CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 of CWSA 742 pages 2016 Edition


Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime.


Vedic and Philological Studies

  On Veda

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The material includes (1) drafts for 'The Secret of the Veda', (2) translations (simple translations and analytical and discursive ones) of hymns to gods other than Agni, (3) notes on the Veda, (4) essays and notes on philology, and (5) some texts that Sri Aurobindo called 'Writings in Different Languages'. Most of this material was written between 1912 and 1914 and is published here for the first time in a book.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 742 pages 2016 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Mandala Five

[word] - Word(s) omitted by the author or lost through damage to themanuscript that are required by grammar or sense, and that could be supplied by the editors.


(1) Three mights has the Fulfiller of aspiration in man’s building of the godheads, three luminous strata of the Heavens these uphold, yea, the song of the Thought-gods when they are purified in their discernment is thy illumination, but thou, O God-in-Mind, art the thinker and their Seer of the Truth.

(2) When the Thought-gods sang the hymn of his illumination and its strains pursued the movement of his ecstasies, for he had drunk of the wine of our delight, then he took up his lightning, then he slew the Python, then he released the mighty Waters to their flowing.

(3) O ye Strong Movers, O singers of my soul-thought, let the Puissant One drink of this my wine that I have pressed out perfectly; for this is the food of the offering that finds for man the radiances; of that when he had drunk, God-in-Mind slew the Python.

(4) More vastly he supported heaven of mind and earth of body and his wide-yawning extension became a terror to the Beast; he forced him to draw in the expression of his sinuosities and smote down the Son of Division as he hissed against him.

(5) Then all the gods gave to thee by their will-in-works, O lord of the plenitudes, their draught of the wine of ecstasy; the brilliant-hued horses of the Sun of Truth as they galloped in front for the white-shining soul thou madest to mount upon the higher levels.

(6) When the Lord of our plenitudes severs at one blow with his thunderbolt all the ninety and nine coils of the Serpent, then the Thought-powers sing to him a song of illumination in the seat of our session and with the Word of the triple rhythm they press against our heavenly barrier.

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(7) God-in-Will, a friendly Flame, made ready for his friend three hundred mighty bulls of the vastness; God-in-mind drank from the three lakes of man all together the Wine pressed out by him, that he might slay the Enfolder.

(8) When the Lord of the plenitude had devoured the flesh of the three hundred vastnesses, when he had drunk up the three lakes of the immortalising wine, then all the gods called to the Doer of works, the Bringer of substance for the God-in-mind so that he slew the Python.

(9) When Ushana, soul of desire and thou together sped to thy home, O God-in-Mind, borne by forceful and speeding swiftnesses, conquering here thou didst go in one chariot with Kutsa, the embracer of knowledge and with the gods; thou didst conquer Strength that destroys.

(10) One wheel of the illumining Sun thou hadst smitten away for the embracer of knowledge, the other thou madest to move forward towards the supreme good. Thou hast crushed with thy stroke the mouthless Dividers who mar our self-expression, thou hast cloven them asunder in the gated city.

(11) The affirmations of the Manifester of Light increased thee and thou madest subject to the Son of Knowledge the demon of the evil satisfactions; the Extender in the straightness made thee his comrade,—thou didst perfect his ripenesses and thou drankest of his delight.

(12) They of the nine radiances when they have pressed out the Wine and they of the ten illumine in them God-in-mind by their hymnings; they accomplish the work, they uncover even that vastness of the Light over which there is a lid.

(13) How shall I with knowledge serve the mightinesses that thou hast done, O Lord of plenitude? yea, and these new works also that thou wouldst do, O brilliant Strength, we would bring out by speech in the comings to us of the knowledge.

(14) All these many things thou hast done, O Lord-in-Mind, and even in thy birth wast unassailable in thy puissance; and now the deeds thou wouldst do in thy violence, O hurler of the thunder-flash, there is none that shall prevent, nor any hedger-in of that energy.

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(15) O Power-in-Mind, cleave to these thoughts of my soul even while I shape them into form, they are the new thoughts that we have shaped for thee, O thou flashing Force. I, desiring substance, accomplished in thought, perfected in works, have fashioned them for thee as happy robes well made and as a chariot.


(1) Where is that hero-strength? Who has seen God-in-mind moving with his bright pair in his happy chariot? for he desires the soul that has pressed out the wine of delight and to him the lord of lightnings, to whom rises the manifold call, comes with increase to his dwelling-place.

(2) I saw far-off his world which keeps the solar light, even the intensity of his seat who is the Establisher of things; then I desired and went forth to seek. I asked of others and they said to me: “When we souls of men awake, then may we possess God-in-mind.”

(3) Nay, let us declare now in this pressing-out of the Wine, all the things that thou hast done, even all that thou cleavest to in us; let him that knoweth not, come by the knowledge and let him that knows hear it in his soul. Lo, the lord of the plenitudes who comes driving with all his armies!

(4) In thy birth, O Indra, thou makest firm the mind and goest forth to war one against many; and thou hast opened the very Rock to light by thy flashing strength and thou hast found the wideness of the radiances, the shining herds.

(5) When beyond in the highest supreme thou tookst thy birth bearing thy Name of inspiration, from that moment the gods had awe of the Puissant One; he conquered all these waters that had the Divider for their lord.

(6) For thee these Thought-Powers chant their hymn of illumination and they press out the food of delight. God-in-Mind prevailed against the Serpent that lies coiling against the waters; by his own creations of knowledge he overcame the weaver of illusions.

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(7) At thy birth thou didst scatter utterly the hurters, the divider,—in thy high desire thou slewest him with light, O lord of the plenitudes, when here thou sentest rolling the head of Namuchi the destroyer, desiring a path for man’s journey.

(8) Then indeed thou madest me the comrade of thy battle, when thou didst crush the head of Namuchi the destroyer and thou setst in action thy thunderstone that comes to us from thy luminous world and madest heaven and earth like two wheels (or wheelpaths) for the thought-gods.

(9) The Destroyer made of women the weapons of his warfare and what shall his strengthless armies do to me? Between both the two streams of this being God-in-mind was manifested; then he moved forth to battle with the Destroyer.

(10) Here the luminous mothers moved and came together, for they were roaming hither and thither divorced from their offspring; God-in-mind by his acts of puissance made them firmly to cohere when perfect outpourings of the wine of delight had filled him with their ecstasy.

(11) When the wine-pourings set streaming by the Tawny One had made him drunken with their ecstasy, the Bull roared aloud in his dwelling-places; God-in-Mind, the render-open of our cities, drank of this and gave back the shining cows, the radiant herds.

(12) O God-Will, a happy work was this that thy ruddy powers did who gave unto us the four thousands of the shining kine, and we took from the hands of the strongest of Active Souls from the Discerner of the Movement the fullnesses that he extended unto us.

(13) O God-Will, thy ruddy powers gave me perfect form and released me to my Home with the thousands of thy cattle; for the intense juices of the wine had intoxicated the God-Mind in the dawning of the Night that circumscribes.

(14) Out broke into dawn the Night that circumscribes, because of the Discerner of the Movement, the King of his ruddy powers. Like a horse driven swiftly in its gallop, the Ruddy One conquered his fourfold thousands.

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(15) Four times a thousand of the luminous cattle we have taken from thy ruddy powers, O God-Will; and this heated clarity that was for the intensifying of our strength,—of the thunderstone is its heat,—that too let us take, O minds illumined.


(1) God-in-Mind maketh him a steep descent for the chariot of his action when he stands upon it, lord of the plenitudes, in its movement towards fullness; as a keeper of the kine with the troops of his cattle, so he extends wide his herds of vision; unhurt, supreme, he moves towards his victory.

(2) Forward race, O master of thy shining steeds! let not thy delight turn away from us, O thou of the golden prosperity; cleave unto us! There is nought in the world more rich in substance than thou, O God-in-Mind; even to our life-powers, steeds that have no mate, thou givest a mother for their offspring.

(3) When by force he arose and was born as force, God-in- Mind gave his direction to all his powers; the good milkers that were shut up in their prison he goaded forth and he opened out by the Light the enveloping darkness.

(4) Subtle souls of men fashioned a chariot for thy steed, the Framer of things shaped thy shining thunderbolt, O thou of the manifold calling; the chanters of the soul-thought greatening the God-Mind by their hymns of illumination increased him that he might slay the Python.

(5) When to thee, the Bull of the diffusion, the Lords of the diffusion sang the illumining hymn and the pressing stones chanted it and the Mother Infinite, of one mind with these, then the wheels that bear no chariot and no horses draw them but God-in-Mind drives, came rolling against the Destroyers.

