CWM Set of 17 volumes
Prayers and Meditations Vol. 1 of CWM 388 pages 2003 Edition
English Translation


Extracts from The Mother's diary, written during years of intensive yogic discipline. 'It may serve as a spiritual guide to three principal categories of seekers...' - The Mother

Prayers and Meditations

The Mother symbol
The Mother

«Ce livre, écrit la Mère, a été composé avec les extraits d’un journal écrit durant des années de discipline yoguique intensive» Ces 313 prières et méditations ont été écrites pour la plupart entre 1912 et 1917.

Collection des œuvres de La Mère Prières et Méditations Vol. 1 418 pages 2008 Edition
The Mother symbol
The Mother

'Prayers and Meditations' consists of extracts from the Mother’s spiritual diaries. Most of them are from the period 1912 to 1917. The 313 prayers reproduced here were selected by the Mother for publication. Written in French, they appear here in English translation. 'This book comprises extracts from a diary written during years of intensive yogic discipline. It may serve as a spiritual guide to three principal categories of seekers: those who have undertaken self-mastery, those who want to find the road leading to the Divine, those who aspire to consecrate themselves more and more to the Divine Work.' - The Mother

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Prayers and Meditations Vol. 1 388 pages 2003 Edition
English Translation

December 16, 1913

Pure and disinterested love, Thy love in what we are able to perceive and manifest of it, is the sole key that can open all hearts that seek for Thee. Those who follow the path of the intellect may have a very high and true conception; they may have all the information about the true life, the life One with Thee, but they do not know it; they have no inner experience of that life and are ignorant of all contact with Thee. These men whose knowledge is intellectual and whose action is confined to a construction which they believe to be the best, are the most difficult of all to convert; it is harder to awaken the consciousness of the Divine in them than in any other person of goodwill. Love alone can work this miracle, for love opens all doors, penetrates every wall, clears every obstacle. And a little true love does more than the most beautiful speeches.

Lord, let this pure flower of love blossom in me, that it may give its fragrance to all those who come near us, and that this fragrance may sanctify them.

In this love lie peace and joy, the fount of all strength and all realisation. It is the infallible healer, the supreme consoler; it is the victor, the sovereign teacher.

O Lord, my sweet Master, Thou whom I adore in silence and to whom I have entirely consecrated myself, Thou who governest my life, kindle in my heart the flame of Thy pure love that it may burn like a glowing brazier, consuming all imperfections and transforming into a comforting warmth and radiating light the dead wood of egoism and the black coals of ignorance.

Page 40

O Lord, I turn towards Thee with a devotion at once joyful and solemn and I implore Thee:

Let Thy love manifest,
Thy reign come.
May Thy peace govern the world.

Page 41

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