Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Virupa Angirasa


इमे विप्रस्य वेधसोऽग्नेरस्तृतयज्वनः ।
गिरः स्तोमास ईरते ॥१॥

1) Him pray our words, even these lauds of Fire, the illumined seer, the creator, invincible in his sacrifice.

अस्मै ते प्रतिहर्यते जातवेदो विचर्षणे ।
अग्ने जनामि सुष्टुतिम् ॥२॥

2) Such art thou for whom I bring to birth perfect laud and glad is thy response, O seeing Fire, O knower of all things born!

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आरोका इव घेदह तिग्मा अग्ने तव त्विषः ।
दद्भिर्वनानि बप्सति ॥३॥

3) Oh, like jets of light thy keen energies of flame devour with their teeth the woods.

हरयो धूमकेतवो वातजूता उप द्यवि ।
यतन्ते वृथगग्नयः ॥४॥

4) Bright, with smoke for their flag against heaven, urged by the winds, labour separate thy fires.

एते त्ये वृथगग्नय इद्धासः समदृक्षत ।
उषसामिव केतवः ॥५॥

5) These are those separate fires of thine that kindled are seen like rays of the Dawns.

कृष्णा रजांसि पत्सुतः प्रयाणे जातवेदसः ।
अग्निर्यद् रोधति क्षमि ॥६॥

6) Black is the dust under his feet in the march of the knower of all things born when Fire sprouts upon the earth.

धासिं कृण्वान कृष्णान ओषधीर्बप्सदग्निर्न वायति ।
पुनर्यन् तरुणीरपि ॥७॥

7) Making his foundation, consuming the herbs Fire wearies not but goes even to the young shoots.

जिह्वाभिरह नन्नमदर्चिषा जञ्जणाभवन् ।
अग्निर्वनेषु रोचते ॥८॥

8) Oh, laying all low with his tongues of flame, flashing out with his ray Fire shines in the woodlands.

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अप्स्वग्ने सधिष्टव सौषधीरनु रुध्यसे ।
गर्भे सन्जायसे पुनः ॥९॥

9) In the waters, O Fire, is thy seat,1 thou besiegest the plants; thou becomest a child in the womb and art born again.

उदग्ने तव तद् घृतादर्ची रोचत आहुतम् ।
निंसानं जुह्वो मुखे ॥१०॥

10) O Fire, that ray of thine fed with the oblation rises up shining from the offering of light,2 licking the mouth of the ladle.

उक्षान्नाय वशान्नाय सोमपृष्ठाय वेधसे ।
स्तोमैर्विधेमाग्नये ॥११॥

11) May we ordain sacrifice with the lauds to Fire, the ordainer of things. Fire who makes the ox and the cow his food and he bears on his back the Soma-wine.

उत त्वा नमसा वयं होतर्वरेण्यकतो ।
अग्ने समिद्भिरीमहे ॥१२॥

12) O Fire, we come to thee with prostration and with the fuel, O Priest of the call, O supreme will!

उत स्वा भृगुवच्छुचे मनुष्वदग्न आहुत ।
अङगिरस्वद्धवामहे ॥१३॥

13) O pure Flame, fed with offerings we call thee as did Bhrigu, as did Manu, as did Angiras.

त्वं ह्यग्ने अग्निना विप्रो विप्रेण सन्त्सता ।
सखा सख्या समिध्यसे ॥१४॥

14) For thou art kindled, O Fire, by the fire, thou who art the illumined seer art kindled by one who is illumined, as a comrade thou art kindled by thy comrade.

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स त्वं विप्राय दाशुषे रयिं देहि सहस्त्रिणम् ।
अग्ने वीरवतीमिषम् ॥१५॥

15) So do thou to the illumined who gives to thee give the thousandfold wealth and the hero-force.

अग्ने भ्रातः सहस्कृत रोहिदश्व शुचिव्रत ।
इमं स्तोमं जुषस्व मे ॥१६॥

16) O Fire, my brother, created by my force, drawn by thy red horses, pure in the law of thy workings, take pleasure in this laud of mine.