(6) Thy former deeds I will speak forth and the new ones that thou hast done, O Lord of the plenitudes, in that thou, O holder of the Force, bearest in their wide extension our earth

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and heavens, conquering for man the waters bright with the rich distribution of our being.

(7) And that too now is thy doing, O achiever of works, O illumined thinker, that thou, slaying the Serpent, containest here the energy; and thou hast seized on all the knowings of the evil Strength and hast cloven away the destroyers in thy forward movement.

(8) Thou madest the waters to play for Yadu and for Turvasu,—kine of a good milking,—and didst bear them to their other shore. Thou borest on Kutsa, embracer of knowledge, in his fierce driving against the foe when in ye two Ushana and the gods rejoiced together.

(9) O God-in-Mind and O embracer of knowledge, borne on in your car may the powers of your movement bring you to our ear of inspiration; do ye dispel Night from the waters and from the seat of the soul’s session and remove her darknesses from the heart of man so that he shall enjoy his plenitudes.

(10) The horses that the Breath of Life has yoked are yoked well, this Seer too, desiring his increase, is in motion upon the path, here all the Thought-gods are thy companions, and our soul-thoughts, O God, increase thy energy.

(11) And may the car too of the illumining Sun in the circumscribing Night rise supreme and gallop upon the upper levels; for his white-shining Steed brings the wheel of his action and sets it to its complete movement; placing it in front he shall win for us the whole Will to the work.

(12) Lo, O ye peoples, God-in-mind has come to us for the vision and desires for his comrade the man who has pressed out the wine of the ecstasy; the pressing stone lifts up its voice and is brought towards the altar and there are priests of the journeying sacrifice who keep its swiftness in action.

(13) They who would desire, now let them desire; but they are mortals, O Immortal! let not their march and labour lead them into evil. Take thy delight in the doers of the sacrifice and confirm thy energy in them, the people among whom may we be counted.

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(1) Thou hast rent open the fountain, thou hast released the doors that were sealed; thou, thou hast set to their play the floods that were in bondage; O God-in-mind, when thou openedst the vast hill, thou hast loosed wide the streams, thou hast hurled down the Titan destroyer.

(2) The fountains that were kept sealed, by the successions of the Truth thou hast made a rushing speed, thou hast milked the teat of the Hill, O hurler of the thunder-flash! O fierce and strong! O Power-in-Mind! and thou hast smitten the Python that lay coiled in front against them and established thy strength in us.

(3) Against that other mighty Beast also thou hast hurled forth thy stroke in all thy strengths, O God-in-Mind; for when thou deemedst thyself alone and without any opposer, lo, from him that was slain another was born mightier than he!

(4) Him too, as he drew intoxication from the self-nature of these peoples, a Son of the Mist, who increases mightily in his march towards the Night, Sushna’s evil strength that is the flame and light of the Titan Divider,—him too the Bringer forth of the abundance, the hurler of the thunders, smote with his thunderbolt.

(5) He too was settled deep within in the workings of the will of this mortal; but though he showed no vital part, yet this god found out his mortal centre; therefore, O warrior strength, when he warred against thee in the bringing forward of the rapture, him thou didst cast into the house of darkness.

(6) Him as he lay thus coiled in a knot against thee and increasing in the sunless darkness, him too the Bull, the Power-in- Mind, intoxicated with the distillings of the wine, forced to uncoil himself and slew him.

(7) When God-in-Mind lifted up his stroke, force irresistible, against the mighty Titan, when he crushed him in his advancing of the thunderbolt he made him the lowest thing of every creature born.

(8) From him too as he lay against the nether ocean drinking up

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the wine of sweetness, a denial of force, a mighty dungeon, God-in-mind wrested his gains; he cleft asunder with his mighty stroke the footless eater in our gated dwelling, the spoiler of our self-expression.

(9) Who shall hedge in his force and his heroic strength? Alone, irresistible he brings to us our possessions; yea, and even these two Goddesses hasten forward now in fear pursued by this rapidity of the God-mind and his mightiness.

(10) And for him the goddess, self-disposing Nature, hastens forward and she is a path for the God-mind and like a woman that desires she obeys him in her labour; and when by these goddesses he joins all his energy to the working, the worlds that are our dwelling-place bow down and obey his self-ordering puissance.

(11) Of thee my soul learns in its inspiration that thou art the lord of existence. One, thou art five in thy worlds of birth and thou art born in a victorious movement in their creatures. All the voices of my aspiration lay hands upon their strong impeller, day and night they call upon the Puissant.

(12) As such verily do I learn of thee that it is thou movest us according to the order of the truth and givest thy plenitudes to thy sages. What can the gods of our soul-thoughts, thy companions, seize of thee who by thee (or towards thee), O Power-in-mind, set in us their desire?


(1) Limited in my strength, I seek to hold vastly in my thought the gods for that other vast and true strength which is the god-mind; for he is the warrior in this struggle and affirmed awakes in knowledge in the creature to right mentality for this human being so that man wins the plenitudes.

(2) Therefore do thou, O God-mind, O Bull of the herds, by constant thought with the words of illumination attain to the yoking of thy brilliant swiftnesses; for thou upholdest, O lord of plenitudes, the thoughts that follow thee aright according to thy pleasure in them and thou cleavest faithfully

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to men who wage the noble war.

(3) No longer, O God-Mind, thou who movest to the knowledge, are there in us those powers of thine that remained unyoked to thy car because we found not the inspired word; now mount upon thy chariot, now hold the lightning in thy hands, for now thou hast perfect steeds, for now thou governest, O divine, thy reins of light.

(4) When, O God-mind, thou hast a multitude of thy words of self-expression, then warring thou createst from them the mother of Light in her abundant pastures; yea, the Bull of the herds has cloven in his battles the very Name of the destroyer for the Sun of the illumined truth that he may mount his own dwelling-place.

(5) We are they, O God-Mind, who are the souls that generate thy force and we thy chariot-warriors driving to thy onset; may there come to us, O Strength of the Dragon, the Fighter and delightful Enjoyer to whom we call in the bringings of our oblation.

(6) For the energy in thee, O God-Mind, desires satisfaction of delight and, immortal, as in a dance thou fulfillest thy divine strengths. So do thou become in us wealth of thy substance and give a pervading felicity; I would affirm the gift of the conqueror of many riches, the noble fighter.

(7) Thus, O god-mind, protect us by thy increasings; protect the doers of the works, the speakers of the word, O Hero in the battle; fill thyself with a delightful wine of sweetness well-pressed out that shall give us the very touch of the skin in thy conquest of the plenitudes.

(8) And may the ten white swiftnesses of the golden-hued seer, the son of the many-seeing, the scatterer of the dividers, bear me with delight; may I abide by the workings of will of the Son of the dweller on the Mountain.

(9) And may those red ones of the Son of him whose steeds are the powers of life bear me also, they that have the fullnesses of the will-force in the lavishing of the knowledge. The Mover of things gives me his thousands; he illumines the force of the fighter as if for increasing the fullness of his body

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(10) And may those well-loved steeds, shining and straining forward, of the King of Sound, the son of the Lord of Feature come to me in the greatness of bliss of the all-embracing seer even as the shining herds that I have gained crowd to their pen.


(1) Infinite, indestructible is the Nature that belongeth to the world of Light and to the Achiever of works it comes, to him whom none was ever born to smite. For him press the wine, for him prepare the food, set expandingly your abundance before him who manifoldly affirmed is the upholder of the inspired word.

(2) He has filled his belly with the wine of your delight, the lord of plenitudes has become drunk with the rapture of that honeyed food; as the soul of desire he of the mighty stroke wields his weapon of the thousand flaming points to slay the Beast.

(3) For whosoever presses out for him the wine in the clear heat of the light or in the heat of the abundance, he, oh he, becomes a soul of light; farther and farther the Puissant bears the extending limits of his being and makes it luminous in its formation; for this is the lord of plenitudes who is the comrade of the seer.

(4) When he has slain the father of a man or his mother or his brother, he flees not from him, no, he comes to all that that man has laboured out and he is the doer in him of his labour; it is he that creates in him his substance and he flees not away from the sin.

(5) Not with the five nor with the ten does he desire to ascend, nor does he cleave to the evil one who gives not the wine, even though he flourish and increase; he conquers him or he slays in his impetuous movement and he gives to the seeker of the godheads for his portion the pen full of the luminous herds.

