CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 of CWSA 742 pages 2016 Edition


Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime.


Vedic and Philological Studies

  On Veda

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Sri Aurobindo

Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The material includes (1) drafts for 'The Secret of the Veda', (2) translations (simple translations and analytical and discursive ones) of hymns to gods other than Agni, (3) notes on the Veda, (4) essays and notes on philology, and (5) some texts that Sri Aurobindo called 'Writings in Different Languages'. Most of this material was written between 1912 and 1914 and is published here for the first time in a book.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 742 pages 2016 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Mandala Three

III. 37.
2 वाघतः वहंति यज्ञियां धुरमिति वाघतः स्तोतारः

Close connection of Indra with वाघतः see I.3.

3 नामानि expresses the Truth of the divine Nature, his Powers in consciousness expressed by the name—numina—cf 38.4. & 7.

4 पुरुष्टुतस्य धामभिः शतेन—cf the 100 cities of Shambara

5 भरेषु & वाजेषु —cf 6. where वाज replaces भर—therefore भर is the bringing, वाज is the having.

7 पृतनाज्ये—परकीया सेना. S. तासामजने गमने—charge of the hosts. S.

पृत्सु S. takes = पृतना

साक्ष्व अभिभव

अभिमातिषु —cf 3. S. takes there मातिर्मानो गर्वः . गर्वितेषु

It may mean “obstructors” or simply “hostile”—those who cast their thoughts against

8 जागृविं सोमं पाहि S. says because it keeps people awake! Indication of psychological sense of Soma. Indra is to protect Soma in a battle, a Soma that itself fights.

9 जनेषु पंचसु इंद्रियाणि या ते. The five worlds: according to Sayana Gandharvas, Fathers, Gods, Asuras, Rakshasas or the five castes.

10 अगत्. गच्छतु S. Can it not be past sense?
उत् तिरामसि Meaning of तृ not to increase as Sayana, but

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pass through in the battle.

[11] उ लोकः S. उत्तमो लोकः. Here distinguished from अर्वावतः & परावतः

1 दीधया—hold together in thought—not as S. दीप्तां कुरु, but as a carpenter puts a car together—see v. 2.

मर्मृशत् Evidently the Manisha or else Vayu = the Prana.

Enjoy? reach? see 2 where it is solved.

संदृशो. S. संद्रष्टुम्.

2 इना. S. ईश्वरान् गुरुन्. But it is obviously Instr. = By the Lord, possibly Indra, & the subject of तक्षत.

दयां. Proof that मनीषा & द्यौः are the same—see also (5)

मनोवाताः The Life-powers in the Mind.

प्रण्यः S. प्रणीयमानाः but it may = प्रणेतारः.

जनिमा कवीनाम् कवि = Powers of the Truth—see 1.

3 दधानाः. कवयः says S. but perhaps मनोवाताः

समंजन् worked out into perfection or brightened entirely; but S. says संगतामकार्षुः

ममिरे = मात्राभिः = measured—cf also 7 & 8.

मही. S. takes = Dyau & Prithivi—but probably Dyau & Mahas.

4 श्रियो Here seems to equal “splendour”. S. takes पर्यभूषन् = अलमकुर्वन्

5 शुरुधः S. आपः । शुचः पिपासाया रोधयित्र्यो । Rather “Currents” or “Motions” or “Divided streams” or “Forces”

प्रदिव् . दिवः .. प्रदिवः = the mind turned towards sense = mediary बुद्धि—whereas the मनोवाताः have force.

नपाता. S. says Indra & Varuna. Possibly Savita & Indra.

विदथस्य धीभिः

क्षत्रं S. धनं

6 पुरूणि. S. पूर्णानि. Rather = महांति wide—therefore विदथे विश्वानि whole, in their universal wideness

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गन्धर्वान् Angels of Pleasure, therefore वायुकेशान्

Say. quotes Taittiriyika—स्वान भ्राजांघारे बंभारे हस्त सुहस्त कृशानो । एते वः सोमक्रयाणास्तान्रक्षाध्वं मा वो दभन्

7 Indra as at once Male & Female वृषभस्य धेनोः गोः

सक्म्यं S. संभजनार्हं. But it may be सच् = power.

