Mother and Abhay 153 pages 2006 Edition   Sujata Nahar


Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay

Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay Editor:   Sujata Nahar 153 pages 2006 Edition

Tributes to Abhay

in Bengali

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Tributes in French

Sumitra-di bonsoir,

Je n'avais pas marque ce que j'avais vu a propos de Abhay Singh.

Je te dis done ce qui ne s'efface pas de ma memoire: Abhay Singh s'eloignait dans la lumiere sur un chemin en or solide.

II s'est tourne et j'ai vu son sourire qui etait tres doux.

Quant au detail, Sri Aurobindo dont tu me paries, tout ce dont je me souviens, e'est une atmosphere, une essence de Sri Aurobindo qui enveloppait Abhay Singh.

Tu me dis que j'avais parle de pont: je faisais allusion au pont que Sri Aurobindo et Mere ont construit entre le monde physique et le monde supramental, qu'on peut emprunter pour ne pas passer a travers les mondes interme-diaires. Sans doute Abhay Singh y avait« pose le pied » avant de quitter le corps: je sens que son passage n'a ete qu'une continuation lumineuse. Je ne peux pas oublier ce chemin en or solide.


Sumitra-di, good evening,

I did not write down what I saw concerning Abhay Singh.

So I'll tell you what will not be erased from my memory: Abhay Singh was moving away in the light on a path of solid gold.

He looked back and I saw his very sweet smile.

As to the detail on Sri Aurobindo you mention, all that

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I remember is an atmosphere, an essence of Sri Aurobindo enveloping Abhay Singh.

You tell me that I spoke of a bridge: I was alluding to the bridge built by Sri Aurobindo and Mother between the physical world and the supramental world, across which one can walk to avoid having to pass through the intermediate worlds. No doubt Abhay Singh had "set his foot" upon it before leaving the body: I feel that his passage was but a serene and luminous continuation. I cannot forget that path of solid gold.

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Tres chers amis,

J'aimerais vous dire que je suis pres de vous dans le depart d'Abhay, dont je conserve un souvenir profond de l'aide qu'il m'apporta du temps ou j'etais a l'Ashram.

De tout ce qu'il fit ensuite, apres le depart de Mere, de sa profonde fidelite a Mere et Sri Aurobindo. Sumitra m'a communique la jolie vision de Felicity: Sri Aurobindo attendant Abhay et lui faisant traverser un pont d'or. C'est tellement bien qu'il n'y a rien a ajouter.

Je vous adresse a Suprabha et a Noren, ma profonde et fidele affection.

21 Aout 2001


Very dear friends,

I would like to tell you that I am near you in the departure of Abhay Singh. I keep a deep memory of the help he gave me when I was in the Ashram.

Everything he did subsequently, after Mother's departure, was with his profound loyalty to Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Sumitra has communicated to me Felicity's beautiful vision: Sri Aurobindo waiting for Abhay and making him cross a bridge of gold. It is so good that nothing more can be added.

I offer my profound and faithful affection to you Suprabha and Noren.


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Dearest Suprabha and Noren,

Michel nous a donne hier soir la si triste nouvelle.

Nous sommes de tout coeur avec vous et partageons votre grande peine.

II nous a quitte mais je sens qu'il reste pres de nous. Avec vous tres affectueusement


Beaucoup d'amour


15 Aout 2001


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Dearest Suprabha and Noren,

Last evening Michel gave us such a sad news.

We are with you wholeheartedly and share your great sorrow.

He has left us but I feel that he remains near us.

With you very fondly,


Lots of love,


Chers amis,

J'ai ete tres emue d'apprendre le depart d'Abhay Singh...

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mais je le sens si leger... comme le vol d'un oiseau parti rejoindre le Divin...

Je vous presente a tous et tout patticulierement a sa compagne mes tres sinceres condoleances.

II restera dans ma memoire avec son beau sourire et son esprit vif, mais il me manquera lorsque je reviendrai vous voir...

Tres affectueusement a vous tous

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Dear Friends,

I was quite upset to learn of Abhay Singh's departure... but I feel him so light... like the flight of a bird gone to rejoin the Divine.

I offer to you all and very particularly to his companion my sincerest condolences.