(6) Grasping firmly his discus he hews asunder our foe in the

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shock of the battle, he turns from him who gives not the wine, but its giver he increases; the God-mind is terrible, he is the tamer of every opponent, he is the Aryan fighter and brings into subjection the Destroyer.

(7) Yea, he drives away the enjoyment of that miser Trafficker, he robs him of it and apportions to the giver of sacrifice that wealth full of powers. Every creature who angers the strength of the Puissant is held back by manifold obstacles and his path is painful and rugged.

(8) When Two perfected in wealth and universal in force are found by God-Mind, the master of plenitude in the fullness of the luminous herds, creating light he makes a third his helper and his impetuous movement with his fighters releases upward the luminous multitude.

(9) O God-Will, I praise the Slayer of the foe, the winner of the thousandfold riches, the son of the Dweller in the flame, let that Aryan fighter obtain the highest vision of the light; for him let the heavenly waters come together and nourish, in him let there dwell a forceful and blazing warrior strength.


(1) Bring us, O God-Mind, that will in works which is most effective for our increase, for it prevails in the fields of our labour, and conquers in their plenitudes and the foe cannot pierce it.

(2) The increasing birth of thee bring to us perfectly which thy four nations are, and that which are thy three, O Hero in the battle, and that which is of all the five.

(3) Yea, we call to us the supremely desirable birth of thee in thy utter strength of plenty; for the gods of the Life are created in us and by them thou art born as the rushing speed of the Bull of the abundance and breakest through thy opponent.

(4) Thou art the Bull of plenty and thou art born to give us the joy of our riches, for thy force rains abundance; violent is thy mind and a self-might of battle and thy prowess strikes out continually, O Puissant.

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(5) God-Mind, wielder of the thunderbolt, will of a hundred works, lord of luminous force, rush with all thy chariots upon the mortal who makes himself our enemy.

(6) Thee the peoples who have made clear the seat of sacrifice call for the winning of the plenitude, because utter is thy abundance, fierce thy energy, and first and supreme art thou in the multitude of thy thinkings.

(7) Advance, O Puissant, the chariot invulnerable that goes in our front and goes at our side in our battles conquering for us plenitude of possession after possession.

(8) Come to us in our battle, O God-Mind, advance our chariot by the power of thy many-thoughted goddess; may we hold in thought in our heavens, O lord of luminous strength, the inspired knowledge that is the supreme good, may our mind realise in its heavens the word of divine affirmation.


(1) May the God-Mind come to us, he who awakes in us to knowledge of our treasures to give of the giving of his felicities; like a bull that seeks its delight but has wandered in the desert thirsting and desiring, so let him drink of the wine of delight that we have pressed out for him.

(2) O hero of the battles, O driver of thy luminous coursers, let the Wine of our delight mount thy devouring jaws as if on to the high level of the mountain; to thee let the horses of our life gallop, may we all have intoxication in our words, O thou of the manifold calling.

(3) O thou called manifoldly by men, my mind is like a wheel that travels on the paths, but shakes and trembles in my fear that I may not have power to mentalise thee, O wielder of the lightnings; therefore utterly may thy adorer enriched with thy many riches affirm thee in his chariot, O thou who ever increasest, master of plenitudes.

(4) O God-Mind, thy adorer is a pressing stone of the wine that lifts up its voice to thee seeking possession of thy Vast; extend with thy left hand thy felicities, with thy right hand

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extend them, driver of bright coursers, lord of plenitudes, let not thy delight in us pass away from thee.

(5) Let Heaven rain its abundance to increase thee, the lord of abundance; diffuser of the rain of heaven art thou and the horses also that bear thee; as the bull of that plenty come in thy chariot of the abundance, O strong-jawed drinker; thy will is for the works of abundance, thou art lord of these rains, O hurler of the thunderflash, confirm us in the bringing of the plenty.

(6) The red coursers of his plenitude he of the plenitude directs and they cleave to the hundredfold riches of the triple state; to the Youth whose chariot is the voice of the knowledge may the worlds and their people bow down and the gods of the Life obey him to do his works.


(1) He labours by the light of the Sun of Truth, casting the oblation, bright with the surface of the clarities, moving perfectly; inviolable the dawns break forth for him who has said, “Let us press out the wine of immortality for the Puissant.”

(2) He has kindled the Flame and he conquers, he has extended wide the seat of his sacrifice, he has set the pressing stone to its labour and has pressed out the wine and he adores. When his pressing stones cry aloud with the voice of their swift impulsion, then by his oblation the priest of pilgrim sacrifice travels to that ocean.

(3) Lo the Bride, who comes to him desiring her lord, he weds her, a vast queen of swift impulsions; his chariot becomes a voice of knowledge and a thunder of proclamation and it sets moving around it the many thousands of the plenitude.

(4) He is a king and untroubled in whom the God-mind drinks an intense Wine with the light for its companion; and he charges with his fighters and slays the powers that conceal and possesses the worlds for his habitation, full of felicity, increasing the Name.

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(5) He increases in his secure having and he conquers in his getting, for him the human path and the divine meet in one and both are conquered. He becomes dear to the Lord of the Light, dear to the Lord of the Flame who presses out the Wine and gives it to the Puissant.


(1) O Puissant, O lord of thy hundred workings, vast is thy felicity, wide-diffused are its riches; O universal doer of works perfect in warrior-force, make large now our luminousnesses.

(2) O God-in-Mind,O shining Strength, when thou holdest that in thee as an impulsion, a thing of inspiration, far it extends itself, O hue of gold, far is the range of its inspired hearing and falsehood cannot pierce it.

(3) Lo thy aggressive strengths, O thou of the thunderbolt, that attain to perceptive vision and are themselves the rain of thy bounty, both thou and they are godheads who enter into possession of our being; ye rule our heavens and ye rule this material movement.

(4) Yea and this also ye rule that is some other discerning force of thine, O slayer of the Coverer. To us bring that divine power of man that for us thou shalt become the mind of the godhead.

(5) Now by these thy enterings in, O God-in-Mind, lord of the hundred powers of will, may we abide in thy peace and bliss perfectly guarded; may we abide, O Warrior, with thee for our strong protector


(1) O God-Mind, thou of the rich lights, thou of the thunderbolt, that which is thy rain of bounty and the felicity of thy giving bring to us with both hands full, O finder of our substance.

(2) O God-Mind, bring to us the supremely desirable thing

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which thou dost mentalise, that which dwells in the light of heaven; so may we have knowledge of thee that thou mayst give to us, nor stint the satisfaction of our longing.

(3) By mentality of thee which lavishes, which increases wealth of thy felicity, which is large, which is inspired in knowledge, by that thou rendest out even from fortified enclosures the plenitude for our possessing.

(4) To him who is richest of all the lords of riches and king over all who labour at the Work, I direct my love in the words to the Puissant, that I may express him by his many energies.

(5) For him the word of revealed wisdom, for the God-mind the speech of our utterance, the speech of our self-expression; for him who bears the thought of our soul the Eaters of things increase their Words, yea, they make them a bright gladness.


(1) Come to us, lord of the Wine, God-Mind, most powerful to slay the Coverer; drink, O diffuser of bounty with thy powers of the diffusion the wine that the stones have pressed for thee.

(2) Strong towards bounty is the stone of the pressing, strong in bounteousness this wine that we have pressed, strong in bounteousness is its rapture; O God-Mind, most powerful to slay the Coverer, drink with thy powers of the diffusion, O diffuser of bounty.

(3) Rich in thy bounty I call thee to me with all the abundance of thy varied expandings; O God-Mind etc.

(4) Thunderer of the straight movements, Bull of the puissance who conquers in the battle, the King, the Wine-drinker who slays the Coverer, may the God-Mind come forcefully to us yoking his bright coursers and grow drunken with the wine of the midday offering.

(5) O Sun of Truth, when the Light of thy world has become the undivine and pierced thee with the darkness, then the worlds and their peoples think like a man bewildered and

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deluded who finds not the Field which he is seeking (or knows not the field of his movement).

(6) O God-Mind, thereafter when thou didst hurl down from it as they moved over the mental heaven the formations of knowledge (illusions) of that Titan Light, the Eater of things found by the fourth Word the Sun of Truth that had been hidden in a darkness given up to a false working.

(7) Lo, here am I thine and in him I dwell; violated by me through fear or passion let him not cast me out from him! Thou art the Lord of Love who gives us the felicity of the Truth; he and the King of Wideness, let these two here foster me.

(8) Priest of the Word, setting the stones to their work, serving the gods with active obedience, learning from them, the Eater of things has set the eye of the Sun of Truth in his heavens and hid away the illusions of the Titan Light.

