Hymns to the Mystic Fire

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

All translations of Vedic hymns to Agni; and related writings. The material includes all the contents of Hymns to the Mystic Fire (translations of hymns to Agni from the Rig Veda, with a Foreword by Sri Aurobindo) as well as translations of many other hymns to Agni, some of which are published here for the first time.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Hymns to the Mystic Fire Vol. 16 762 pages 2013 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Virupa Angirasa


युक्ष्वा हि देवहूतमाँ अश्वाँ अग्ने रथीरिव ।
नि होता पूर्व्यः सदः ॥१॥

1) O Fire, yoke like a charioteer the horses most powerful for the calling of the gods; take thy seat, O ancient Priest of the call!

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उत नो देव देवाँ अच्छा वोचो विदुष्टरः ।
श्रद् विश्वा वार्या कृधि ॥२॥

2) And now, since thou hast the knowledge, speak for us towards the gods, make true to our aspiration all desirable things.

त्वं ह यद् यविष्ठ्य सहसः सूनवाहुत ।
ऋतावा यज्ञियो भुवः ॥३॥

3) For thou, O Fire, O most youthful son of force, thou in whom are cast the offerings, art the possessor of the Truth to be worshipped with sacrifice.

अयमग्निः सहस्त्रिणो वाजस्य शतिनस्पतिः ।
मूर्धा कवी रयीणाम् ॥४॥

4) This Fire is the lord of the hundredfold and thousandfold plenitude, the seer who is the head of the treasures.

तं नेमिमृभवो यथाऽऽ नमस्व सहूतिभिः ।
नेदीयो यज्ञमङगिरः ॥५॥

5) O Angiras, by words which bear in them the invocation, bring down nearer that sacrifice as the heaven's craftsmen brought down the rim of the wheel.

तस्मै नूनमभिद्यवे वाचा विरुप नित्यया ।
वृष्णे चोदस्व सुष्टुतिम् ॥६॥

6) To him now, O Virupa, by the eternal word give the impulse of the high laud to the luminous Bull.

कमु ष्विदस्य सेनयाऽग्नेरपाकचक्षसः ।
पणिं गोषु स्तरामहे ॥७॥

7) By the army of the Fire who has the eye that sees from afar1

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may we lay low whatever miser Trafficker and enter among the shining herds.

मा नो देवानां विशः प्रस्नातीरिवोस्त्राः ।
कृशं न हासुरघ्न्याः ॥८॥

8) May the peoples of the gods abandon us not, even as the unslayable luminous herds full of milk leave not a calf that is lean.

मा नः समस्य दूढ्यः परिद्वेषसो अंहतिः ।
ऊर्मिर्न नावमा वधीत् ॥९॥

9) Let not calamity from every evil-thoughted hostile around smite us like a billow smiting a ship.

नमस्ते अग्न ओजसे गृणन्ति देव कृष्टयः ।
अमैरमित्रमर्दय ॥१०॥

10) O divine Fire, men declare their prostration of surrender to thee that they may have force; crush by thy might the foe.

कुवित् सु नो गविष्टयेऽग्ने संवेषिषो रयिम् ।
उरुकृदुरु णस्कृधि ॥११॥

11) Once and again for our search for the Ray-Cow thou hast entered wholly into the riches, O Fire; O maker of wideness, make for us a wideness.

मा नो अस्मिन् महाधने परा वर्ग् भारभृद् यथा ।
संवर्गं सं रयिं जय ॥१२॥

12) Abandon us not in the winning of this great wealth as if one who bears a heavy burden; conquer this massed treasure.

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अन्यमस्मद् भिया इयमग्ने सिषक्तु दुच्छुना ।
वर्धा नो अमवच्छवः ॥१३॥

13) O Fire, may this mischief cling to another than us for his terror; increase for us a forceful might.

यस्याजुषन्नमस्विनः शमीमदुर्मखस्य वा ।
तं घेदग्निर्वृधावति ॥१४॥

14) The man in whose work he takes pleasure, one who offers the prostration of surrender and is not poor in sacrifice, him the Fire protects with increase.

परस्या अधि संवतोऽवराँ अभ्या तर ।
यत्राहमस्मि ताँ अव ॥१५॥

15) From thy place in the supreme region break through2 to those who are below; here where I am, them protect.

विद्या हि ते पुरा वयमग्ने पितुर्यथावसः ।
अधा ते सुम्नमीमहे ॥१६॥

16) For we know from of old of thy protection like a father's, O Fire, now we seek thy bliss.

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