CWSA Set of 37 volumes
Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 of CWSA 742 pages 2016 Edition


Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime.


Vedic and Philological Studies

  On Veda

Sri Aurobindo symbol
Sri Aurobindo

Writings on the Veda and philology, and translations of Vedic hymns to gods other than Agni not published during Sri Aurobindo's lifetime. The material includes (1) drafts for 'The Secret of the Veda', (2) translations (simple translations and analytical and discursive ones) of hymns to gods other than Agni, (3) notes on the Veda, (4) essays and notes on philology, and (5) some texts that Sri Aurobindo called 'Writings in Different Languages'. Most of this material was written between 1912 and 1914 and is published here for the first time in a book.

The Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo (CWSA) Vedic and Philological Studies Vol. 14 742 pages 2016 Edition
 PDF     On Veda

Notes on Root-Sounds



       अ     absolute existence
       इ     relative existence
       उ     pervasive, contained or progressive existence
r      क     possession, mastery, creation, action
r      ख     attack, invasion, insistence, attrition or detrition
r      ग     contact, motion, action upon
r      घ     violent contact, hostile action, strong motion
r      च     swift and brilliant action, existence, contact
r      छ     the same with a greater lightness
r      ज     restless, brilliant, decisive action, existence or contact
r      झ     the same with a greater lightness
r      ट     hardness, force, crudity—rajasic
r      ठ     the same with a greater impetuosity—d[itt]o
r      द     dulness, persistence, obstinacy—rajaso-tamasic
r      ढ     obstinacy, tenacity
s      त     touch, impact,—lighter than c
s&r      थ     the same with greater force
s&r      द     hard forcible impact or action
s      ध     softer but strong impact or action
s      न     gentle but effective relation
s      प     soft touch or impact, kindly relation, possessive action
s&r      फ     the same with greater force
s      ब     soft, strong embracing contact, possession, action
s      भ     the same with a sense of containing
s      म     limitation, finality, completion

Page 601

s      य     relation
s      ल     love, sweetness etc in relation
s      र     vibration, play
s      व     manifest existence
r      श     vehemence in union
r      ष     strong action in rest
r      स     repose, union
r      ह     force


Sound      ṭ. ḍ. ṭh. ḍh.

Contact      t. d. th. dh. l. s. h.

Light      c. j. jh. ch.

Pervasion Motion      l. ṛ. v (pervasion) p. ph. b. bh. (violent motion, motion upward or motion and contact) r (vibratory motion) n.

Substance      a. i. u. k. g. gh. kh. m.

Roots in ‘a’


ap      to move, flow, fly habitually .. move to, gain .. possess, marry, love .. beget, father.

ar      to move round .. (be moving continually in a circle), to writhe, struggle .. fight .. turn; plough; till; wind; .. adore, worship.

as      to be, exist .. live, live on .. eat; enjoy—()

am      to move up to, under etc .. to submit, be subject to .. consent, acquiesce .. adore, worship, love, to contain, embrace.

an      to be, breathe, live ..

Page 602


अः Name of Vishnu (Virat-purusha—अ in ओम्).
Name of Shiva, Brahma, Vayu or Vaishwanara.

N[ote]. It is doubtful whether अः in the sense of Vishnu had in its origin any connection of dependence with अ, the first letter of the sacred syllable; both rather proceed from a single & common origin, अ to be, in the widest sense of the idea, being primal, all pervading, vague and indefinable. Hence it is applicable to any of the three great deities who occupy & represent infinite & universal being, Vishnu, Shiva or Brahma; by a natural figure emphatic of the sense of व्याप्ति it became applicable to Vaiswanara or Virat Purusha. By transference to the idea of pervasive life & movement to Vayu, the god of wind, breath & the life principle. Cf अन्, अनुः, अनिलः, प्राणः.

The first letter of the Onkára, representing material world being; from a to be, & bearing the sense of initial & pervasive being.

अ, अन्
(1) a negative prefix, expressing defect, absence or opposition.

(2) a prohibitive particle.

(3) an interjection of (a) address, O! (b) pity, Ah! (c) censure, Oh! Fie!

The idea of defect or disparagement or deprecation visible also in the root उ (ऊन etc) may derive (a) from the idea of unfinished & therefore imperfect being, (b) from the use of अ as a separative & therefore exclusive enclitic, lit. = let be, exclude that, not that.

अंश् 10 U. to divide, distribute, share.

Page 603



अन्      to breathe      अन् the soul, being Rv. विश्वे चनेदना
     to move, go about
     to live
     (to gasp, pant — Vd)
अनः      breath. Bri. U.
अननं प्राण, उदान etc.

अनक      mean, base.

अनलिः      Name of a tree. बकवृक्ष

अनल      fire .. wind .. bile ..n of several plants
     fifth Vasu .. N of Vasudeva—soul.. Vishnu..Supreme spirit

अना      Vedic —thus, hereby, indeed

अनस्      cart .. आनस
     boiled food.. rice .. kitchen
     living being ..
     parent आनस

अनिकं      group, mass.. army
(-कः)      battle
     row, line, column
     front, head .. face, countenance
     form, splendour
     edge, point.
अनीकवत् Vd
अनीकशः in rows, columns
अनीकिनी army, lotus.

अनिल      wind .. Vishnu      आनिल

अनुः      a man
     son of Yayati.

आनवः men, people—foreign people
     human.. kind to men?

अनुक      (अनुकन् Gr.)
     greedy, lustful

अनु      after, behind, along, with
     according to — by reason of
     towards, near, at.

आनूकं      in abundance. Vd.

Page 604

अनूच्यं      plank or board at side of bed or head —
अन्वक्      after .. afterwards
     from behind
     favourably, -ble.

अन्वंच्      following
     horizontal, lengthwise

अनूपः,      watery place, marsh, bog,

  • पं      bank (mountain also), pond
         buffalo, frog, elephant ..
         kind of partridge — आनूप

अन्वीप      attainable, friendly..
     near water.

अनो      no, not

आनः      mouth.. breath..
     nose .. breathing

आननं      mouth, face ..
     book, chapter

आनकः      kettledrum

अन्नं      food, corn, rice ..
     water, earth.. आन्न

अन्नः      the sun

अन्य      another
अन्येद्युः, -द्युष्क
अन्यादृश्, -क्ष्, -श

अन्यत्, अन्यदीयः
     -तर, -तम
     -तरतः -तरेद्युः
     -तः, -तस्त्य
     -था, -थयति

अण्      to sound,
     breathe, live.

अणक (अनक)      small, mean, insignificant
आणक      low, inferior, vile

अणिः point of a needle, linchpin
     corner of house

आणिः      linchpin
     corner of a house
     limit, boundary
     edge of sword
     part of leg just above knee

अणु      minute, small, atomic
     अणीयस्, अणिष्ठ
आणव      very small
आणवं      smallness

Page 605

अणुः      atom, particle .. instant
     a small grain

     (eg mustard etc)
     also अणुकः
अणिमन्      minuteness, atomic
     nature.. Anima
अणुक      very small, atomic..
     subtle .. acute

आणवीन      fit to bear अणु
     (Panicum Miliaceum)

अण्वी      Vd finger (Say.)? (Apte query)

अण्वं      fine hole in Soma strainer (?) (do)



अहम् from OS [Old Sanskrit] अह् to breathe. Proof—from derivatives

अहः      = originally life (cf प्राणः), then day

अहिः      = वायुभक्षः, that which breathes, lives by breathing, snake

अहम्      = breath, spirit (आत्मा), self, within, I .. I is the latest sense.

अनु      = that which breathes, lives, then the principle of life or existence, that which is sukshma, so, the atom

अस्      OS desiderative, to wish to breathe, to live, to be.

असु      breath, life, strength. असुरः NB. Persian अहुरः from अह् not अस्

अस्      to blow, (wind), rush, throw.

अहना      She who breathes, is strong. शक्ति, देवी. Pallas Athene

अन्      to breathe, OS intensitive, eg हन् from ह or हा (strike), मन् from म [or] हा (measure), जन् from ज or जा. Cf हत, मत, जात, जाये etc.

अहा      vigour, life, joy OS

अहालु      joyous. Cf Tamil அக்களிப்பு joy

अहल्य      or अहन्य joyous OS Cf अहल्या

Page 606


αἴρω (ἀρῶ,ῆρχα) raise, lift—excite, impel .. hang up, heighten
.. take, bear, carry .. conceive, perceive .. take off, destroy ..
weigh anchor, strike tents, start, set off.

Rt अर् used of all strong action, state, motion, feeling etc.
So to raise, lift, increase; to throw, remove, destroy. All the other
senses follow. Cf उदारः noble, exalted, excellent, Lt [Latin] ara,
an altar (high place).

αἴρoμαɩ, to undertake, commence; bear, suffer; carry away.
A frequent sense of this root from the sense of taking up, leading
or acting (starting action). Cf ἄρχoμαɩ, I begin, lit. I lead.

Roots in ‘i’

इ-Family of Sanscrit Roots


इ      to be, appear

इ      (obsolete, extant in Latin, Bengali and Tamil) .. “This here”.
इतस्      hence, henceforward .. from this person.

इत्      Vedic —emphatic particle = indeed, verily.. even; just, only

इति      thus, so. (इत् +इ)
     इतिथ, इतिह, इतिवत् —Perhaps इतिहास, ऐतिह्य

     इत्थात्      thus, so, in this manner

इत्था      thus, indeed, truly.

इद्      even, just, only.

इदं      this .. here, now, there, herewith
     इदंतन, इदंता, इदंयु, इदा, इदानीम्, इदानींतन, इदंमय

इयत्      so much, so large, to this extent
     इयत्ता, इयत्त्वं, इयत्तक, ऐयत्यं


इह      here
     इहत्य, ऐहिक

Page 607

इव      like, as if .. a little, perhaps .. just, exactly, indeed.

ई      this, him — in Vedic ईम्

ईदृक्      such a condition. ईदृश्, ईदृश, ईदृक्ष, ईदृक्ता

ईम्      verily, now, this, here. Cf इमथा

*ईति      produced, effected

एष      this, he
     एतद्, दतदीय, एतादृश्, एतावत् एतर्हि

एः      Vishnu ऐः Shiva

एना      thus, then. Cf एनं etc.

ईर्म      here, in this place (perhaps Motion)

Birth, Production

इ      to appear.. spring from, arise from (but cf ईर्)

ई      to become pregnant
     ईति produced, effected

(इतिहास      history, narrative, tradition ऐतिहासिक इेतिह्यं tradition)

इष्कृ      to prepare, arrange* cf इरज्यति and इन् to dispose
     इष्कृतिः mother.

इडः      people, subjects— cf प्रजा, विशः

ईर्      to produce (C[ausative]) ..
     to rise, spring from
(but see Motion)

Growth. See also words meaning plants.

इ      to thrive, prosper.
     इभ्य wealthy, opulent      इभ्यक

एध्      to grow.. prosper, swell, rise, extend.
     एधतु increased.. a man .. prosperity. (एधस् fire)
     एधस्, एधा prosperity, happiness — (एधस् fuel, also एध:)
     एधमान, एधित

+इद्ध      wonderful इद्धं wonder इद्ध in इद्धशासनं

इष्      affluence, increase
     इष्यति to swell, increase.

+इष्मः      spring इष्यः, इष्यं

इरज्यति      to grow.

Page 608

Mass, Thickness, Dullness.

इंड्रः, इंड्रं,
     इंड्वं      a round small plate to protect hand in taking fire-irons

एड      deaf

     -कं      (also एडूकः, -कं, & एडोकः, -कं) a building made of rubbish, bones or hard substance .. a tomb or wall round bones .. a sanctuary filled with relics-कं      (also एडूकः, -कं, & एडोकः, -कं) a building made of rubbish, bones or hard substance .. a tomb or wall round bones .. a sanctuary filled with relics

इल्      to keep still, quiet .. sleep
     इलय motionless.

इष्टका      brick इष्टिका, ऐष्टकं

इचिकिल:      pond, mud.

+इड्, इडा,
     इडिका      earth (lit. matter). इला, इरा (but also possibly Motion)

इड्      food इडा, इला, इरा, ईड्

इष्      sap, refreshment, drink .. food. इषयति, इषिर, इरा (also water), इरावत्, इरस्या

Strength, Force and Power.

ईण्मत्      having a lord or master

इंद्      to be powerful
     इन्द्रः Indra .. lord, prince .. the soul .. greatness
     इन्द्रिय, ऐन्द्र, इन्द्रतम, -त्वं, इन्द्रस्वत्, इन्द्रयु इन्द्राणी,
+इन्द्रकं (hall).
     इन्द्रस् Vd. sense to be determined.
     इन्द्रियं power, force .. organ of sense .. virile power, seed.

इंधः      the Supreme Being.

इन्      to be lord, take possession of .. to invigorate .. (to force, compel).
     इन able, strong, bold
     इनः lord, master, king ऐन्य, इनक्षति (try to reach or get)

इन्व्      seize, take possession of.

+इभ्यः      king Vd इभः power or servants. Cf Gr (Greek) strength.

इरज्यति      to be master of (prepare, arrange, dispose). Perhaps रज्

इर्य      active, powerful.. lord, master.

Page 609

इष्      strength, power, sap
     इष strong, powerful
     इषयति to be active, animate, strengthen
     इषिर powerful, strong, active
     इष्टिः invitation, order

ईश्      to be able, have power .. own .. rule, be master.
     ईश्, ईश, ईशनं, ईशानः, ईशितं, ईशितव्यं, ईशिता, ईशित्वं, ईशिन्, ईश्वर, -ता, -त्वं
     ऐश्वर, -रिक, ऐश्वर्यं, ऐश, ऐशान.

Force put forth, Action, Exertion

ईहा      effort, exertion .. deed, act, undertaking
     ईहितं      d[itt]o
     ईहः attempt.

Pressure, Constraint, Confinement, Attack, Injury, Penetration

एठ्      to resist, oppose .. annoy (Injury)

+ईतिः      plague, distress .. infectious disease, affray. See below -ईन्त्

ई      to eat — Cf इन्दूरः

ईज्, ईंज्      to censure, blame.

इडाचिका      wasp.

एणी      a kind of poisonous insect

इन्      to force, compel

ऐन्द्री      misfortune, misery

ईन्त्      to bind

इन्दूरः      rat, mouse (इन्द् to gnaw)

एनस्      sin, offence, fault, crime .. censure, blame .. Unhappiness
     एनस्य, एनस्वत्, ऐनसं

(ईति      plague etc)

इत्वर      cruel, harsh .. low, vile, despised .. poor (cf तपनः etc) eunuch.

इभ्यः      enemy, foe.

इर्गलः, -ला      bolt, bar.

ईर्मः, ईर्मं      wound, sore
     ऐर्म्र्यं a plaster for wounds.

इर्य      destroying the enemy. Vd.

Page 610

इर्वारू, - लु      destructive, carnivorous. इर्वारूकः a cave animal

ईलिः      weapon.. cudgel .. short sword.

इषिरः      fire ईषिरः

ईष्      to hurt, attack, kill } Motion
ईषिका      weapon, arrow, dart } Motion

एषय      to be probed
     एषणं probing (driving, pressing)
     एषणी a probe


Wish, Desire, Love

इ      to ask, beg.
     एतृ asking, requesting
     इयक्षु longing for, seeking to obtain

इक्षृः      wish, desire

ईः      Kamadeva

ई      to desire, wish .. beg

एतृ      asking, requesting

+इयक्षु      longing for, seeking to obtain. Perhaps यक्ष्

इच्छ्      to wish (only in इष्)
     इच्छा wish, desire, will
          question, problem — (Math)
          इच्छक, इच्छत्, इच्छु, इच्छुकः, ऐच्छिक

ईड्      implore, request, ask for.
     ईड् prayer इडा, ईडनं, ईडा, ईडेन्य
     (+इड् object of devotion)

ईप्सा      wish, desire
     ईप्सु ईप्सित, -तं

इष्      to wish, desire, strive for, seek, request.. acknowledge,
regard, be favourable.
     इषुः, इषणिः, इषण्या, इषि इष्ट, इष्टं, इष्टिः, इष्टुः इषा, इष्य

इषूयति, इषुध्यति      to implore, ask, desire oblations
     इषुध्या, इषुध्यु

ईह्      to desire, wish, aim at, attempt.
     ईहः, ईहा, ईहित, एह

एष्      to desire, request, attempt.

Page 611

     एषः, एषं, एषा, एषणं, एषणः, एषणा, एषणिन्, एषणीय, एष्टिः, एषितृ, एषिन्, एष्य


इज्य      to be worshipped

इज्यः      teacher, Brihaspati .. Pushya .. God .. Vishnu.

इज्या      worship, reverence .. image

इड्      object of devotion

Joy, Mirth.

इन्      to gladden इन्दुः in Veda. Tamil

एलायति      to be merry, frolicsome, mischievous. Perhaps however from motion

Anger, Jealousy

इरज्यति      to be jealous

इरस्यति      to be angry, insolent, hostile

ईर्ष्य्, ईर्क्ष्र्य्      to be jealous, envy.
     ईर्षा, ईष्र्या, ईष्र्य, ईष्र्यक, ईष्र्यु, ईर्षालु, ईर्षु

एहस्      anger


इ      to go, approach, go towards, reach .. run, wander .. retire, pass, return
     इत्, इत, इतिः, इत्य, इत्वन् इयस्, इतं (mode of going, course, way), इत्वर (traveller), एत
     इत्वरी an abhisarika
     इत्या litter, palanquin. इत्वरी an unchaste woman
     एमः, एमन् a course, way

अय्      to go (इ I U.)
     अय, अयन
     अयनं going, walking .. walk, path, road .. entrance .. method, shastra, treatise .. sun’s passage, solstitial points, rotation, period .. final emancipation

ए      to come, approach etc. एतिः, एत, एतृ, एव, एवः (horse .. custom)

ई      to go, pervade. एतनः a kind of fish.. breath,

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to throw      expiration ईति:, ईवत्, आायः, आायनं, आायिन्, आायत्।


एणकः      black antelope — but see et: under Light

इंग् to move, shake
     इंग, इंगनं, इंगित, इंग्य
     इंगित palpitation, shaking
     इंगितं, इंगः sign, gesture, hint
     इंगा a kind of counting

ईज्, ईंज्      to go
     इज्या Ameeting, union .. bawd, procurer.

इंचाकः      a shrimp

एज्      to tremble, shake, move, stir.
     उदेज् to go
     अपैज् to drive
     एजक, एजत्क, एजथुः, एजनं, एजित, एजि

इख्      to go, move.

इट्      to go, go to, towards.. make haste .. to err.

इडा      a cow
     इडक्कः a wild goat
     इड् rainy season
     इट्चरः a bull allowed to go at liberty
     एडः a kind of sheep
     एडकःa ram, wild goat. (एलकः)

(इण्)      एणी,river, flowing stream
     एणः black antelope (एणकः) but see Light (एत)
     एणी, ऐण, ऐणिक, ऐणेय

इन्      to go, advance .. press upon, rush upon.
     to drive
     इनक्षति to try to reach, strive to get. Perhaps from नक्ष्

इन्व्      to go, pervade, surround.
     (इन्दूरः? rat—already under Attack etc).

इभः elephant

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     ऐभ इभ्य इभ्या

इर्      to go
     इरज्यति to lead
     इरा earth, water .. spirit, liquor
     इरिन्, instigating. इर्य

ईर्      to go, move, shake .. rise, spring from.. retire
     to elevate the voice
     Cs [Causative] to throw, cast, propel .. urge, prompt .. attract, elevate, revive .. produce.
     ईरण, ईरणं, ईरित, ईरिन्
     ईरणः wind
     ईर्या wandering about (as a mendicant)
     ईर्म agitated
     ईर्मः arm, forequarter (part used in throwing)

इल्      to go, move, throw, send, cast
     एलकः a ram, wild goat.

इष      IV to move, to cause to move..      IX fly off, escape ..      IU. to go, move      IV.IX let fly, cast, throw,      IX strike ..      IV sprinkle ..      IV raise the voice,      IX impel, incite.
     इष् speedy
     इषण्यति to move, excite, drive इषण्यति
     इषणिः sending, despatching
     इषण्या impulse
     इषुः arrow iqFkA reed, arrow
     इषव्य, इषुक, इषुधिः, इषुध्यति
     इषिर quick, moving. इषिरं quickly
     इष्टिः impulse, hurry
     इष्मः course, going इष्मिन्

ईष्      to fly, escape .. creep.
     ईष्म: course, going

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     ईषण, ईषणिन् hastening ईषणा haste

एष्      to go, approach, hasten towards .. creep, glide .. fly at, attack .. endeavour to reach or gain
     एष, एषः, एषण, एषिण्, एष्य

Speech (Motion) see ईर्, इष्

इडा, इला, इरा speech

ईर् utter, proclaim, say.
     ईरित (send up or out the voice. See Motion).