(9) The Sun that was smitten with darkness by the Light of his own world became undivine, the Eaters of things have sought out and discovered; others could not find him.


(1) Let the Word of my thought be full of the peace that it may embrace the godhead as Wideness and as the Harmonies and as the Enjoyment and as the Infinities of being. Yea, let the Master of all Might hear it who is the multicoloured birth of things, the sacrificer on the five planes, whose path none can cleave across, the creator of the Bliss.

(2) Let the infinite Consciousness clutch my affirmation to her bosom, as the Mother her child attractive to her heart in the fullness of her bliss; the soul state of love and joy which has its foundation in the Divine that I gain in the godhead of wideness and the godhead of harmony, even that which creates the Bliss.

(3) Make to rise up in you that highest Seer of all seers, send over him in a surge the sweetness and the clarity; he is the godhead creative who brings forth into being for us the

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delightful treasures of our substance and they are brought forward by his working and are firmly established.

(4) And thou, O divine Mind, by the mind lead us and by the radiances and by the illumined gods in us to that blissful state and by the soul that is founded in the divine and by the right mind of the godheads that preside in our sacrifice.

(5) The divine who enjoys in us and is the creator of bliss and the master of nectar and the divine Mind that conquers all the wealth which the Coverer keeps from us and the Shaper in Knowledge and the Artisan of plenty and the many-thoughted Inhabitant, let all these foster us, immortals who break through for us to our goal.



(1) Forward! Shyavasva, violently on with thy illumined thought by the Thought-powers that sing to thee their sentences of light, gods of the sacrifice who have rapture of an inspiration that betrays them not, for it follows Nature’s self-forming force.

(2) Violent are they, yet comrades of a firm gleaming Strength; full of boldness in their driving, but linked each to each they protect by their self-truth thy march.

(3) Swift-charging bulls of the diffusion, they leap beyond our Nights; then in their heaven as on our containing earth we mentalise the vast expansion of the Thought-gods.

(4) In the Thought-gods we establish by their bold violence affirmation and sacrifice and they protect throughout our human epochs our mortality from the Enemy’s harms.

(5) They are soul-strengths that become adept in us for the conquest, perfect in force of achievement, no half-strengths of the light; forward through heaven illumine the sacrifice with thy verse for the thought-powers, gods of the sacrifice.

(6) By their golden gleamings, by their battling these soul strengths move towards knowledge and cast out their

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searching spears; yea, the lightnings leap at the will of the Thought-gods,—then of itself the Light of the Sun arises in our heaven.

(7) They increase the mights of our clay in the wide intervening spaces and in the energy of the rivers of Truth and in their place in the vast heaven.

(8) Express upward the force of the thought-gods who have the luminous power of the truth and skill to shape it; then of themselves these strengths of the soul are self-yoked and they charge in our forward march towards the light and bliss.

(9) Both in the streams of its wide-flowing flood they purify themselves and garb themselves with its densities and here with the wheel of their chariots they break open the material hill.

(10) With paths that come home to us and paths that radiate out wide from us and paths within us and paths that follow our movement and by all these their Names extended they come galloping to my sacrifice.

(11) Now as human things they gallop in and now as yoke-steeds of the nervous Life and now they are thoughts from the supreme and wear richly-shining forms of vision.

(12) They maintain the rhythms, they thirst for the waters and, victorious in the work, they dance about the source. They are unseen extenders of my being, my increasers who were with me for a blazing force in the vision.

(13) They are finders of knowledge and their lightnings are as spears that search; they are seers, they are creators of harmony; O sage, bow down to the banded Thought-gods and give them delight by thy speech.

(14) O sage, approach the banded Thought-gods as one comes to a friend with the goddess who discerns and disparts as with the bride of thy love; then shall they in thy heavens, affirmed, aggressive in their energy, rush forward with they thoughts.

(15) If a man mentalises these, towards the godheads by the Thought that bears, then by the Thought that discerns and

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disparts he shall be joined to them in their light of knowledge, in their inspiration of movement, in their gleamingsout.

(16) That I might seek the divine Friend, they illumined, declared to me first their many-hued Mother,1 yea, they declared the bright Mother of the herds; then their Father who gives us his impulsions they declared, the Terrible One2 (they who are his mights).

(17) Seven by seven in their power, each seven his complete hundred gave to me; in the waters of Yamuna I cleanse my wealth and inspiration of her shining herds, I purify my glad wealth of his steeds.


(1) Raise thou up this voice of the word to the self-lustrous army of the Thought-powers, they who move the fixed hills; they who support the burning light and sacrifice on the back of heaven and have the luminous inspiration, to them sing out by the word a great mightiness of the soul.

(2) These are the powers of the Life that are mighty and desire the waters of heaven and they increase our wide being; yoking their swiftnesses they speed everywhere; they join themselves to the lightning, the Third Soul cries aloud to them, the waters raise their voice and rush over all the earth.

(3) These gods have the flashing powers of the lightning, they are the outflaming of the thunderstone, the fire and light of the storm-wind of Life, Powers of battle that move the hills; they follow their clamorous path again and again with giving of the waters, shouting in their strength, uplifting their energy with a passionate delight in their force.

(4) O violent ones, rushing you pervade in your strength the nights and the days and the mid-world and its kingdoms;

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when you drive like ships over open ranges or when you possess with your motion the difficult paths, O even then, you Life-gods, you come not by any hurt.

(5) That force of yours, O ye Life-gods, has extended its far reaching vastness as the Sun of Truth extends wide its working; ye are even as his white steeds whose pure light in their journeying none can seize and restrain, when you make to break apart the hill of being because it gives not up to you life’s prisoned swiftnesses.

(6) O Life-gods, O ordainers of things, your army blazes with light when you wrest out the flood like a woodcutter cleaving a tree. Now therefore shall you, setting all your heart on one object, lead our effort and struggle by an easy way even as his eye guides the wayfarer.

(7) O Life-gods, he is not conquered, he is not slain, he stumbles not, nor is hurt nor suffers anguish, his felicities and his increasings are not harried nor made havoc of whom you speed on his way a seer or a king.

(8) These Life-gods, they yoke the horses of the Life-power, they are like men that conquer groups and companies, they are as if lords of strength and aspiration; when these kings have upraised their voice, they feed (drink) the fountain of the waters and flood earth with the strong essence of the sweetness.

(9) This wide earth becomes prone to the advancing movement of the Life-gods, prone the heaven and prone paths of the mid-air and prone the mountains.

(10) When, O Life-powers, O souls of heaven, with your rich bringings you rejoice in the rising of its Sun of illumination, souls of the world of Light, ah, your horses fall not in their galloping, at once you attain the end of this path.

(11) Lances are on your shoulders, on your feet are sharp anklets, on your bosoms golden adornments, O Life-Powers happy in your cars; lightnings that are flamings of the flame of Will are in your luminous arms, on your heads are wide extended turbans of golden light.

(12) Strivers and fighters, O Life-powers, ye rush over that high

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heaven whose pure light cannot be seized where is the shining Tree; when their purifying strengths have come together and have become a blaze of light, desiring the Truth they raise a voice of far extended proclamation.

(13) O ye Life-Powers that attain to absolute knowledge, may we be wide in our being, charioteers of the felicity you give which never departs from us even as the star Tishya from heaven; let the Life-powers in us delight in a thousandfold riches.

(14) O Life-gods, you foster a felicity full of desirable energies, you foster the finder of knowledge who has illumined possession of equality, you for the bringer of the riches establish here his war steed of the plenitude, you his King of the inspired knowledge.

(15) O you who at once increase our being, I seek from you that substance by which we shall build as if the world of light in the godheads. Life-Powers, take joy in this my self-expression so that by its speed for our journey we may pass through safe to the goal of our hundred winters.


(1) Strong for the sacrifice the Thought-Powers with their shining spears and the golden light of their bosoms hold a vast manifestation of our being; they journey with swift horses perfectly controlled; their chariots roll one after the other as they journey to Bliss.

(2) Of yourselves you hold in thought an energy according to your knowledge; great are you and widely illumine a vastness; yea and with your force you have measured out the mid-world. One after the other their chariots roll [as they journey to Bliss.]

(3) Together they were born, perfect in their becoming, together they are diffused and ever the godheads increase for the glory advancing more and more; wide are their splendours like the rays of the Sun of Truth. One after the [other their chariots roll as they journey to Bliss.]

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(4) O ye thought-powers, your greatness can enter into our being and carry with it a power of vision like the seeing of the bright Lord of Truth; and ye shall found us in the immortality. One after the other [their chariots roll as they journey to Bliss.]