He will remain in my memory with his beautiful smile and his lively spirit, but I shall miss him when I come again to meet you...

Very fondly to you all.

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A la fin de la reunion du 15 Aout et a ceux qui avaient eu le plaisir de rencontrer Abhay Singh, Sumitra nous a appris son brusque depart.

Veuillez croire que je suis bien peinee et accepter toute mon amitie, vous, votre famille et ses proches a I Ashram.

Bien fraternellement

17 Aout 2001


At the end of 15th August meeting, Sumitra apprised those of us who had the pleasure of knowing Abhay Singh of his sudden departure.

I am deeply saddened, and send my kind regards to you, your family, and to those in the Ashram who were near him.

Fraternally yours

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Noren et famille

En profonde affection avec vous

Noren and family

With you in deep affection


Chere Sumitra, Cher Bernard,

Nous venons d'apprendre la triste nouvelle et venons vous souhaiter beaucoup de courage dans l'epreuve qui vous touche. Nous vous assurons de nos plus sinceres condoleances et de notre tres fraternelle amitie


Dear Sumitra, Dear Bernard,

We just heard the sad news and have come to wish you all courage in the ordeal affecting you. Be assured of our most sincere condolences and very fraternal friendship.


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Bons baisers a tous deux — Nous pensons bien a vous et a toute la famille.


Love to both of you—we are thinking of you and of the entire family.


Bien chere Suprabha,

J'ai appris le 15 aout dernier, par un ami qui avait medite ce jour-la avec des disciples de Mere et de Sri Aurobindo, le deces de votre frere Abhay Singh.

Cela m'a beaucoup emue et beaucoup attristee d'abord

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pour vous et toute votre famille, puis aussi parce que je garde, tres chaud au coeur, ses invitations chaleureuses dans son appartement de l'Ashram et les ties longs et passion-nants entretiens que nous avions eus ensemble.

J'espere qu'il n'a pas souffert et qu'il a pu partir dans la Paix.

Sachez, bien chere Suprabha, que je comprends de tout coeur toute la peine que vous devez ressentir.

Je prie pour vous, pour Abhay Singh et pour toute votre famille.

Soyez gentille de transmettre de ma part a Noren Singh toute ma sympathie dans cette douloureuse epreuve.

Abhay Singh emanait une qualite d'etre qui m'avait pro-fondement touchee.

Mon mari se joint a moi pour vous dire toute notre amitie.

Recevez toute mon affection.

20 Aout 2001

Very dear Suprabha,

On last August 15th, I learned, through a friend who meditated on that day with Mother's and Sri Aurobindo's disciples, of your brother Abhay Singh's decease.

I was very moved and saddened, first of all for you and all your family, and then also because I keep very warmly in my heart his hearty invitations to his Ashram apartment and the long and fascinating conversations we had together.

I hope he did not suffer and could go in Peace.

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You may be assured, dear Suprabha, that I wholeheartedly understand all the sorrow you surely feel.

I pray for you, for Abhay Singh, and all your family.

Be kind enough to convey all my sympathy to Noren Singh in this painful ordeal.

Abhay Singh emanated a quality of being which deeply touched me.

My husband joins me in expressing our love,

Most affectionately.


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Chere famille,

S'il etait des mots a prononcer Pour tenter de vous consoler Nous les dirions du fond du coeur Pour adoucir votre douleur, Sinceres Condoleances

Nous avons ete, et sommes toujours en permanence de tout cceur avec vous, et partageons votre douleur, dans la Grace de Douce Mere et Sri Aurobindo.

Tres fraternellement.


Dear family,

If words could be uttered

To try and comfort you

"We would say them from the bottom of our hearts

To soothe your grief,

Sincere condolences

We were and are always permanently with you wholeheartedly and share your sorrow, in Mother's and Sri Auro-bindo's Grace.


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Je pense beaucoup a Abhay et tout ce qu'il faisait pour nous rendre nos sejours a Pondy confortables. Bernard avait beaucoup de tendresse pour lui. Je pense a toi, Sujata, avec toute mon affection. Cela etait si soudain, tu as du avoir un choc.

5 Novembre 2001


I am thinking a lot of Abhay and all he used to do to make our stays in Pondy comfortable. Bernard felt much tenderness for him. I think of you, Sujata, with all my affection. It was so sudden, you must have felt a shock.