Knowledge, Memory (Motion)

इत remembered

इतं knowledge

इंगः knowledge इंगनं

+र्ईक्ष् to see, observe, perceive. (But perhaps to penetrate, Penetration)
     ईक्षकः, ईक्षणं, ईक्षतिः, ईक्षितं, ईक्षित, ईक्षितृ, ईक्षेण्य, ईक्षिका, ईक्षणिकः

+ईष् to look, see. (Penetration)


इन्दिन्दिरः a large bee

ऐलवः noise, cry

इलव loud, noisy.


इत्किला name of a perfume

ऐलवालुकः, ऐलेयः names of a perfume

एलवालु (n) the fragrant bark of the Kapittha

एला cardamom seed & plant

एलुकं a kind of perfume.
     a medicinal substance or plant.

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Light (beauty)
(इ), ई to shine

एकः one (originally the sun) — इन्दु
     एकक, -तर, -तम, एकतः, एकता, एकत्वं, एकत्र, एकदा, एकधा, एकल, एकशः, एकाकिन्, एकीय, एकीयः, ऐक्यं

एज् to shine

इन्ध्, (इध्) to kindle, light

इन्ध, इध्, इन्धन, -नं (also clean, clear, bright), इध्या

इध्मः, इध्मं, इन्धः fuel इन्धनं, एधस्, एधः

इन्धः the supreme being

इद्धं sunshine, heat.. refulgence .. *wonder

*इध्दं wonderful, obeyed.

एधतुः fire

इन्दीवरं blue lotus इन्दीवारः, इन्दंबरं

इन्दिरा Lakshmi

इन्दु, moon ऐन्दव
     one (cf एक)

इनः sun .. glorious .. the constellation Hastá (ऐन्य)

इन्वकाः the stars in the head of Orion

एत dappled, shining

एतः deer, antelope .. deer-hide .. variegated colour
     cf चएणकः, एणः

इरम्मदः flash of lightning, submarine fire (therefore not speed)

ऐरावती lightning

ऐरवतः Iravat (ऐरावणः), rainbow.. a kind of lightning orange tree (therefore not motion)

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ईशानं light, splendour.

एलविलः (ऐडविडः, -लः) Kuvera

ऐलविलः, ऐलः, ऐलेयः Mars

Roots in ‘k’


क      class meaning

कः      Brahman, Vishnu
     the soul
     body knot, joint
         कं happiness, joy, pleasure
     wealth, property
         कंय्य happy, prosperous
     sun fire light, splendour
     king, prince कुमारः
     bird, peacock, king of birds
     word, sound
     time (कालः)
     ind, air
     head head (as in कंधरा, कंधि, कंध)

क suffix      diminution (वृक्षकः, बालकः)
     deterioration (अश्वकः bad horse)
     endearment (पुत्रकः)
     likeness (अश्वकः like a horse)
     no modification (अश्वकः a horse)

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कक् I A.      to wish कम्      desire
         to be proud      feeling
         to be unsteady (कक् to go)      movement ?
     ?ककरः a kind of bird. (perhaps कृ)Vd      sound

कक्क्      to laugh      sound
     कक्कटः a kind of animal
     कक्कुलः bakula tree
     कक्कोलः, -ली a berry bearing plant
     लं, लकं the berry — a perfume from the berries

कक्ख्      to laugh
     कक्खट      hard, solid
     कक्खटी chalk
कक्ष्      (non-existent)
     कक्षः      hiding place
         (cf कक्षा) कक्ष्य, कक्षायते secret. V      to contain, cover (with the idea of circle, hollow)
         interior of forest
         arm-pit कक्षा (boils in arm-pit)
         harem of king कक्षा
         side or flank (of anything)
         part of boat
               कक्षा (elephant’s rope or girth)
          cf कक्षा waist
               कक्ष्य filling the girth (V. Say.)
          surrounding wall कक्षा, कक्ष्या
          orbit of planet
          end of lower garment
              कक्षा (tucked behind = also tying up waist)

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          basin of a balance कक्षा, कक्ष्यं
          climbing plant, creeper      (contain, embrace, surround)
          grass, dry grass
               कक्ष्य (consisting of dry grass or of shrubs) V.
          dry wood, forest of dead trees      (injure, hardness— pressure, projection)
          buffalo      (to dig, grub, burrow)
          marshy ground      (cut, plunge, sink?)
          a plant (beleric myrobalan)

     कक्षा, waist, middle part      (contain, surround)
          enclosure कक्ष्या, कख्या      (contain, surround)
          court-yard, area      (contain, surround)
          room, inner apartment, harem, secluded part of edifice      (contain, surround)
               कक्ष्या (i.a. of palace)
         a particular part of a carriage      (contain, surround)
               कक्ष्यं (also hinder part)
          upper garment कक्ष्या      (contain, surround)
          border, lace (of cloth) कक्ष्या      (contain, surround)
          wrist      (contain, surround)
          similarity कक्ष्या      (to press, nearness, adjacent)
         emulation, rivalry      (injure, strive, fight)
         objection or reply in logic      (injure, press, cut)
         the jeweller’s weight, rati (from कक्ष्या a black or red berry)

     कक्षं      star      (light, twinkling?)
         sin कक्षायते      (to injure, hurt)

     कक्ष्या      fingers cf कंगुल      (contain, curl, clutch, hold) cf अंगुलि

     कक्षीकृत      agreed to, promised      (contained, taken in, clutched, held)

     कक्षायते      to lie in ambush कक्ष      (contain, enclose)

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          to intend anything wicked कक्षं      (injure, hurt etc.)
     कक्षीवत् the Rishi

कख्      to laugh at, deride कक्क् कक्ख्      (harsh sound)
     कख्या enclosure, division of large building      (contain, enclose)

कग्      to act, perform      (cut, make, do)

कंक्      to go      (movement)

     कंकः      heron      (sound)
          Yama      (injury, movement)
          a Kshatriya .. a Vrishni ..
             Yudhisthira      (injure, fight)
          a false or pretended
             Brahmana      (injury, bad, wicked)
              name of a people
          one of the eighteen divisions

    कंका      a sort of sandal      (contain, bind, tie)
         scent of a lotus      (smell)

    कंकट,      mail, defensive armour,      (contain, enclose)
         -टकः      military accoutrement
          elephant’s goad (अंकुश)      (injure, cut, prick)

    कंकणः      bracelet, marriage string,      (surround, contain or sound)
         (-णं) ornament
         crest           (jut, project)

    कंकणः      water-spray      (sound, move, project)

    कंकणी,      small bell, tinkling ornament,      (surround or sound)
         -णिका ornament furnished with bells कंकणिन्

    कंकतः, -तं, -ती, -तिका comb      (to press, cut, scrape)

    कंकतः      a kind of tree
         a poisonous animal      (to injure)

    कंकर      bad, vile, despicable      (to injure)

    कंकरं butter-milk      (taste)
         a high number =100 niyutas      (mass)

    कंकालः      skeleton      (to contain)

    कंकालयः      body      (to contain)

    कंकूष      the inner body      (to contain)

     कंकेरूः      a kind of crow      (to contain)

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    कंकरोलः      Alangium Hexapetalum

    कंकलोडा      a kind of drug

    कंकुः      a kind of corn

    कंकुष्ठः, -ष्ठं, कंगुष्ठः, -ष्ठं      a kind of medicinal earth

    कंकेल्लः, ल्लि      Asoca tree

    कंकोली      see कंक्कोली

कंख्      not used
     कंखं enjoyment; fruition      (desire, enjoy)

कंग्      not in use
     कंगु, कंगुनी a kind of Panic(?) seed
     कंगुलः the hand cf कक्ष्या      (to contain, clutch, enclose)


Root      Injury      Sound

कद्      I.A. to hurt or kill to grieve .. cry, weep.     to call
          IV.A. to be confounded, confused, suffer mentally.     

कद् -अनं, -अकं, -अंबः -अरः, -अरं, -अल, -रू, वरं

कदनं      slaughter, havoc .. war .. sin      Injury (Pressure)
कदकं      canopy, awning.      Contact = Pressure
    कदंबद:      = Covering.
कदंब:      codome, turmeric, mustard seed
    -कः      plant, kind of grass, mineral substance
     कदंबकं codome flower, kind of grass
कदंबकं, कदंबं      multitude, group.      Contact.. or Mass.
कदरः      a saw .. an iron goad name of a tree (used for sacrificial post in place of Khadira)      Pressure = Injury.

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कदरः, -रं      a corn (on the feet)      Mass, Hardness.
कदरं      coagulated milk.      Mass, Density.
कदलः, -कः, -ली      plaintain-tree (कंदलः)
कदली      a kind of deer.
     कदलिन् a kind of antelope
कदली, कदलिका      flag, banner.
कदलीक्षता      a sort of cucumber, a beautiful woman.

Root कंद्      I.P. to cry, lament..
        confound .. be confounded, perplexed.

कंद् -अ, -अक, -ट्ट, -ओत, -अर, -अर्प, -अल, -इरी, -उ, -उक

कंदः, -दं      bulbous root, bulb; knot, swelling
     garlic      taste, smell
     an affection of the male or female organ.
     कंदिन् an esculent root; bulbous rooted.

कंदः, camphor      Colour, Whiteness? cf कंदट्टं, कदोतः

कंदकः a palanquin.      Motion? Covering?

कंदट्टं, कंदोतः      white waterlily कंदोटः, –ट्टः Colour, Whiteness
     कंदोटं blue lotus      white or blue lotus

कंदरः, -रं      a cave, valley .. कंदरा, -री      Injury.

कंदरः      a hook for driving elephants.     Injury.

कंदरं      dry ginger.      Taste.
कंदलः reproach, censure .. portent. Injury
     कंदली plaintain-tree
     कंदलं Kandala flower
     new shoot, sprout.. cheek, cheek and temple      Mass
     sweet sound      Sound

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     कंदलित budded, blown.. put forth, emitted.

कंदलः      gold      Colour
     war, battle, controversy
कंदली      flag see कदली
     Deer see कंदली      motion?
     lotus seed

कंदिरी      name of plant
कंदुः      boiler, oven.
कदुकः, कं      ball      mass
कंदुकं      pillow      mass


The Vowel Group.      कु

(1) कुः earth.      Inclusion
     (कुजः Mars, a tree कुजा Sita, Durga)      Roundness

*कु      (vague कुतः whence.. where..
     existence why .. how ..
     or direction) कुतस्त्य whence come; how happened
     कुत्र where.

कोविदः      wise, proficient, expert.      Inclusion
     Vd कुविद् cf कविः      Roundness
     (कु or को whole, entire .. circle .. complete science)

(2) कुः base (of any plane figure).

N. कविः etc which may originally have derived from the primary root कु by gunation, are nevertheless included for convenience under the root कव्

Significances of the primary form कु . Roundness, inclusion, comprehension

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The Gunated Form.      कव्

(1.a) कवचः,      armour, mail.. charm,      Covering, inclusion.
कवचं      amulet
     कावचिक armorial
     कावचिकं an armed multitude

कवसः      armour. कवष: shield      Covering, inclusion.
कावारी      a staffless umbrella.      Covering, inclusion.
कवटी,      leaf or panel of a door      Covering, inclusion.
कवाटः (कपाटः, कुवाटः)

(b) कवडः water for washing the mouth (lit. a mouthful)      Inclusion (in the mouth)

कवलः, कवलं      a mouthful .. gargle      Inclusion(in the mouth)
     कवलित      eaten, swallowed, chewed.. seized      Inclusion(in the mouth)
     कवलयति      to eat, devour.      Inclusion(in the mouth)
कवकः      mouthful.
कव्यं      oblation of food to the Pitris      Inclusion(in the mouth)
     कव्यः      a class of Manes (but cf काव्या)

(c) कवरकी      prisoner (cf करमरिन्, कारा)      Inclusion, Confinement.
कवी, कविकः, कविका      the bit of a bridle
कवियं, कवीयं      the bit of a bridle

(d) कवि      intelligent, wise; a sage, poet.      Inclusion, Comprehension.
     कविता      poetry
     कव्      to praise, describe .. compose, paint, picture
     काव्य      prophetic, poetical, praise worthy
     काव्या      intelligence
     कायं      poem, poetry, wisdom, inspiration

कवरः      lecturer.

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(2) कवर, कबर      mixed.. set, inlaid.. variegated      mixture

कवरः, कवरी, (कबरः, कबरी) braid or fillet of hair      mixture, twisting, weaving.

(3) कवसः      prickly shrub.      Piercing, hurt, injury
कवन्तु      bad deed
कवारि      Vd. selfish, stingy.
काव्या      a female fiend.

(4) कवारं      lotus.
कवेलं      lotus      Brightness.
कवोष्ण      tepid      Heat.
कावेरं      saffron      Colour
कावेरी      turmeric

(5) कवचः, कवचं      kettledrum      Sound
कवष्, कवष      Vd. sounding, creaking.
कावृकः      cock.. Chakravak.

(6) कवरः, -रं      salt .. sourness, acidity.      Taste

(7) काव्यं      happiness, welfare.      Emotion.

(8) कावेरी      a courtesan.      Sexual enjoyment

(9) कवकं      mushroom कावारं moss      Substance (Thickness, tuftiness)

(10) कवनं      water.      Motion (swelling or circling)

Significances of the gunated form कव् Inclusion, by covering, taking in, confining, comprehension. Thick, tufted or rough substance.. Circling or swelling motion.. Strong taste .. Shrill or loud sound .. Brightness, bright colour or burning heat.. Mixture, connection.. Penetration, hurt, injury.. Strong emotion .. Sexual enjoyment.

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The Guttural group


(1) कुक्कुटः      a cock.. कुर्कुटः, कुक्कुटकः      Sound.
     a small house-lizard.
     कौक्कुट (adj), कौक्कटिक: poulterer.

कुक्कुभः      a cock.

कुक्कुरः      a dog. कुर्कुरः

कोकः      cuckoo .. frog .. wild lizard .. ruddy goose .. wolf.

कोकिलः      cuckoo.

(2) कुक्कुटः      a wisp of lighted straw.. spark      Light —

कोकिलः      firebrand. कुकूलः (लं) a fire made of chaff — see below      (a) blaze.

कुंकुमं      saffron .. saffron-plant.      (b) Colour.
कोकनदं      red lotus.
कोकाहः      white horse
कुक्कुभः      varnish      (c) Brightness

(3) कुक्कुरं      a vegetable perfume      Scent

(4) कुकभं      a spirituous liquor.      Intoxication. Disturbance.

(5.a) कुकूलं      armour, mail.      Covering, inclusion

(b) कुक्षः      belly      Inclusion, hollowness

कुक्षिः      belly.. womb.. interior..
     cavity, cave .. scabbard.
     कुक्षिंभरि gluttonous, voracious
          .. filling the interior.
     कौक्ष abdominal.. attached to the sides.
     कौक्षेय in the belly, in the sheath
          कौक्षयकः sword.

कुकूलं      hole, ditch (filled with stakes).

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c. कुक्      to take, accept, seize. I.A.      Inclosing, grasp, clutch, etc.

(6) कुकीलः      mountain      Substance.
कुकूलः (लं)      chaff.      (Projection .. Roughness, confusion, mass)


कुकुदः कुकूदः      giver of a girl in marriage
     ?कुकु      child, infant (cf B. खुकी) from Sound.

कुक्कुटः      silk-cotton tree.

The Palatal Group.

(1) कुच्      to cry shrilly VI.P.      Sound
कुंज्      to murmur I.P.
कूज्      to hum, coo, warble, moan.. fill with sound I.P.
     कूजः, कूजनं, कूजितं      cooing, warbling.. rattling of wheels.

(2) कूच्      to go VI.P.      Motion with contraction (winding, crouching etc)
कुंच्      to move crookedly, move towards

(3.a) कुच् (VI.P.), कुंच् (I.P.)      to contract, bend, curve .. make small, lessen.      Pressure (contraction etc)
     to shrink ..
     to stop, impede
     कुंचनं      curving, bending.
     कोचः      drying, withering, aridity.
     कोच      drying, withering

(b)      to mix, connect.      (mixture, contact, connection)

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(c)      to polish.      (friction)

(d)      to write, delineate.      (cutting, shaping)

(e) कुंचिका      key, a kind of reed.. the shoot of a bamboo..     (penetration, sharpness)
     कूचिका, कूची      key.

कुंजः      tooth, tusk.. *lower jaw      (? substance, projection)

कुंजरः      elephant. कौंजर (adj)

(4) कुचः      breast, teat, nipple.      Roundness (Shape or Pressure)

(5) कुच्छं      a kind of lotus.

कूचिका, कूची      a pencil, small brush      Substance (roughness, thickness eg tufted, hairy etc)

कुज्झटिः, कुज्झटिका, कुज्झटी      mist, fog

कुंजलं      sour gruel

(6) कुंचिः      a measure of capacity, 8 handfuls. (originally, name of a vessel?)      Inclusion

कुजंभलः, कुजंभिलः      house-breaker

कुंजः, कुंजं      bower, arbour .. cave.


कुंचनं      a disease of the eye.

काजागरः      a festival (Lakshmi Puja).


कु Family — arranged by classification of significances and by root groups —

Guttural group.

कुक्      to take, accept, seize. I.A.

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कुकुदः      one who gives a girl in marriage.
     कुकूदः (कुक् or कुद्)

कुकभं      a kind of spirituous liquor.

कुकीलः      a mountain (कुक् or कील्)

कुक्कुटः      a wild cock, cock. (कुक्कुटी)—      Sound.
         either कुक्क् or कुट्
         also कुर्कुटः, कुक्कुटकः
     a small house-lizard      Sound
     a spark      Light
     a wisp of lighted straw..      (fire)
     the silk-cotton tree.

कुक्कुभः      a wild cock.. a cock..      sound.
     varnish.      Light? (shining)

कुक्कुरः      a dog — also कुर्कुरः (कुक्क् or कुर्)
     a vegetable perfume.      Scent.

कुक्षः      the belly.      Hollow. Contain

कुक्षि      belly.. womb .. interior.. cavity, cave .. sheath of sword.     Hollow. Contain

कुक्षिंभरि      gluttonous, voracious.. filling the interior.      Hollow. Contain

कुकुमं      saffron .. saffron plant.      Light (colour)

कोकः      cuckoo कोकिलः; frog; wild lizard      Sound.
     ruddy goose (chakravaka).
     Wolf. (कुक् or कह्)

कोकनदं      red lotus      Light (colour)

कोकाहः      white horse कुक् or कह्      Sound or Light (colour)

कोकिलः      firebrand      Light (fire)

+कौक्कुट      of a cock. कौक्कुटिकः a poulterer.

+कौक्ष      attached to the sides.. abdominal

कौक्षेय      in the belly, in the sheath ..
     कौक्षेयकः      sword.

Palatal group.

कूच्      to cry shrilly. VI.P.      sound
     to go, (march) cf vernacular कूच्      movement

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     to polish      light (shine) pressure
     to contract, bend.. shrink.. stop, impede.      pressure
     write, delineate
     mix, connect. (cf कुहरं proximity, copulation)      mix (substance, contact)

कुंच्, कुच्      IP. to shrink, contract.. make small, lessen      Pressure crookedness
     to bend, curve.
     move crookedly.      crookedness
     move towards.      motion.

कुचः      female breast, teat, nipple. कूचः      Roundness?

कुच्छं      a kind of lotus.

+कुंचनं      curving, bending .. a disease of the eye.

कुचिः      measure of capacity (eight handfuls)

कुंचिका      a key .. कूचिका, कूची      Substance (Narrowness, penetration Sharpness.)
     the shoot of a bamboo.
     a kind of reed
     a kind of fish

कूचिका, कूची      a pencil, small brush      Substance (rough, thick, hairy)

+कोच      drying, becoming dry
     कोचः drying, withering, aridity.

कुजः      a tree.      Light (colour)
     a name of Naraka

कुजा      Sita, Durga.      Light? (colour)

कुजंभलः, कुजंभिलः      housebreaker. (जंभ?) cf कुंजः      Cover, Contain.

कुज्झटिः, कुज्झटिका, कुज्झटी      mist, fog      Substance (to be thick, hazy, confused)

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कुंज्      to murmur I.P.      Sound

कुंजः, कुंजं      bower, arbour ..cave..
     lower jaw      Projection
     tooth .. tusk.      Tearing, Penetration.

