CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of Long Ago Vol. 2 of CWM 288 pages 2004 Edition
English Translation


All the writings of the Mother from the period before 1920, with some exceptions.

Words of Long Ago

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Sont réunis dans ce volume tous les écrits de la Mère datant d’avant 1920 – à l’exception de Prières et Méditations; des causeries faites à Paris à « de petits groupes de chercheurs » ; plusieurs textes écrits au Japon, et « Belles histoires », des contes écrits pour les enfants.

Collection des œuvres de La Mère Paroles d’autrefois Vol. 2 342 pages 2008 Edition
The Mother symbol
The Mother

This volume contains all the writings of the Mother from the period before 1920, the year she settled in Pondicherry, with the exception of 'Prayers and Meditations'. The volume includes talks given in Paris to 'small groups of seekers'; several texts written in Japan, and 'Belles histoires', stories written for children. The book is divided into seven parts, according to the nature and date of the material. Most of the pieces were written originally in French and appear here in English translation.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of Long Ago Vol. 2 288 pages 2004 Edition
English Translation

25 June 1912

What is the most useful idea to spread and what is the best example to set?

The question can be considered in two ways, a very general one applicable to the whole earth, and another specific one which concerns our present social environment.

From the general point of view, it seems to me that the most useful idea to spread is twofold:

1) Man carries within himself perfect power, perfect wisdom and perfect knowledge, and if he wants to possess them, he must discover them in the depth of his being, by introspection and concentration.

2) These divine qualities are identical at the centre, at the heart of all beings; this implies the essential unity of all, and all the consequences of solidarity and fraternity that follow from it.

The best example to give would be the unalloyed serenity and immutably peaceful happiness which belong to one who knows how to live integrally this thought of the One God in all.

From the point of view of our present environment, here is the idea which, it seems to me, it is most useful to spread:

True progressive evolution, an evolution which can lead man to his rightful happiness, does not lie in any external means, material improvement or social change. Only a deep and inner process of individual self-perfection can make for real progress and completely transform the present state of things, and change suffering and misery into a serene and lasting contentment.

Consequently, the best example is one that shows the first stage of individual self-perfection which makes possible all the rest, the first victory to be won over the egoistic personality: disinterestedness.

Page 69

At a time when all rush upon money as the means to satisfy their innumerable cravings, one who remains indifferent to wealth and acts, not for the sake of gain, but solely to follow a disinterested ideal, is probably setting the example which is most useful at present.

Page 70

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