CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 of CWSA 742 pages 2016 Edition


Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime.


Vedic and Philological Studies

  On Veda

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The material includes (1) drafts for 'The Secret of the Veda', (2) translations (simple translations and analytical and discursive ones) of hymns to gods other than Agni, (3) notes on the Veda, (4) essays and notes on philology, and (5) some texts that Sri Aurobindo called 'Writings in Different Languages'. Most of this material was written between 1912 and 1914 and is published here for the first time in a book.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 742 pages 2016 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Mandala Seven

VII.41. Bhaga—

2 आध्रः (आध्रश्चित् .. तुरश्चिद्राजा चित्) S. दरिद्रः
मन्यमानः—either “thinking upon, meditating, mentalising” or “he who thinks himself”
भगं भक्षीति.

3 उदव (इमां धियमुदवा ददत्रः)
प्र जनय cf प्रजायेम in other hymns. S. প্রবৃদ্ধ কর

4 प्रपित्वे. (प्रपित्वे उत मध्ये अन्हाम्)

6 सं नमंत. नमस् = submission शुचये पदाय. S. “let them come to the sacrifice for a pure place”

7 प्रपीताः. S. प्रवृद्धाः.
उषसः गो अश्व वीर घृतं

42.Viҫwa Devas.

1 The two stones अद्री (Heaven & Earth)
The form of the sacrifice अध्वरस्य पेशः
अंगिरसः (ब्रह्माणः)
The thundering of the Lord of the clouds.
The Cows धेनवः उदप्रुतः

2 The colours of Agni’s horses

3 The births of the Gods.
अरमतिं अनीक

6 विश्वप्श्न्यस्य (रायस्कामः)

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1 इषध्यै. S. for getting you
ब्रह्माणि (असमानि विष्वग्वियंति)

2 हेत्वः (सप्तिः) देवयूनि (ऊर्ध्वा शोचींषि)

3 विभृत्राः. Sy. specially पालनीय
बर्हिः (सानौ बर्हिषः)
अनक्तु (आ विश्वाची विदथ्याम्) Shakti (विश्वाची)

4 ऋतस्य धाराः. ज्येष्ठं मह आ वसूनाम्

5 दशस्य आस्क्रा (? न आस्क्राः.) Sy. अपरित्यक्त


2 अश्विना विप्रा

3 दधिक्रावाणं .. अग्निं (also 2, 4, 5) उषसं सूर्यं गां
ब्रध्नं (बभुं). मंश्चतोः

5 ऋतस्य पंथाम् . दैव्यं शर्धो अग्निः


1 सुरत्नः (cf 3. मर्तभोजनं) भूम—Sy. भूतजातं. (महस्?)

2 The two arms of Surya—बाहू cf 4. गभस्ति
पनिष्ट Conclusive for sense of “labour”
अस्मे this being—S. = Savitri
सूरः Gen. or nom.?

3 अमतिम् S. रूपं

4 गभस्तिम वयः
Surya—स मन्युं मर्त्येष्वाचिकेत. Surya perceives the mentality in man, ie the Vijnana awakes in the mind of man & moulds it into the forms of Truth. He extends (forms) the vision in the seeker after godhead. चक्षुः सुप्रतीकं देवयोस्ततन्वान्. Therefore the man becomes illumined & possessed of the truth &

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with a mind to which inspirations come from all the regions of consciousness. ऋतावा विप्रो मन्मानि दीर्घश्रुदियर्ति.

दीर्घश्रुत्. The clear use of श्रुति for the inspiration since it is used here of the utterer, not the hearer of the prayer.

शरदः. Ye filled the time-periods with the activity of the Will.

क्रतु . Will. Action. Power of Action. Here it means the Will in the action of sacrifice

Mahas described as प्र दिवः ऋष्वादृूहतः


बृहद् द्यौः

स्पशः éclaireurs. Mitra & Varuna place their powers of illumination who awake consciousness in the growths of earth & in its peoples.


प्र वृजनं तिराते. Here वृजनं seems to mean the same as वृजिनं, but it may also mean strength or abundance. In that case प्रतिराते has to be fixed in some other meaning.

निण्यानि as opposed to अनृता

यज्ञमन्मा Whose thinking is a sacrifice to the gods or whose thought is for the sacrifice

मन्मानि ऋचसे नवानि कृतानि ब्रह्म. Here ब्रह्म seems to mean the soul—otherwise it has a special sense different from मन्मानि.

ऋचस् Throws light on ऋच्. Not worship, but illumination.

Surya made by ऋतु, the Will in action & perfected by the doers.

उपममकँ,. Arka, Archis, Rich.

Mitra मित्रस्य प्रियतमस्य नृणां । The most loved or the most loving of the Purushas.

Aditi different from Earth.

गव्यूतिमुक्षतं घृतेन

समानं चक्रं साधारणः मानुषाणाम् समानं न प्रतिनाति धाम— All referring to the Mahas or Vijnana which is the same for all mortals.

रेभैरनुमद्यमानः—Proof of रेभ in the sense of joyous or lords of joy.

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Surya is the eye or vision of Mitra & Varuna—see 61.1.

Artha—the goal. दूरेअर्थस्तरणिः

अयत्रर्थानि कृणवत्रपांसि

पाथः the goal.

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