतुना वव्रे अन्तरिच्छन् धीतिं पितुरेवैः परस्य ।
सचस्यमानः पित्रोरुपस्थे जामि ब्रुवाण आयुधानि वेति ॥७॥

7) By his will Trita in the secret cave desiring by his movements the thinking of the supreme Father cherished in the lap of the Father and Mother, speaking the companion-word, seeks his weapons.

स पित्र्याण्यायुधानि विद्वानिन्द्रेषित आप्त्यो अभ्ययुध्यत् ।
त्रिशीर्षाणं सप्तरश्मिं जघन्वान् त्वाष्ट्रस्य चिन्निः ससृजे त्रितो गाः ॥८॥

8) Trita Aptya discovered the weapons of the Father and missioned by Indra went to the battle; he smote the Three-headed, the seven-rayed and let loose the ray-cows of the son of Twashtri the form-maker.

भूरिविन्द्र उदिनक्षन्तमोजोऽवाभिनत् सत्पतिर्मन्यमानम् ।
त्वाष्ट्रस्य चिद्विश्वरुपस्य गोनामाचकाणस्त्रीणि शीर्षा परा वर्क् ॥९॥

9) Indra, the master of beings, broke that great upstriving meditating force and cast it downward and making his own the ray-cows of Twashtri's son of the universal forms he took away from him his three heads.

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