CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of the Mother - III Vol. 15 of CWM 409 pages 2004 Edition


The Mother's brief statements on various aspects of spiritual life including some conversations.

Words of the Mother - III

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Part One consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the early 1930s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. There are also a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication. These reports are identified by the symbol § placed at the end. Part Two consists of thirty-two conversations not included elsewhere in the Collected Works. The first six conversations are the earliest recorded conversations of the 1950s' period. About three-fourths of these conversations were spoken in French and appear here in English translation.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of the Mother - III Vol. 15 409 pages 2004 Edition

New Year Messages

Messages given annually on New Year's Day (January 1).


Let the birth of the new year be the new birth of our consciousness.

Leaving the past far behind us, let us run towards a luminous future.


Lord, the year is dying and our gratitude bows down to Thee.

Lord, the year is reborn, our prayer rises up to Thee.

Let it be for us also the dawn of a new life.


We surrender to Thee this evening all that is artificial and false, all that pretends and imitates. Let it disappear with the year that is at an end. May only what is perfectly true, sincere, straight and pure subsist in the year that is beginning.

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O Lord! Grant that this year may be the year of Thy Victory.We aspire for a perfect faithfulness which would make us worthy of it.


Glory to Thee, O Lord, who triumphest over every obstacle!

Grant that nothing in us may be an impediment to Thy work.


Lord, grant that everything in us may be ready for Thy Realisation. On the threshold of the new year we bow down to Thee, O Lord, Supreme Realiser.


Will be the year of purification.

O Lord, all those who take part in the divine work implore Thee that by a supreme purification they may be liberated from the domination of the ego.


A year of silence and expectation...

Let us find, O Lord, our entire support in Thy Grace alone.

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The world is fighting for its spiritual life menaced by the rush of hostile and undivine forces.

Lord, we aspire to be Thy valiant warriors so that Thy glory may manifest upon the earth.


Glory to Thee, O Lord, conqueror of every foe!

Give us the power to endure and share in Thy victory.


The hour has come when a choice has to be made, radical and definitive.

Lord, give us the strength to reject falsehood and emerge in Thy truth, pure and worthy of Thy victory.


O Lord, the world implores Thee to prevent it from falling back always into the same stupidities.

Grant that the mistakes recognised may never be renewed.

Grant lastly that its actions may be the exact and sincere expression of its proclaimed ideals.

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The earth will enjoy a lasting and living peace only when men understand that they must be truthful even in their international dealings.

O Lord, it is for this perfect truthfulness that we aspire.


Lord, it is Thy Peace we would have and not a vain semblance of peace, Thy Freedom and not a semblance of freedom, Thy Unity and not a semblance of unity. For it is only Thy Peace, Thy Freedom and Thy Unity that can triumph over the blind violence and the hypocrisy and falsehood that still reign upon earth.

Grant that those who so valiantly struggled and suffered for Thy Victory, may see the true and genuine results of that victory realised in the world.

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At the very moment when everything seems to go from bad to worse, it is then that we must make a supreme act of faith and know that the Grace will never fail us.


Forward, for ever forward!
At the end of the tunnel is the light...
At the end of the fight is the victory!


Lord, on the eve of the new year I asked Thee what I must say. Thou hast made me see two extreme possibilities and given me the command to keep silent.


Don't speak. Act.

Don't announce. Realise.


Lord, we are upon earth to accomplish Thy work of transformation. It is our sole will, our sole preoccupation. Grant that it may be also our sole occupation and that all our actions may help us towards this single goal.

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O Lord, Thou hast decided to test the quality of our faith and to pass our sincerity on Thy touchstone. Grant that we come out greater and purer from the ordeal.


Lord, Thou hast told us: Do not give way, hold tight. It is when everything seems lost that all is saved.


My Lord, here is Thy advice to all, for this year:

"Never boast about anything, let your acts speak for you."

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No human will can finally prevail against the Divine's Will. Let us put ourselves deliberately and exclusively on the side of the Divine, and the Victory is ultimately certain.


The greatest victories are the least noisy.

The manifestation of a new world is not proclaimed by beat of drum.

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A Power greater than that of Evil can alone win the victory.

It is not a crucified but a glorified body that will save the world.

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O Nature, Material Mother, thou hast said that thou wilt collaborate and there can be no limit to the splendour of this collaboration.


At the very bottom of the inconscience most hard and rigid and narrow and stifling I struck upon an almighty spring that cast me up forthwith into a formless limitless Vast vibrating with the seeds of a new world.


To know is good, to live is better, to be, that is perfect.


This wonderful world of delight waiting at our gates for our call, to come down upon earth...


We thirst for perfection. Not this human perfection which is a perfection of the ego and bars the way to the divine perfection.

But that one perfection which has the power to manifest upon earth the Eternal Truth.

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Let us prepare for the Hour of God.


Are you ready?


Salute to the advent of Truth.

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Let us serve the Truth.


Men, countries, continents!
The choice is imperative:
Truth or the abyss.


Remain young, never stop striving towards perfection.


No words—acts.


The world is preparing for a big change.

Will you help?


Blessed are those who take a leap towards the Future.

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Let us all try to be worthy of Sri Aurobindo's centenary.


When you are conscious of the whole world at the same time, then you can become conscious of the Divine.

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