CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 of CWSA 742 pages 2016 Edition


Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime.


Vedic and Philological Studies

  On Veda

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The material includes (1) drafts for 'The Secret of the Veda', (2) translations (simple translations and analytical and discursive ones) of hymns to gods other than Agni, (3) notes on the Veda, (4) essays and notes on philology, and (5) some texts that Sri Aurobindo called 'Writings in Different Languages'. Most of this material was written between 1912 and 1914 and is published here for the first time in a book.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 742 pages 2016 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Mandala Seven


(1) Who are these souls that to us come suddenly and are in a moment revealed? Who are you that fly to us, children of one home, birds of one nest? who are you, riding hastily, O you great horsemen and warriors of the Violent One?

(2) None knoweth their births; they alone can know from one another the secrecy whence each was born.

(3) They flow plentifully in their own floods, and each casts in the other his seed, they strive like runners in a race and wing like eagles and their voice is a voice of many winds.

(4) When their vast many-hued mother brings her teats of plenty, then man the thinker awakes and knows the mystery of hidden things.

(5) Let this race of the thought-gods be mighty in me and heroic, let them put forth eternally their violent power, let them nurse manhood divine.

(6) They are moved with their speed of movement and eager for their journey, they are lovely with the beauty of their joy and mingled together in light, yea they embrace each other with their splendours, and are mighty with many mights.

(7) Because, O gods, you are fierce and swift and bold, yet firm the steps of your luminous strengths, therefore are you now this mighty troop and company.

(8) They are white and bright in their battle fury, and their minds are wroth with all the darkness that stands against them, the meditations of this advancing host are like the rushing of a torrent.

(9) Let not their eternal lightnings turn against us, nor their destroying mood come near to us,

(10) it is their names of pleasant loveliness to which we call when they are satisfied with the voice of their yearnings.

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(11) [Not translated.]

(12) Pure offerings we must give to them, for they are pure; they are stainless from their birth, they are very flames of purity and it is by the law of the truth that they march to the truth which they discover,

(13) [Not translated.]

(14) their thoughts come from the foundation and are its greatnesses; by the steps of their sacrifice they extend the names of their godheads; they shall have their thousandfold joy of their portion in the house of my soul, in the rites of this homestead.

(15) When you have come, when you listen to the voice of the seer and his call and his hymn of plenitude soon give your riches, soon bestow your force that the other, the enemy shall not crush beneath his feet.


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