उत त्वाग्ने मम स्तुतो वाश्राय प्रतिहर्यते ।
गोष्ठं गाव इवाशत ॥१७॥

17) My lauds reach thee, O Fire, as to the calf lowing in glad response the cows reach their stall.

तुभ्यं ता अङ्गिरस्तम विश्वाः सुक्षितयः पृथक् ।
अग्ने कामाय येमिरे ॥१८॥

18) For thee, O most luminous Angiras, all those worlds of happy dwelling, each in its separate power, labour for thy desire, O Flame.

अग्निं धीभिर्मनीषिणो मेधिरासो विपश्चितः ।
अद्मसद्याय हिन्विरे ॥१९॥

19) In thinkers the wise, the illumined seers urged by their thoughts the Fire to dwell in their house.

तं त्वामज्मेषु वाजिनं तन्वाना अग्ने अध्वरम् ।
वह्निं होतारमीळते ॥२०॥

20) So thee as the horse in its gallopings performing the pilgrim-sacrifice, O Fire, they desire as the carrier of the offering and the Priest of the call.

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पुरुत्रा हि सदृङ्ङसि विशो विश्वा अनु प्रभुः ।
समत्सु त्वा हवामहे ॥२१॥

21) Thou art the lord who looks with equal eyes on all the peoples in many lands; we call to thee in our battles.

तमीळिष्व य आहुतोऽग्निर्विभ्राजते घृतैः ।
इमं नः शृणवद्धवम् ॥२२॥

22) Pray the Fire who fed with the pouring of the clarities blazed wide; may he hear this our call.

तं त्वा वयं हवामहे शृण्वन्तं जातवेदसम् ।
अग्ने घ्नन्तमप द्विषः ॥२३॥

23) Such art thou whom we call, Fire, the knower of all things born who hears our cry and smites away from us the foe.

विशां राजानमद्भुतमध्यक्षं धर्मणामिमम् ।
अग्निमीळे स उ श्रवत् ॥२४॥

24) I pray this Fire, the marvellous king of the peoples who presides over the laws of their action, may he hear.

अग्निं विश्वायुवेपसं मर्यं न वाजिनं हितम् ।
सप्तिं न वाजयामसि ॥२५॥

25) Fire who illumines the universal life like a male horse urged to its gallop, we speed like a racer to the goal.

घ्नन् मृध्राण्यप द्विषो दहन् रक्षांसि विश्वहा ।
अग्ने तिग्मेन दीदिहि ॥२६॥

26) Smiting away the foes and things that hurt, burning the Rakshasas, on every side, O Fire, shine out with thy keen flame.

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यं त्वा जनास इन्धते मनुष्वदङगिरस्तम ।
अग्ने स बोधि मे वचः ॥२७॥

27) Thou whom men kindle as the human thinker,3 O most luminous Angiras, O Fire, become aware of my word.

यदग्ने दिविजा अस्यप्सुजा वा सहस्कृत ।
तं त्वा गिर्भिर्हवामहे ॥२८॥

28) Because, O Fire, created by our force thou art the flame born in heaven, or the flame born in the waters, as such we call thee with our words.

तुभ्यं घेत् ते जना इमे विश्वाः सुक्षितयः पृथक् ।
धासिं हिन्वन्त्यत्तवे ॥२९॥

29) To thee, verily, these beings born and these worlds of a happy dwelling each separately in its place, lay a foundation where thou canst devour thy food.4

ते घेदग्ने स्वाध्योऽहा विश्वा नृचक्षसः ।
तरन्तः स्याम दुर्गहा ॥३०॥

30) O Fire, may we be those who have the right thought and the divine vision, and through all the days, pass safe beyond the danger.

अग्निं मन्द्रं पुरुप्रियं शीरं पावकशोचिषम् ।
हृद्भिर्मन्द्रेभिरीमहे ॥३१॥

31) We seek with rapturous hearts Fire, the rapturous, in whom are many things that are dear to us,—Fire with his intense and purifying light.