मायिनो ममिरे. S. मायया स्विकृतकामरुपाः. But evidently has the idea of मा to measure, contain.

8 अमतिं. Force. S. दीप्तिम्

मे. S. मम. I take it = measured.

सुष्टुती the same in Padapatha. S. takes as sing. masc.

विश्वमिन्वे. S. takes = संतर्पयित्र्यौ

अपीव योषा. S. as a woman hides her children. Rather “As the Woman Prakriti has concealed the higher births through the two firmaments.”

9 महः S. श्रेयः rather g. with प्रत्नस्य

मायिनः. S. n.plu.

गोपाजिहूस्य S. whose tongue protects by saying “Don’t fear”!

III. 39.
1 स्तोमतष्टा. S. स्तोमकारिभिः कृता—rather active? or “formed by the hymn of affirmation”. Object of Mantra.

2 दिवश्चित् The interaction of the higher thought & the lower.

3 यमा. S. Usha mother of the Aswins. Perhaps Yama & Yami.
तपुष्= Tapas. S. day.

एता. P.P. आ +इता S. एतावागतौ. Perhaps P.P. wrong & एता = एतौ.

4 निंदिता—blame or limit, obstruct.

दृंहिता = दृंहितानि

5 नवग्वैः .. दशग्वैः. The difference seems to be that the tenth finds Surya.

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अभिज्ञु अभिगतजानुकं. Evidently a double meaning. “In the births”?

6 पदूद् .. शफवद् —footed & hoofed गोधनं.

नमे गोः Saya. “he brought the cows”!

7 वृणीत Indra. विजानन् distinguishing or as S. प्रादुर्भवन् or rather “producing it by separation”?

अभीके. Sy. भयरहिते स्थाने !(?)

पुरुतमस्य पुरुन् शत्रून् ग्लापयतीति!

8 बर्हणावत् समृद्धियुक्तं

तुजतो. S. भूरिप्रदस्य.

4 चंद्रास इन्दवः Proof of the play on words in Veda.

6 अज्यसे. S. सिच्यसे. Rather “put in action”.

आदातं S. शोधितं—दैप् शोधने!

7 वनिनः यजमानस्य—वनं देवताविषयं संभजनमस्यास्तीति. Material sense “of the plant”

9 From between अर्वावत् & परावत्. Proof of the real sense of the two words.

III. 41.
1 धुवानः It is धुवानः = हुवानः in the other text.

3 ब्रह्मवाहः used of Indra. Proof of Mentality as Indra’s function. S. स्तोत्राणि स्तुत्यतया वहतीति ब्रह्मणा प्राप्यत इति वा

4 रारंधि रमस्व

5 रिहंति

6 राधसे तन्वा महे. The only reasonable interpretation is “for a vast joy in the body.”

8 हरिप्रिय. प्रिय active = lover.

9 घृतस्नू घृत= some mental entity.

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III. 42.
1 यः अस्मयुः can only refer to सोमः

2 कुविन् S. प्रभूतं यथा भवति. Entirely. In 4. S. says बहुवारं तृप्णवः. तृप्तो भव

3 आवृते आवर्तयितुं

6 वाजेषु दधृषं. S. Battles—but it may be “seizing violently on वाज” cf 37.5.
अधा S. takes = अनंतरं & सुम्नं = धनं. It means “now we seek thy joy, not thy aggressive action”

7 गवाशिरं .. यवाशिरं.

8 स्वे ओक्ये S. in Indra’s own belly! It means “in thy own home”—ie the pure mentality

9 अवस्यवः Protection? or “secure being”?


III. 43.
1 तवेद् अनु प्रदिवः ἀνά—along & from. Note “The Pradiv.”

सखाया S. the two horses समानख्यानौ, but see 4.

2 चर्षणीः S. प्रजाः either “many worlds of creatures” which is impossible, or leaving aside many doers.

3 तूयं S. swiftly

नमोवृधं S. अन्नस्य वर्धकं!! Either “increasing adoration” or “increasing by it”

सजोषा S. सहप्रीतिः cf 44.1. जुषाणः प्रीतिविषयः

4 वंदनानि adorations, wooings.

