CWM Set of 17 volumes
Words of the Mother - III Vol. 15 of CWM 409 pages 2004 Edition


The Mother's brief statements on various aspects of spiritual life including some conversations.

Words of the Mother - III

The Mother symbol
The Mother

Part One consists primarily of brief written statements by the Mother on various aspects of spiritual life. Written between the early 1930s and the early 1970s, the statements have been compiled from her public messages, private notes, and correspondence with disciples. About two-thirds of them were written in English; the rest were written in French and appear here in English translation. There are also a small number of spoken comments, most of them in English. Some are tape-recorded messages; others are reports by disciples that were later approved by the Mother for publication. These reports are identified by the symbol § placed at the end. Part Two consists of thirty-two conversations not included elsewhere in the Collected Works. The first six conversations are the earliest recorded conversations of the 1950s' period. About three-fourths of these conversations were spoken in French and appear here in English translation.

Collected Works of The Mother (CWM) Words of the Mother - III Vol. 15 409 pages 2004 Edition


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There is a Supreme Divine Consciousness. We want to manifest this Divine Consciousness in the physical life.


The goal is not to lose oneself in the Divine Consciousness. The goal is to let the Divine Consciousness penetrate into Matter and transform it.

The Divine Consciousness is at work to transform you and you must open to it in order to let it work freely in you.

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Of all things the most difficult is to bring down the Divine Consciousness into the material world; must the endeavour be abandoned on that account? Surely not.

You belong to this stage of spirituality that needs to reject matter and wants to escape from it. The spirituality of tomorrow will take up matter and transform it.

True spirituality transforms life.

After one year's experience of the shallowness and inefficiency of human ways, it is time to start climbing on the steep way leading to the true goal, transformation.

Transformation: the goal of creation.

The new world: the result of transformation.

Three Conditions

A work that has terrestrial progress as its goal cannot be started unless it has the sanction and help of the Divine.

It cannot endure unless there is a constant material growth which satisfies the will of Nature.

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It cannot be destroyed prematurely except by human ill-will, which then serves as an instrument of forces hostile to the Divine, which are striving to delay as much as possible His manifestation and the transformation of the earth.

One thing you must know and never forget: in the work of transformation all that is true and sincere will always be kept; only what is false and insincere will disappear.

Obscurity will disappear more and more as the transformation progresses.

Each one of you represents one of the difficulties that have to be surmounted for the transformation.

Unless one has an endless patience and an unshakable perseverance, it is better not to start on the way of transformation.

Let each suffering pave the way to transformation.

Be quiet and gather strength and force not only to do work but also to achieve the transformation.

Perfect integral balance: one is ready for transformation.

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The constant remembrance of the Divine is indispensable for transformation.

Be simply sincere in your obedience to the Divine—this will take you far on the way to transformation.

Silence all outside noise, aspire for the Divine's help; open integrally to it then it comes and surrender to its action, and it will effectively bring about your transformation.

With the Divine Love is the supreme power of Transformation.

With the Divine's Love is the power of Transformation. It has this power because it is for the sake of Transformation that it has given itself to the world and manifested everywhere. Not only into man but into all the atoms of Matter has it infused itself in order to bring the world back to the original Truth. The moment you open to it, you receive also its power of Transformation. But it is not in terms of quantity that you can measure it—what is essential is the true contact; for you will find that the true contact with it is sufficient to fill at once the whole of your being.

And when the day will come for the manifestation of the supreme Love, for the crystallised, concentrated descent of the supreme Love, that will indeed be the moment of Transformation. Because nothing will be able to resist That.

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