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स त्वमग्ने विभावसुः सृजन्त्सूर्यो न रश्मिभिः ।
शर्धन् तमांसि जिघ्नसे ॥३२॥

32) O Fire, shining with thy light, loosing forth thy lustre like the sun with its rays, thou puttest forth thy force and slayest the darknesses.

तत् ते सहस्व ईमहे दात्रं यन्नोपदस्यति ।
त्वदग्ने वार्यं वसु ॥३३॥

33) We seek from thee, O forceful Fire, that gift of thine,—the desirable wealth which never fails.


समिधाग्नि दुवस्यत घृतैर्बोधयतातिथिम् ।
आस्मिन् हव्या जुहोतन ॥१॥

1) Set to his action by the fuel, awaken the guest by the offerings of the clarities; cast in him the offerings.

अग्ने स्तोमं जुषस्व मे वर्धस्वानेन मन्मना ।
प्रति सूक्तानि हर्य नः ॥२॥

2) O Fire, take pleasure in my laud, grow by this thought; let thy joy respond to our utterances.

अग्निं दूतं पुरो दधे हव्यवाहमुप ब्रुवे ।
देवाँ आ सादयादिह ॥३॥

3) I set in front Fire, the messenger, and speak to the carrier of the offerings; may he bring to their session here the gods.

उत् ते बृहन्तो अर्चयः समिधानस्य दीदिवः ।
अग्ने शुकास ईरते ॥४॥

4) O luminous Fire, vast and bright thy rays upwards ascend as thou art kindled high.

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उप त्वा जुह्वो मम घृताचीर्यन्तु हर्यत ।
अग्ने हव्या जुषस्व नः ॥५॥

5) O joyful Flame, to thee may my ladles go bright with the clarities; O Fire, take pleasure in our offerings.

मन्द्रं होतारमृत्विजं चित्रभानुं विभावसुम् ।
अग्निमीळे स उ श्रवत् ॥६॥

6) I pray the Fire, the rapturous Priest of the call, the sacrificant, shining with his light, rich in his lustres, may he hear.

प्रत्नं होतारमीड्यं जुष्टमग्निं कविकतुम् ।
अध्वराणामभिश्रियम् ॥७॥

7) The ancient Priest of the call, desirable and accepted. Fire the seer-will, joiner of the pilgrim-rites.

जुषाणो अङगिरस्तमेमा हव्यान्यानुषक् ।
अग्ने यज्ञं नय ऋतुथा ॥८॥

8) O most luminous Angiras, taking pleasure in these offerings lead the sacrifice uninterruptedly in the way of the Truth,5 O Fire.

समिधान उ सन्त्य शुकशोच इहा वह ।
चिकित्वान् दैव्यं जनम् ॥९॥

9) High-kindled, O Right and True, O brilliant light, awakened to knowledge bring here the divine people.

विप्रं होतारमद्रुहं धूमकेतुं विभावसुम् ।
यज्ञानां केतुमीमहे ॥१०॥

10) The illumined seer and Priest of the call, free from harms,

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shining with light, carrying his banner of smoke, him we seek, the ray of intuition of the sacrifices.

अग्ने नि पाहि नस्त्वं प्रति ष्म देव रीषतः ।
भिन्धि द्वेषः सहस्कृत ॥११॥

11) O Fire, made by our force, protect us against the doers of harm, pierce the hostile power.

अग्निः प्रत्नेन मन्मना शुम्भानस्तन्वं स्वाम् ।
कविर्विप्रेण वावृधे ॥१२॥

12) Fire by the ancient thought making beautiful his own body, a seer, grows by each illumined sage.

ऊर्जो नपातमा हुवेऽग्निं पावकशोचिषम् ।
अस्मिन् यज्ञे स्वध्वरे ॥१३॥

13) I call to me the Child of Energy, Fire of the purifying light in this sacrifice which is perfect rite of the path.

स नो मित्रमहस्त्वमग्ने शुकेण शोचिषा ।
देवैरा सत्सि बर्हिषि ॥१४॥

14) So do thou, O Fire, O friendly light, with thy brilliant flame sit with the gods on the sacred grass.