कुंजरः      elephant.. cf करी, करेणुः करभः      Penetration (goring with tusks)

कुंजलं      sour gruel.      Substance (to be thick, mixed)

कूज् I.P. to hum, coo, warble, moan..      Sound.
     fill with sound.

कूजः, कूजनं, कूजितं      cooing, warbling ..      Sound.
     rattling (of wheels).

कोजागरः      a festival (जागृ?)

Cerebral group.

कुट्      to be crooked, curve, bend VI.P.      Pressure, curve.
     to cheat, deceive, act dishonestly      Crookedness, or Injury, deceit
     to break, split, divide      Breaking, splitting (Pressure)
     √to speak indistinctly      Sound
     √to be warm, burn.      Light (Fire)

कुटिक      bent, crooked      Pressure (curve)

√कुटः, कुटं waterpot, jar.      Contain

कुटः √house, fort      Contain
     hammer      Pressure (breaking)

कुटहारिका      female servant.

कुटकं      a plough without a pole.      Pressure (breaking)

कुटकः      the post round which the string of the churning stick passes.
     (peg?) कुटरः      Penetration

√कुटंकः      roof, thatch. कुटलं      cover, contain.

√कुटंगकः      (a lost कुटंकः) arbour .. cottage.      cover, contain.

कुटपः √     a garden near a house (enclosure?)      cover, contain.

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     √measure of grain (कुडपः)
     sage, ascetic

√कुटपं      lotus

√कुटरूः      Vd. cock (pecker?)      Pressure
     tent.      cover, contain

कुटरः see कुटकः

√कुटलं      roof, thatch कुटकः      cover, contain

√कुटिरं      cottage, hut कुटीरं, कुटीरः, कुटीरकं      d[itt]o

√कुटिः      body.. cottage, hut. कुटी      contain
     — curve, bend      Pressure (curve)

कुटिल      crooked, curved, tortuous कुटिलकः      do
     insincere, dishonest.      do (or Injury)

कुटिला      a kind of perfume      Scent

कुटिलं      name of a plant      Substance (hardness)

कुटिलिका      stealth, crouching
     a blacksmith’s forge.      Pressure (beating)

— कुटी      curve
     √cottage, hut .. कुटीका      Contain
     vessel used for fumigation
     nosegay      Substance or Scent
     √a kind of perfume      Scent.
     √spirituous liquor. cf कुकभं
     procuress. कुटुनी, कुट्टुनी

कुटिरं      (see कुटिरं)
     sexual intercourse
—      exclusiveness.      include, contain

कुटीका      see कुटी

कुटुनी      procuress. कुटुनी, कुट्टुनी

√कुटुम्बं      household, family      contain (or else, sexual intercourse)

√कुटुम्बं, कुटुम्बः      kinsman..
     offspring, race .. fig. group.

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कुटुम्बिन्, कुटुम्बिकः      householder ..caretaker.
     member of a family

कुटुम्बिनी      mistress of a household .. lady.
     a large household.

कुट्ट्      to cut, divide .. grind, pound.      Pressure (break, beat)
     blame, censure.      do
     multiply      Connection

कुट्ट      dividing, cutting, grinding      Pressure

कुट्टनं      cutting, pounding .. abusing

कुट्टः      multiplier

कुट्टकः      grinder      Pressure
     kingfisher      Pressure or Motion

कुट्टाकः      one who divides or cuts      do

कुट्टिता      unskilful opening of a vein      do

कुट्टमितं affected repulse of embraces.

कुट्टारः      a mountain कुटः

कुट्टारं      sexual intercourse कुटीरं
     a woollen blanket      Substance or Covering
—      exclusion or oneness.      Contain, include

कुट्टिमः, कुट्टिमं      inlaid floor, pavement.      Substance (thick, granular, variegated)
     prepared site      Substance (thick, granular, variegated)
     jewel-mine      Substance (thick, granular, variegated)
     pomegranate      Substance (grain)
     √hut, cottage, small house      Contain

कुट्टिम      paved, mosaic.

कुट्टिहरिका      maid-servant, slavegirl

कुट्टीरः      small mountain. कूट, कुट्टारः      Substance.

कुट्टीरकं      small house, hut      Contain.

√कुट्मल      see कुड्मल

कूट्      √X.U. to burn

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     to confuse, muddle
     to be distressed, despair
     to counsel, advise
     √to call, invite.
     X.A. to censure
     to abstain from giving

कूट      false कूटक
     immovable, steady.      Substance

कूटः,      fraud, deception, trick..

कूटं      falsehood, untruth कूटकं
     intricate point, puzzle
     summit.. any projection.. end, corner.      Substance (projection)
     horn.. head, chief .. (कूटकं prominence, elevation)
     heap, mass. कूटशः in heaps.      Substance
     hammer      Pressure (beat)
     ploughshare कूटकं      Pressure (break)
     √water-jar      Contain
     —deer-trap      Conceal, cover
     —concealed weapon (eg swordstick)      Conceal, cover
     —door      (shut off, include)

कूटः      √house, dwelling      Contain
     an ox with broken horns      Pressure (to break)

कूटक      false, fraudulent

कूटकः      braid or tress of hair      Substance or Pressure
     √perfume.      Scent.

कुट्टुटिः (-टी)      hypocrisy

कौट्टृटिकः      hypocrite, falsely humane mendicant

कुटुंगकः      arbour .. creeper wound round a trunk.      cover, curve.
     thatch, roof .. hut .. granary.      cover, contain

कूटशाल्मलिः      a tree with sharp thorns (torture in Hell)

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कूटपाकलः, -पर्वः, -पूर्वः      a bilious fever of elephants

कुंटक      fat, corpulent      Substance.

कुंठ्      I.P. to be blunt, dulled.. be dull, idle,
     lame, mutilated      Pressure.
     to loosen (relax)      do
     X.P. to hide      Cover, conceal

कुंठ      blunt, dulled.. stupid, weak, indolent

कुठकः      a fool

कुंठित      blunt, dulled.. stupid
     grasped, held..      Contain (seize)
     encircled      Contain (roundness)

कोटः      √fort .. hut, shed      Contain
     crookedness      Pressure (curve)
     beard. Substance—rough, hairy

कोटक      curving, bending

—√कोककः      a thatcher .. name of a mixed caste

कोटरः, कोटरं      hollow of a tree      Contain. Hollowness.

कोटरी, कोटवी      a naked woman .. Durga ..      sexual intercourse.

कोटिः, कोटी      curved end of a bow .. end, point, edge ..      Pressure (curve or prominence)
     pitch, extremity .. horn or digit of moon
     ten millions कोटिश:
     side of a right-angled triangle
     complement of an arc t 90˚.

कोटिक      forming the highest point
     कोटिमत् edged, pointed

कोटिरः      horn-shaped hair of ascetic ichneumon.      Pressure (gnawing)

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कोटिशः, कोटिशः      harrow      Pressure (breaking)

कोटीरः      diadem, crest .. hair of ascetic.      Projection

√कोट्टः      fort, castle      Contain

कोट्टवी      see कोटरी also कौटवी

कोट्टारः      libertine      (sexuality)
     well ..      Contain. Hollowness
     stairs of a pond      do
     fortified town, stronghold.      Contain.

कोठः      ringworm.. a kind of leprosy (large round spots)

+कौट      living in one’s own house, independent
     domestic, homely
     fraudulent .. snared

+कौटः      fraud, falsehood .. perjury

+कौटकिकः, कौटिकः      a trapper, poacher
     a meatseller.

+कौटिक      belonging to a trap .. dishonest, fraudulent

+कौटिल्यं, कौटल्यं      crookedness.. dishonesty, wickedness.

+कौटिलिकः      hunter

+कौटभी, कौटीर्या      Durga

√+कौटुम्ब      belonging to the household

√+कौटुम्बं      family relationship

√+कौटुम्बिक      constituting a family


कुड्      to play, trifle cf क्रीड्, कुर्द VI.P.      ? motion

√कुडंगः      a bower, arbour (cf कुटंगकः, कुटुंगकः)

√कुडवः, कुडपः      a measure of grain (8 handfuls) (? originally a vessel)      substance or contain

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√कुडिः      body कुटिः      contain

√कुडी      hut कुटी      contain

√कुडिका      waterpot      contain.

—कुडुपः      clasp of an ornament      contain, confine

√कुड्मलः      opening bud (मल flower)      contain

√कुड्मल      expanding, blossoming

√कुड्मलं      a particular hell.

√कुड्मलित      in blossom.. smiling, cheerful

√     .. half-closed.

—कुड्यं      wall.. plastering कूड्यं      confine, enclose
     eagerness, curiosity (cf कुतूहलं)      emotion.

कुड्      VI.P. to graze
     to become firm or solid .. to      substance
     become fat.      (thickness)

कुण्      to support, aid VI.P.

कुण्      to sound. VI.P.      sound.
     √converse with, counsel, advise      sound
     X.P. कूट् (hum, whisper)
     √salute, invite X कूट् (call)      sound.

कूण्      to speak, converse      sound
     to contract, close कुंच्      pressure

कुणिः, कूणिः, कोणि      a cripple with crooked arm.
     कुणिः whitlow      pressure
     कौण्यं distortion or paralysis of the hands.      Substance (projection)

कुणकः      young animal just born.

कुणपः, -पं      corpse कौणपः goblin, demon.      Pressure (slay)

कुणपः      spear.. कौणपः      Pressure (pierce)
     foul smell, stench.      scent.

कुणारू      Vd. crying out Rv. 3.30.8.

कूणिका      horn of an animal      Projection or Penetration
     peg of a lute.      Substance or Penetration

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कोणः corner, angle ..      Penetrate, Sharpness
     bow of lute
     intermediate point (compass)
     sharp edge
     stick, staff, drumstick      Pressure
     Mars.. Saturn.
     a sort of musical instrument.

कुंड्      to burn.. maim, mutilate. I.A.      Pressure (cut)
     to eat      do
     to heap      Substance
—      to protect X.U.      Cover, enclose

—कुंडः      basin, bowl.. hole, pool      Pressure. Curve. Hollow

कुंडः      bastard      कुण्डिन्

कुंडा      Durga

कुंडकीटः      keeper of concubines.. atheist.. bastard Brahman

कुंडकीलः      a vile fellow.

कुंगोलं, -गोलकं      gruel.

—कुंडलः (-लं)      bracelet, earring .. rope-coil .. fetter, tie      curve, enclose

—कुंडलिन्      earringed .. circular, winding, coiling.      do
     a snake, peacock, spotted deer.
     Varuna, Shiva.

—कुंडलिनी      Shakti      do

कुंडलना      drawing a circle to show “omission”

—कुंडिका      pitcher.. kamandalu.      Contain

कुंडिन्      horse.      motion.

कुंडिर, कुंडीर — strong.

The Dental Group.

कुतपः      fire .. sun. cf कुंड्      Burning

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     guest ..
     daughter’s son .. sister’s son
     a musical instrument
     the eighth muhurta of the day कुतप:
     a suitable time for Sraddha कुतपं:

कुतपं      Kusha grass.

कुतुकं      desire, inclination .. curiosity, eagerness.      emotion

कुतुपः, कुतूः      small leathern oil-bottle.      Contain

कुतूहलं      desire, eagerness, curiosity .. a curiosity
     delight .. pleasure      emotion
     कूतूहलिन् desirous, eager, curious

कौतूहलं (कुतूहलं)      a solemn ceremony

कूतूहल      wonderful .. celebrated.. praised, excellent.

कुत्स्      to abuse, revile, censure
     कुत्सा, कुत्सनं abuse, reviling
     कुत्सना expression of contempt
     कुत्सित vile, mean.
     कुत्सितं censure.

कुन्तः      a lance, spear कौन्तिकः spearman, lancer      Pressure (pierce)
     small animal, insect      ? smallness
     a kind of grain      ? smallness
     passion      emotion

कुन्तलः      hair, lock      Substance (tufted, hairy)
     drinking cup      contain
     plough      pressure (break)
     barley      Substance (rough)

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     a perfume      scent.

कुंतलिका      butter knife      Pressure — pierce

कुथं, कुथः, कुथा      elephant’s housings, carpet.      Cover
कुथ्      to stink, be putrid      substance.
कुथः      Kusha grass कुशः      Penetration or Light (colour)
कोथः      putrefaction, corruption, sore, gangrene      Substance
     disease of the eyes.
     churning      Pressure

कोथ      churned, afflicted.      do

कुंथ्      to suffer pain, hurt      do
     cling to.      Contact.

कुद्दारः कुद्दालः, कुद्दालकः      spade, hoe      Pressure
     (दृ, दल् to tear, pierce)
     Kanchan tree.

कुद्दालकं      a copper pitcher      Contain

कुधलं      see कुड्मलं

कद्रंकः, कुद्रंगः      watch house
     a dwelling raised on a scaffold      projection

कुध्रः      mountain possibly for कुधरः (कुभृत् mountain, king)

कूद्दालः      mountain ebony

कूदी      fetter      hold, confine

कूदरः      son of Br. woman by Rishi, begotten during enstruation.

कोदंडः, (-डं)      bow .. (m.) eyebrow.

कोदारः      a kind of grain

कोद्रवः      a kind of grain (कोरदूषः)
     कौद्रविकं sochal salt.

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कौदालिकः      a fisherman .. man of mixed caste

ककुन्दरं      hollow bellow hips — कुकुन्दरः, कूपकः      Curve, Hollow

कुनकः      crow

कुनालिका      cuckoo.

कोनालकः, -का, -कं      an aquatic bird.

कुदः, कुंदं      a jasmine      scent or colour

कुदः      lotus .. कुदिनी a multitude of lotuses      scent or colour
     a fragrant oleander      scent
     Vishnu कुंदरः      Play?
     a turner’s lathe      curve.
     one of Kubera’s treasures.      Light (brightness)

कुंदमः      cat.      motion

कुंदुः      rat, mouse      motion.

The Labial Group.

कुप्      IV.P. to be angry, excited..      emotion
     Cs. to irritate, excite

कुप्      X.U. to shine      Light
     to speak.      sound

कोपः      anger.. morbid irritation.      emotion
कोपन      passionate, angering — physically irritating      emotion

कोपनक      angry      do
     a kind of perfume      scent.

कोपिन्      angry.. angering .. physically irritating      emotion
     a water pigeon

कुपः      Vd. the beam of a balance

कुपिन्दः      a weaver कुविन्दः      ? Curve, rolling

कुपिनी      net for small fish

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कुपिनिन्      fisherman

कुपूय      despised, contemptible .. mean.

कूप्यं      base metal.

कूपः      well.. cave, hollow.      curve, hollow
     leather oil-vessel      contain
     mooring post.. tree or rock in middle of river      projection.

कूपी      small well.. navel flask, bottle

कूपकः      well .. hole, cavity.. cave .. leather oil-vessel.      hollow, contain
     hollow below the loins ककुन्दरः      hollow
     mooring stake .. mast.. rock or tree in midst of river      (Subst) projection
     funeral pile.      (Subst) heap
     boat.      hollow, contain

कूपिका      stone or rock in mid stream.

कूप्य      in a well or hole

कूपारः      ocean कूवारः: (cf कुपिन्दः & कूविन्दः)      cover or curve, roll — cf χῦμα

कूपूषं      bladder.      substance (swelled)

कौपं      well-water

कौप      of a well.

कौपीनं      pudenda..      cover, conceal
     loin cloth.. ragged garment      cover, conceal
     sin      cover, conceal

कुबेरः      Kuvera कूवेरः

कुब्कज      humpbacked, crooked ..कौब्ज्यं      curve

कुब्जः      hump.. curved sword      curve
कब्जकः      name of a tree

कुब्जिका      eight-year old unmarried girl.

कुब्रं      forest..      substance (thick)
     hole for sacrificial fire .. ring      Curve
     cart.      contain.

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कूबर      hump-backed कूवर      curve.
     beautiful, agreeable. कूवर      play, please.

कूबरं, -रः      carriage-pole कूवर      projection

कूबरः      hunchback कूवर      curve

कूबरी      carriage-pole कूवर      projection
     carriage covered with cloth or blanket.

कूबरिन्      carriage कूवरिन्

कुंब:      woman’s headdress(?)      cover.
     upper part of club

कुंबा      a thick petticoat      cover or substance
     enclosure round sacrificial ground.      contain

कुभ्      see Appendix.

कुमारः:      boy, youth.. unmarried youth
     .. prince, Skanda, Agni.
     कुमारयति to play, sport.

कुमारकः      child ..
     pupil of the eye.

कुमारयु      prince

कुमारिका, कुमारी      girl.. virgin.. Durga.
     large cardamoms
     name of several plants.

कुमारिक, कुमारिन्      abounding in girls.

कुमुद्      white waterlily      colour
     red lotus      colour.
     unfriendly.. avaricious

कुमुदः, -दं      white waterlily .. silver (n)
     .. camphor (m)      colour
     red lotus      colour
     Vishnu कुदः, कुमोदकः      ? play, please
     the Southern elephant.
     a species of monkey.      ? play

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कुमुदिनी      white waterlily — a group of lilies

कुमुद्वत्      abounding in lotuses.

कुमुद्वती, कुमुदवती      waterlily
     collection of lilies.

कौमुदः      month Kartik.

कौमुदी      moonlighṭ. Kartika or Aswin
     full moon.

कौमोदी, कौमोदकी      Vishnu’s mace.

+कौमार      youthful.. maidenly..
     soft, tender ..

+कौमारं      childhood.. maidenhood कौमारकं

+कौमारिकः      father of girls

+कौमारिकेयः      son of unmarried woman.

कूमं      pond, pool

कोमल      soft, tender, delicate      please — play or substance
     handsome, beautiful

कोमलं      water      Substance.

कोमलकं      fibres of lotus-stalk.

कुंभ्      pitcher, jar. कुभिका funeral urn.      contain
     frontal globe of elephant.      curve
     a measure of grain      contain.
     Kumbhaka in Yoga. कुंभक      do
     paramour of harlot.      (sexuality) please, play
     a kind of heart disease.

कुंभा      harlot. कुंभिका      (sexuality)

कुंभं      fragrant resin

कुंभकः      base of a column.. Kumbhaka.

कुभिका      a disease of the eyes. (harlot, small pot)

कुंभिन्      elephant.
     crocodile      pressure (bite)

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     a fish.      ?
     a kind of poisonous insect      (do)
     a fragrant resin (गुग्गुलः see कुंभं).

कुंभिलः      housebreaker — कुभीरकः, कुंभीलः, कुंभीलकः      Pressure (break)
     wife’s brother.
     child born untimely.

कुंभी      water jar .. earthen cooking vessel.     contain
     a measure of grain      contain
     name of several plants

कुंभीकः      Punnaga tree

कुंभीका      a swelling of the eyes. कुंभिका

कुंभीर      shark      Pressure (bite)

कुंभीलः      crocodile कुंभिन्      do

Liquid roots.

कुर् or कृ
कुर्      to sound      Sound

कुरंकरः      crane      Sound

कुररः, कुरलः      osprey.      Sound

कुररी f. osprey.. ewe      Sound

कुररावं place abounding in ospreys.      Sound

कुरंगः      deer कुरंगकः, कुरंगमः      motion

कुरचिल्लः      crab कुरूचिल्लः (Rt चिल् to tear)      pressure

कुरटः      shoemaker cf कुर्वत्

कुरंटः, कुरंटकः, कुरंटिका      yellow amaranth      colour or substance

कुरंडकः      yellow amaranth      colour or substance

कुरवः, (-बः)      a species of amaranth
     कुरवकः, कुरबकः कुरूबकः      colour or substance
     n. flower of amaranth

कुरंडः      hydrocele      substance (thickness, swelling)

कुरलः      osprey .. curl, lock of hair कुरूलः

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कुरालः, कुराहः      light bay horse with black legs

कुरी      a kind of grass.

कुरीरं      a headdress for women
     copulation.      (sexuality)

कुरूः      priest (कृ to do)      action
     boiled rice. (कृ to do?) कूरः, -रं      substance or cook

कुरूविस्त      a weight of gold (700 Troy grains)

कुरूटः      a kind of pot-herb

कुरूटिन्      horse

कुरूंटः      red amaranth कुरूंडः      colour or substance

कुरूंटी      wooden doll, puppet      substance
     wife of a teacher

कुरूरंटकः      yellow or white amaranth.      colour or substance

कुरूरी      bird with plaintive cry      sound

कुरूंबं      kind of orange.      colour

कुरूलः      lock of hair      curve or substance

कुरूविन्दः      ruby.
     n. ruby.. black salt      colour

कुरः, कूरं      boiled rice      cook or substance

कुर्वत्      servant.. shoemaker.