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Bien cher Patrice,

Quelques mots pour te remercier de m'avoir fait prevenir du depart de Abhay Singh.

Etrangcmcnt cette nouvelle m'a donne l'impression d'avoir pense a lui tres recemment mais sans que cela se precise.

Abhay Singh est pour moi lie a Sujata et c'etait Nandanam; ce sont des souvenirs enfouis dans le fond de mon coeur et je n'y touche pas volontiers. II a toujours ete avec moi tres amical et son impact etait celui de la droiture, de la noblesse. J'avais toujours l'impression en le regardant, d'abord de quelque chose de Sujata, un beau visage fin, et cette droiture, un bel homme noble, la noblesse.

Avec le depart de Micheline et d'Abhay Singh, nous avons pense a Mere quand les vieux fideles la quittaient un a un. Rien a dire ou trop a dire pour Sujata, j'ai le coeur qui gonfle dans la poitrine. Si un jour tu la rencontres dis-lui toujours ma tendresse. J'aime Satprem, mais j'avais et j'ai toujours un «coin special» dans le coeur pour elle____

Je te remercie Patrice... nous t'aimons beaucoup et J.P. et Claude aiment tres fort Satprem et Sujata.

20 Aout 2001

Dear Patrice,

A few words to thank you for having informed me about the passing away of Abhay Singh. Strangely enough this

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news gave me the impression of having thought about him very recently but it is vague.

For me Abhay Singh is linked with Sujata and it was Nandanam, these are memories hidden in the recess of my heart. I do not willingly touch them. With me he had always been very friendly and his impact was of straightforwardness, of nobility. Always on seeing him I had the impression first of Sujata, a beautiful fine face and this straightforwardness, a fine noble person, the nobility itself.

With the departure of Micheline and of Abhay Singh, we thought of Mother when the old faithful sadhaks left Her one by one. Nothing to say, or too much to tell for Sujata, my heart swells within my chest. If, one day, you meet her, please tell her about my love always. I love Satprem but I had and still have a "special corner" for her in the heart.

I thank you Patrice... we love you much and J.P. and Claude love very much Satprem and Sujata.

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Grand Frere,

C'est Abhay Singh qui m'avait appris votre Nouvel fitat.

Grand Frere, j'ai de la peine a la pensee de ne plus le voir a notre prochain voyage a Pondy en Mars, si je ne devais pas me faire operer de l'oeil gauche, je ne sais meme pas si j'irais en Inde l'annee prochaine.

Dans mon coeur la certitude qu'il est pres de Mere et de Sri Aurobindo, alors tout est bien; malgre cela une grande tristesse. Micheline, Abhay Singh en quelques mois... en meme temps un nouvel elan pour le Travail...

Che re Sujata,

Dans les mains la carte ecrite par Francoise m'annoncant

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la triste nouvelle, le depart d'un ami, un ami tres cher, le seul ami avec qui je pouvais parler coeur a coeur a Pondy.

Sujata, je partage votre tristesse et je vous remercie de m'avoir fait prevenir.

Je me glisse au milieu de vous pour entourer de toute notre affection Abhay Singh, l'enfant bien aime de Mere et de Sri Aurobindo.

Bonne route, mon amie,

Avec ma profonde tendresse dans « Leur Lumiere». Tous ensemble.

23 Aout 2001

Big Brother,

It is Abhay Singh who informed me about your New State.

Big Brother, I have pain in thinking that I won't see him during our next visit to Pondy in March, if I did not have to be operated on my left eye, I do not even know if I would have gone next year.

In my heart the certitude that he is near Mother and Sri Aurobindo, so everything is alright; in spite of this, a great sadness. Micheline, Abhay within a few months... at the same time a new impetus for the Work...

Dear Sujata,

In my hand the card written by Francoise announcing the sad news of the passing away of a friend, a very dear

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friend, the only friend with whom I could have a heart to heart talk in Pondy.

Sujata, I share your sorrow and I thank you for having informed me.

I creep amongst you to surround Abhay Singh, the beloved child of Mother and Sri Aurobindo, with all our affection.