5 कुविन् obviously not once; but it may be “at once” or “utterly”.

करसे S. कुरु but करसे & शिक्षाः are obviously old forms for करोषि & शिक्षसि

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जनस्य गोपां either जन = मयोलोक or = world.

वस्वो अमृतस्य substance of immortal being.

म. P.P. मा

ऋषिं पपिवांसं सुतस्य Soma drinking & divine knowledge
राजानं. In the same sense as Varuna etc are Kings. सम्राट् शिक्षाः not therefore teach—

6 हरयः Plur. Many horses of Indra—in the same hymn as the two. But they come द्विता


आताः S. दिशः—he derives from अत् to go. Rather आ to be, cover, pervade or अत् d[itt]o.

ऋंजंति S. साधयंति.

मूराः here not = foolish therefore अमूराः not = wise. S.

मारकाः—absurd. Either “protecting”, not probable—or “comprehending, containing”

7 उशते—here undoubtedly = desirer

ते श्येनः The Hawk is sometimes Indra, sometimes Indra’s.

वृषधूतस्य वृष्णः The Mighty One poured forth by the Mighty One.

III. 44. Hymn decisive for sense of हरि, हरित, हर्यत & Indra as a god of Light.

1 हर्यतः Here = light, तेजः, but may also mean light of joy.

हरिभिः S. takes ग्रावभिः see 5. It means “The luminous powers of the Mind” used as stones

हरितं Decisive for हरित्

2 उषसमर्चयः Decisive for sense of “illuminate” in अर्च्, ऋच् विद्वांश्चिकित्वान्. Association of हर्यश्व, उषा, सूर्य & light generally with knowledge.

श्रियः “splendours” or “forces” or “movements of light”

[3] चरत् S. चरति

वर्पस् body or energy—opposed to धायस् ? or rather each takes on the quality of the other.

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5 हयँतं वज्रं cf 4. Here again we have opposition of हरि & शुक्र अपावृणोत् Revealing of Soma—cf I.23.14

III. 45.
1 मंद्रैः .. मयूररोमभिः Horses of Indra.

धन्वेव P.P. धन्व इव—as over a desert.

विं न पाशिनः विं = manifestation पाश = παχύς, पाषाण — material powers—so धन्व.

2 वृत्रखादः. Piercing; breaking through—खाद् —cf खन् etc.


वलंरुजः Breaking Vala, the wall

अभिस्वरे S. आभिमुख्येन प्रेरणे—I take it in the ordinary sense of स्वर—Indra & the Word.

3 कुल्या—कृत्रिमसरितः The usual covert simile of cows & waters.

4 तुजं putting forth force—force? S. शत्रूणां बाधकं

अंशं न प्रतिजानते S. धनस्य भागं. It seems rather to mean Light & be connected with अंशु of Soma & Surya.

अंकीव अंकुशी यथा. Shake the tree as a man with his hooked stick shakes down a ripe fruit.
संपारणं वसु S. सम्यक् पूरकं वसु. But it may mean “substance adequate for the entire passage”

5 स्वयुः. S. धनवान्. Felicitous, blissful or Self-forceful, self-applying. S. स्वशब्दान्मत्वर्थीयो युः — cf शं योः

स्वराट्. S. स्वर्गस्य राजा in 46.1. धनाधिपतेः

III. 46.
1 स्थविरस्य. S. चिरन्तनस्य

श्रुतस्य S. प्रसिद्धस्य. Even here it may = having श्रवः or realised through श्रवः

2 महान्.. महिष Connected in sense with महान्

वृष्णयेभिः S. वीर्यैः It follows that वृषन् must be capable of

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meaning वीरः

3 प्ररिरिचे S. अतिरिक्तोऽभूत् Than the mountains (मात्रा)! Either “enriches himself” or “exceeded”.

मात्राभी .. देवेभिः Exceeded all measures, exceeded the gods & was unappalled.

उरोर्महो अन्तरिक्षाद् . This seems to refer to something vaster than heaven & earth & may mean the Antariksha of Mahas.

4 जनुषा—either “from birth” or “जनुषा अभि” intense or forceful (cf ओजः) in his relations with the worlds.