कोरः      bud .. कोरित budded      close or substance
     moveable joint      close or substance

कोरकः bud .. lotus stalk fibre      close or substance
     a kind of perfume      scent.

कारित      ground, reduced to particles.      pressure or substance.

कोरदूषः      see कोद्रवः

कृक् or कूर्क्
कुर्कुरः      dog (कुर्?)      sound

कुर्कुटः      cock ..      sound

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कृच् or कूर्च्
कुर्चिका, कूर्विका      brush, pencil      substance
     key      penetration
     bud, blossom      substance
     inspissated milk      substance
     needle.      penetration

कूर्चः, कूर्चं      bunch, bundle.. handful of Kusha      substance
     beard .. peacock’s feather .. brush      substance
     finger & thumb for pinch.      pressure.
     upper part of nose .. hair between eyebrows      substance
     head      substance or contain
     storeroom. contain

कूर्चः (-र्चं)      deceiṭ .. bragging .. hypocrisy      deceiṭ

कूर्चिन्      stuffed, puffy      substance.

कुर्द or कृद्
कुर्द्, कूर्द्      to leap, jump, frolic      movement, play.

कुर्दनं, कूर्दनं      leaping, sporting      movement, play.

कूर्दनी      full moon of Chaitra .. festival of Kamadeva.      movement, play.

कृप् or कुर्प्
कुर्परः, कूर्परः      elbow, knee      substance (projection)

कुर्पासः, कूर्पासः      bodice कुर्पासकः (कूर्पं`)

कुर्म् or कृम्
कूर्मः      tortoise
     one of the pranas .. a nyasa of the fingers.
     कौर्म adj. of kurma.

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कुल्      to accumulate, collect I.P.
     to go on continuously
     count, reckon
     to be related .. behave as a kinsman

कुलं      house ..      contain
     race, community, family, troop, gang, nation
     body      contain
     front part      Prominence — superficies
     a blue stone      colour

कुलः      head of a guild
     कुलतः by birth

कुलक, कुलिन्      of good family कुलीन, कुल्य, कुलवत्, कुलिक, कुलीनक

कुलंभरः, कुलंभलः      a thief      contain

कुलकः      chief of guild.. craftsman of good birth
     anthill कूलकः      Projection

कुलकं      collection, multitude      कुलं
     number of verses grammatically connected
     a sort of prose composition with few compounds

कुलिकः      craftsman of good birth.. chief of guild
     kinsman      कुलं

कुलिन्      see कुलक 2. a mountain

कुलीनः      highbred horse ..      कुलं

कुलीनं      a disease of the nails.

कुल्य      relating to the house or race ..      कुलं

कुल्यः      a respectable man.      कुलं

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कुल्यं      friendly enquiry after family affairs      कुलं
     bone .. flesh.      Substance
     winnowing basket.

कुल्या      a virtuous woman      कुलं
     canal, stream.. dike, trench.      Pressure, Cut
     a measure of grain 8 dronas.      contain

कुलक्कः      cymbal      sound or pressure.
     beating time in music

कुलटः      adoptive son

कुलटा      unchaste woman

कुलत्थः      a kind of pulse

कुलत्थिका      a blue stone used as a collyrium      colour

कुलहंडकः      eddy कुलहंडकः, कूलहुंडकः

कुलांक्षुता      bitch कौलेयकः dog, hound

कुलाभिः      treasure

कुलायं      nest.. body.. place, spot..      contain
     a case, receptacle

कुलायिका      dovecot, aviary कुलालिका      contain

कुलालः      potter
     wild cock.. owl      sound

कुलाली      blue stone कुलं, कुलत्थिका      colour

कुलाहः      horse of light brown colour कुराहः

कुलाहकः      lizard

कुलिः      hand      contain, seize.

कुलिंगः      bird.. sparrow.. mouse      sound

कुलिरः (-रं), कुलीरः, कुलीरकः      crab ..      Pressure

कुलिशः, कुलिश्ं      thunderbolt.. Vd axe, hatchet(?)      Pressure
     point or end. कुलीशः, कुलीशं      Pressure

कुली      wife’s elder sister.

कुलीनसं      water      Motion

कुलीनकः      wild kidney bean

कुलुकं      fur or foulness of tongue. कुल्वकं      substance

कुलुक्कगुंजा      firebrand.

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कुल्फः, कुल्फं      a disease.

कुल्मलं      sin .. joint of arrowhead & shaft

कुलमाषः      a grain.. n. gruel

कुल्व      V. bald, bare.

कूल्      to cover, hide, screen, protect      cover
     enclose      contain
     keep off, obstruct, prevent.      shut, enclose.

कूलं      shore, bank.. slope .. edge, border. कूलकः, कूलकं      contain
     rear of army
     pond      Pressure, dig
     heap, mound. कूलकः (-कं)      substance.

कोलः      hog, boar      Pressure (gore)
     raft, boat      contain
     breast.. hip, lap      contain
     embrace      contain
     outcast, barbarian

कोलं      Tola
     black pepper
     a kind of berry

कोलपुच्छः      heron

कोलकुणः      bug

कोलंबकः      body of a lute

काला, काली कोलिः      jujube plant

कोलाहलः, -लं      uproar

कोल्या      long pepper

कौलः      a lefthand Tantric कौल्य

कौलं      lefthand Tantra

कौल      ancestral, hereditary, family कौलिक
     .. well-born. कौलीन, कौलेयक, कौल्य

कौलकेय      of good family

कौलटिनेयः son of a female beggar .. bastard
     कौलटैयः, कौलटेरः

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कौलालकं      earthenware .. (a.) of a potter.

कौलिकः      weaver ..
     impostor, heretic.. Tantric

कौलीनः      son of beggar.. Tantric

कौलीनं      evil report.. scandal.. कौलीन्यं      Substance
     scandalous act      (mixture)
c     ombat of animals.. cock fighting
     .. war, battle
     high birth.. family honor कौलीन्यं

कौलेयकः      dog, hound.

*कुकूलः      a fire of chaff

कुव (or कु)
कुवं      flower, lotus      Light, colour
     कुवलं waterlily
     कुवलयं waterlily .. blue lotus.
     कुवलयिन्, कुवलयित, कुवलयिनी
कुवेलं lotus.

कुवमः      sun *कूवर beautiful, agreeable

कुवलं      pearl ..
     water.. belly of a serpent.      motion, winding motion

कूवारः      ocean.      swelling motion

कुवाटः      fold of door कपाटः:      close & shut or hard substance

कुविंदः, (कुपिंदः)      weaver      Twisting, weaving

कुवेणी      fishbasket. Probably कु-वेणी      Roundness or Twisting

*कुवाहुलः      camel

*कोविदारः      a tree

कूवर      hunchbacked.      Crookedness.

कूवरः      a carriage pole कूवरी      Projection.

कौवेर      belonging to Kuvera

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The Sibilant Group.

कुंश्      to shine      Light — Brightness

कुष्      to shine

कुषाकुः:      sun, fire.      Fire
     कुषाकु burning, scorching

कुसुमं      flower कुसुमि, कुसुमवत् कोसुम      colour
     कौसुम flowery
     menstrual discharge कुसुमवती      colour

कौसुमं ashes of brass (used as collyrium) कुसुम: fire.      burn

कुसुम:      fire      burn

Roots in ‘ch’

(छ lost root, to cut .. cover etc .. move sharply.)

छ      pure, clean.. trembling, unsteady.

छः      a part, cutting.

छा      covering, concealing .. quicksilver (lit. swift, rushing) .. infant, child (B. छाना)

छं      house (to cover)

छात      cut, divided. P.p. of छो

छाया      shade (to cover छा or छी) .. reflection, likeness, phantom .. line, row (to cut) .. protection (to cover) .. colour, light, beauty (to shine, probably छी) .. bribe .. Durga .. shadow of gnomon .. Sun .. nightmare छायामय

छगः a goat, छागः छगलः (Atri), छगलकः (also adj, Aries), छागलः (also adj).
     छगी, छगला, छगली, छागी, छागली
     छागं goat’s milk .. an oblation.

छगणः, छगणं      dried cowdung (to cover, smear?)
     छागणं a fire of dried cowdung.

छटा      mass, number, assemblage .. continuous line, streak .. collection of light, lustre, splendour (to cut, to glitter so a group, a streak, glitter, splendour).

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छत्रः      mushroom, छत्रिका, छत्रिकं, छत्रा, छत्राकः

छत्रं      umbrella. छत्रिन् (also barber), छात्रिकः umbrella bearer

छत्रकः      Temple of Shiva; conical beehive; kingfisher (darter,swooper).

छत्वरः      house, bower, arbour (to cover).

छात्रः      pupil.. a kind of honey. (see छत्रकः)

छात्रकं      honey in the comb or hive

छद्      to cover, veil; spread.. hide.
     छदः      covering, wing, leaf, sheath, case.
     छदिः      roof of house or carriage. छादं
     छादनं      concealing.. cover, screen, leaf, clothing, darkening.
     छादनी      hide, skin.
     छादित, छत्र      (also desolate, solitary, private) छत्रं a secret.

छधन्      disguise, pretext, fraud.. thatch, roof (छधिन् छाधिकः rogue)

छन्द्      to cover .. please, gratify; be delighted in, persuade, coax. (to play)
     छनद्      pleasing, alluring .. praising .. private, solitary, secret (to cut, separate)
     छन्दः      wish, fancy, liking, whim, free will.. meaning, purport .. subjection, control .. pleasure, delight .. poison (to cut, destroy) .. appearance, look, shape (cf metre .. to cut, divide, form, shape)
     छन्दकः      protector
     छन्दन      pleasing, charming छन्दित dt gratified, pleased.
     छन्दस्      wish, fancy, will, pleasure, free will, intention
          fraud, trick (to cover)
          metre, prosody, Veda. (to cut, divide, shape).
     छन्दस्य      metrical; made at will
     छान्दसः      metrical, Vedic .. a Vedist छान्दसीय
     छान्दोमिक belonging to छनदोमस् (?)

छम्      to eat, consume. (to cut, destroy, devour?)
     छमंडः      an orphan; man without relatives

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छमप्      to go, move.

छलः      fraud, deceit .. plea, pretext, disguise .. roguery, knavery, wickedness .. fiction .. design, device, intention. (to cover, cut, hurt. cf छित्वर, छिदुर) .. family cf छलली, छलक, छलयति, छलनं, छलना, छलित, छलिन्, छलितं (swindling)

छल्लिः, छलली      bark, rind .. spreading creeper .. offspring, progeny, posterity. cf छलः

छालः, छालं      bark, bark garment.

छयु      to go, move, approach

(छि      (lost) .. to cut, make a sharp movement or sound)
     छिः      abuse, reproach.
     छिक्का      sneezing
     छित      used as P.P. of छो to cut

छिद्      to cut, lop, mow; hew, tear, pierce, split.. divide.. break, disturb .. destroy, remove, deprive

छित्ति      cutting
     छिदुर breaking, cutting.. broken, hostile, knavish छिद्र

छिद्      (ifc) .. divisor, denominator
     छिदिरः axe, fire, sword, rope. छिदा cutting, dividing
     छिदिः axe, thunderbolt .. cutting off छिद्रयति

छित्वर      fit for cutting .. hostile, fraudulent छिद्रित

     छित्र p.p. also tired, broken with fatigue
     छित्रा A strumpet

छेत्तृ      a cutter
     छेदः n. also: failure, solution, cessation, interruption, destruction, deprivation .. a cut, incision, bit, section, mark or notch, a divisor

छेदक, छेदन (also a bit, section), छेदिन्, छेघ, छेदित

छेघं      amputation

छेदि      cutting, breaking .. carpenter .. thunderbolt (छिदिः)

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छेक      tame, town-bred, shrewd, trained in town cunning (छेकाल, छेकिल)

छेकः      a bee .. a kind of assonance (गन्धानन्धीकृत्य, पावनः, पवनः) (lost Rt छिक् cf छिक्का to sting, to pierce, penetrate, so shrewd, trained, tame).

छेलकः      a goat

छेमंडः      an orphan Cm X Termination अंड as in मार्तंडः Probably abandoned, forlorn, a deserted child or foundling

छैदिकः      a cane (छिद् to cut?)

छुर्      to cut, divide .. engrave, inlay, smear, cover, mix. छुरणं, छुरा (lime), छुरिका, छुरी, छूरी, छूरिका, छोरणं (abandoning, leaving) cf Bengali छोडा, छुड् to throw

छुट्      to cut, clip off

छुड्      to cover, hide, screen — (lit. to partition off, cut, cover; cf छुर्)

छुप्      to touch.

छुपः      touch .. shrub, bush (छित्र, क्षुद्रः) .. combat, war (lit. rush, shock cf छुद्रं) .. air, wind (cf the next, lit. rushing) .. active, zealous, swift

छुबुकं      Ved. chin

छुद्रं      retaliation, counteraction .. ray of light (lit. segment)

छो      to cut, sunder .. mow, reap

छोटिका      snapping thumb & forefinger together.

छोटिन्      fisherman (one who snaps up fishes)

छोलंगः      citron, lime

छुच्छुन्दरः      musk-rat (frisking, active?)

छविः      hue, complexion, colour .. beauty, lustre .. skin, hide. (to cover, to shine)

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छूद्      kindle, shine .. play.. vomit; (caus.) pour out, spit out, eject. (to throw)

छर्द्      to vomit.
     छर्दः, छर्दनं, छर्दिः, छर्दिका, छर्दिस् vomiting

छर्दिस्      vomiting .. house, secure place or residence. (to cover)

छूष्      to pray, beg, request

The roots of the ch family are a subsection of the palatal group and have as their base of significance the guna of narrow & intense penetration, separation and fine distinction. In action their sense is to cut, split, divide, separate, in motion to dart, leap like the lightning, race, drop suddenly or dart up, throw, project, eject etc, any narrow or intense action or motion. From the sense of to cut off it comes to mean screen, hide or cover. We have छुप् in the sense of a sharp touch & by detrition of meaning simply touch, छोटिका (छुट्) snapping of thumb & forefinger. Applied to light it means a sharp glitter or intense light.



I. To cut, divide and derivate meanings; separate .. shape; destroy, consume ..
छुर्      to cut, divide, with its derivates, छुरी a knife, etc .. also to engrave.
     derivative sense .. to cover, smear, inlay, mix.

छुट्      to cut, clip off
छुपः      in the sense of shrub, bush
छो      to cut, mow, reap
छिः      abuse, reproach (figurative from the original sense)
छित      cut
छिद्      to cut, split, destroy etc, with its derivatives.
छेक, छेकाल, छेकिल      shrewd (penetrating); town-bred, trained, tame.
छेकः      a bee (to sting)
छः      a part, cutting

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छाया      line, row, streak (a cut, streak, sharply outlined impression)
छात      cut, divided.
छम्      to eat, consume
छंद      private, solitary, secret.
छंदः      poison.. shape, look, appearance
छंदस्      metre, prosody, Veda
छेमंडः, छमंडः      orphan, solitary or lone man

II. To cover (cut off, screen, separate, hide), deceive; protect
छुर्      to smear, cover, inlay, mix
छुड्      to cover, hide, screen
छविः      skin, hide
छर्दिस्      house, secure place, residence
छा      covering, concealing
दं      house
छाया      shade, with derivative meanings. Durga (protectress)
छगणं      dried cowdung (smearing, cf गोमुख)
छलः      disguise, pretext, fraud etc with its derivatives
छल्लि, छल्ली, छालं, छालः      bark, spreading creeper
छत्राः      etc mushroom
दत्रं      umbrella with derived & kindred words.
दत्वरः      a house, bower, arbour
छात्रः      a pupil (to protect)
छद्      to cover, veil etc. with its derivatives (esp. छादनी skin, छ धन् roof)
छंदकः      protector
छंद्      to cover

III. darting, leaping, to move off, go; throw, eject; quick or decisive motion or contact or sound.
छुप्      to touch
छुपः      touch; active, swift .. air, wind .. combat, war (originally charge or shock)
छुद्रं      retaliation, counteraction
छोटिका      snapping of thumb & forefinger.
छुच्छुन्दरः      muskrat
छृद्      to play (dart about) .. vomit, eject.

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छर्द्      to vomit, with its derivatives
छिक्का      A sneezing
छेलकः      a goat
छा      quicksilver छाया a bribe (to please, gratify)
छगः, छागः, छागलः      etc, a goat. छ trembling, unsteady
छंप्      to go, move
छयु      to go, move, approach
छत्रकः      kingfisher (?)
छंद्      to please, gratify (lit. play, cf रमः) with its derivatives
छूष्      to pray, request (to please, woo, flatter)

IV to glitter, shine — any sharp light
छुद्रं      ray of light
छविः      lustre, beauty; hue etc
छूद्      kindle, shine
द      pure, clean (lit. bright)
छाया      colour, light, beauty.. Sun ..
छटा      collection of light, lustre

V to collect, heap up. (either from separating a part, or from putting in place)
छटा m     ass, assemblage.

VI offspring, family (perhaps from the idea of small, little छोटा, a child or else from the idea of group; probably the first)
छा      infant, child (cf छुपः a shrub)
छल्लिः, छलली      offspring, progeny (cf Bengali ছেলে, ছানা)

Doubtful words

छुबुकं      chin. Possibly the sharp point of the face

छोटिन्      fisherman (one who snaps up or destroys)

छोलंगः      citron, lime. Rt Rt छुल् (to titillate, sting, irritate?)

छेमंडः, छमंडः      an orphan, solitary man. (to separate, cut off = forlorn, desolate, deprived, astray)

छत्रकः      kingfisher (the darter, plunger)

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Roots in ‘j’ and ‘jh’


I. To appear, become, be born etc.

ज      born from, produced, made of, belonging to.

जः      a father, birth, production

जगनुः      (-न्नु) insect .. animal

जंजन      being born again

जन्      to be born, produced, spring up, be, become, occur, be possible.
     जन: creature, man, person .. race, nation, people ..
     जना birth, production
     जनक, जनता, जनन (-नं, नः, नि, नी) जनयतिः, जनयंत, जनयिष्णुः, जनयितृ, जनिः (-नी, निका) जनित्, जनित, जनित्रं, जनित्री, जनित्वः, (-त्वा), जनिमन्, जनीति, जनू, जनुस्, जन्तुः, जातं, जातिः, जतिमत्, जाती, जातीय, जात्, जानं, जानपदः, जानपदा, जानपदी, जानपदिक, जानी, जातक, जातकः, जातकं, ज्ञातिः, ज्ञातेयं

जहुः      a young animal

जहकः      a child.

जीर्विः      body.. animal.

त्या      mother.

जीव्      to live.
     जीव (-वः), जीवक, जीवत्, जीवथ (थः), जीवन (-नः, नं), जीवनक (कं), जीवनीय (-यं), जीवित (-तं), जीवंत (-तः), जीवन्तिकः, जीवल, जीवातु, जीविका, जीविन्, जीव्यं, जीव्या जीवितव्यं

*जीवा      water, earth, means of living, life, existence.

जेन्या      well-born.

II. To open, appear, gape, stretch, expand.. be clear, known

जभ्, जंभ्      to yawn, gape.

जंभः      yawning, gaping.. explanation, interpretation

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     जंभक, जंभा, जंभिका, जंभका

जानान      knowing, understanding

जातु      at all, ever, possibly .. perhaps, sometimes .. sometime.. apparently.

ज्ञा      to know, learn, test, recognise.
     to engage in
     ज्ञ, ज्ञः, ज्ञपित, ज्ञपत, ज्ञप्तिः, ज्ञातव्य, ज्ञानं, ज्ञानमय, ज्ञानिन्, ज्ञानित्वं, ज्ञानीयति, ज्ञापक (-कः, -कं), ज्ञापनं, ज्ञापित, ज्ञीप्सा, ज्ञेय, जिज्ञासा, जिज्ञासित, जिज्ञासु

जेन्य      genuine, true.

जेह्      to open the mouth, pant, gasp

ज्यो      to advise, instruct

जृंभ्      to gape, yawn.. open, expand.. increase, spread, stretch .. appear, be manifest .. be at ease .. recoil.
     जृंभः (-भ, -भं), जृंभकः, (-कं), जृंभण (-णं), जृंभित (-तं)

जंबुकः      Varuna

III. To grow, be luxuriant

जंबालः      Ketaka plant .. moss.
     जंबालिनी river.

जंबीरः      citron tree (जंभः, जंभिन्)

जंबीरं      citron

हंबु (-बू)      rose-apple.

जंबुकः, जंबुकी      rose-apple tree. जंबुमत्, जंबुमती

जंबुलः      a tree, Ketaka plant.

जवसः      pasture grass.

जवा, जपा      China rose.