Good journey, my friend,

With my deep love in "Their Light".

All together.

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Chers amis,

Nous avons appris avec tristesse le depart de votre frere Abhay.

II avait su surmonter les epreuves a la suite du depart de Mere et faire preuve de cet esprit de creation qui nous avait etonnes lorsque nous etions alles dans son bureau, il y a plusieurs annees deja.

Nous avions beaucoup apprecie son accueil chaleureux; ce souvenir reste, lumineux, dans notre coeur.

Son depart, le 14 aout, veille de l'anniversaire de la nais-sance de Sri Aurobindo, n'est pas sans signification.

Par le coeur et par l'esprit, nous nous joignos a votre famille pour le Prayer Meeting At

De tout coeur avec vous.

16 Septembre 2001


Dear Friends,

It is with sadness that we learnt about the passing away

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of your brother Abhay. He had been able to overcome the trials following Mother's departure and showed this creative spirit which astounded us when we visited his office, already many years ago.

We had very much appreciated his warm welcome; this memory remains, luminous, in our heart.

His passing away, on 14th August, eve of Sri Aurobindo's birth anniversary, is not without significance.

In our heart and thought, we join you and your family for the Prayer Meeting in September.

With all our heart with you.

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Vraiment merci pour ce livret dedie a Abhay Singh que N. vient de nous envoyer de votre part. J'ai eu une belle emotion en le lisant, cette emotion si particuliere qui vient de Tame.

Mon mari et moi n'avions jamais rencontre Abhay Singh au cours des annees ou nous vivions en Inde, mais nous avons fait sa connaissance a travers nos lectures de V Agenda

Encore grand merci d'avoir pense a nous offrir ce livre, nous en sommes tres touches. Amities

30 Octobre 2002


Hearty thanks for the booklet dedicated to Abhay Singh which N. sent us recently on your behalf. I had a fine feeling while reading, this feeling so special that comes from the soul.

My husband and myself had never met Abhay Singh during all the years that we lived in India, but we came to know him from reading the "Agenda" and Sujata-di's "Chronicles". Hence we know about the special place that Abhay Singh occupied in Mother's heart.

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Again a big thanks for having thought of presenting us with this booklet, we are very much touched. Love

Chere Sumitra-di, cher Bernard,

Je vous remercie de m'avoir communique ce recueil de temoignages sur Abhay-da: je vais le passer a Rathin qui vient d'avoir une petite intervention et aura besoin de telle lecture, egalement...

Une surprise de taille: la decouverte de deux soeurs poetes! Quelle fraicheur, quelle elegance dans un accent si intime.

8 Novembre 2002


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Dear Sumitra-di, dear Bernard,

I thank you for sharing with me the collection of testimonies on Abhay-da. I will pass it on to Rathin who just had a minor operation and will need such reading equally.

A great surprise: the discovery of the two poet sisters! What freshness, what elegance in such an intimate accent.

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Tributes in English

You went to your new abode in a chariot of Light

And discovered a wonder-world of Truth and Delight.

The Lord Himself welcomed you and the Mother with Her Smile

of Grace

You dwell now for ever in Their Eternal Love and Divine Embrace.

You prostrated yourself at Their Lotus Feet with a joyous surrender

Then went to sleep in Her Divine Lap awaiting the Golden Calendar.

One day They will return in Their body of Glory and change this

earth of ours

You will come back as Their standard-bearer and gardener of

perfumed flowers.

We all look forward to that Supreme Advent and the long-awaited


In the meantime rest in Her Lap, Rajabhai, and dream of that blissful


Oh, we all love you more than words can ever express

And pray that we never forget that precious and infinite Grace.


My dearest Sumitradi & Bernardda,

I don't have any words with which to console you—I know, I have seen, I have experienced how close and loving the bond is, which exists between all of you brothers and

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sisters and my heart goes out to you at this great loss. It was so sudden and totally unexpected and so the shock was greater, I feel, for all of us.

One thing that we know for certain is that Abhubhai's soul is with The Mother and we don't want anything else. Also, to soothe our heart we remember that he did not suffer at all. What a blessing and Grace of our Sweet Mother.

I keep wanting to talk to you about the golden days of our childhood and youth that we spent so happily together. Abhubhai's face is swimming in front of my eyes and his cheerfulness and his laughter...