(5) O Thought-powers, from that ocean of the Waters you raise up and shower down the rain of your plenty; and your herds that foster are not harried by the foe, O ye achievers of the work. One after the other [their chariots roll as they journey to Bliss.]

(6) When for horses of swiftness you have put your dappled deer in your yokes and have drawn about you your vestments of golden light, you scatter and sunder all that strives against you, O Thought-Powers of the Life. One after another [their chariots roll as they journey to Bliss.]

(7) Not the mountains of being nor its rivers can hedge you in, but where you discern your way, O Thought-powers, to that you go. Your movement is over all the earth and all the heavens. One after another [their chariots roll as they journey to Bliss.]

(8) Whatsoever is of old and whatsoever is new, that which rises in us, O Dwellers in substance, and that which is expressed, of all this you become the knowers. One after another [their chariots roll as they journey to Bliss.]

(9) Be a gladness in us, O Thought-powers, hurt us not with your blows; work out widely for us your much bliss; enter into our affirmation and our companionship. One after another [their chariots roll as they journey to Bliss.]

(10) Lead us, you, O Thought-powers hymned by us, from this to a richer existence out of the sin and evil. Accept our giving and oblation, O lords of sacrifice; let us become masters of your riches.


(1) O Flame of will, today I call down even from the luminous world of heaven the nations of the Thought-powers, the

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host that puts out its force, shaped with shining ornaments of golden light.

(2) Even as thou conceivest aught in the heart, that so they express and to that they move; they who come nearest to thy callings increase into a terrible beauty.

(3) Our earth full of their bounty moves rejoicing in the impulse of their blows. O Thought-powers, your force tears and cleaves asunder and it is hard to restrain like a luminous bull seeking the Terrible.

(4) They move in their energy easily like shining herds that cannot be restrained; they impel forward by their journeyings even the stone of the heavens of light and the hill of being expressed with all its members.

(5) Arise, now I call by my affirmings the multitudinous army of these Thought-powers increased and diffused, a supreme host, as if a herd released of the shining ones.

(6) Yoke to your car your steeds of rosy light, yoke blood-red swiftnesses to your chariots, yoke those two swift brilliant coursers who are strongest to bear you in the yoke, your strongest bearers in the yoke.

(7) Yea and that one shining many-voiced visioned steed of the plenitude hath here been placed; O Thought-powers, let him not delay long in your journeyings; urge him forward in your chariots.

(8) Now we call the chariot of the Thought-powers that seeks the inspired knowledge, and there stands the Queen of the two firmaments with the Thought-powers and brings to us all delightful things.

(9) I call that keen-shining labouring host of you brilliant (happy) in the chariot, for there she greatens with the Thought-powers perfect in her being, perfect in her felicity.


(1) O violent ones who have one heart, travel with the God mind in your chariots of golden light on a happy journey to the bliss. Lo, this thought in us in which ye shall take

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joy! Come as the waters of heaven to the thirsting soul that desires its streams.

(2) Thinkers with your weapons of sound and your lances that seek, bows of firmness, arrows of impulsion, quivers of persistence, perfect are your horses, perfect your chariots, perfect your weapons. O Thought-powers, sons of the many-hued Mother, so you journey to the Bliss.

(3) You pour out earth and heaven as his wealth on the giver of the sacrifice, in fear of your movement earth’s forests of pleasure start away from their roots. Sons of the many-hued Mother, you hew at the wide earth in your search for the bliss when fierce in strength you have yoked your dappled ones.

(4) O Thought-powers, ye are the flamings of the Life-god, the rain of heaven is your robe, you are perfect in form and alike even as twin-born things; gold and rose are your swiftnesses; cleaving all things you are without hurt; you are great and vast like heaven.

(5) Many-streaming, luminously adorned, very forceful, a vision of flaming lights, a rich felicity that falls not away from them, perfect in being from their birth, golden bosomed, the illumined singers of heaven enjoy the Immortal Name.

(6) O Thought-powers, spears of light are on your shoulders, force and energy and strength are placed in your arms, on your heads are the mightinesses of the soul, weapons of war are in your chariots; all glories have taken form in your bodies.

(7) Give unto us, O Thought-Powers, a rich felicity of the herds of the light and the horses of swiftness and chariots for our movement and great hero-energies and delight and joy. Sons of the Violent, create in us our self-expression; let me have enjoyment of your divine increasing.

(8) Ho! ye divine souls, Thought-powers of the many plenitudes, give us bliss, Immortals and Knowers of the Truth and Right, Seers ever young whose inspired hearing listens to the Truth; and your words express its Vastness and that Vastness is the rain of your diffusion.

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(1) Now will I affirm that puissant host of these Thought-gods full of newborn expression, whose horses are swift and they carry strength in their chariots; they have self-rule, they have mastered Immortality.

(2) They are a strong host blazing with light, who wear sharp bracelets on their hands and all whose actions are a rushing speed and they have creative knowledge and are givers of desirable boons, for they are immeasurable in their vastness and creators of beatitude; O mind illumined, adore these divine powers who have many riches for thee.

(3) Let them come to you today bearing heaven’s waters, all these Thought-powers that speed the rain of its abundance. O Thought-powers, behold here the flaming god high-kindled, cleave to him, O seers who are young for ever.

(4) It is you, O powers of the sacrifice, that bring to birth for man the King of the great impulsions; yours comes this Fighter who speeds forth his arms and smites with his clenched hands, yours, O Thought-powers, this master of hero-powers and excellent swiftnesses.

(5) Those who moved not become like whirling spokes, those who were limited in knowledge are born like the days into ever greater vastnesses; for the Thought-powers, highest and most rapturous sons of the many-hued mother, by the force of their own thinking have rained down their bounty.

(6) When ye have gone forcefully forward, O Thought-powers, with your dappled deer for coursers and the strong galloping of your chariots, the floods of heaven shall flow in their channels, earth’s pleasant growths shall be set in movement, and let Heaven too like a shining Bull (rainer luminous) thunder out its cry upon us.

(7) In their passage our wide earth becomes more vast to us, and their desire like a husband places in her its own child; our life-currents they join to the yoke for their horses; they have made their rain as if the sweat of their toil, these sons of the Violent One.

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(8) Ho, ye divine souls, [Thought-powers of the many plenitudes, give us bliss, Immortals and Knowers of the Truth and Right, Seers ever young whose inspired hearing listens to the Truth; and your words express its Vastness and that Vastness is the rain of your diffusion.]3


(1) Lo they are in clear movement for the giving of the bliss! Sing the word of light unto Heaven; I will offer the Truth to it from our earth. They are spreading abroad their swiftnesses, they are crossing through the mid-world; they are casting down upon us their own light in seas.

(2) In fear of their force our earth trembles into vibration, like a ship that is full it moves from its place and voyages, agonised; for these are they of the far vision who awaken us to knowledge by their goings, within us these godheads strive on in knowledge towards the vastness.

(3) Uplifted unto the highest is their horn as of shining herds for the glory; their vision is as that of the sun of the truth in the wide-outpouring of the light. You are beautiful like swift horses and born perfect,—like strong men you awake in your knowledge to the glory.

(4) Who has tasted all the great things of your greatness, who your revelations of wisdom, O Thought-powers? who the virilities of your strength? You make our earth to vibrate like a ray of the Light when you bear her forward, for the giving of the bliss.

(5) They are as if shining horses of swiftnesses, brothers each unto the other, they are like heroes that fight in the forefront and they war in our vanguard; they grow like strong men in their utter increase, they limit and measure out the vision of the Sun of Truth by their diffusions.

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(6) None of them is greatest or least or middle, they have broken out into birth and grown by their own vastness; from their birth they are perfect in their being; as such come to us, O ye sons of the many-hued mother, O ye strong ones of heaven.

(7) Like birds in their series they go flying in their strength to the ends of heaven and over all the high level of the Vastness; their galloping swiftnesses move away the clouds that envelop the hill wherever and however gods and men agree in their knowledge.

(8) Let the heaven of the undivided Infinite shape our birth and the Dawns richly various with the divided life labour over it; for to the word that declared them these Thought-powers of the Violent One have poured out the treasury of heaven on the finder of knowledge.


(1) I adore with obeisance of submission the Flame that shall perfectly foster us; here let him advance and be the discerning judge of our action; I bring it to him as if with chariots speeding towards the plenitude and from the right hand of knowledge I would enrich my affirmation of the Thought-gods.

