CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of the Mother - III Vol. 15 of CWM 409 pages 2004 Edition


The Mother's brief statements on various aspects of spiritual life including some conversations.

Words of the Mother - III

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Part One consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the early 1930s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. There are also a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication. These reports are identified by the symbol § placed at the end. Part Two consists of thirty-two conversations not included elsewhere in the Collected Works. The first six conversations are the earliest recorded conversations of the 1950s' period. About three-fourths of these conversations were spoken in French and appear here in English translation.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of the Mother - III Vol. 15 409 pages 2004 Edition


Mother Divine,

Something is going wrong with my brain. I often think of suicide. Please pardon me and give me Thy protection and blessings.

If you are sincere in your aspiration to see me, you must throw far away from you these morbid ideas of suicide which are quite contrary to any divine life. Be patient, firm and steady, face quietly the difficulties of life and still more quietly the difficulties of "sadhana"—then you will be sure of the final success.

With blessings.

I feel that I am your blank child born with blank fortune; such a child has no mission to fulfil in life. Isn't it better to go away from the world?

It is in this world that you have to change and that the change is possible. If you run away from this world, you will have to come again probably in worse conditions and you will have to do everything all over again.

It is much better not to be a coward, to face now the situation and to make the necessary effort to conquer. The help is always with you; you must learn to avail yourself of it.

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Love and blessings.

Know for certain that to commit suicide is the most foolish action that a man can do; because the end of the body does not mean the end of the consciousness and what was troubling you while you were alive continues to trouble you when you are dead, without the possibility of diverting your mind which you can get when you are alive.

I have received a rather pathetic letter from a reader of Mother India. He writes:

"Though I am sincerely trying to follow the Mother's instructions in my life, I have been very much surrounded by difficulties—to such an extent that suicide is the only solution. So I request you to be kind enough to see that my prayer reaches the Mother's personal notice."

Mother, what should I reply?

Suicide, far from being a solution, is a stupid aggravation of the situation, that for perhaps centuries will make life intolerable.

The Ramayana says that when Rama saw that his work on earth was finished, he entered the river Sarayu along with his companions. This looks like mass suicide and suicide is regarded as the greatest sin. How to understand this?

1) For the Supreme there is no sin.

2) For the devotee there is no greater sin than to be far from the Lord.

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3) At the time when the Ramayana was conceived and written, the knowledge revealed by Sri Aurobindo that the earth will be transformed into a divine world and an abode of the Supreme was not known or accepted.

If you consider these three points you will understand the legend. (Although it may be that the actual facts were not as they have been told.)

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