Mother and Abhay 153 pages 2006 Edition   Sujata Nahar


Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay

Trilingual compilation of letters from Sri Aurobindo to Abhay, The Mother's birthday messages, tributes, Abhay's recollections, 2 dreams and more...

Mother and Abhay Editor:   Sujata Nahar 153 pages 2006 Edition

Two Dreams of Abhay

(Retold by Sujata)

In 1969, Mother gave the Manakula Vinayaka temple in Pondicherry an extra space of 130 square metres. The old boundary wall was demolished, a new wall was constructed. Mother had given this job to Abhay. A few days later Abhay had a visit from Ganesha himself! "A radiating golden Ganeshji with a football in his hand..." The god looked fondly at Abhay and invited him to play football with him! Abhay was a good football player. A delighted Abhay played with Ganesha till he was tired. The kind god smiled and said, "You see, I am now able to move about freely because of the extra space. I am pleased with you and I want to bestow upon you a boon." A surprised and happy Abhay replied that he had no personal need "as you know, the Mother gives us everything even before we ask Her. But I pray to you to grant me that the work of growth and development at Nandanam Garden does not suffer from paucity of funds." Abhay described to us his dream. "A smiling Shri Ganeshji looked at me with love and affection. I bowed down to him. He raised his hand and blessed me and disappeared." Ganesh kept his word. The work at Nandanam never suffered from lack of money.


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On the night of Saturday, 2nd June, 1979

The place was somewhere in a building of the Ashram, but not the main building of the Ashram. I was walking in a garden under a tall coconut tree. All around was shabby, and there was an atmosphere of depression. At some places it was pitch dark, but at some places it was bright sunshine. Some tall trees were around. (It seems that the location was Cocotier of Parichand.)

Then I saw suddenly, emerging from the dark, a procession of people carrying a long basket. The people carrying the basket were all ashramites, and among them were two trustees. Also, I got the impression that the basket contained a dead body and that it was being carried to the cremation ground. (The procession seemed to have emerged from the small lane that connects Parichand's Cocotier with the building of the office of the Department of Physical Education.)

I wondered as to what had happened, and who was being carried.

As the procession approached the courtyard and people saw me, there was panic among them, and there was scare and fear, and their faces became white with nervousness or anxiety.

I was surprised to see their nervous faces and wondered what all this was about. And then, they suddenly left the

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basket and ran for their lives, helter-skelter. I was really astonished to see their faces full of panic.

Then I looked at the basket left behind by them. At the top of the basket there was a white cloth which was tucked on all the sides. I noticed that the cloth was moving and that someone inside the basket was struggling to come out.

So, I went near the basket and removed the cloth. And to my utter shock and surprise I found a most beautiful and magnificent peacock, which was tied brutally by a strong rope with the basket.

I hastened to untie the knot and the peacock sprang out in a very dignified way. The peacock shook itself a little and looked at me with affectionate appreciation. The peacock was most beautiful with extraordinary grandeur, and the colours of its body were bright and luminous, and the reflections of these colours in the atmosphere were glowing. The size of this peacock was much larger than that of the usual peacocks.

Then the peacock slowly walked away, almost dancing, and it gradually faded from my sight.

At this moment, my dream ended.

I got up from my bed with the vibration of peace. I saw that the time in the clock was 4 a.m.


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