The Signature Of Truth


The Mother's writings elicit (in one who is not familiar with them) both fear and fascination. Fear, a sort of existential dread, that one's habitual world, the accepted norms and standards of living, thinking and being, however high and noble they may seem, arc about to be shattered. Fascination, at the first glimpse of a new world, a luminous bubble, which had encased so far unseen, unfelt, the charade and masquerade of the familiar and mundane.

The selection in this anthology has been made in the hope that though the Mother is not a philosopher, moralist or psychologist in the orthodox sense, a transmuted world and world-view, a Truth-Vision, will emerge out of the dust and debris of the old and effete. The best way to read her would be to read to the last without pre-conception and pre-judgement. For most, comprehension is an end-product; Minerva's owl flies out at dusk.

The editor is responsible for the title—a mystic hieroglyph, the call to a luminous future.



The Collected Works of the Mother, Birth Centenary Edition, Vol. 3.

The Collected Works of Nolini Kanta Gupta, Vol. 3. Sweet Mother: Harmonies of Light: Mona Sarkar.

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