जाती      jasmine plant जातिः (also nutmeg)

जालः      Kadamba tree.

जालं, जालकं      unblown bud.

जालकं (जालिका)      plaintain tree.

जालमिनी      ewe. (fleecy)

जर्जरं      moss.

IIIa. To be thick, close, plentiful, abundant

ज्यायस्      larger, greater .. surpassing, excelling .. elder, senior
     ज्येय, ज्येष्ठ (-ष्ठ, -ष्ठं, -ष्ठा) ज्यैष्ठ्, ज्यायिष्ठ

जालं (जालकं)      collection, assemblage, mass .. pride, arrogance

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(ostentation, pomp)
     जालिकः governor of a province.

जटिः      assemblage, multitude.

जोषिका      cluster of young buds.

IV To cover, protect, conceal .. deceive, cheat.

जंस्      to protect.

जगदः      attendant, guardian

जगरः      armour जगलं

जगल      roguish, tricky, knavish

जघनं      pudenda; hips, buttocks; rear, rearguard.
     जघनिन्, जघन्यं (penis).
     जघन्य low, base, vile .. hindmost, last.
     जघन्यः Sudra.

जठर      belly, stomach .. womb .. hole, cavity, bosom, disease of bowels

जठलं      cavity, receptacle.

जंभः      a quiver

जवनिका      screen, curtain, sail

जालं      nest .. net, snare .. coat of mail .. magic, illusion
     जालिकः (-का), जालकं (-कः), जालवत्

जालकिन्      a cloud

जर्त्स्      to protect

जर्तु      vulva.

V. To be thick, firm, hard, prominent; matted, tangled; numb, inert, cold.

जंगलः (-लं)      forest, desert जंगल

जंगालः      ridge over field, landmark.

जंगलं (-लः)      flesh, meat. जंगल (-लः, -लं)

जट्      to clot, become matted or twisted.
     जटा, जट, जटायुः, जटिः, जटी, जटिन्, जटिल, जटिलः, जटालक, जटिक

जटा      a fibrous root.. root, branch.

जटालः      Indian figtree (जटिः, जटी) .. bdellium.

जटिन्      waveleafed figtree (प्लक्षः) .. elephant 60 years old.

जटिला      long pepper

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जंबालः      mud, mire जंबः

जुटकं      a braid of hair.

जूटः, जूटकं      matted hair.

जूः      a mark on forehead of cattle

जटुलः      freckle, mark

जत्रु      collarbone

जानु      knee

जाठर      hard, stiff, firm.. old.

जरठ      hard, solid.. hardhearted, cruel.

जफरूथं      flesh.

जाटिंगः      Shiva .. a devotee of rigid austerities.

जड      cold, frigid, chilly .. numbed, dull, inert .. dumb, dull witted, apathetic .. numbing, stupefying
     जडः cold, frost, winter.. dullness, stupidity
     जडं water .. lead.
     जडता, जडयति, जडिमन् जाडां

जलं      water, *(embryo of cow, Purvashadha)
     जलाष (जालाषं) water .. healing (cooling) .. happiness

जामिः      water.

जिह्म      slow, lazy.

VI To bind, attach etc .. pursue, study

जठर      bound, tied.

जुड्      to bind. जोडः

जोडः      to observe a religious obligation.

जुष्      to reason, think .. investigate, examine.

जाहं      joint.

VII. To be in pairs, together, repeated; to enjoy sexually, to love, pity; to enjoy, be pleased, satisfy etc .. any close relation

जायिन्      the burden of a song, refrain.

जकुटं      a pair

*जित्मः (जितुमः, जित्तमः)      Gemini.

जामिः      tautology.

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जभ्, जंभ्      to copulate.

जंपती      husband & wife

जाया      wife जानिः

जनिः      wife, daughter-in-law (cf वधू)

जामा      daughter; daughter-in-law

जामातृ      son-in-law.. lord, master (husband) *sunflower.

जामि      customary, usual (go together) .. peculiar to, belonging to (go with).

जामिः      sister .. daughter .. daughter-in-law .. near female relation .. virtuous woman .. relationship. जामेयः
     *जामित्रं seventh or wife’s house in the horoscope.

जारः      paramour, lover (जारी, जारिणी)

जरा      praise; greeting, invoking (जृ to woo) जरणा

जिन्व्      to please, satisfy .. grant, bestow.

जुष्      to be pleased, gratified, favourable .. to like, enjoy, choose .. to possess .. to practise, frequent, visit.
     जुष्, जोषः, जुष्यं, जष्ट (-ष्टं), जोषणं (-णा)

जोषा      woman जोषिका

जः      enjoyment

जन्या      pleasure, happiness .. affection

जनः      Janaloka (Anandaloka)

जननी      mercy, compassion, tenderness.

ज      swift

जः      speed, swiftness.

जतुः, जतूः      a bat जतुका, जतूका, जतुनी

जव      swift (जबव, जचप (-नः, -नं), जवनिमन्, जवस्, जुवस्, जविन्, जविन, जावन्यं)

जस्      to go.

*जिवाजिवः      chakora.

ज्रि      to go

जेष्      to move, go

जेह्      to go towards, reach.. strive after.. pant, gasp

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जुड्      to go; send, throw, cast, direct

जुन्      to go, move

जू      to press, hurry on, urge.. impel, drive.. excite, animate.
     जू, जूः, जूत, जूतिः

ज्यु      to go near, approach

जंघा      leg, shank.. thigh .. part of bedstead
     जंघाल (-लः), जंघिल, जांघिक (-कः)

जाघनी      tail, thigh.

जिव्ह      tongue

जिव्हा      tongue; sentence

जिन्व्      to be active, lively .. urge, impel, excite .. animate, promote.

जिष्      to sprinkle.

जीर्विः      cart.

*जीवा      water, earth

*जीवथः      peacock.. a cloud.

ज्यानिः      river, stream.

जैत्रः      quicksilver.

जर्जरं      Indra’s banner.

जस्      to let go, free, release.

जहक      abandoning, leaving.

ज्यानिः      quitting, abandoning.

जुंग्      to abandon, quit .. exclude, set aside जुंगित (-तः)

जंस्      to liberate, release.

जहकः      slough of snake.

Strong or violent Contact, Pressure.

I. To hurt, kill, injure, destroy
जः      poison.. imp, goblin

*जघ्रिः      weapon

जघ्रु      striking, killing

जंगुलं      poison, venom jA~g~ l
     जांगुली, जांगुलिः, जांगलिः, जांगलिकः

जष्      to hurt, injure, kill

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जस्      to hurt, injure, strike.

जसुः      weapon.

जहकः      Time

जातूः      thunderbolt

जाल्म      cruel, harsh, rash जाल्मः, जाल्मक

जिः      demon

जिव्रिः      Time

जिरि      to kill, hurt.

जीतिः      decrease, loss.

ज्यानिः      deprivation, loss

जुष्      to hurt

जूर्      to hurt, injure, kill .. to be angry with

जूर्व्      to hurt, injure, kill

जूष्      to hurt, kill.

जूः      a female demon.

II. To fade, perish, decay, grow old .. be exhausted, weary.
जस्      to be exhausted, tired जस्रं, जसुः

जिह्म      dim, pale-coloured.

जीतिः      fading away

जै      to wane, decline, perish

जुर्      to waste, decline, perish .. become old.
     जुर्, जूर्ण

जूर्      to grow old.

जृ      to wear out, decay, perish, break to pieces, dissolve, be digested .. grow old
     जारक, जारण (-णं), जरण्ड, जरझया, जरत्, जरती, जरतिका, जरतः, जरा, जरित, जरिन्, जरिमन्, जर्जर, जर्जरित, जर्जरीक, जर्ण, जर्णः, जीर्ण, जीर्णक, जीर्णिः, जीर्णा

जिन      very old

जीतिः      growing old

ज्या      to grow old. ज्यीत, ज्यानिः

ज्रि      to grow old.

III. To pierce, divide.
जित्या      a ploughshare

जित्यः      a harrow

जीरः      sword .. cumin seed .. an atom

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जरणं      cumin seed जीर्णः (-र्णा), जीरकः, जीरणः

जीर्विः      an axe.

जंभः      a part, portion.

IV. To bite, snap, eat, consume
जक्ष्      to eat, consume, destroy.

जक्षणं, जक्षिः      eating, consuming

जग्ध      eaten जग्धं, जग्धिः

जंभ्      to snap at .. crush, destroy.

जम्      to eat. जमनं

जंबूकः (-की)      a jackal.. low man

जंभः      jaws, tooth .. biting, eating .. chin. जंभक

जाहकः:      leech

जालाका      leech
     जलिका, जलालुका, जलूका, जलुका, जलोका, जलोकिका

जिव्रिः      a bird

विम्      to eat. जेमनं

जकुटः      a dog जुकुटः

V. To grind, pound, press out
जुड्      to grind or pound

जुल्      to reduce to powder, grind, pound.

जूषः (-षं)      water of boiled pulse.

VI. To bend, twist.
जिह्म sloping, oblique, crooked, wry .. dishonest जैह्मयं
जीवा bowstring .. chord of arc.
ज्या bowstring.. chord of arc

VII. To ridicule, slight, laugh, censure, threaten
जक्ष्      to laugh.

जन्यं      censure, abuse

जंबूलं      jesting at a bridal.

जस्      to disregard, slight.

जर्च्, जर्झ्, जर्त्स्      threaten, menace, blame, censure.

VIII. To overpower, oppress, fight, conquer, excel.
ज      victorious, conquering

जः      a conqueror

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जज्, जंज्      to fight

जजः, जंजः      warrior, fighter. जाजिन्

जनमेजयः      Janamejaya (conqueror in battle)

जन्यं      war, battle

जयंतः      Son of Indra; Shiva, Vishnu.

जयंती      daughter of Indra .. Durga .. flag, banner .. Dasera barley.

जि      to conquer, win, surpass.. *expect from (exact)
     जय, जयः जया, जयक, जयत्सेनः, जयद्वलः, जयनं, जयिन्, जरूय, जायिन्, जिगीषा, जिगीषु, जित, जित्, जितिः, जित्य, जित्या, जित्वन्, जित्वर (-री), जिष्णु, जेतृ, जिन, जैनः, जीतिः, जेन्य, , जैत्र (-त्रः, -त्रं)

ज्या      to overpower, oppress. जीत, ज्यानं, ज्येय, ज्या (overpowering force, importunity)

ज्रि      to overpower, conquer

जृ      to excel, to humiliate

IX. To burn, be hot, glow.. heat.
जगनुः (-त्रः)      fire.

जल्हुः      fire.

जंजन      burning

ज्वर्      to be hot with fever .. to be diseased.
     ज्वरः, ज्वरा, ज्वरित, ज्वरिन्

     ज्वल् to blaze, burn brightly, glow, shine.
     ज्वल, ज्वलका, ज्वलन (-नं), ज्वलित, ज्वाला, ज्वालिन्

जूर्व्      to burn

जूर्तिः      fever .. feverish heat.


Light, Colour
जः      lustre

जयंतः      moon

*जायकं      a kind of yellow fragrant wood

जुत्      to shine

ज्युत्      to shine
     ज्योतिस्, ज्योतिर्मय, ज्येातिष (-षः, -षं), ज्योतिषिकः, ज्योतिष्कः (-ष्कं), ज्योतिषी, ज्योतिष्मत्, ज्योत्स्ना (-त्न्सी), ज्यौत्स्न (-त्स्नः, त्स्नी)

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ज्यौः      Jupiter.

जतु, जतुका, जतुकं      lac. जंतुका, जननी


जापकं      a kind of fragrant wood (cf जायकं above)
*जातिः      nutmeg.
जहका, जाहकः      a pole-cat.
जोंगं, जोंगकं      aloe wood.


जज्झ्      to make a dashing sound

जप्      to mutter, repeat
     जप (-पः), जपनं, जप्य (-प्यः, -प्यं), जापक, जाप्य, जंजपूक

जल्प्      to speak, talk.. murmur.. babble, chatter.. praise.
     जल्पः, जल्पक, जल्पन (-नं), जल्पिः, जल्पितं

जीवा      tinkling of metallic ornaments

जर्च्, जर्झ्, जर्त्स्      to say, speak.

Conjectural Derivation
जग्      to be thick
जग्      to taste strong.

Doubtful Words.
जगलं      cow-dung

जगलं, -लः      a liquor

जातूकर्णः      Shiva.

जातुधानः      imp, demon

जापनं      declining, rejecting ..
     dismissal, completion.

जाबालः      a goatherd

जांबवं      gold जांबूनदं (Dhattura).

जाहकः      bed, cot

जीनः      a leather bag

जीमूतः      a cloud.. mountain..
     nourisher, sustainer ..

ज्येष्ठा, ज्येष्ठी, ज्यैष्ठी      a small house lizard

जेन्ताकः      heated chamber; dry hot bath

जकुटः, जुकुटः      Malay mountain

जोंगटः      longings of pregnant women

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जर्तिलः      wild sesamum

जर्हिलः      wild sesamum

जर्तुः      elephant

जीर्णः      a tree जर्णः

जीर्णं      Benzoin.

To be thick, matted, tangled (झ V. III a)

झट्      to become matted, confused, entangled
झाटः      arbour, thicket.
झाटी      jasmine-plant झाटा, झाटिका
झुंटः      tree, shrub, bush.
झूणिः (-लिः)      thicket .. betel nut.
झोंडः      betel-nut tree
झषः      forest, wood, jungle.

झः      wind & rain, hurricane cf Beng. झड, झटिका
झंझा      wind & rain, gale, hurricane.
झगति      quickly, at once झटिति
झा      cascade, waterfall cf Beng. झरणा
झरः (-रा, री)      cascade, spring, fountain, stream.
झंपः      spring, jump, leap.
झपिन्, झपाकः, झंपारू      a monkey, ape
झर्झरवती      Ganges.
झषः      a fish.
झल्लोलः      ball at end of spindle.
झयु      to go, move.

Contact, Pressure
To hurt, destroy; eat; waste, grow old; heat, burn; bend; censure; fight; rub.

झर्च्      to injure

झष्      to hurt, kill.

झर्झरकः      Kaliyuga

झ      lost, destroyed .. asleep, sleeping

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झंझा      anything lost

झः      a thing lost or mislaid

झम्      to eat, consume

झृ      to grow old

झर्झरा      harlot, whore.

To heat, burn

झषः      heat, warmth Rt झष् to hurt, burn
झामकं      burnt brick. Rt झम् to burn.
झिंगिनी      a torch, firebrand Rt झिंग् to shine, burn
झिंझिमः      a forest on fire Rt झिंम् to burn
झिल्ली      burnt rice. Rt झिल्ल् to shine, burn.

To bend
झल्लरा, -री      a curl, lock of hair
झर्झरः      a cane staff.

To censure
झर्च्      threaten, menace .. blame, censure.

To fight
झल्ल      prize fighter

To rub
झल्लिका      a rag for rubbing on colours or perfumes — dirt rubbed off by the application
     झिल्लिका, झिल्लिका, झिल्ली,

झाटः      cleaning sores cf Beng. झाडा to sweep, झांटा a broom.
झामरः      small whetstone for sharpening needles.

*झला      girl, daughter O.A Rt झल्, झल्ल् to shine, be beautiful

झला      sunshine, light, splendor     do

झल्लिका      light, lustre, splendour     do

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झिल्लीका      sunshine Rt झिल्, झिल्ल् to shine, burn.

झिल्लीका      sunlight, light, splendour झिल्ली      do

झल्लरा      purity; moisture Rt झल्ल् to shine

झल्लकण्ठः      pigeon.      do

झः      jangling, clanking etc .. beating time

झंकारः      a low murmuring sound, buzzing, tinkling, twanging etc

झंकारिणी      Ganges

झंझनं      jingling, clanking, rattling, ringing.

झंझा      clanking etc

झणझणं (-णा)      jingling sound झण्त्कारः, झणझणायित

झर्झरः -री      a sort of drum, cymbal

झर्झरं      sound of splashing or dropping


जृ (जृ्) The fundamental sense of this root seems to be a sudden and violent breaking out into aggressive existence, movement, action, emotion, contact, sound, or a hard & aggressive condition.

जृ      to make low or humiliate .. to excel.

जृ      to grow old, wear out, decay, perish, be consumed, to be dissolved or digested, break or fall to pieces.

जारक      causing to decay, digestive

जारणं      a wasting; a digestive or condiment; stimulation of digestion; calcination.

जारः      paramour, lover .. intimate friend

जारिणी      adulteress जारी Durga

Derivatives of जृ
जर      old, aged, worn out, decaying (tr. intr), consuming

जरः      wearing out, wasting .. destruction

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जरठ      old, aged, decrepit.. bent, drooping, pale, yellow, hard-hearted, cruel.

     hard, solid.. ripe, mature

जरठः      old age.

जरण      old, aged, decrepit.. digestive

जरणः      cummin seed

जरणा      old age, praise

जरंड      decayed, old

जरण्या      (Vedic) old age.

जरत्      old, aged, decrepit, an old man.

जरती, जरतिका      an old woman

जरतः      an old man .. a buffalo.

जरा      age, decrepitude .. digestion
     praise, invoking

जरायु      slough.. outer skin of embryo .. afterbirth uterus, womb.

जरित      old, decayed.

जरिन्      old .. an old man.

जरिमन्      Vd. old age, decrepitude

जरूथं      flesh.

जरूध      speaking harshly.

जर्णः      old, decayed.. the moon.. a tree.

जर्तुः      vulva .. an elephant.

जूर्      to hurt, injure, kill .. be angry .. grow old
     जूर्णिः speed     जूर्णिः praising, invoking
          The Sun swift, speedy
          A fiery weapon
          The body.
     जूर्ति: fever .. morbid heat

जूर्व्      Ved. to hurt, kill .. burn

जृंभ्, जृभ्      open, expand, burst open..
     increase, extend, spread.
     appear, rise

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     be at ease
     recoil, fly back

जृंभः, -भा, भं      yawning, gaping .. opening, blossoming ..
     expansion, bursting open

जृंभकः      yawner (a demon) ..
     (-कं) swelling

जृंभिका      yawning, gaping

जृंभणं      gaping, yawning, stretching of limbs; blossoming.
     (-ण) causing to gape or yawn.

जृभित      yawning.. open, expanded.. blown.. enlarged done, exerted..
     (-तं) gaping, opening, expansion, blooming .. developing, coming into view

Roots in ‘ṭa’, ‘ṭha’, ‘ḍa’, ‘ḍha’

Pressure —

I. With division. a. To cut, split etc .. dig
टंक्     (with उद्) to scrape, scratch, bore or pierce through ..
    (Rt. by itself, to cover, bind).

टंकः (-कं)     hatchet, axe, stone-cutter’s chisel; sword; a chasm, cleft; spade, hoe

टंगः, -गं     spade, hoe.

टुंटुक     vile, cruel .. harsh (cf दारूण)

टंकिका     hatchet.

टारः     a catamite.

टं     a hollowed cocoanut.

b. A member, part, limb.. small, little.
टः     a quarter or fourth part.
(?) टंकः(-कं, -का)     leg टंगा B. … (ठंग) More probably to stand.
    टः a dwarf.
    टोट small, little टुंटुक

II. With impression. To stamp, touch, mark.
टगरः     an object of sense (lit. impression, expressing)

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टंकः, टंकं     a stamped coin. टंककः

टिप्पणी (-नी), टीका     gloss, commentary (lit. to mark).

III. With deflection. Crooked, wry.
टेर, टेरक     squint-eyed.

टगर     squint-eyed

IV. With restraint. To bind, fasten
टंक्     to bind, fasten.
    टंकनं binding, tying.

V. Formative. To make, form
टुः     One who changes shape at will (probably a name of Twashtri)


I. To stand; abide; be firm     टक्कर Shiva

टा      an oath (cf धर्म etc)     टंकटीकः Shiva

टंकः      leg (-कं, -का, -गा)      B. []Bengali Text]

टंकः (-कं)      slope of a hill, declivity, peak. Cf तट

? टंकः (-कं)      wood-apple tree .. its fruit. Possibly from taste.

टा      the earth.

Concealment.. Covering.. Containing.
टंक्      to cover.

टंकः (-कं)      the sheath of a sword

To Move.

I. With idea of Pressure.
टिप्      direct, throw, cast. टॆपनं      (sending, casting)
     Bg. To press

टिक्      to move, go. टारः      a horse.

टीक्      to move, go, resort to. टंकणः, टंकनः      a kind of horse

टंकटीकः      Shiva.

टगरः      wanton play, sport.
टांकरः      libertine, lecher.

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टल्, ट्वल्      to be disturbed, confused Bg. to stagger, be shaken.

