CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 of CWM 367 pages 2004 Edition


The Mother's brief written statements on various aspects of spiritual life including some spoken comments.

Words of the Mother - II

The Mother symbol
The Mother

This volume consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the late 1920s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. The volume also contains a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 367 pages 2004 Edition

Faith in the Divine Grace and Help

Have a steady faith in the divine Grace.

Continue to have full faith in the Divine's Grace, Will and Action and all will be all right.

All depends on the intensity of the faith and the firmness of the right attitude.

The Grace is always with you; concentrate in your heart with a silent mind and you are sure also to receive the guidance and the help you aspire for.

The Grace and the help are always there for all who aspire for them and their power is limitless when received with faith and confidence.

The Grace is always there ready to act but you must let it work and not resist its action. The one condition required is faith. When you feel attacked, call for help to Sri Aurobindo and myself. If your call is sincere (that is to say, if you sincerely want to be cured) your call will be answered and the Grace will cure you.

Yes, faith in the Grace always brings about its intervention.

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For the Grace to have a perfect and total result of its action, the faith must be total and perfect.

Once more, the lack of faith of the human mind brings complications and pain where with a quiet faith in the Divine Guidance all could be very simple and easy.

It is for the growth of this faith and confidence that I have been working for many years.

Obviously the resistance is obstinate.

Why disappointing? If there is one in a hundred who has a true faith, it is already a miracle!

The Grace will never fail us―such is the faith we must keep constantly in our heart.

It is our lack of faith that creates our limitations.

The Divine Grace is with us and never leaves us even when the appearances are dark.

The Supreme's power is infinite―it is our faith that is small.

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At each moment of our life, in all circumstances the Grace is there helping us to surmount all difficulties.

In failure as well as in success, the Divine's Grace is always there.

The closer you come to the Divine, the more you live under a shower of overwhelming evidence of His immeasurable Grace.

Our faith in the omnipotence of the Grace is never equal to what the Grace itself is.

An absolute faith and trust in the Grace is, in the last analysis, the Supreme Wisdom.

Through this apparent chaos a new and better order is being formed. But to see it one must have faith in the Divine Grace. Cheer up.

In the present growing conflict what should be our attitude?

Faith and total confidence in the Divine's Grace.

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It is when all seems lost that all can be saved. When you have lost confidence in your personal power, then you should have faith in the Divine Grace.

"At the very moment when everything seems to go from bad to worse, it is then that we must make a supreme act of faith and know that the Grace will never fail us."1

I mean, act according to our inner conviction regardless of all consequences and keep our faith unshaken in spite of the apparent so-called proofs to the contrary.

Surely, all this comes to teach us to have a quiet faith that what is truly needed we shall have and that, for the rest, we must not bother.

In the final analysis everything really depends on the Divine Grace and we should look at the future with confidence and serenity, progressing at the same time as quickly as we can.

In an ardent faith lies salvation.

In the final analysis, it is the Supreme Lord who does all.

We must be faithful instruments.

Have faith and unshaken confidence. The Divine Grace will do the rest.

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Let us offer our will to the Divine Grace; it is the Grace that accomplishes all.

The Grace, the Grace alone can act. That alone can open the way, that alone can do the miracle.

Keep good faith in the Grace. She is the doer of all miracles.

We must learn to rely only on the Divine Grace and to call for its help in all circumstances; then it will work out constant miracles.

However long the journey may be and however great the traveller, at the end is always found exclusive reliance on the Divine Grace.

The divine Grace alone shall be our support.

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