CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Karmayogin Vol. 8 of CWSA 471 pages 1997 Edition



All surviving political writings and speeches of 1909 and 1910 consisting primarily of articles originally published in the nationalist newspaper 'Karmayogin'.

Karmayogin CWSA Vol. 8 471 pages 1997 Edition


Political Writings and Speeches
1909 - 1910

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

All surviving political writings and speeches of 1909 and 1910. This volume consists primarily of articles originally published in the nationalist newspaper 'Karmayogin' between June 1909 and February 1910. It also includes speeches delivered by Sri Aurobindo in 1909.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Karmayogin Vol. 8 471 pages 1997 Edition

Speech at the Hughly Conference

Delivered at the Bengal Provincial Conference, held at Hughly, Bengal, on 6 September 1909. Report published in the Bengalee on 7 September and reproduced in a Government of India Home Department file.

Aurobindo Ghose spoke to Resolution No. IV—"that this conference urges the people to continue the boycott of foreign goods inaugurated on August 7th 1905, which is, in its opinion, a perfectly legitimate movement and is calculated to promote the political as well as the industrial and economical welfare of the country."

Moulvi Dedar Bux moved and Sasankajiban Roy seconded it.

Aurobindo Ghose said:—

Mr. President and Members:—I desire to say two words before I say anything further—I entreat you to hear me out without expressing or giving any sign either of approval or dissent; I pray you to hear me in perfect silence. This is a resolution which nobody can oppose. It is not my intention to bring any amendment with regard to it, but I have simply to make a brief statement without argument of any kind from the standpoint of myself and those who are of the same way of thinking as myself. You are aware that we have a certain theory of politics, a certain view with regard to political action in this country. We hold that as we have no effective share in the administration of this country, and our position is such that there is no means of having even our prayers and petitions listened to, therefore the only effective course for us to take is, as far as possible, to withhold our co-operation from the Government, until they give us some effective control over the administration and some constitutional means by which we can bring the voice of the people and the weight of public opinion to bear upon the management

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of the affairs of this country. We hold that in these circumstances we ought to put forward the interests of the country partly by a movement of self-help and so far as we have power to deal with the Government by means of passive resistance, peaceably and within the law. And this passive resistance we do not wish to confine merely to commercial boycott. We hold that it can and should be extended to other kinds of boycott. ("Hear, hear") We don't hold that it should be done with absolute thoroughness but so far as is possible and rational and so far as is wise in the interests of the country. Last year at Pabna a resolution was passed which gave room for our view of politics and it was our intention to press this resolution upon the Subjects Committee. But we found that by pressing the point on the Committee the hope of a United Congress and the unity of Bengal and this Provincial Conference might be seriously imperilled. Now we are extremely anxious for the unity of the Congress. We are anxious we should throw no obstacle in the way of any hope of union, therefore we have decided not to press that amendment in the Subjects Committee, nor to bring forward our full amendment with regard to the reforms. At the same time we want it to be clearly understood that in taking this course we are not for a moment receding from the policy and line we have taken up, and we consider for obvious reasons that it is absolutely necessary for us, especially at this time, to make it clear that we have not receded so far as the resolution goes. We thoroughly support it. But at the same time we wish it to be understood that we keep our position and we adhere to our policy of a boycott—of a boycott movement without any qualification, as a measure of policy for this country, as a political weapon, and as a measure of economical protection. ("Bande Mataram.")

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