I will write to Supdi (Suprabhadi) soon and then I will enclose a letter to Sujatajiji. Until then, if you speak to them, give them all our pranams and love.

With love, pranams and best wishes,


My dear Dhanavanti,

I have just received word from Kamal that Abhay Singh has passed away. Please know that I hold you close to my heart and thoughts at this time.

I greatly admired Abhay Singh. He was a refined gentleman, dignified, with a sense of taste, aesthetics and a very developed love for beauty and the arts. I shall truly miss his lovely presence, the warmth of his smile when I visit the ashram. He is surely now in the Mother's all consuming embrace.

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Please extend my love to the Nahar family.

With my love to you,

In Her Light

16 August 2001


My dear Sumitra,

We were deeply shocked and grieved to learn about the sudden demise of our dear Abhayda. We have lost two dear and near ones, one after another within one month. This is destiny. We pray to the Almighty that his soul may rest in peace.

Abhayda will always be remembered as someone extremely affectionate and caring. Yours affectionately

20 August 2001

Respected Sri Noren-da and Suprabha-didi,

We are deeply shocked to know today about the sudden and sad demise of Abhay-da. We couldn't believe his untimely departure. We all pray God to grant eternal peace to the departed soul and give you all courage and fortitude to face this irreparable loss.

Abhay-da was truly a dedicated Ashramke and his work and respect towards the Divine Mother and Sri Aurobindo

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shall always be remembered. We offer our heart-felt tribute to this great son of the Mother.

Please accept our deepest condolence.

22 August 2001


My dear Noren Babaji,

My mind goes back to all those happy times of childhood, where receiving love and gifts from you, Abhay Babaji and bhuas was so wonderful. My bookshelf has a number of books given by Abhay Babaji, and the wonderful person who filled me up with knowledge and happy reading is no longer there is difficult. It is so difficult that it took me a long time to writing to you.

24 August, 2001


I am in receipt of your Birthday Blessings signed by all of you including Abhay Singh whom we have lost on the eve of Sri Aurobindo's Birthday. The blessings of all of you together with the blessings of The Mother and the prasada

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I appreciate (it) very much. This card and Blessings I will preserve (it) throughout my life.

When I saw your brother's body I could not control myself: it was having serenity as well as I was feeling that he was talking to me Silently. I was fortunate to see him due to sister's message otherwise I would have missed this occasion.

With warm regards.

24 August 2001


Dear Sumitradi and Bernard,

Just now I received the information about the gathering in Kolkata for Prayer for Abhay Singh da's memory, which will be held on 16 September at 10.30 a.m. As the Sweet Mother personally appointed me for the last ceremony of the Departed Souls of her children with the Mantra given by Her, that you have seen during your stay at Shanti Nibash, there will be a meditation in front of the Relics of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo by repeating the Mantra 120 times according to the Mother's personal direction, which will be held at the same time on 16 September.

Always in the ocean of Her Compassion...

Her loving child,

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Dearest Family,

Thanks for telling us how magnificent he looked, his face full of light...

Yes, now he is not with us physically but he will always be so much with us showering on us his smiling love, care and affection. But nothing can replace his absence. Rajabhai will be immensely missed by everyone. The void he has left in us is so big and still difficult to realise. But as we are sure he is with Sri Aurobindo and the sweet Mother...

August 29, 2001


Respected Shri Noren-da

I was deeply shocked and in deep sorrow to receive the sad news of the passing away of Abhay-da on the 14th August, 2001 at Pondicherry. This message was conveyed to me through Shri Kiran Lama of Buddhagaya on my arrival at New Delhi on 17th after visiting Chennai and Pondicherry.

I, along with Shri Kiran-ji have had the opportunity of meeting Abhay-da and you all during our visit to the Ashram last year in July and again this year between 5-7 August. And it was only on Tuesday the 7th evening we along with you and Abhay-da had met for tea at Suprabha-di's

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quarters. And a week later, Tuesday the 14th, Abhay-da was no more amongst us. I did not realize then, that this was to be our last meeting. Kiran-ji had sung a Rabindra Sangeet too, that evening—aajie anando sandhya...

