The Signature Of Truth


Mother: Is it January?

Yes, Mother—it is January.

Read what is written here.

(Every month I used to take to Mother a large calendar on which flowers were painted and on which She used to write a prayer)

"In this year of Sri Aurobindo's centenary, Jet us strive to be worthy of Hint..."

And then?

"... by following His teaching faithfully in order to prepare the advent of the superman. Happy New Year."

What flower is this? (pointing to the painted flower)

" Superhumanity".


This is "Superhumanity".

The name of this flower is "superhumanity"

Which flower is it?

This flower—it is the dahlia.

Dahlia! Yes, yes.

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(Mother writes the prayer for the month of February and draws OM underneath)

"Nature rediscovers the Divine in a blissful surrender."


With the help of OM one can realise the Divine. OM has a transforming power. OM represents the Divine.

Yes, it represents the Divine. It represents

the Divine.

OM, but OM is the sound?

The sound—They say that all the aspirations of the world when going towards the Divine

make O----M, like that. (Mother chants

the word)

Yes, Mother.

And then, that is why they say OM.

Mother, please say it once again. Please say it again.


OM, it is fine, Mother, it was very beautiful.

(Mother laughs)

Mother, once more, please.


And now?

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It is like this everywhere. O----M.

O— M.

Yes, Mother.

Look here, I was in France some, I think, 60 years ago. There was a Frenchman who came back from the Himalayas, who had stayed there some time and he gave a lecture, and I listened to the lecture and in the lecture he said that when he was deep in the Himalayas, there was a Sannyasin whom he didn't know, came to see him and told him only this O----M and that he was completely changed. And then, when he said O---M, Ifelt the same change in me,---as if the Divinewascoming in. O----M. There you are. Good, good. Keep the secret.

Yes, Mother.

You will recall this: O----M. O----M. That's all. O---M. Itmust be manifested. If anything goes wrong, repeat OM, all will go well.

(Written to a disciple) OM is the signature of the Lord.

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