(2) Ye who ascend, O Thought-powers, O violent ones, your chariots of ease and your dappled deer to whose footsteps we listen, in fear of you, O fierce strengths, our earth’s pleasant growths start away from their roots, our earth herself trembles and vibrates and even her mountain.

(3) The very hill that had grown into largeness was alarmed and its high level of heaven shook at your cry. When you play, O Thought-powers, with your searching lances, like uninterrupted waters you come running.

(4) Like rich bridegrooms they have tricked out their bodies with shapes of golden light, even with forms of their natural being; glorious they seek glory, they are strong in their chariots, always they create greatnesses in their members.

(5) None of these is least or greatest, brothers they have grown

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together towards a blissful opulence; a youth and a good worker is the Violent One their father; their mother is as a cow that is a good milker and she is many-hued and bright in her days.

(6) Whether, O Thought-powers, you stand fulfilled in joy in the highest or in the middle or in the lowest heaven, thence to us, O violent ones. And thou too, O Flame of Will, with these take knowledge of the oblation that we give to you as your sacrifice.

(7) When the Will and you, O Thought-powers omniscient, you come driving from the higher heaven over the levels of the hill of our being, then in your rushing motion drunken with rapture destroying the powers that do us hurt establish desirable bliss for the sacrificer who presses the wine.

(8) O Will, drink of the wine of delight and grow exultant; with the Thought-Powers glorious in their hosts that speak the word of light and give the touch of bliss, beings all-pervading who purify us, drink,O universal Force of all, one with them in impulsion of speed by thy heavenly-shining vision.


(1) Who are ye,O Powers supreme in your glory, you who come to us one by one from the highest supreme?

(2) Whence had you your horses? whence your reins? how had you your puissance? what is the manner of your movement? Their seat is on the back of Life, their rein of control is in its nostrils.

(3) The whip of their urging falls on its loins; these powers labour it with their thighs as if women in the creation of a child.

(4) So come over to me, O ye strong Males with your happy consort, that ye may dwell full of the heat of the Flame.

(5) She who extends her arms to the hero when affirmed by the seer of the ruddy-dark life-powers, let her conquer for me the herd of the horses of swiftness and the herd of the shining cows and the flock of a hundred.

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(6) Woman is she, greater in bliss and substance than the male who dwells not in the gods and has not the riches.

(7) She knows the sufferer and the thirsty and the soul afflicted with its desire and she forms the mind in the godhead.

(8) Because that Male is but half in his being and unaffirmed by the word, therefore he is called the Miser of life; only by the giving of her energy shall he become whole.

(9) Young and full of rapture she shall cry aloud his path to the dusky soul; for the illumined who has attained to much riches and to a far flung splendour two ruddy steeds labour on the path.

(10) And he shall give me a hundred of the fostering herd, even as the son of him who finds the steed, yea he shall be in his largeness of bounty even as this host of the Life-powers that travel to their goal.

(11) For drinking an intoxicating sweetness they are borne on by swift steeds and they hold here the inspirations of knowledge.

(12) By their glory they blaze with light in the two firmaments of our being and they are as if a golden light above in our heavens.

(13) Young is that host of the Life-gods and a blaze of light are their chariots; they cannot be confined, unwithheld they travel to the bliss.

(14) Who knoweth of them where now they speed and rejoice born in the Truth, free from all hurt of sin?

(15) You, O illumined powers, are leaders of the mortal by right thought and you hear him when he calls you to the journey.

(16) You, with your many delights, destroy our hurters and you turn towards us, O lords of sacrifice, desirable treasures.

(17) O goddess, wide-billowing Night, bear my affirmation over to the son of the Render, carry my words to him like a charioteer.

(18) And thou shalt say this for me to the Journeyer in the Chariot who has pressed out the wine, that my desire passes not away from me.

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(19) Lo, the Journeyer in the Chariot is a lord of the plenitudes, he dwells in the countries where are the radiant herds; his lodging is upon the mountains.


(1) Whether your station be in the supreme world or in this of the descent, whether you range multitudinously enjoying the world of the Multitude or in the mid-habitation,—come to me, O Riders on the Steed of Life.

(2) I approach the twins, children of the highest who are its rays in this hill of Matter, and they become in the multiplicity of its forms here upon earth and bear up the manifoldness of its works. I call them to me for world-enjoying in their utter multiplicity.

(3) One moving wheel of your chariot ye keep in governed labour, form for that which takes form; two others ye set shining (or moving) by your might throughout these kingdoms and these periods of man’s pilgrimage.

(4) Well by this that is here has that been worked out by you, O ye universal Twain, and I affirm it in me according to your making of it; born separately in us, you come wholly into union and brotherhood without any hurt.

(5) For the daughter of the Sun of Truth ever ascends your swift-running car, therefore red of action and full of the heat of her force are the winged powers that draw you and they guard us from attack on every side by their burning clarity.

(6) O twin divine Souls, by your bliss the Enjoyer of things awakens to knowledge in his conscious mind when he bears in his mouth of enjoyment your burning clarity that yet hurts not, O ye leaders of man’s pilgrimage.

(7) Heard in man’s voyagings is the clanging voice of the Bird of strength that leads your movement when the Enjoyer of things sets you moving towards his paths by his works, O strong Souls, O Riders of Life.

(8) O violent enjoyers who seek the sweetness, she fed full of the sweetness cleaves to you; when you cross over the two

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oceans, ripe are your satisfactions that you bring.

(9) Truth have they spoken, O Riders upon Life, when they called you creators of the Beatitude. Therefore in our journey most ready are you for the call to the journeying, therefore in our journey you give us wholly bliss.

(10) May these soul-thoughts that increase these gods in us be full of the bliss for the twin Riders on the Life,—the thoughts that we fashion like chariots for their movement, and we express in ourselves the limitless surrender.


(1) Where are ye today,O Riders on the steed of living,O divine Twins rich in mental power, in the divine world of mind and of That ye have the inspiration, O abundant rainers of substance; the Enjoyer of things labours to establish you in all his dwelling.

(2) Where are they? where now is your word audible in heaven, O gods who lead our pilgrimage? In what creature born are ye labouring? who is your companion by the rivers of being?

(3) To whom come ye or to whom do ye go, towards whose dwelling do ye yoke your car? In whose soul-thoughts are ye taking your delight? We for the sacrifice desire you.

(4) O twin power of the multiplicity, ye have joy for man born in the multiplicity in the pouring out of the waters of its multitude, when for man seized fast and bound in his self-extension ye come to him as to a lion snared in this world of harms.

(5) From the mover in things when he has grown old ye loose his faded covering like a worn raiment; young he grows again when you form him afresh and he meets the desire of the Bride.

(6) Verily, there is one here who would affirm you and in the vision of you we abide for the glory. Now hear, now come to us with your fosterings, O gods who are rich in the force of the plenitude.

(7) Who today takes delight of you among mortals that have

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realised their multiplicity? What illumined soul, O you who bear up the illumined in his voyage? who wins you by his sacrifices, O gods rich in the force of the plenitude?

(8) Most mobile for our paths of all divine chariots is the chariot of your movement, O Riders on the Life, let it come to us, seeking us, breaking through that world of the multitude and becoming a movement of power in mortals.

(9) O seekers of honey, let our constant action be wholly full of bliss; downward yet keeping the wide and complete consciousness, come flashing (or cleave) swift as eagles drawn by your winged powers.

(10) O Riders on the Life, whensoever ye are ready to hear this call of man, utterly full of a rich substance are your enjoyings, your satisfactions fill our cup to the brim.


(1) Towards the abundant movement of your utter delight, your car that bears our rich substance, O Riders on the Life, the seer who affirms you grows by his affirmation to that in his being. O sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(2) Come breaking through beyond to me; I call to you, O ye universal, O ye eternal Twain, O fulfillers of the Work, O treaders of the path of gold, O keepers of the perfect peace, O voyagers on the upper Waters, sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(3) Bearing to us the Delights, O Riders on the Life, come, ye twain; O violent ones who tread the ways of golden light, choosing and cleaving to us, gods rich in the force of plenitude, sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(4) She who is as the speech of the perfect Affirmer of things, ye have taken her and set by you in your car, O ye abundant rainers of our substance; so indeed your clanging swan of the paths creates for you your rich-bodied satisfactions. O sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(5) Ye who have the mind that wakes to knowledge, drivers of your chariot, man’s impetuous impellers, hearers of his cry,

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drawn by your winged energies you come, O Riders on the Life, to the mover in things when he has freed himself from the duality. O sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(6) O divine Souls, let your chariot-horses that are yoked by the mind, that eat of the streaming honey, let your winged powers bear you to the drinking of the wine with all kinds of bliss in your car, O Riders on the Steed of Life. Sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(7) O Riders on the Life, come hither, let not your delight ever turn away from us, O aspirers in our pilgrimage, and let your movement pervade our path and speed beyond, O invincible! Sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(8) O invincible, O Lords of Bliss, ye in this sacrifice grow in your being upon your adorer who in his desire of increase, expresses by the word the Riders on the Steed of Life. Sons of the sweetness, hear my call.