प्रदिवि S. पूर्वैष्वहःसु —either “in the morning”, “on a former day” or “in the foreheaven”—so also प्रदिवः

अवतं. S. रक्षकं—may be “reservoir”, “well”

5 त्वाया त्वत्कामतया

अध्वर्यवः S. अध्वरं यजमानायेच्छंतः—

III. 47.
1 रणाय .. मदाय. Sense of delight for रण—object of सोमपान

3 Maruts अनु त्वा अहन् वृत्रं ..यानभजः (असोवथाः — for युद्ध. S.).

Relation of Indra & Maruts.

4 विप्राः Marutah etc.

S. takes in 3. अनु अभजंत & अहन् = thou slayedst.

5 अकवारि with शासं shows कव = काव्य

दिव्यं शासं S. शासितारं (हितोपदेशाहितपरिहाराभ्यां). Indra as Divine Expression

अवसे नूतनाय Here not “protection” but new state of being.

III. 48.
1 कनीनः S. कमनीयः. Rather the Male who goes to the girls (virgins) who are to be enjoyed.
आवत् रक्षतु.

रसाशिरः गोपयोमिश्रणोपेतं—cf साधोः which agrees well with the idea of aspiration

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2 यत्.. तदहः on the day on which you were born

गिरिष्ठाम् गिरि being expressed, पर्वत being completed or high; अद्रिः, being formed into substance.

परि—all round

योषा जनित्री Aditi Anandamayi—Mahah Pitur. The Vijnanamaya Purusha

3 ऐट्ट. S. अयाचत ईड् sought for .. cf अपश्यत् the result of the seeking.

ऊधः a teat of abundance.

4 वशं. कामं

t तुराषाळ् त्वरयाभिभविता— rather तरसाभिभविता

III. 49.
1 धिषणे. Earth & Heaven. (S.)

विभ्वतष्टं विभुना ब्रह्माणा स्थापितं

2 द्विता तरति either “breaks through by separating” or “breaks through in the double consciousness”

पृथुज्रयाः तीव्रवेगः S. जृ is either “to break, wear away” or “to love, woo, enjoy”

सत्वभिः. S. सीदद्भिः मरुद्भिः. Rather “by powers of being” & “powers of force”.

3 कारे मतीनाम् effecting of the thoughts.

4 क्षपां वस्ता The coverer of night. (S.) Rather “illuminer” in the night or else “dweller”.

पृष्ट. P.P. पृष्टः. Probably corrupt for पृष्ठे. S. सर्वत्र वर्तमानः

III. 50.
1 स्वाहा. S. स्वाहाकृतं सोमं

तुम्रः. S. हिंसकः the smiter?

मरुत्वान् The Maruts are the conscious energies of man’s mind & the word means sometimes generally a god.

आ ऋध्याः S. सर्वतः पूरयतु

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2 सपर्यू S. परिचारकौ. It is clear from this passage that सपर्या need not mean “adoration or service”. It means then the seeking to reach, obtain or know.

प्रदिवः. S. पुरातनः

श्रुष्टिं. S. वेगं — Y. श्रुष्टिति क्षिप्रनाम. अन्वावः अनुगच्छसि. The horses bring Indra through the Pradiv to earth (इह) & he keeps (maintains) their knowledge in the lower world.


3 मिमिक्षुं wishing to unite himself with the Rays or to unite the yajamana with the light. But S. takes as from मिह् & गोभिः with दधिरे

4 वाहः

III. 51.
1 चर्षणि. S. यद्वा आकृषंत्यनेन सर्वमिति चर्षणि बलं तद्धारकं

2 धामसाचमभिषाचं [स्वर्विदं] powerful in the seats, powerful to attain, finder of heaven.

3 आकरे—cf आ चक्रुः .. आ भू etc.

अनेहसः S. अपापा. एहः sin of force, एनः sin of delight.

4 नमो अस्य. S. नमसोऽस्य. अस्य may refer either to Indra or the human soul.

5 निष्षिधो S. अनुशासनानि rather—perfected formations or fulfilments.

जीरयो वनानि. S. जिर्यंत इति जीरयो मनुष्याः

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