CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 of CWM 367 pages 2004 Edition


The Mother's brief written statements on various aspects of spiritual life including some spoken comments.

Words of the Mother - II

The Mother symbol
The Mother

This volume consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the late 1920s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. The volume also contains a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 367 pages 2004 Edition

Judging Others

The more a mind is ignorant, the more easily it judges everything it does not know or is incapable of understanding.

I want the peace to come into your mind and also the quiet, patient wisdom which prevents one from jumping to hasty conclusions and judgments.

It is always better to keep a quiet mind and to abstain from rushing to conclusions before you have the necessary information.

Tell your vital not to judge on appearances and to collaborate. All is well in the long run.

You were wrong to be disturbed; that shows that suspicion was in your mind and heart. And if one is perfectly pure oneself, one cannot have any suspicion. The mind is incapable of knowing; it judges by appearances and not even by their totality but by what it can perceive of them, and its judgment is necessarily false. Only the truth-consciousness can know the truth, and it never suspects or judges.

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Before deciding that something is wrong in others or in circumstances, you must be quite sure of the correctness of your judgment—and what judgment is correct so long as one lives in the ordinary consciousness that is based on ignorance and filled with falsehood?

Only the Truth-Consciousness can judge. So it is better, in all circumstances, to leave the judgment to the Divine.

Whenever somebody is not just according to the usual pattern, if all the parts and activities in him have not the usual balance, if some faculties are more or less missing and some others are exaggerated, the common and easy habit is to declare him "abnormal" and to have done with him after this hasty condemnation. When this summary judgment is passed by somebody in a position of power the consequences can be disastrous. Such people ought to know what true compassion is, then they would act differently.

The first necessity is to abstain from thinking of anyone in a depreciatory way. When we meet a person, our criticising thoughts give to him, so to say, a blow on the nose which naturally creates a revolt in him. It is our mental formation that acts like a deforming mirror to that person, and then one would become queer even if one were not. Why cannot people remove from their minds the idea that somebody or other is not normal? By what criterion do they judge? Who is really normal? I can tell you that not a single person is normal, because to be normal is to be divine.

Man has one leg in animality and the other in humanity. At the same time he is a candidate for divinity. His is not a happy condition. The true animals are better off. And they are also more harmonious among themselves. They do not quarrel as human beings do. They do not put on airs, they do not consider some as inferiors and keep them at a distance.

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One must have a sympathetic outlook and learn to cooperate with one's fellows, building them up and helping them instead of sneering at whatever seems not up to the mark.

Even if somebody has a deficiency and is hypersensitive and self-willed, you cannot hope to improve him by summary measures of compulsion or expulsion. Do not try to force his ego by your own, by behaving according to the same pattern. Guide him gently and understandingly along the lines of his own nature. See whether you can place him where he can work without coming into conflict with others.

If those who are in power are puffed up with their own importance, they disturb the true working. Whatever their abilities, their achievement is not the real thing.

But it is not that they are always lacking in good-will. They have false ideas of what is proper. If they become more conscious of the divine aim, they can surely succeed in carrying it out.

With our own perfection grows in us a generous understanding of others.

Do not trouble yourselves with what others do, I cannot repeat it to you too often. Do not judge, do not criticise, do not compare. That is not your lookout.

You have no right to judge a man unless you are capable of doing what he does better than himself.

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And what is X's criterion of judgment? Has he become divine? Only the Divine knows the true value of each one.

She has climbed on the heights of a too recently acquired purity to judge and criticise with undue severity an elder brother who has always been very kind to her.

Be severe to yourself before being severe to others.

Do not mind the stupidity of others, mind your own.

It would be better if the mind also did not meddle with others' affairs, and still more if the vital took no interest in them.

I would suggest to you for your future guidance not to meddle in matters which do not concern you. If X is still here, it is because I choose to keep her with me.

It is one of the highest virtues—not to poke your nose in the affairs of others.1

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