(9) Dawn has been born with her shining herds, the fire of the Will has been established and it observes the order of the Truth, yoked is your immortal car, O abundant rainers of our substance, O achievers of the Works. Sons of the sweetness, hear my call.


(1) Strength shines out as the might of the dawns, upward rise theWords of the illumined minds, words that travel towards the godheads. Downward now come to us hither, O Drivers of the Chariot, O Riders on the Life, to the swelling clarity.

(2) When it is perfected ye diminish it not, O swift voyagers, O Riders on the Life, now here affirmed within us; swift are ye in your coming with increase for the Caller drinking in the soul’s daytime and when he rests from the journey ye create the utter peace for the giver.

(3) Yea, come when the rays of the Truth gather together in its evenings and in the dawn of its day; in its midday come and when the sun of Truth is rising, by day and by night with your blissful increasing. Not now first, O Riders on the Life,

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is lengthened out the drinking of the honey.

(4) This is your station in the front of heaven and your dwelling place; these are your houses, O Riders on the Life, and this your gated mansion. Come to us from the mountain of the vaster Heaven and from the waters of that Ocean bearing to us the impulsion, carrying to us the energy.

(5) May we attain by their perfect leading, by this new manifestation of the Ashwins that creates the Beatitude. Bring to us felicity, bring to us hero-strengths, all immortal enjoyings.


(1) Sacrifice to the Twins supreme who come with the Dawn,—they shall drink before the greed of the Devourer makes war upon us,—in the dawn the Riders on the Life uphold the sacrifice and the Seers of the Truth express the Word when they enjoy the first pourings.

(2) In the dawn sacrifice to the Riders on the Life and set them galloping on their paths; not at the falling of the night does the sacrifice journey to the gods nor is it accepted by them; yea, and another than ourselves sacrifices and discovers his increase; he who sacrifices first is stronger for the conquest.

(3) Your chariot comes to you with the burden of your satisfying pleasures, its surface is that golden light, its hue is the honey of sweetness, it rains down clarities, it has the swiftness of the mind, it has the rush of the life, your chariot in which you pass beyond all evil stumblings.

(4) He who has entered into the largest kingdom by the strength of the lords of the voyage and enjoys that delightfullest essence of the food of the gods in their apportioning, carries his creation to its goal by the achieving of his works and ever he breaks through beyond all the lights that aspire not to the highest.

(5) May we attain by their perfect leading, by this new manifestation of the Riders on the Life that creates the Beatitude. Bring to us felicity, bring to us hero-strengths,—all immortal enjoyings.

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(1) Hither arrive,O Riders on the Life,O Leaders of our voyage, let not our delight turn away from us; like twin swans come flying to the outpourings of the wine.

(2) O Riders on the Life, like twin stags, like two bulls that hasten to the pastures, like twin swans etc.

(3) O Riders on the Life, gods rich in force of the plenitude, cleave to the sacrifice for the offering of our desire; like twin swans etc.

(4) When the eater of things descended down into Hell, then he called to you like a woman that woos her paramour and new was your speed as of the eagle with which you came to him and it was full of the purest bliss.

(5) O Tree that keepest the Delight, start apart like the womb of a mother giving birth; hear my cry, O Riders on the Life, and deliver me who am smitten with the seven pains.

(6) For the seer smitten with the seven pains in his fear and in his crying joy, O Riders on the Life, by the powers of your knowledge, bring together over him the Tree and tear it apart.

(7) As a wind sets the pool rippling from bank to bank, so let thy child move in thee, O Tree, and in the tenth month come forth.

(8) As the wind moves and as the wood and as the sea, so, O ten months’ child, do thou descend with the [    ] in which thou art wrapped.

(9) Ten months let the Boy lie in his mother and then come forth living and unhurt, living in her alive.


(1) Awaken us today, O dawn, to thy vast bliss bearing in thee the light of heaven, even as then didst thou awaken us when the inspiration of the Truth opened wide upon us, O thou whose perfect birth is a truth and gladness of the life’s movement.

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(2) As thou dawnedst once, O daughter of heaven, perfect guide, pure and shining movement, so now dawn, O victorious force, O true inspiration, O wide expanding, O thou whose perfect birth is a truth and gladness of the life’s coursing.

(3) So today dawn on us, O daughter of heaven, bearer of substance as then thou didst dawn, victorious force, true inspiration, wide expanding whose perfect birth is the truth and gladness of life’s coursing.

(4) They who uphold thee in the sacrifice and express thee by their affirmations,O wide-shining Dawn, they have the utter glory of thy plenitudes, O queen of plenitudes; they hold the gift and hold the delight, O thou whose perfect birth is a truth and gladness of the life’s coursing.

(5) Whatsoever these hosts of thine take pleasure in for the building of the fullness, they set round as their objects of desire, giving us a wealth from which there is no deviation into suffering, O thou whose etc.

(6) Confirm, O dawn, forceful victory and all plenitudes in the masters of light, who from their plenitudes have heaped on us undeviating felicities, O thou whose perfect birth etc.

(7) [Not translated.]

(8) Yea, and bring to us luminous impulsions, O daughter of heaven, with the rays of the Sun of Truth that are bright and shine in purity and realise illumination, O thou whose perfect birth etc.

(9) Dawn on us, O daughter of heaven, prolong not for ever our labour; thou art not afflicted by the light of the Sun of Truth as is the thief of our radiances, as is the enemy of our being, O thou whose perfect birth etc.

(10) Even so much and more shouldst thou give to the seeker of knowledge, thou who dawning with thy spacious light on him who affirms thee art not diminished in thy spaces, O thou whose perfect birth etc.

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(1) She follows the shining path of light and by the Truth is vast, for she has supreme hold of the Truth; wide is the splendour of her ruddy form. Towards Dawns divine as she comes to them bearing in her that luminous world, souls of the knowledge raise the adoration of their thoughts.

(2) Lo where she comes with the vision awakening the creature and she goes in front making his paths easy for his feet; vast is she and all-pervading, vast is her movement and she labours at the Light in the front of the days.

(3) Ruddy for the work are the radiances that she yokes to her chariot and unstumbling she makes for us a felicity that shall not pass away from us; divine is she and she hews out our paths for the happy journey,—multiply affirmed she gleams laden with all desirable things.

(4) All a whiteness she becomes in the two powers of her greatness as she unveils her body before our eyes; she follows the path of the Truth towards our self-perfection and knows all the regions of our travel and circumscribes them not.

(5) Lo, she manifests knowledge and stands up on the heights for vision bathing her white limbs in lustre. Repelling all discords and all darknesses Dawn the daughter of heaven has come to us with the Light.

(6) Lo, the daughter of heaven fronts men’s souls, a happy Dawn and sets their work in movement; and she floods with her desirable things the giver; still is she young who has made the Light again for us even as in the ancient days.


(1) They yoke the mind, they yoke the thoughts, illuminates to the Illuminate, to the vast godhead, to the enlightened Consciousness. He is One and knows all things that come into being and sets each in her place all the queens of the sacrifice. Vast is the affirmation of the divine Creator.

(2) He is the seer and assumes all forms and he brings into being

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their happy state for the twofold world and the fourfold. Yea, he manifests all Heaven and in his outshining follows the march of the Dawn.

(3) The other gods follow his march and by the force of his energy they attain to the vastness of the God, the lord of varied lustres who has measured out the earthly worlds by his large might, the godhead creative.

(4) And thou travellest, O Manifester of things, to the triple luminousnesses; and thou art expressed wholly by the rays of the Sun of Truth; and thou besiegest the Night from either side; and thou becomest Love the Harmoniser, O Godhead, by thy laws.

(5) And thou art the One who has power to bring forth the world and thou becomest the Increaser, O God, by thy progressions; and thou illuminest wholly all this world. Shyavashwa has attained to the affirmation of thee, O creator of things.


(1) It is that, the food of the divine Creator that we accept into us, even that best enjoyment of the Enjoyer we meditate which most establishes the all in us and brings us to our goal.

(2) For whatsoever delight there is of this Forth-bringer of things they cannot diminish it, for it is too self-victorious, nor his self-empire.

