Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Ushanas Kavya


प्रेष्ठं वो अतिथिं स्तुषे मित्रमिव प्रियम् ।
अग्निं रथं न वेद्यम् ॥१॥

1) Your guest most beloved I laud who is like a beloved friend, Fire who is as if the chariot of our journey, the one whom we must know.

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कविमिव प्रेचतसं यं देवासो अध द्विता ।
नि मर्त्येष्वादधुः ॥२॥

2) He whom as the seer and thinker the gods have now set within twofold in mortals.

त्वं यविष्ठ दाशुषो नृँः पाहि शृणुधी गिरः ।
रक्षा तोकमुत त्मना ॥३॥

3) O thou ever-young, guard men who give, hear our words; protect the son by the Self.

कया ते अग्ने अङगिर ऊर्जो नपादुपस्तुतिम् ।
वराय देव मन्यवे ॥४॥

4) O divine Fire, O Angiras, O child of energy, by what word, the laud, for thy supreme thinking?

दाशेम कस्य मनसा यज्ञस्य सहसो यहो ।
कदु वोच इदं नमः ॥५॥

5) By the mind of what master of sacrifice shall we give, O son of force; how shall I word this prostration of my surrender?

अधा त्वं हि नस्करो विश्वा अस्मभ्यं सुक्षितीः ।
वाजद्रविणसो गिरः ॥६॥

6) Mayst thou thyself create for us all worlds of a happy dwelling, make our words a source of the plenitude and the riches.

कस्य नूनं परीणसो धियो जिन्वसि दंपते ।
गोषाता यस्य ते गिरः ॥७॥

7) In whose wide-moving thought dost thou take delight, O master of the house; thou from whom come our words in the conquest of the Light?

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तं मर्जयन्त सुकतुं पुरोयावानमाजिषु ।
स्वेषु क्षयेषु वाजिनम् ॥८॥

8) Him they make bright the strong of will and he goes in front in the race;1 he is a master of plenitude in his own abodes.

क्षेति क्षेमेभिः साधुभिर्नकिर्यं घ्नन्ति हन्ति यः ।
अग्ने सुवीर एधते ॥९॥

9) He dwells safe on perfect foundations and there are none to slay him, it is he who slays; O Fire, he is a mighty hero and prosperous.

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