टलः, टालः, टलनं      confusion

टगरः      confusion

टंकः, -कं      anger, pride.

टंकारः      surprise, wonder.

टुः      the god of love.

ट:      twang.

टंकारः      twang.. howl, cry, shout.. rumour, fame.

टंकारिन्      twanging.

टट्टनी      small house-lizard.

टट्टरी      musical instrument .. kettledrum .. jest (lit. laughter); so, lie.

टट्टुरः      sound of a drum.

टांकारः      clang, twang.

टिट्टिभः      a kind of bird.

टुः      gold.

टगरः      borax.

अंकः, -कं, टंकणं, -नं      borax.

टंगः, टंगं      borax

टांकं      spirit of wood-apple

टंकः (-कं)      wood-apple fruit.. the tree.

टुः      One who changes his shape at will — (fickle, changing?)
     Perhaps to make.

I With bending.. or else, formation
ठ:      circle, globe .. disc of the sun .. a cypher.

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II. With restraint. To bind, fasten
ठालिनी      a girdle.

III. Impression
ठः      an object of sense.

ठारः      hoarfrost

ठः      a place, sacred or frequented.

ठक्कुरः      idol, deity (ठ:), Shiva.. a title of honour.

ठ:      a loud noise

ड:      a sound; a kind of drum or tabor.

डक्कारी      the lute of the Chandalas.

डम्      to sound

डमरः      tumult.. affray, riot.. intimidation by shouting.

डमरं      rout, panic flight.

कामरः      uproar, riot, rout.. turmoiḷ. riotous, tumultuous.. any surprising or disturbing sight.

डमरूः      a small drum.

डांकृतिः      the clang of a bell

डिंडिमः      a kind of small drum.

डिम्बः      affray, riot, sound of terror.

डंब्      to throw, send

डिप्, डिंप्      to throw, send, direct. डी      to fly, push through the air .. go.

डीन      flown      डीनं flight डिंगरः throwing, casting forth

डी      to fly, push through the air .. go.

डीन           flown डीनं flight

डयनं      flight.. a palanquin (conveyance)

डलकं, डललकं      sling, basket. Cf Bg. ढल् to sway, दुल् etc.

डिंडीरः, डिंउिरः      foam; (also a cuttle fish bone).

डा      a sling basket.

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I Formation, Production, Collection, Solidity.

डामर      resembling (beautiful)

डंबरः      collection, mass .. show, pomp, arrogance .. resemblance.

डप्, डंप्, डंभ्, डिप्, डिंप्      to collect.

डीन      flown      a wooden antelope.

डित्थः      a wooden elephant.. an admirable Crichton.

डिंभः      a fool, blockhead.

डिंबः      globe, ball, egg .. chrysalis.. spleen, uterus .. embryo.

डिंभः, डिंभकः      a young child, cub. डिंभा, डिंभिका

डिंबिका      a lustful woman.

डुंडुमः      a snake (not poisonous) .. (to coil cf ढ:)

डिंगरः      a fat man.

II Injuring, Killing, etc
डिम्      to hurt, injure

डिंगरः      a knave, cheat.. depraved fellow.. an insult. (? throwing, casting forth).

डः      Shiva

डा, डाकिनी      a she-goblin, Demoness.

डामर      terrible.

III Binding.
डोरः      thread, string.

IV. Fixity.
डंब्      to order .. to behold (fix with the gaze)

V. Heat, Burning
डः      submarine fire.

Disturbance, Agitation
I Physical
ड्वल्      to mix

डमः, डामरः, डोमः, डोम्बः      a Dom (or else like Chandala)

ड:      fear

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डाहुकः, डुंदुकः      gallinule.

डुंडुलः      a small owl

डिक्करी      a young woman

डिंगरः      servant

डंबर      famous, renowned.

डिमः      one of the ten kinds of drama

डाहलः      N. of a people.

ढः a large drum, a sound.
ढक्का a large double drum
ढौलः a large drum, tabor.

Motion (pressure)
ढुंढनं seeking, investigation
ढुढिः Ganesha.
ढौक् go, approach .. (cs. to present, offer)
B. ढुक् to push in, enter.
ढौकनं offering, present, bribe.

I Bending
ढ:      a dog’s tail

II Biting
ढ:      a dog; serpent.

III Covering
ढक्का      disappearance. B. ढाक् to cover.
ढालं      shield ढालिन् a shielded warrior

ढक्का      A coveting.

ढामरा      goose.

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The Root ‘dal’

[1] Sanscrit.

दल्      to burst open, split, cleave, crack. दलयति, दालयति. Lt deleo.
Cs. to cause to burst, tear
to expand, bloom, open asunder.
cut, divide, split.
to dispel, drive or chase
to wither.

दलः, दलं      tearing, cutting
a piece, portion, detachment, body of troops.
fragment. clump, heap, quantity.
a degree .. a half.
the blade of a weapon shoot, blade, petal, leaf.
scabbard, sheath
alloy, adulteration

दलनं      bursting, breaking, cutting, dividing, splitting.
     crushing, grinding.

दलनी, दलिः      a clod

दलशः      by pieces, in fragments.

दलिकं      a piece of wood, timber.

दलित      broken, torn, burst, rent, split. Bisected
     opened, expanded manifested, displayed
     driven asunder, dispelled, scattered
     crushed, trodden down, destroyed.

दलपः      a weapon

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दल्भः      wheel
     fraud, dishonesty, sin.

दल्मिः      Shiva ..
     Indra’s thunderbolt.

दाल्मिः      Indra.

दालं      a kind of wild honey

दालनं      tooth-ache.

दालिमः      pomegranate-tree.

[2] Greek.

δóλoς      treachery, fraud, falsehood, deceit .. trick, artifice, deception, cheat.

δoλερóς      cunning, crafty .. deceitful, fraudulent, treacherous.

δoλερῶς      deceitfully, treacherously, artfully

δoλɩóω      to deceive, beguile, betray; practise fraud.

δóλɩoς      treacherous, crafty, deceitful.

δoλίως      craftily, deceitfully.

δoλóεɩς      crafty, deceitful

δóλoψ      spy, scout, sentinel .. lier in wait, assassin.

δoλóω      to act deceitfully; to deceive; circumvent, over-reach, beguile, ensnare, flatter, seduce .. corrupt, adulterate, falsify. (cf दलः adulteration).

δóλων      dagger, poniard .. topsail.

δóλωσɩς      deceiving, imposition, deception .. cheat, fraud, artifice, plot.

*δoλɩχóς      long; tedious, prolix. दीर्घः (?)

*δoλɩχóν     for a long time, far, afar.

*δoῦλoς      slave δoύλƞ, δoυλóω, δoυλεύω, δoυλoσύνƞ, δoυλεíα, δoύλεɩoς, δoυλɩχóς, δoυλóσυνoς, δoύλευμα, δoυλάρɩoν. दसुलः (?)

δαλóς      torch, firebrand .. flash, brightness .. light, lamp.


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δƞλαδή     clearly, certainly, undoubtedly.

δἣλóς     visible, manifest .. clear, evident, apparent .. notorious, well-known, certain, sure .. transparent, pellucid .. shining, bright.

δƞλóω      to manifest, make appear, show .. declare, express, reveal, discover.

δήλωμα      sign, token, mark, symptom.

δήλως      visibly, clearly .. plainly, manifestly.

δήλωσɩς      manifestation, revelation, declaration, discovery .. brightness, brilliancy, transparency.

δƞλέω      destroy, waste, lay waste .. injure, hurt, offend .. corrupt, violate, debauch .. to trick, deceive, beguile.

δήλƞμα      injury, hurt, destruction; mischief, offence.

δƞλήμων      hurtful, pernicious, destructive .. destroyer, ravager

δήλƞσɩς injury, infliction of hurt .. destruction, ruin.

δƞλƞτήρ      destroyer .. destructive.

δƞλƞτήρɩoν      poison, venom.

δƞλƞτήρɩoς      destructive .. poisonous, deadly.

δƞλή      wish, will, desire, inclination

δήλoμαɩ      I wish, will, desire.


deleo      to destroy, annihilate, abolish .. efface, erase.

deletrix      that which destroys

dolabra      an axe, hatchet, military implement.

dolo      hew with axe .. work with axe or sharp weapon.

dolo, dolonis      wooden staff with iron point .. sting .. small foresail.

dolus      fraud, deceit, guile, trick.

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dolosus      crafty, deceitful, cunning.

dolose      deceitfully, craftily.

doleo      to suffer pain, grieve, bewail .. to grieve, cause pain

dolenter      painfully, sorrowfully.

dolor      pain, anguish; grief, sorrow; cause of sorrow.

dulcis      sweet, pleasant, agreeable cf δƞλή, δƞλoμαɩ.

dulce      sweetly

dulcedo      sweet taste .. sweetness, charm .. desire.

dulcesco      to become sweet

dulciculus      somewhat sweet.

dulciter      sweetly

dulcitudo      sweetness.

dolium      a cask, jar cf दलः scabbard, sheath.

doliolum      a small cask


தலம்      St दलः, दलं.

தலாடகம்      fossé .. sésame sauvage .. ouragan
     दल् to bloom.

தலிதம் chose fendue, brisée, déchirée .. ce qui est fleuri, épanoui दलित
தல்லம் creux, fossé .. étang, réservoir. तल्लः
தல்லு accouplement, union.

தழும்பு cicatrice, empreinte de baguette, blessure .. faute, tache, erreur de langue.
தழுதழுத்தல் , -ழுப்பு bredouillement, bégaiement. vb. to chitter, stammer
தழும்புகிறது to be scarred, to make a mistake (se tromper).

தழுவல் embracing, caress, copulation .. acceptance

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தழுவு embrassement, brassée. vb. to embrace, surround, accept .. press on the bosom .. s’accoupler, se mêler.

தழை feuillage; jeune branche; jet, rejeton, pousse, feuille ..
ombrelle de plumes, queue de paon
vb. pousser des feuilles, pousser, bourgeonner,
croître, s’étendre, prospérer.

தழைகை, -க்கை pousse, bourgeonnement, croissance, végétation.

தழைதல், -த்தல், -ப்பு, -வு fertilité, abondance, augmentation ..
état florissant, bonheur, prospérité.

taḷataḷakkiṛatu      to shine, sparkle, glitter ..
     to soften

taḷataḷattal, -appu      brilliance, glitter .. softening.

taḷukku      splendour, lustre, brilliance; nose-ornament .. density
     vb. to shine, gleam, polish .. beat, to unite (rendre
une en battant)

taḷappaṭi      fatigue, lassitude .. tottering .. failure, unease, peine

taḷappam      relaxation, weakness, misery, peine; mediocrity.

taḷampal      agitation, fluctuation, trembling .. écluse, vanne.

taḷampu      écluse, vanne.

taḷampu      vb. to be agitated, float, vacillate, tremble .. be irresolute, uneasy, in distress.

taḷaru      vb. intr. to relax, soften, be undone, weaken, totter, vacillate; hesitate, be cowardly, indolent, lax, soft, disconcerted, afflicted.

taḷarchchi      cowardice, idleness, relaxation, slowness; softness, flaccidity, languor, weakness, meagreness, distress; old age.

taḷarttu      vb. tr. to relax, loosen, undo, disband, soften, weaken.

taḷarvu      relaxation, tottering, decay, softening, weakness, nonchalance, loss of vigour.

taḷḷamáṛu      vb. to totter, stagger, hesitate.

taḷḷáṭu      to vacillate, totter, sway, lean.

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taḷḷáṭal, taḷḷáṭṭam      tottering, agitation, decrepitude.

taḷam      leaf, petal

taḷir      bouton, bourgeon, pousse, rejeton, jet.
     vb. bourgeonner, pousser

Roots in ‘n’


निद् नेष्टा - नेष् is to move. We have also निशा night, B. नेशा intoxication, surrender to some form of vicious ecstasy, निद्रा, नीर water, नी to lead; नि in, on; नु, नू now, नु, नट etc. Sg. idea of inwardness, penetration,—absorption, ecstasy,—state of inclusion or rest, motion of entering or with a view to enter, so to move, lead, bring, push; regular purposeful motion (नट्, नड् ); नद, नदी movement forward in the current; नभः , nubes, नाक pushing movement in the sky of the clouds. निद्, निद्रा, निशा going inwards into the self, state of absorption, ecstasy, quivering or ecstatic motion, नृत्, नर्त् . Anything deep, intense, नील blue

Roots in ‘p’

Rt. प, (पा) and the derivative roots.

Root. प — पा
..........pais, paidos—boy, girl, child .. son, daughter .. slave, servant .. OS पैः or पयिः Root प to be able, strong, so master, govern. Original meaning a slave; then a boy or girl slave. The genitive ......... is पयिदः from पयित्, Rt पि (cf पिता) with the same sense as p, but also meaning, to beget, nurture, protect, cherish. पयित् means of the nature of पयि , subject, childish, with other derivative meanings, also a nursling, pupil, child, ward, pet, favourite. पै, पयिः, पयित् have all a passive significance.
..........—a little child, little boy, servant. OS पयिदल्यम् . The terminations ल and ल्य with the enclitic अ, इ or उ give either an adjectival or a diminutive sense.
(…….) infantile, childish. यिदल्योदाः . The termination ओदाः or ओदः gives invariably an adjectival sense.

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(……..) childish, boyish. OS पयिदायः — अयः, आयः, इयः, ईयः, उयः, ऊयः are all adjectival terminations.

Roots in ‘m’

म् Family

Fundamental significance—Finality.

Substantive ideas—Limit; limitation; close, end; confinement; closed space; movement in closed space, on fixed lines or to a goal; close or deep sound; extreme limit, superlativeness in quality; limitation off, rejection, discharge; close contact, compactness.

Specific meanings.

1ṣṭ class. Measurement by limitation. To limit, outline, define, measure, assign, assort, arrange, make, construct, display.

2ḍ. class. Confinement. To contain, embrace, comprise, enfold, confine, bind, be concave, hollow, have capacity; be confined, limited, narrow, dull.

3ḍ. class.Close contact. To be massed, massive, compact.

4ṭḥ class. Limitation, finality. Close, ending. To close, end, die, diminish, kill, impair, injure, wither.

5ṭḥ class. Close sound. To mutter, whisper, rustle, roar, bellow, wail.

6ṭḥ class. Movement. To move, dart, leap, circle; to [    ]

7ṭḥ class. Superlative quality. To be strong, powerful, vigorous, luxuriant, swift, active; to grow, flourish, bloom, be soft, beautiful, brilliant.

8ṭḥ class. Rejection. To except, remove, reject, give up, loose, release, cast off, shoot; to renounce, give.

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Primary Roots with M as the base म, मा


मः      Time.. moon.. magical formula.. poison.
a syllabic foot (three longs) .. Name of Br., Vishnu, Siva or Yama .. the fifth note in music (मध्यम)

मम्      Water; happiness, welfare.

मम      mine — from a lost OS word म, I;
so मयि, मया, मे, etc.

ममता      self-idea, selfishness; feeling of meum;
pride, individuality.

ममत्वम्      d[itt]o; affection, regard; attachment.

मय      consisting of.


मा      No, not; lest, that not.

मा      Goddess of wealth; mother; measure.

मा      measure, mark off, limit; compare;
be in, be contained; infer, conclude;
prepare, arrange; form, construct, build;
make; mete out, assign; show, display;
roar, sound.

मापयति      measure, cause to measure.

मित्सति      wish to measure.

मानम्      measuring; measure, standard; rule, rod;
dimension, computation; proof, authority; likeness.

माम      my, mine

मामः      mother’s brother.

मामक      my, mine; selfish, covetous

मामकः      miser.

मामकः      maternal uncle.

मामकीन      my, mine.

Primary Roots with M as the base: मि, मी

मि (मिनोति)      measure; observe, perceive; build, erect;

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establish; fix in the earth (Ved.)?; cast, throw, scatter.

मित्      Ved. column, post (that which measures).

मित्      measured, meted; bounded, defined, limited;
moderate, little, sparing, scanty; measuring;
investigated; cast, thrown; built, established.

मितद्रु      the sea.

मितिः      measuring; measure, weight; proof; determination; accurate knowledge.

मित्रः      Mitra.

मित्रं      friend.

मित्रता, मित्रत्वं      friendship

मित्रिति      to be friendly

मित्रायते      To act as a friend, be friendly

मित्रिय      friendly.

मित्रयु      friendly, winning friends.

मित्रयुः      friend.

मी (मीनाति)      to kill, hurt, destroy, injure; to lessen;
change; transgress, violate; be lost, go astray.

मी (मीयति)      to go, move; to know, comprehend.

मी (मीयते 4A)      to die, perish.

मीनः      fish.

मीनरः      = Makara.

मीरः      ocean; drink; limit, boundary; particular part of a mountain.

मे (मयते, मित, मित्सते)      exchange, barter.

मैत्र      a friend’s; friendly, kind; of Mitra.

मैत्रः      a perfect Brahman; a tribe; a friend; anus.

मैत्री      friendship, goodwill; connection, intimacy; Anuradha.

मैत्रम्      friendship; evacuation of excrement; Anuradha.
मैत्रिन्, मैत्र्यम्, मैत्रेयः, मैत्रेयकः, मैत्रेयकिा (मित्रयुद्ध)

Primary Roots with M as base: मु, मू, मृ

मुः      Shiva; bondage, confinement; final emancipation;
funeral pile; tawny or reddish brown.

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मुकन्दकः      onion.

मू      bind, fasten, tie.

मूत      bound, tied, confined; woven

मूतः, मूतम्      (Ved.) woven basket, woven band of cloth; lump, collection.

मूत्र      urine.


मृ      die, perish.

मारयति      to slay.

मुमूर्षति      to wish or be about to die.

मृत      dead.

मृतम्      death.. alms.

मृतकः      dead man

मृतकम्      corpse, death.. ceremonial impurity by death of relation.

मृतिः      death

मृतिमन्      mortality.

मृत्युः      death, decease.. Yama .. Brahma, Vishnu, Kali, Maya.. god of love.

मृ      to hurt, kill.

मर्तः      mortal; earth.

मर्त्य      mortal

मत्य:      mortal, earth

मर्त्यम्      body.

मरः      (Ved.) Death.. the earth

मरकः      plague, murrain, epidemic.

करकतम्      emerald

करणम्      death.. a poison.

मरतः      death.

मरणीय, मरिष्णु      mortal

मरिमन्      death, dying.

मरंदः      juice of flowers.

मरारः      a granary.

मराल      soft, unctuous .. bland, tender.

मरालः      flamingo, swan .. duck .. horse .. cloud .. collyrium .. pomegranate grove .. rogue, cheat.

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मरिचः, मरीचः      pepper shrub.

मरिचं, मरीचं      black pepper.

मरीचिः      ray, particle of light.. light.. mirage .. miser.. Marichi .. Krishna

मरीचिका      mirage.

मरीचिन्, मरीचिमत्      radiant, lustrous.

मरीचिन्      Sun.

मरीमृज      repeatedly rubbing.

मरूः      desert, wilderness; mountain, rock; a kind of plant; abstinence from drinking .. the country of Maru.

मरूकः      peacock

मरूण्डा      woman with high forehead.

मरूत्      wind, air, breeze .. breath .. Wind .. god .. a kind of plant (मरूवकः or ग्रन्थिपर्ण)

मरूतः      wind.. god.

मरूत्तः      Marutta.

मरूत्तकः      Maruvak plant

मरूत्वत्      cloud.. Indra .. Hanuman.

मरूलः      a duck.

मरूवः      a plant.. Rahu

मरूवक      terrible, formidable.

मरूवकः      Marjoram.. a lime.. tiger.. Rahu .. crane.

मरूकः      peacock; a kind of stag.

मरोलिः, मरोलिकः      Makara.

मर्मन्      vital part; defect, failing; core, quick; joint; inner meaning, essence; secret, mystery, truth.

मर्मिक      knowing secrets; acute, penetrating.

मर्मर      rustling, murmuring.

मर्मरः      rustle, murmur.

मर्मरायते      to rustle, murmur.

मर्मरी      a pine; turmeric.

मर्मरीकः      A pauper; a wretch.

मर्य      (Ved.) mortal.

मर्यः      man .. young man .. male .. lover, suitor .. stallion, horse .. camel.

मर्यकः      (Ved.) little man .. male.

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मर्या      limit, boundary

मर्यादा      limit, boundary, frontier, border, verge; end, terminus; shore, bank; landmark; moral rule, propriety, decorum; contract, agreement.

मर्यादिन्      keeping in bounds.. neighbour, borderer.

मारः      killing, slaughter; death; evil one; Love; love; obstacle, hindrance; thorn apple.

मारक      killing, destroying.