यो अग्निं तन्वो दमे देवं मर्तः सपर्यति ।
तस्मा इद् दीदयद् वसु ॥१५॥

15) The mortal who serves the divine Fire in the house of the body, to him he gives the Riches.

अग्निर्मूर्धा दिवः ककुत् पतिः पृथिव्या अयम् ।
अपां रेतांसि जिन्वति ॥१६॥

16) Fire is the head and peak of heaven and lord of earth and he sets moving the waters.

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उदग्ने शुचयस्तव शुका भ्राजन्त ईरते ।
तव ज्योतींष्यर्चयः ॥१७॥

17) O Fire, upward dart blazing thy pure and brilliant tongues; make to shine out thy lights.

ईशिषे वार्यस्य हि दात्रस्याग्ने स्वर्पतिः ।
स्तोता स्यां तव शर्मणि ॥१८॥

18) Thou art the lord of the Sun-world, O Fire, and hast power for the gifts desirable; may I who laud thee abide in thy peace.

त्वामग्ने मनीषिणस्त्वां हिन्वन्ति चित्तिभिः ।
त्वां वर्धन्तु नो गिरः ॥१९॥

19) Thee, O Fire, the thinkers urge on thy road, thee by their perceivings of knowledge; may our words increase thee.

अदब्धस्य स्वधावतो दूतस्य रेभतः सदा ।
अग्नेः सख्यं वृणीमहे ॥२०॥

20) We choose the comradeship of the Fire inviolate in the law of his nature, the ever-chanting messenger.

अग्निः शुचिव्रततमः शुचिर्विप्रः शुचिः कविः ।
शुची रोचत आहुतः ॥२१॥

21) Most pure in his workings is the Fire, he is the pure illumined sage, the pure seer of Truth; pure he shines out fed by our offerings.

उत त्वा धीतयो मम गिरो वर्धन्तु विश्वहा ।
अग्ने सख्यस्य बोधि नः ॥२२॥

22) So thee may my thinkings and my words increase always; O Fire, awake to the comradeship between us.

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यदग्ने स्यामहं त्वं त्वं वा धा स्या अहम् ।
स्पुष्टे सत्या इहाशिषः ॥२३॥

23) O Fire, if I were thou and thou wert I, then would thy longings here become true.

वसुर्वसुपतिर्हि कमस्यग्ने विभावसुः ।
स्याम ते सुमतावपि ॥२४॥

24) O Fire, thou art the shining one, shining with thy lustres, lord of the shining riches; may we abide in thy right thinking.6

अग्ने धृतव्रताय ते समुद्रायेव सिन्धवः ।
गिरो वाश्रास ईरते ॥२५।

25) O Fire, to thee holding firmly the law of thy workings, move my words like lowing cattle, as rivers move towards the sea.

युवानं विश्पतिं कविं विश्वादं पुरुवेपसम् ।
अग्निं शुम्भामि मन्मभिः ॥२६॥

26) Fire the youth, the lord of the peoples, the seer, the all-consuming, Fire of the many illuminations I glorify with my thoughts.

यज्ञानां रभ्ये वयं तिग्मजम्भाय वीळवे ।
स्तोमैरिषेमाग्नये ॥२७॥

27) May we strive towards the Fire by our lauds, the charioteer of the sacrifices. Fire with his solid strength, his sharp tusks of flame.

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अयमग्ने त्वे अपि जरिता भूतु सन्त्य ।
तस्मै पावक मृळय ॥२८॥

28) May this thy worshipper, O Fire, abide in thee; on him have grace, O Right and True, O purifying Flame.

धीरो ह्यस्यद्मसद् विप्रो न जागृविः सदा ।
अग्ने दीदयसि द्यवि ॥२९॥

29) For thou art the wise thinker seated in the house, like an illumined sage ever awake; O Fire, thou shinest out in heaven.

पुराग्ने दुरितेभ्यः पुरा मृध्रेभ्यः कवे ।
प्र ण आयुर्वसो तिर ॥३०॥

30) Before the stumblings come, O Fire, before the spoilers arrive, O seer, carry forward our life, O Shining One.

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