Our meeting with Abhay-da was since last year, when we visited the Ashram, as per reference of Sanjay Dugar of Kolkata, and though it was for a very brief period on both the occasions. He was so loving and caring, friendly in nature, and would tell us stories of the good old past days relating to the Ashram, etc. which just seemed to us as fairy tales. We now miss him very much, and especially on our next visit to the Ashram sometime next year.

I pray to the Almighty that may his soul rest in Peace.

My heartfelt condolences to you all in this great loss and

to one and all associated with Abhay-da.

31 August 2001


Esteemed Norenbabu,

I am shocked to know that Abhaybabu is no more.

A perfect gentleman, highly cultured, sweet with words, deeply committed to the mission of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, always rightly proud of his family tradition and contribution, it was always a sort of an unforgettable spiritual experience to talk to him. It is extremely difficult for me to believe and yet there is no option but to accept

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that the inevitable has after all happened. I am deprived of a towering association. Though younger in years, he was a source of great inspiration for me.

Yours sincerely,

31 August, 2001


My dear Sumitradi,

We shall be with you in your prayers on the 16th of Sept. It is with love and esteem that we think of Abhay Singhda; he helped me a lot in constructing different structures while we were doing "geometrie dans l'espace". He always welcomed with a smile and open arms. Though we know how much is his loss, we also know and feel consoled that he is safe with the Mother.

Give our regards to Bernard; with lots of love to you from the three of us,



Great beings come, lesser ones try to follow. And some just pretend to. Abhay Singh was among those who tried; he gave himself and worked with all his generous heart. Some wise men are fond of saying that the results of Yoga and sadhana are not visible, but sometimes they are, glaringly so.

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When you arrogate to yourself the power to rule over others through fear and falsehood, be it in the name of spirituality, you show what you are. When you fight the rule of fear, you show what you are. Abhay Singh showed. And he fought. He would have been sweet and lovable anyway, but courage to stand up to scheming and threat while most others looked the other way, discoursed on Yoga or simply slept, is what set him apart.

"One has to take sides for the Truth," said Sri Aurobindo. He called it "loyalty to Truth." Abhay Singh took sides, regardless of the consequences. He knew the meaning of loyalty. And so even when he fell, he stood.

4 October 2001


My dear Nirmal-da;

Dear Shri Noren Singh Nahar,

It was with a deep sorrow that we learned about the passing away of your esteemed brother Abhay Singh Nahar. His departure has caused a grievous loss to your family, but also to all of us, especially the followers of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. We all know that he was a great source of inspiration and leadership among the fellow-beings around him and proved himself to be a worthy son of a worthy father. We convey our sincerest sympathy to you and your

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family in this great bereavement. We are sure the Grace and protection of the Mother and the Lord Sri Aurobindo are constantly with the departed soul, our Abhay Singh Nahar, till he reaches the Goal, and even thereafter.

May the blessings and Protection of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo be with all of you always.

Yours Sincerely

5 September 2001


Dearest Suprabha-di,


I was very sad to hear of the passing of your brother, Abhay Singh; I will always remember his generosity of spirit. He gave so much of himself to others. What a gift, a rare gift he gave us all.

Warm affection and love

8 January 2003


"I am stronger than death and greater than my fate;

My love shall outlast the world, doom falls from me

Helpless against my immortality.....

Life only is, or death is life disguised,

Life a short death until by life we are surprised...."

Sri Aurobindo

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"Death is a question Nature puts continually to life and its reminder to it that it has not yet found itself."

Sri Aurobindo

Dear Suprabha-di, Sri Noren Singh-da,

On August 23, "The Statesman" brought us the news. It was quite a jolt. When my brother pointed it out, I couldn't say a word nor could read the whole thing. Eyes filled up instantly—they do even now as I write.

Abhay da. That benign sweet smile and warm welcome shining in his eyes every time I happened to be in that house

-his cheerful affectionate greeting welcomed me.

-now is just not

-makes me sad to believe.

The suddenness of it must have made it harder for you all to bear.

I trust the protecting, healing umbrella of Ma-Sri Aurobindo s love under which you are shall give you the required poise and fortitude.

Our heartfelt condolence, prayers at this time.

In the Divine Mother's love,

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