Mother and Abhay 153 pages 2006 Edition   Sujata Nahar


Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay

Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay Editor:   Sujata Nahar 153 pages 2006 Edition

Memorial Service

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Today, we have assembled here to pay homage to Abhay Singh Nahar, and it is a privilege to get an opportunity to pay my respects to him and say a few words about the life of my beloved grand uncle.

He was born on 30th April, 1924 in a house in this very Indian Mirror Street. When he was five years old, his father, Prithwi Singh Nahar, in order to provide better education to his children, took them to Santiniketan, established by Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore.

Abhay Singh's sister, Sujata Nahar, narrates a notable incident during their stay at Santiniketan in an article written by her: "On the eve of the Durgapuja holidays, the Harijans of Santiniketan prepared "khichdi" (a dish of rice/dal preparation) with due care and cleanliness which was eaten with relish by the teachers and students of Shantiniketan. The newspapers of Calcutta published a list of all such persons which included the name of Abhay Singh from the Nahar family. Later, when he came to Calcutta, his elders refused to share the same seat with him. Pained by such attitude of the people, Abhay Singh's grandmother rebuked them by saying that they had failed to understand the cardinal principles of Jainism which advocates no discrimination between caste and creed and the fact that all are equal. Everybody realised their mistake and kept quiet."

Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore had special love and affection for Abhay Singh, and wrote a beautiful poem on

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him, which we all will hear in the form of a song a little later.

His father, Prithwi Singh, could not settle in Santiniketan also and went out in search of a higher spiritual guide and met Sri Aurobindo and the Mother whom he recognised as his spiritual gurus and finally settled down in Pondicherry.

In 1940, at the age of 16, Abhay Singh finally settled at Pondicherry Ashram on a permanent basis, and his devotion to work and sincerity brought him very close to the Mother.

He started work in the Workshop of the Ashram with French disciple Pavitrada while continuing with his studies simultaneously under him. Gradually, the Mother entrusted him with as many as nineteen Ashram departments which he managed very successfully. He also had the privilege of driving the car in which the Mother travelled. When Sports activities started at the Ashram, he was the first flag bearer.

He spent a great deal of labour and patience to convert a wild shrubbery and stony soil into a beautiful garden and the Mother named it "Nandanam". The Mother entrusted him with the work of clearing and expanding the "Vinayak Mandir" of Pondicherry. Once he had a vision that Lord Ganesh wanted to grant him a wish and he sought a blessing to be able to run the garden "Nandanam" in a proper way. It seems that Lord Ganesha kept his commitment because when Abhay Singh was facing difficulty to run "Nandanam" due to shortage of funds, a person suddenly gave him exactly the sum of money required.

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Divine spiritual powers developed in his sadhana due to close proximity to the Mother. He also came in contact with several great men and Yogis, which helped in his yogic sadhana. In course of time, he turned out as an outstanding personality and an ardent sadhak of the Ashram.

Broad-minded, ever smiling, soft spoken but ready to meet and interact with people, Abhay Singh always came forward to help the poor and downtrodden people. He was very fond of music. Songs of Rabindranath Tagore, Ramprasad, Rajanikanta and Nazrul were his favourites.

After the Mother left her physical body in 1973, he had to face a lot of opposition and obstacles in the Ashram, but always maintained calmness and good humour.

At the age of 77, on 14th August, 2001 everybody's favourite "Rajabhai" left his earthly body and went to his heavenly abode to unite with his Lord Sri Aurobindo and Mother.

He may not be physically present amongst us, but will remain in our heart for ever.

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Rabindranath Tagore

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