मारकः      Kama; a destroyer; murderer; plague; hawk.

मारणम्      killing, slaying.. a poison.

मारिः      pestilence; killing, ruin

मारिका      plague.

मारित      slain, ruined, destroyed.

मारिन्      dying; killing.

मारी      plague, epidemic.

मारकत      belonging to emerald.

मारव      desert ..

मारिच      peppery.

मारिचिक      peppered.

मारिष      word of respectful address.

मारीच      of Marichi; Maricha; royal elephant; a plant; sacrificing priest; Kashyapa.

मारीची      mother of Buddha

मारीचम्      collection of pepper-shrubs

मारूण्डः      serpent’s egg; cowdung; way, road; a place covered with cowdung.

मारूत      of the Maruts .. aerial, windy.

मारूतः      wind; Vayu; breath; trunk of elephant.

मारूती      N.W.

मारूतम्      Svati.

मारूतिः      Hanuman; Bhima.

मार्कण्डः      Name of ancient sage

मार्कण्डः      Sun; arka tree; hog; 12.

मात्र्तिकः      earthen.

मात्र्तिकः      a pitcher; lid of pitcher.

मात्र्तिकम्      clod, lump of earth.

मार्त्य      mortal.

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मार्त्यम्      mortality.

मार्मिक      deeply versed.


म - क ख ग घ

मकरः      crocodile .. a vyuha, earring, nyasa; tenth arc of 30⁰; one of the nine treasures.

मकरिन्      the Ocean

मकरी      female crocodile

मकरन्दः      honey of flowers; a kind of jasmine; cuckoo; a bee; a kind of fragrant mango tree

मकरन्दं      a filament

मकुटं      crown.

मकुतिः      a Government order addressed to the Sudras

मकुरः      a mirror; the Bakula tree; bud; Arabian jasmine;
the rod or handle of a potter’s wheel.

मकुलः      the Bakul tree

मकुष्टः, मकुष्टकः      a kind of kidney bean or rice

मकुष्ट      slow

मकूलकः      bud; tree called दन्ती

मक्क्      go, move

मक्कलः      a dangerous kind of abscess in abdomen, in pregnancy.

मक्कुलः      benzoin, red chalk.

मक्कोलः      chalk.

मक्ष्      to accumulate, heap, collect; be angry

मक्षः      wrath; hypocrisy; multitude, collection

मक्षवीर्यः      the piyala tree

मक्षिकः, मक्षिका      fly, bee

मख्, मंख्      go, move, creep.

मख      Vd. adorable, fit for offerings? lively, active, cheerful

मखस्यु      Vd. wishing for wealth or sacrifice; lively, cheerful

मखः      a sacrificial rite.

मगः      a Magian; a priest of the Sun

मगधः      Magadha; bard, minstrel

मगधा      town of Magadha; long pepper.

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मगध्यति      to surround; serve, be slave; attend upon.


मघः      one of the Dwipas; a country; a drug or medicine;
pleasure; Magha.

मघं      a kind of flower; gift, present; wealth, riches (Vd.)

मघवः, मघवन्, मघवत्      Indra; Vyasa; liberal, munificent; an owl.

मघा      the tenth asterism (5).

मघाभवः, -भूः      Venus.

मंक्      to go, move; decorate, adorn.

मंकिलः      a forest conflagration

मंकुरः      a mirror.

मंक्षणम्      greaves.

मंक्षु      immediately, quickly; exceedingly, very much; truly; really.

मंखः      a royal bard; a mendicant.

मंग्      to go, move.

मंगल      auspicious, lucky; fortunate, prosperous; brave.

मंगलं      auspiciousness; good fortune, felicity; well-being, welfare, good; good omen, blessing; auspicious object, event, rite; ancient custom; turmeric

मंगलः      the planet Mars.. Agni.

मंगला, -ली      a faithful wife; Durga; durva grass

मंगल्य      auspicious etc; pleasing, beautiful; holy, pure, pious

मंगल्य:      sacred fig; cocoanut tree; a sort of pulse; the Bel tree.

मंगल्या      a fragrant sandal; Durga; an aloe-wood; a perfume;
a yellow pigment

मंगल्यं      auspicious water; gold, red lead; sandal-wood; sour curds

मंगल्यकः      a kind of pulse (मसुर)

मंगिनी      a boat, ship.

मंघ्      to adorn, decorate; (A[tmanepada]) to cheat; begin;
blame, censure; go, move, move quickly; start, set out.

माकन्दः      Mango tree.

माकंदी      myrobalan; yellow sandal; city on Ganges

माकलिः      moon.

माख      sacrificial.

मागधी      long pepper; white cumin; refined sugar; a variety of

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cardamom, anise.

माघमा      a female crab

माघ्यं      flower of kunda creeper

मांक्ष्      to wish, desire, long for.

मेकः      a goat

मेकलः      goat; a mountain

मखला      belt, zone; slope of a mountain; hips; sword-belt, sword-knot; horse-girth; Narmada

मेखलिन्      Shiva; Brahmacharin.

मेखलालः      Shiva.

मेघः      cloud; mass, multitude; a fragrant grass; one of the six Ragas.

मुकंदकः      onion

मुकुः      liberation; moksha.

मुकुटं      crown, tiara; crest, peak, point.

मुकुती      cracking the fingers.

मुकुन्दः      Vishnu; quicksilver; a precious stone; a kind of drum; one of the nine treasures.

मुकुन्दकः      a kind of grain; onion.

मुकुरः      mirror, looking-glass; bud; handle of a potter’s wheel; Bakula tree; mallika creeper.

मुकुलः, मुकुलं      bud; body; soul or spirit.

मुकुष्ठः, मुकुष्ठकः      a kind of bean.

मुक्त      loosened; relaxed; liberated; abandoned, taken off; thrown, hurled, ejected, fallen; given; emitted; deprived

मुक्तकं      missile; simple prose; a detached stanza.

मुक्ता      pearl; courtesan; name of plant.

मुक्तिः      release; freedom; moksha; abandonment; discharge, throwing; payment; opening, unloosing.

मुखं      mouth; face, countenance; muzzle, snout; front, van, top, tip, head, pointed edge; teat, nipple; beak, bill; direction, quarter; opening, mouth; entrance, door; means; beginning; introduction; principal; source;

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cause; surface; utterance; Vedas; starting point of dramatic action; first term in progression; side opposite base.

मुखंपचः      a beggar.

मुखर      garrulous; noisy, sounding; expressive of; abusive, mocking.
मुखरः      crow; leader; conchshell.

मुखरयति      to cause to sound, talk; notify

मुखरी      bit of bridle

मुखरीकृ      cause to resound or talk.

कुखरिका      bit; conversation.

मुखीय      being at the top

मुख्य      of the mouth; chief; leader.

मुख्यं      principal rite; reading or teaching Vedas; month between new moons.

मुख्यता, मुख्यत्वं      preeminence.

मुख्यशः      chiefly, principally, above all.

मुगूहः      a kind of gallinule

मोकं      cast off skin

मोक्ष्      release, set free; untie, undo; wrest away; cast, fling; shed; detach, extract.

मोक्षः:      liberation, rescue, emancipation; death; falling off; loosening, unbinding; shedding, discharging; scattering; payment; end of eclipse; a tree.

मोक्षक      delivering; deliverer.

मोक्षणं      liberating, deliverance, loosening; resigning; shedding, squandering, discharging.

मोक्षिन्      desirous of emancipation, emancipated.

मोघ      vain, useless; aimless; left, abandoned; idle.

मोघः      fence, enclosure, hedge.

मोघा      trumpet-flower

मोघं      in vain, to no purpose, uselessly.

मोघीकृ      to render useless, frustrate.

मौकलिः, मौकुलिः      crow.

मौक्तिकं      pearl.

मौक्यं      dumbness.

मौख्यं      precedence, superiority

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मौखर्यं garrulity, abuse

मौघ्यं      uselessness.

मृग्      seek, search for; hunt, pursue; aim at, strive for; examine, investigate; ask for, beg; visit, frequent.

मृगः      animal; wild beast; deer; game; musk; seeking, search; pursuit, inquiry, soliciting; particular class of men; Mrigasirsha; a month; Makara; a district in Shakadwipa.

मृगणा      searching; investigation.

मृगयस्      (Vedic) a wild animal.

मृगया      hunting, chase.

मृगयुः      hunter, fowler; jackal; Brahman.

मृगव्यं      hunting; target, butt.

मृगित      hunted, sought, solicited.

मृगी      a female deer .. epilepsy; a class of women.

मृग्य      to be sought, hunted.

मर्क      Vd. cleaning; perishing.

मर्कः      vital breath; ape, monkey

मर्ककः      spider.

मर्कटः      ape, monkey; spider; crane; a coitus; a poison.

मर्कटकः      ape; spider; a fish; a grain.

मर्करा      a pot, vessel; cavity, cavern, hollow; barren woman.

मार्कण्डः      Son of Mrikanda.

मागर्      to seek after; strive after; hunt, chase; trace; solicit; ask in marriage; go, move; decorate, adorn.

मार्गः      way, path; course, passage; reach, range; scar, mark; channel; canal; search; mode, style, custom; ground for litigation; high style in art; hinting future dramatic development; section; anus; Mrigasirsha, Margasirsha.

मार्गकः      Margasirsha.

मार्गणम्, -णा      begging, seeking, investigation

मार्गण      seeking, inquiring, begging; beggar; arrow; 5

मार्गणकः      beggar, suppliant.

मार्गशिरः, -शिरस्, -शीर्ष      a month

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मार्गशिरी, -शीर्षी      full moon day of M.

मार्गिकः      traveller; hunter.

मार्गिन्      pioneer, guide, leader


ம—Sanscrit म

maka—1. enfant, poupon, age tendre. 2. offrande.
Rt मक् to embrace, to give.


mahakan—homme excellent, distingué, Vichnou. (Rt मह् +अक)

mahankaram—orgueil. (Rt मह् +अ)

mahasam—connaissance, sorte, espèce (Rt मह् +अस् +अ)
From मह: = vijnana.

மகடூ—mahadu—jeune fille, femme. Rt मक् .

மகண்மா, hermaphrodite.

மகண்மை, état de fille.
மகதை (magadhai), poivre long, piment.

The Root ‘mal’

[1] Rt mal. a = a, o, e, u.

Lat. mollis; malus; mel, mellis; mulceo; mulgio; malleus; malum; multus; mulciber.

Gr. μέλoς μέλπω μἣλoν μαλερóς μαλθαxóς μαλαxóς μέλαθρoν μελάνθɩoν μελανία μέλεoς μέλɩ μóλɩς μέλλω μέλω μάλα μᾶλλoν μάλɩστα μάλαϒμα μαλαxύνω μέλδoμαɩ (μελεδαίνω μελέδƞμα μελεδών μελεδώνƞ) μελία μέλɩoς μαλάσσω μάλƞ μάλθα μάλɩoν μάλxƞ μαλxέω μαλλóς μαλλωɩóς μαλλωɩóς μαλóς μαλóς μƞλέα μƞλóω μέλας μελɩxóς

S. माला मल स्त्रै मलयः मल्लः


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[2]-The Root मल् in Greek

I. Forms in which the vowel remains unmodified.

μάλα      very, greatly, vehemently, exceedingly; by all means, surely. OS मल mala. Accusative case of the root substantive मल्, mal, meaning abundance, copiousness. Root meaning, to flourish, thrive.

μάλαϒμα (μαλάϒματoς)      poultice, plaster, balm, anodyne. OS मलज्मः, मलज्मसः softening, alleviation, caressing; balm, anodyne; softening application of oil, etc. Root मल् to be soft, soften; +ज् with the connecting enclitic अ, implying effective and persistent application, +म, nominal root, with the idea of fact or substantiality.

μαλαxóς      soft; soothing; mild; effeminate; negligent. OS मलकः, root मल् to be soft with the common adjectival suffix क preceded by the connecting enclitic अ. (क is in sense qualitative and possessive.)

μαλαxία      softness, effeminacy, sickness. OS मलक्या. Feminine nominal suffix या implying often the abstract quality peculiar to the adjective or noun to the stem of which it is attached. Later Sanscrit preferred ता, त्व, तिः etc. Cf छाया, वन्या, जाया, चर्या and the more frequent neuter form in यम् answering to the Greek ɩoν.

μαλαxίζω      I soften, soothe, unman. Greek formation. OS verbal form in त्स with a frequentative sense, preserved in words like वत्स, preceded by connecting enclitic इ.

μαλαxóτƞς (-τƞτoς )      softness. OS मलकताः, मलकतासः; the nominal suffix ताः describing an abstract quality was replaced in later Sanscrit by ता.

μαλαxύνω      I soften, make effeminate. Greek formation. OS conjugational termination ना(मि) preceded by the long connecting enclitic ऊ.

μαλαxῶς      softly. OS मलकवः adverbial suffix वः, वत्, वन्, as in modern Sanscrit विनीतवत्, humbly, शश्वत्, eternally. वः was in Old Sanscrit the commoner alternative form.

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μαλάσσω      I soften, mitigate, relax. OS मलत्या (मि), Nominal Verb, from the adjective मलत्यः, soft.

μαλάχƞ      mallows. OS मालशा from Rt मल् to thrive, flourish, be plump, with the adjectival suffix श.

μαλερóς      Bright, clear .. hot, burning, consuming. OS मलरः, (remaining in Tamil malar, a flower) blooming, bright, prosperous, strong, energetic, forcible. Rt मल् to bloom, flourish, with the nominal suffix र preceded by the connecting enclitic अ. (र is in sense possessive with an action outward on the surroundings.)

μάλƞ      Armpit. OS मला, down, hair on the body; a place where such hair is specially plentiful. Rt मल् to bloom, flourish.

μάλθα      Soft wax; a wax tablet. OS मल्हा (feminine). Rt मल् to be soft, with nominal suffix ह; softness, down, velvet, wax .. strength.

μαλθαχóς      soft. OS मल्हकः, alternative form to मलक, from derivative root मल्ह् to soften.

μαλθάσσω      soft. OS मल्हत्या (मि), alternative form to मलत्यामि and formed in the same way, but from root मल्ह्. The त्य became ττ in Greek, modified to σσ. Rt मल्, to be soft.

μάλɩσν      long hair. OS माल्यम् a wreath, a garland, braid. Rt मल् to bloom. मल, माल a plant, flower, garden; माला, a collection of flowers, wreath, garland, माल्यम्, anything made of flowers. Rt मल् to bloom.

μάλɩστα      most. OS मलिष्ठः, superlative of मलः, strong, abundant, copious.

μαλxέω      to be benumbed, shrivelled, torpid.OS मल्शयामि. Latin mulceo. In transitive sense, to soften, knead, relax, unnerve; in intransitive, to be softened, compressed, contracted. Rt मल् to be soft.

μάλxƞ      numbness, torpidity. OS मल्शा, the state of softness, relaxation or unreserved contraction .. the discomfort, shrinking that results from cold.

μᾶλλoν      more. OS मल्यम् comparative of मलः, strong, abounding.

μαλλóς;      fleece, wool, lock of hair. OS मल्लः, luxuriant growth, down, fleece etc. from Rt मल्, to thrive, flourish, with the

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adjectival suffix ल, giving a sense of abundance.

μαλλωτóς      woolly, downy, soft. Provincial form मल्लातः instead of मल्लित from nominal verb मल्ला -मि, to strengthen, thicken, soften. Cf Latin vallatus from vallum and vallo. OS वल्लम् and वल्लामि.

μαλóς      soft, tender, downy. OS मलः, soft, tender, sweet; strong, abundant, copious.

[3] Derivatives of the Root मल् in Sanscrit.

मल् (मलते, मलयति)      to hold, possess. From O.S. Rt मल् to contain, embrace, hold.

मल      Dirty, foul (physically or morally). From Rt मल् to fade, be tarnished, soiled, dirty +nominal termination अ

मलः, मलं      Dirt, filth, impurity (physical or moral). Peculiar uses —camphor (from Rt मल् to be sweet, referring to the scent; cf μέλɩ mel = honey) .. leather .. cuttlefish bone.

मलनं      Crushing, grinding. From Rt मल् to be strong, used with transitive sense, to use strength upon, labour, work, knead, crush, grind. Cf मल्ल, a wrestler, Greek μαλερóς; Latin moles, mass and moliri, to work with labour or difficulty from the kindred root मुल्.

मलनः      Tent. From Rt मल् to contain. Literally, a tenement, abode.

मलयः      The Southern mountain .. garden .. side of a mountain (Rt मल् to bloom, be verdant, luxuriant +vague adjectival termination अय answering to English ish, ly).

मलाका      Rt मल् to be sweet, soft, forming मल honey, sweetness, enjoyment, love, a sweet or an impure secretion +adjectival suffix âka, (lengthened form of aka, Lat. acus, Gr. αxoς eg (μαλαxóς)), 1. an amorous woman. 2. a female friend, confidante. 3. a female elephant.

मलिः      Possession, enjoyment. Rt मल् to possess, embrace, enjoy +nominal termination इ.

मलिकः      King. From Rt मल् to possess.

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मलिन      Foul, soiled, dark, vile. From Rt मल् to be soiled, faded +adjectival termination इन.

मलिनं      Sin, fault, guilt. (The same). Butter-milk .. Borax. (From मल secretion, juice +इन meaning “of the nature of a secretion or extract”)

मलिनता, मलिनत्वं, मलिनयति, मलिनित, मलिनिमन्, मलिनीकृ, मलिनीभू.
Derivatives of मलिन.

मलिल्मुचः      From मलि, bloom; honey; sweetness, fragrance; an impure secretion; foulness, fault, defect +स्लुचः thief, robber, remover. Originally, a bee, thief of honey; then generally 1. a robber, thief; 2. a demon (fiend, enemy); 3. gnat, mosquito; 4. air or wind (stealer of fragrance); 5. a Brahmana neglecting the Yajnas, but still enjoying Brahmin privileges. 6. Fire, the remover of impurities. 7. An intercalary month, (removing the defect of the calendar). 8. Frost or snow, remover of sweetness or pleasure.

मलिष्ठा      A woman in her course. Superlative from मल in the same sense as मलाका.

Rt मल्
Sanscrit. (Apte)

मल्      to hold, possess (1A. 10U.)

मल      dirty; mean; wicked; godless.

मलं, मलः      dirt, impurity; dregs, sediment, excrement; dross, rust, alloy; sin; bodily excretions; camphor; cuttlefish bone; tanned leather, leather garment; the bodily humours.

मलं      a kind of base metal.

मलवत्      dirty, foul.

मलनं      crushing, grinding.

मलनः      tent.

मलयः      garden; Indra’s garden; mountain-side; Malay (the mountain).

मलाका      an amorous woman; female friend, messenger, confidante; female elephant.

मलिः      possession; enjoyment.

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मलिकः      a king.

मलिन      dirty, impure, soiled; sinful; low, vile; clouded, obscured.

मलिनं      sin, fault; buttermilk; borax.

मालिना, मलिनी      menstruous woman.

मालिनता      dirtiness, filth, sinfulness.

मलिनयति      to dirty, stain, defile, spoil.

मलिनित      dirty, spoiled.

मलिनिमन्      dirtiness, foulness; sin, impurity; darkness.

मलिनकृ      to soil, stain; darken, obscure.

मलिनीभू      to become dirty, impure etc.

मलिल्मुचः      gnat; thief; air, breeze; fire; intercalary month; a demon; a Brahmin who neglects his daily yajna; frost, snow; a chitraka tree.

मलिष्ठा      a woman in her courses.

मलीमस      dirty, impure etc (मलिन); iron; green vitriol.

मल्ल्      to hold, possess.

मल्ल्      strong, robust; excellent.

मल्लः      strong man, wrestler, athlete; drinking vessel; remnants of oblation; cheek and temple; mixed caste (outcast Ksh. [Kshatriya] by Ksh. woman); the Malla race and country.

मल्ला      a woman; Arabian jasmine; ornamenting with cosmetics or coloured unguents.

मल्लकः      lamp stand; oil vessel; lamp; cup of cocoanut shell; a tooth; a kind of jasmine.

मल्लारः      one of the six Ragas.

मल्लिः, मल्ली      a kind of jasmine.

मल्लिपत्रं      mushroom.

मल्लिका      a kind of goose; Magh month; shuttle; a kind of jasmine; lampstand; an earthern vessel of a particular form.

मल्लीकरः      thief.

मल्लू      bear.

मल्लूरः      rust of iron.

मालः      district in west Bengal; a mountain tribe; name of Vishnu.

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मालं      field; high ground; wood near village; fraud, deceit.

मालकः      nym tree; wood near village (park); pot of cocoa nut shell.

