CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 of CWM 367 pages 2004 Edition


The Mother's brief written statements on various aspects of spiritual life including some spoken comments.

Words of the Mother - II

The Mother symbol
The Mother

This volume consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the late 1920s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. The volume also contains a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of the Mother - II Vol. 14 367 pages 2004 Edition

The Vital

It came to my realisation that Life-Force and the Force to create movements in the body is seated deep within behind the upper abdomen.

Yes, there is a seat of creative vital force there.

The vital is the seat of our power, energy, enthusiasm, effective dynamism. It needs a systematic education.

Vital centre: passionate and strong, it asks for control.

It is the vital that gives enthusiasm, but the vital by nature is unsteady and always wants new things. Unless it is converted and becomes a docile servant of the Divine, things are always fluctuating.

Power of vital expression is useful only when the vital is converted.

Conversion of the vital: enthusiastic and spontaneous, it gives itself unstintingly.

The day the vital will be converted it will have much to give.

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Generosity in the vital gives itself unstintingly.

Strength in the vital likes to show its beauty and power.

Consent of the vital: amiable, smiling, ever ready for action, with a great goodwill.

Vital consecration: delightfully modest and fragrant, it smiles at life without wanting to draw attention to itself.

Steadfast vitality: the vitality which depends on integral consecration.

Stability in the vital: one of the important results of conversion.

Vital transparency: indispensable to conversion.

Vital patience: indispensable for all progress.

Vital progress: organisation around the Divine Will and a progressive surrender to this Will.

The vital governed by the Presence: the vital force rendered peaceful and disciplined by the Divine Presence.

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Formative faculty in the vital: spontaneous but not always happy, it needs to be disciplined.

Candid simplicity in the vital: one of the most difficult qualities for the vital to acquire.

Trust in the Divine: very indispensable for the impulsive vital.

Vital trust in the Divine: full of courage and energy, no longer fears anything.

Vital joy in matter: the reward for abolishing selfishness.

Peace in the vital: the result of abolishing desires.

Silence in the vital: a powerful help for inner peace.

Sincerity in the vital: the sure road to realisation.

Light in the vital: one of the first steps on the long road.

Spiritual awakening of the vital: it soars towards the heights in the hope of reaching them.

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In the vital even a little victory has great consequences.

To harmonise the vital is a psychological masterpiece.

Happy is he who accomplishes it.

I am disgusted with this world of battling egos.

This is natural: the world of the human vital is an ugly one; it greatly needs to be changed.

The egoistic vital reactions must disappear before anything serious can be done.

Vital will manifesting in life: it is often the cause of the greatest disorders.

Vital sensitivity is excessive if not controlled.

I have become very sensitive and get upset for the slightest reason.

These are vital perturbations which show themselves in the course of the Sadhana and have to be eliminated. They must not be regarded as natural movements justified by the wrong actions of others and bound to continue so long as there is an external cause. The real cause is internal and it can be got rid of by yogic discipline, vigilance, self-detachment and a quiet but strict rejection.

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As for the change in the vital, it will come by itself when you form the habit of remaining in your higher consciousness where all these petty things and movements are worthless.

How can one conquer the obscure vital? Rather, how is it possible to change the obscure vital into a luminous vital?

By the surrender of the vital, its opening to the light, and by the growth of consciousness.

Right attitude in the vital:


mental and vital quiet faith—

in your own realisation and in the Divine's help.

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