Mother and Abhay 153 pages 2006 Edition   Sujata Nahar


Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay

Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay Editor:   Sujata Nahar 153 pages 2006 Edition


Prithwi Singh,

You can certainly come in February for the darshan, we shall be very glad to see you here and the two children 1 can also come. You will have all to crowd in one room, but as it is only for a few days that should not matter. We are getting more and more packed in the Asram and our elbow-room has diminished since you were here.

Sri Aurobindo


I speak with Kakima [aunt Shanti Kumari, Uday Singh's wife], another Kakima [Kiran Kumari, Umir Chand's wife], and Pisima [Nirmal Kumari, Uday Singh's sister].

1 1. Abhay Singh and Sujata, aged 11 and 9.

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Mother, this time every day during meditation and pranam I can see your light. Mother, could I go on Thursday for an outing in the car? Mother, I like it very much here, so instead of returning with Kaka [Uncle Uday Singh], may I return with Father in February?


Abhay Singh

Abhay Singh,

You can go in the motor on Thursday if it does not rain. Mother thinks it is better for you to return with your uncle and not wait till February.

Sri Aurobindo

30 December 1935

Prithwi Singh,

Abhay Singh and Sujata are getting on very well and the Mother has no doubt that the soul in them will grow and the seed of psychic capacity develop. The arrangements for Sujata of which you speak in your letter are approved by the Mother. Abhay Singh has become very fond of the Asram; but the Mother thinks he has need of your direct care and training as he is so very young and that is why she preferred that he should return with his uncle.

Sri Aurobindo

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Prithwi Singh,

[...] Abhay Singh and Sujata have their way as Uday Singh is not going before February; they are jubilant over the turn things have taken...

Letter from Sri Aurobindo - 0004-1.jpg

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Dear Abhay Singh,

Sri Aurobindo has given this answer to your question. Of course he spoke in English but told me to write to you in Bengali. Here it is:

After death the soul leaves the earth immediately or in a short time to enter what is called vital worlds. It stays there for some time, then when the time comes it leaves that too. In this way, finally it enters what is called the psychic world—here it takes rest. It remains there till the time comes to take a new birth.

I hope you are well. Take Mother's and Sri Aurobindos blessings. Accept my fond love.

Sri Nolini Kanto Gupta

P.S. I hope you will be able to read my handwriting.

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