मालका, मालकं      garland.

मालकौशः      name of a Raga.

मालतिः      a kind of jasmine; bud, blossom; virgin, young woman; night; moonlight.

मालयः      Sandalwood (text missing)

मालवः      Malwa or its people; name of a Raga.

मालवकः      Malwa; inhabitant of Malwa.

मालसी      a plant.

माला      garland, wreath; series, line; group, collection; string, necklace, chain; streak; technical term in drama.

मालिकः      florist, gardener; dyer, painter; wreathmaker; a kind of bird.

मालिका      garland, etc; a jasmine; linseed; daughter; palace; a bird; intoxicating drink.

मालित      wreathed; engirt.

मालिन्      garlanded.

माली      gardener; florist.

मालिनी      female florist; city of Champa; seven year old girl, Durga at Durga festival; Durga; celestial Ganges; name of a metre, of a river, of Bibhishana’s mother; of Draupadi at Virat’s court.

मालेयः      florist.

मालयः      relating to garland.

माल्यं      garland; flower.

माल्यवत्      wreathed; name of a mountain; maternal uncle of Ravana.

मालिन्यं      foulness; affliction.

मालुः      a creeper; woman.

मालुधानः      a kind of snake.

मालूरः      bel-tree; kapittha tree.

मालेया      large cardamom.

माल्लः      a mixed caste.

माल्लवी      wrestling-match.

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Root मिल्

मिल्      to join, meet, accompany, gather; unite; encounter; close with; embrace; find, fall in with; concur; come to pass, happen.

मिलनम्      joining; meeting, union, assembling; encounter; contact, mixture.

मिलित      joined; come together, met, assembled; encountered; combined; mixed; put together, taken together.

मिलिन्दः      bee.

मिलिन्दकः      a kind of snake.

मिलीमिलिन्      an epithet of Shiva.

मेलः      meeting, union; intercourse; assembly, company; fair.

मेलनम्      union, junction, association; mixture; an encounter; fight.

मेला      union, intercourse; company, assembly, society; antimony; indigo-plant; ink; a musical scale.

मेलापकः      uniting, collecting; a crowd; assembly; conjunction of planets.

मेलायनम्      combination, conjunction.

मैलिन्दः      bee.

मील्      close, close the eyes, wink, twinkle; close, be closed; fade, disappear, vanish; meet.

कीलनम्      closing of eyes, winking, twinkling; closing of flower; a concealed simile.

मीलित      shut, closed; twinkled; half-shut, unblown; vanished, disappeared; assembled; a figure in rhetoric.

Root मुल्

मुल् (10)      to plant.

मूल्      to take root, stand fast; (caus.) to plant, rear;
grow, sprout, germinate.

मूलम्      root; extremity, lowest part; end, base, edge; foot,

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bottom; beginning, origin, cause, basis; original text; capital, principal, stock; vicinity; hereditary servant; square root; one’s own territory, base; vendor, not true owner; capital city; aboriginal; thicket, copse, arbour; nineteenth asterism, Mula.

मूलक      rooted in, springing from, based on; born under Mula.

मूलकः, मूलकम्      radish.

मूलकः      a poison.

मूला      a plant; Mula.

मूलिक      radical, original; primary, principal; living on roots.

मूलिकः      ascetic.

मूलिका      root; collection of roots.

मूलिन्      tree.

मूलिनः      plant, tree; (adj.) growing from a root.

मूली      small house lizard.

मूलेरः      king; Indian spikenard.

मूल्य      at the root; to be eradicated; purchasable.

मूल्यम्      price, cost; wages, salary, hire; gain; capital, principal; original value; purchasable article.

मौल      radical; original; ancient; nobly born; hereditary.

मौलः      hereditary minister.

मौलि      head, foremost, best.

मौलिः      head, crown of the head; top; crown, tiara; hair on crown, tuft, lock, braid; earth; Asoca.

मौली      earth.

मौलिक      radical; chief, prime; inferior.

मौलिकः      dealer in roots, root-digger.

मौलिन्      crowned.

मौल्यम् price.

Contracted roots of the Class

मल्क्ष् (10)      cut, divide.

मिल्ष्ट      indistinct, spoken indistinctly; barbarous; withered, faded.

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मिल्ष्टम्      indistinct or barbarous speech.

मुल्च्, मंल्च्      to go, move (म्रुच्)

मेल्च्छः      barbarian; outcast; sinner; foreign speech.

मेल्च्छम्      copper.

मेल्च्छनम्      speaking indistinctly, confusedly, in a barbarous tongue.

मेल्चिछत      spoken indistinctly.

मेल्च्छितम्      a foreign tongue; ungrammatical speech.

मेल्च्छितकम्      foreign or barbarous speech.

ल्मेट्      to be mad.

ल्मेव्      to worship, serve.

म्लै      to fade, wither; grow weary, exhausted; languish;
be downcast; become thin; decline; disappear, vanish.

ल्मात      faded, withered; tanned white.

ल्मान      faded, withered; weary, languid; feeble, weak, faint; dejected; black, dirty.

ल्मानम्      fading, withering.

ल्मानिः      fading, decay; languor, lassitude; dejection; foulness.

ल्मायत्      withering; declining.

ल्मायिन्      d[itt]o.

ल्मान्सु      becoming faded, growing thin, languid or weary.


μάλα;     very much, very, greatly; surely.

μᾶλλoν;     more.

μάλɩστα;     most.

μαλερóς;     bright, clear; hot, burning, consuming.

μάλαϒμα;     poultice, plaster, balm, anodyne.

μαλαxóς;     soft, soothing, mild; effeminate; negligent.

μαλαxία;     softness, effeminacy; sickness.

μαλαxίζω;     soften, soothe, unman.

μαλαxóτƞς;     softness.

μαλαxύνω;     soften, make effeminate.

μαλαxῶς;     softly.

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μαλάσσω;     soften; make effeminate.

μαλάχƞ;     mallows.

μάλƞ;     armpit.

μάλθα;     soft wax, wax tablet.

μαλθαxóς;     soft, etc. see μαλαxóς

μαλθάσσω;     soften.

μάλɩoν;     long hair.

μαλxέω;     be benumbed, shrivelled, torpid.

μάλxƞ;     numbness, torpidity.

μαλλóς;     fleece, wool, lock of hair.

μαλλωτóς;     soft, woolly, downy.

μαλóς;     soft, tender, downy.

μἣλoν;     apple, quince; apple tree; sheep; small cattle; property, substance; pet, darling.

μἣλα;     cheeks, breasts, lips; glands in throat; inflammation or disease of the eye.

μἣλάω;     to gather apples.

μƞλάνθƞ;     a beetle living on apple blossoms.

μƞλέα;     apple tree.

μήλƞ;     probe.

μƞλɩάδες;     nymphs of apple trees.

μήλεɩoς;     of sheep, ovine.

μƞλίτƞς;     made of apples, the juice of apples.

μƞλoβoτέω;     feed sheep, herd, graze.

μƞλóβoσɩς;     shepherdess.

μƞλoβoɩήρ;     shepherd.

μƞλoβóɩƞς;     shepherd.

μƞλóβoɩoς;     fed on by sheep, pastured, good for pasture; wild, desert.

μƞλoδóxoς;     receiving sheep (temple)

μƞλoθύτƞς;      a priest.

μƞλoνoμεύς;      shepherd.

μƞλoνóμoς;      shepherd.

μƞλoπάρƞoς;      rosy-cheeked, blooming.

Mἣλoς;      Melos.

μƞλóσπoρoς;      planted with apple trees.

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μƞλoσϕαϒέω;      to sacrifice sheep.

μƞλoɩρóϕoς;      feeding sheep.

μƞλoϕoρέω;      to bear or produce apples.

μƞλóω;      to probe, syringe, dress; plunge, dip, immerge.

μƞλωτή;      sheepskin.

μƞλωτρίς;      ear-picker, probe.

μήλωϕ;      rosy; ruddy.

[4] Gr.

μάλα      very, much.

μάλαϒμα      plaster, anodyne, balm.

μαλαxία      softness.

μαλαxóς      soft, effeminate.      மலடன் impotent, barren
μαλαxῶς     மலடி

μαλαxóτƞς      softness.

μαλαxύνω      to soften

μαλάσσω      to soften

μαλάχƞ      allows.

μαλερóς      hot, burning, consuming, bright, clear

μάλƞ      armpit

μάλθα      soft wax, wax tablet

μαλθαxóς      soft; sweet, melting.

μάλɩoν      long hair.

μαλίς,μƞλίς      an apple-tree.

μαλxέω      to be shrivelled with cold, benumbed, torpid

μάλxƞ      numbness.

μαλλóς      fleece, wool, down, lock of hair.

μαλλωɩóς fleecy, hairy, soft.

μαλóς      soft, downy.

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μƞλάνθƞ      a kind of beetle

μƞλάω      to gather apples

μƞλέα      an apple-tree

μήλƞ      a probe

μῆλoν      apple, quince, round fruit.

μῆλoν      sheep, small cattle, property.

μῆλα (plu.)      cheeks, breasts, lips, pet, darling.

μƞλóω      to probe, syringe, plunge, dip, immerge.

μƞλωτρἰ      ear-picker, probe

μƞλωτή      a sheepskin.

μoλϒóς      a leathern bag or bottle,

(Ae.βoλϒóς)      a simpleton, an extortioner, peculator.

μoλεῖν      to have come.

μóλɩβoς, μóλνβoς      lead

μóλɩβδoς      lead
or μóλνβδoς

μóλίβδεoς      leaden

μóλίς      scarcely, with difficulty.

μoλoβρóς      beggar, parasite

μoλóθoνρoς      a kind of herb

μóλóς      labour, battle, confusion, tumult

μoλóχƞ      mallows.

μoλπή      a song, air.

μoλύνω      to discolour, stain, dye; to corrupt, defile, taint.

μóλυνσɩς      pollution, defilement.

μέλαθρoν      ridgebeam, roof, house.

μελαθρóω      roof, vault; form into cells or chambers.

μελαίνω      to blacken.

μελανθέα      a disease of the eyes.

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μελάνθɩoν      a black poppy

μελανία      a blackness, darkness

μελαντƞρἰα      a blacking, dirt

μέλας      black, gloomy      மலம்

μέλασμα      darkness, blackness; mole

μέλδω      soften, liquefy, melt; boil up so cook

μελεδαἰνω      regard, take care of.      மலங்கு to be troubled, anxious, agitated.

μελέδƞμα      care, anxiety.

μελεδών      guardian, steward; king, ruler      மலங்கல் , trouble, perplexity, agitation, shock.

μελεδώνƞ      care, anxiety.      மலக்கம் trouble, confusion,

μέλεɩ      it is a care, concern      மலக்கடி disorder, embarrassment.

μελεἵστί      asunder, piecemeal

μέλεoς      fruitless, vain; wretched, unhappy.

μελετάω      take care of, mind; meditate, study; practise.

μελέτƞ      care, meditation, practice

μελέτƞα      care, study, institution

μελετƞτήρɩoν      schoolroom, study ..instrument.

μελετƞρóς      anxious, careful

μελετƞɩxóς      contemplative;

μελετɩxóς      murmuring

μελετƞτóς      practised; attainable by care.

μελέτωρ      one who has a care for

μελƞδών      solicitude, concern.

μέλƞμα      object of care, concern.

μελƞσίμβρoτoς      renowned, interesting

μέλɩ      honey

μελία      ashtree; spear, shaft.

μελɩαδής      melodious.
μελίϒλωσσoς etc

μελίζω      sing.

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μελɩxóς      harmonious, sweet.

μελɩxτής      a singer, musician

μελɩναία      honied, sweet (Venus).

μελίνƞ      a coarse grain

μέλɩνoς      made of ash.

μέλɩσμσ      song, tune.

μέλɩσσα,      bee, priestess

μελɩσσεύς      a keeper of bees.

μελίσσɩoς      belonging to bees.

μελɩστής      a singer.

μελίɩεɩα      borage, honeysuckle

μελɩτóεɩς      sweet, calm.

μελɩτóω      to sweeten.

μελɩτώδƞς      sweet as honey.

μελίτωμα      confectionery

μέλxα      milk.

μέλλƞσɩς      delay


μέλλƞτής      loiterer

μέλλω      to be about to, intend .. delay, hesitate

μέλoς      member, limb, song, verse, tune

μέλπƞθρoν      song, dance, sport

μέλπω      to sing.

μέλω      to sing mournfully

μελῳδέω      to sing, play.

μελῳδία      music, harmony.

μείλίϒμα      balm, soothing .. offering to dead

μείλɩoν      present, dowry.

μεɩλίσσω      to sweeten, please, appease.

μεɩλɩχία      gentleness, blandishment

μεɩλίχɩoς      gentle, courteous, conciliatory

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The Root ‘val’

[1] Strength.

valde. वलिता (वलित्) valeo. (वलया) valens. वलन् Valerius, from वलर, वलर्यः valesco. वलक्षा valetudo valide. वलिता validus. वलित vallo—to fortify, enwall. वल्ला vallus. वल्लः palisade—post, stake valvae. वल्वा folding doors.

vel—especially, also, even, or. velut—as, as though, as for instance. velox—swift. वालाचः

vulgo vulgus.


Derivatives of the Aryan root val in Latin.

I Word retaining the root unchanged.

Valde: very, exceedingly. Contracted from valide. O.S. valitâ, with strength, strongly, forcibly; eminently, to excess. Instrumental case of valit, strength. Rt val with nominal suffix t preceded by the enclitic i.

Valedico: I say farewell. Latin compound from vale and dico.

Valens: strong, powerful... well, healthy. O.S. valan, dialectical form valans, strong, flourishing. Rt val with nominal suffix n preceded by the enclitic a.

Valenter: strongly, powerfully. For valent-ter; the stem of valens with the suffix ter answering to the O.S. termination tas in itas, tatas, sarvatas, etc, originally tar, meaning way or side. Cf Mahratti tar, tarhi (Sanscrit), Bengali ta or to.

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Valentulus: strong. Latin analogical formation. Valent, stem of valens, and O.S. diminutive suffix ulas.

Valeo: I am strong, avail, am well... am worth, signify. O.S. valayâ(mi), I luxuriate, am strong, flourish, am well. Habituative, (also causal) of Rt val.

Valerius. Name of a Roman gens or kula. O.S. Valaryas, patronymic from valaras, strong, powerful, used as a proper name. Rt val with nominal suffix ra preceded by the enclitic a.

Valesco: I grow strong. O.S. valakshâ(mi). Progressive of val.

Valetudinarius: sickly. Analogical Latin formation from valetudo (stem in) by adding O.S. âryas or aryas, double adjectival suffix from âra or ara, used also in patronymics as in valarya above. Cf vara and varya.

Valetudo (stem in): health, good or bad. O.S. valatudâ, state of health formed from valat, health by adding da (danam, like ma, manam in mahima) preceded by the enclitic u.

Valgus: bandylegged... crooked, wry (e.g. valga suavia). O.S. valgas, crooked, curving. Rt val to turn, bend, with the nominal suffix ga.

Valgius: name of a Roman gens. O.S. valgyas, patronymic from valga.

Valide: strongly, powerfully. O.S. valitâ with strength, strongly. See valde.

Validus: strong, powerful, healthy; superior. O.S. valitas, strong from val, past participle with active and adjectival sense. Rt val with nominal suffix ta preceded by the enclitic i.

Vallaris: of the wall. Analogical Latin formation from vallum by adding to the stem valla the termination aris, O.S. aris which is the common nominal suffix ri (also ra, ru) preceded by the enclitic a. Cf vallari, Murari, wrongly translated slayer or enemy of Mura, really meaning Protector of Defender, from mur, to protect, (cf murus, wall).

Vallis: valley, hollow. O.S. vallis, a hollow, cup, depression. Rt val, to bend, curve with nominal suffix li. The modern Sanscrit vallis, a creeper, is derived from the sense of to luxuriate, flourish, but it has a rare meaning, earth, the curving earth, globe.

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Vallo: I stockade, enwall, fortify. O.S. valla(mi) I strengthen. Nominal verb from vallam, strong.

Vallum: a stockade, wall, defence. O.S. vallam, strong; a strong place, stronghold, fortification. Rt val, to be strong with nominal suffix la.

Vallus: a palisade; post or stake of the palisade. O.S. vallas, a prop, post, stake, place of defence. See vallum.

Valvae: folding doors. O.S. valva, curving, folding, rolling, wheeling (feminine valvâ). Rt val, to turn, fold, roll, wheel, with the nominal suffix va.

Valvatus: provided with folding doors. Analogical Latin formation from valvae by adding the participial termination atus to the stem. O.S. âtas, nominal suffix ta with the long enclitic â.

[A draft of the preceding continues:]

vel—or; and also; or even; actually; especially. OS वल् acc. वल, originally a substantive, meaning strength, force, increase. (Rt val—to flourish, be strong; adverbially—especially, even, in addition; or even. Cf velut.)

Velleius—name of a Roman gens. Patronymic वल्लेयः from वल्लिः strong, flourishing (= Floreus). Rt वल् and modificant ल् with the terminal enclitic इ.

vellicatio—plucking .. carping. Analogical Latin formation from vellicatus, PP of vellico, by adding substantival termination io (ionem) OS या, यानं to the stem vellicat.

vellico—I pluck, twitch .. carp at. OS Nom. वल्लिका from Noun वल्लिक् Rt वल्ल् and nominal क् preceded by enclitic इ.

vello—pluck, twitch, pull. OS वल्ल्, Intensive of वल् to bend, twine, twitch.

vellus, G. velleris—wool, hide. OS वल्लः, G. वल्लसः. Thick curling hair, fleece. Rt वल्ल् to bend, curl, flourish and nominal termination स, preceded by enclitic अ.

velut(i)—even as, just as. OS वलत् Nominative, वलति Locative identical inmeaning with वल् —originally a substantive (Rt वल् and nominal त with enclitic अ) meaning strength, force, increase, addition.

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vola—hollow of hand or foot. OS वला hollow. Rt वल् to curve, bend, with feminine nominal termination आ. Cf vallis.

volaticus—flying .. fleeting, inconstant. Analogical Latin formation from participial stem volat (volo, I fly) by adding adjectival termination icus (इकः, क् with enclitics इ and अ).

volatilis—winged, rapid, fleeting. Analogical Latin formation from the same stem by adding adjectival termination ilis (इलिः = ल् with enclitic इ connective, before and after.)

volatus—flying; flight. OS वलातुः. Rt वल् to wheel, gyre, fly in curves, with lengthened enclitic आ and compound nominal termination तुः (composed of nominal त् and nominal स् preceded by enclitic उ)

volemum—a kind of pear. OS वलामम् Rt वल् to curve, be round, plump and nominal suffix म preceded by enclitic अ and followed by neuter termination म्. Originally an adjective, meaning round and plump.

Roots in ‘s’


Sanscrit त् —Gr. σ.

पतिः πóσɩς Att. πράττω for πράσσῳ, περɩττóς for περɩσσóς तु (त्वां) σύ (M. तू, B. तुइ) περɩσσóς परित्यः

σάβανoν      towel, napkin, cloth

σαβoί     priests of Bacchus obscene rites

σαβoῖ      shout of Bacchanals

σαβάζω      to riot, indulge indecently

σαβάζɩoς     Bacchus

σάϒαρɩς,-ɩoς      battle axe, hatchet sword, scimitar, Persian sword

σαϒή     covering, cloak armour, harness, trappings

σάϒμα     covering for horse, saddle, pad load or burden for beast

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σάϒoς     soldier’s cloak, cassock

σαϒήνƞ     net, fishing net

σαϒƞνεύω      net, catch .. carry away

σαθρóς (σαπρóς)      old, rotten, decayed obscene

σαθρóω     corrupt, destroy, putrefy

σάθƞ     Linga

σαίνω     to move, shake, waver shake off, thrust away wag the tail, fawn, flatter, coax

σαίνoυρoς     adj. fawning, wagging tail

σαίρω     clean, sweep, brush gape, open mouth, laugh, grin, snarl gnash the teeth

σάxoς,-εoς     shield, buckler, target

σαxεσϕóρoς     shield-bearer


σάxxoς      sack, sackcloth, haircloth strainer

σαxxίoν     little bag—pad, cushion a kind of snowshoes for horses

σαxxεύω,-έω, -ίζω, σαxxελίζω     to pass through bag, filter, purify

σαλαΐζω     lament, bewail

σαλάxων     boasting, bragging, one who apes the rich

σαλαμάνδρα     salamander

σαλάμβƞ     window, chink, hole guardian idol at door

σαλεύω     shake, to gather down

σαλάσσω     fill up, fill to the brim

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