(3) He is the Forth-bringer and Enjoyer and it is the delights that he brings forth for whosoever gives to him; that varied glory of his enjoyment we desire.

(4) Today, O divine Bringer-forth of things, loose forth in us thy fruitful felicity; loose away from us all that is of the evil dream.

(5) All evils and stumblings loose away from us, O divine Creator; that loose forth upon us which is the good and the happiness.

(6) Blameless for infinite being in this new creation of the divine

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Creator, we seize with the thought all desirable things.

(7) Today we accept into us by the perfect forms of our thought the universal godhead, the master of being, the creator creating the Truth of things,—

(8) even he who goes in front of both this day and night with no heedless mind, placing perfectly his creative Thought, the Forth-bringer,

(9) he who makes heard in the rhythm of Truth all these births of the universe and so produces them, the Forth-bringer.


(1) Let thy speech turn in these Words towards the mighty One, affirm the Master of the Storm and by submission lodge him in all thy being. Shouting aloud the Bull swiftly achieving sets his seed, his child in earth’s growths that bear her heats.

(2) He smites down her trees; he smites down also the giants of evil; the whole world is in fear of his mighty blow. Even he that is blameless is seized and driven by him in his abundant might, when as the lord of the storm roaring he slays the doers of evil.

(3) Like a charioteer with his lash he drives on the steeds,—oh, he makes manifest his messengers of the rain. From afar arise his roarings of the lion when the lord of the storm makes his heavens full of the rain.

(4) The winds of life blow, the lightnings leap from our heaven, upward are tossed the growths of earth, nourished is the light of the luminous svar; for the whole world impulse of movement is born when the lord of the storm fosters our earth with his seed.

(5) To his law our earth bows down, by his law she bears the galloping hooves of the life-powers; by his law the growths of earth’s warmths assume all forms; O Master of the storm, achieve for us a vast peace.

(6) Oh ye Thought-forces, set flowing for us your rain of heaven; nourish us, O ye streams of the Horse of Life, the

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Male of the worlds; downwards in this form of thy thunders come pouring out the Waters; come as the Master of Might and our Father.

(7) Shout, roar aloud, plant thy offspring here; storm about with thy car full of theWaters; drag to thee entirely the skin opened wide and turned downward; let the high places and the low be equalled with each other.

(8) Raise up thy vast sack of the waters, pour out, let the rivers flow wide-streaming in front of us; flood our earth and heaven with the clarity, let there be free drinking of it for the herds unslayable.

(9) When, O Master of Storm, thou shoutest aloud and roaring smitest the doers of evil, all the world rejoices and whatsoever is upon the earth.

(10) Thou hast rained thy rains, now catch them upward; thou hast made the desert places easy to be crossed, thou hast produced the growths of earth’s heats for our enjoying,—yea, thou hast found the thought-mind for thy creatures.


(1) Truly, O Earth, thou bearest here the oppressive weight of thy mountains and thou rejoicest in thy wide soul leaning down from them in thy vastness, O vast and mighty one.

(2) O wide-ranging Earth, our affirmations support thee all about in thy movements, who settest into a gallop thy neighing horse of Life’s plenitude that crosses through all to its goal, O white shining goddess,—

(3) and though firm-rooted thou supportest thy growths of delight with thy containing power, yet thou doest violence to them in thy energy when the lightnings stream from thy clouded sky, and the abundance of heaven rains down upon thee.

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(1) Cast into the illumining word a soul-thought vast and delightful and profound for the Encompasser, the all-King whose voice is the Truth’s inspiration, and he has hewed the veil asunder as one slits open a skin that earth may lie open to the Sun of illumination.

(2) He has spread out the vital world supported in our pleasant things and plenitude of their force in the labouring life-powers and their sweet yield in the radiant herds and will in men’s hearts and the god-force in the waters of existence and the sun of truth in our mental heaven and the wine of delight on the hill of being.

(3) The Encompasser created with downward door the world that holds his embracing knowledge and from that opening he loosed forth heaven of mind and earth of body and this middle vital habitation; from that door the king of all this world of our becoming floods wholly this earth as rain sweeps over the crops of a field.

(4) He floods from it the wide earth and the heaven when he the All-Encompasser desires that sweet milk at last. The high summits of our earthly being are clothed then with his cloud and his hero-strengths put forth their might and loosen them from their bases.

(5) This is the might of the wisdom I declare to you of the All- Encompasser, the Inspired and Puissant One; for he stands in the middle vital world with the mind as his measuring-rule and he maps out our physical being with the Sun of knowledge.

(6) Yea, this is the might of the forming wisdom of the God in his absolute vision and to that might none can do violence, that the ocean of his being is one and all these moving and hastening waters pour into it, yet can they not fill it with their waters.

(7) O Wideness, cleave from us all sin that we have done against the law of Aryaman or the rule of Mitra, against comrade or brother or constant fellow or any fighter in this battle.

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(8) The evil that has been done in us as by treacherous gamesters in the playing, the truth that errs and we would not know it, the roots of all these things loosen and cut them away from us, so shall we be dear to thee, O Lord of Purity.


(1) O god-mind and god-will, the mortal whom ye both increase in the plenitudes, breaks through even fixed and strong formations, he becoming the triple soul, forward to the illumined energies and the voices of the heights.

(2) The twain who are hard to pierce in our battles, who are all inspiration in our plenitudes, who range in all the five worlds of our labour, the god-mind and the god-will we call to us.

(3) Full of solid might is their shining energy,—sharp is the out-flashing light of the lords of plenitude and from the two rays that are their arms it speeds running to its mark as the slayer of the Coverer of the radiant herds.

(4) Ye we call, O god-mind and god-will, for the impulsion of your movements, O masters of the ecstasy that breaks through to our goal, gods who have the knowledge and delight in the word.

(5) Gods invincible who increase day by day for the mortal, adepts of the work I set in the front, even as I set the two gods of the delight in front for the life-force in me that labours.

(6) So for the god-mind and the god-will has been cast a food offering of force as clarity purified by the pressing stones of heaven. May ye uphold in the illumined souls that give you expression vast inspiration and felicity, may ye uphold impulsion in them when they give you the word of your expression.


(1) Towards the Mighty One with whom are the Thought-powers, towards the All-pervading Deity may your thoughts

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travel forward; for it is he who is born on the mountaintops and he is the moving Thought-Force in us,—forward to the mighty force with the spiked gauntlets that advances in the sacrifice with a blissful impulse of speed whose action shakes the world.

(2) Ye who are born by the might of him and who are self-born when by knowledge the forcefully moving Thought-God sends forth his word, by his will-power, O ye forces of the Thought, that flashing might of yours cannot be violated; by his effective power and his might that is here in them and they become as the mountains to whom none can do violence.

(3) Their voices are inspirations from the vast heaven, by its word they shine out and come beautifully into being,—and are the moving Thought-God! their force of impulsion is not lord in this world of our self-accomplishing, therefore as fires of the god-will making their own lightning, they rush forward along life’s rushing streams.

(4) He—it was from that vast world, that equal seat that he came forward, the wide-striding Pervader of things, the Thought-God in the force of his movement. When of himself he yokes himself to them coming down from his own high home in the lower plateaus, they are spurred by a vast emulation, they are possessed of their pervading mightinesses and he moves with his Strong Ones increasing the Bliss.

(5) As the puissant sound of you vibrating travels the Bull of the world in his impetuosity and his forceful might, the moving Thought-God, and by Him ye shine out and have overcoming might and are self-brilliant and are fixed in radiances and are golden of the Light, armed, speeding impellently.

(6) No shore is there to the ocean of your might in its increase; may the forcefully moving Thought-God protect that flashing strength for in your forward march ye are that stand at last in the Vision; so shining out pure as fires of the god-will from that which confines and limits us protect.

(7) May they the violent ones, like fires of the god-will perfect in plenitude, multitudinous in their lustrous strengths

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increase us,—even the moving Thought-Force,—they in whose movements this our earthly seat far-extended and wide widens more and vast are the forceful mights of them supremely and wonderfully moving.

(8) O ye Thought-powers moving for us in the path where hostile division ceases, hear the cry of your adorer, O moving Thought-Power; becoming of one passion with the mighty Pervading Godhead repel from us always by your workings, happy in your charioted movements, all things that hurt and divide.

(9) Come to our sacrifice, O gods of the sacrifice, so that its achievement shall be perfect,—hear our call! and there shall come not to it the giants who devour. Like largest hills in the wide heaven may ye in your conscious knowledge evade the grasp of her who limits and binds.

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