Blake's Tyger

A Christological Interpretation


Aurobindo, Sri

Collected Poems (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry), 1972. The Future Poetry and Letters on Poetry, Literature and Art (Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry), 1972.

Bateson, F. W.

Selected Poems of William Blake, Edited with an Introduction and Explanatory Notes (Heinemann, London), 1957.

Blackstone, Bernard

English Blake (Cambridge), 1949.


Signatura Rerum and Other Discourses (Everyman's Library, London). Translation by William Law, first published in 4 Vols., 1764-1781.

Bowra, E. M.

The Romantic Imagination (Oxford), 1957.

Brown, Raphael (Translator)

The Little Flowers of St. Francis by Brother Matthew (Image Books, New York), 1958.

Damon, Foster S.

"Blake and Milton" in The Divine Vision, Studies in the Poetry and Art of William Blake, edited by Vivian de Sola Pinto (Gollancz, London), 1957.

Eliot, T. S.

Selected Poems - T. S. Eliot (Penguin Poets, Harmondsworth), 1948. Ezekiel

Frye, Northrop

"Blake After Two Centuries" in English Romantic Poets, Modern Essays in Criticism, edited by M. H. Abrams (New York), 1960.

Grierson, Sir Herbert

Milton and Wordsworth (Cambridge), 1938.

Hanford, J. H.

A Milton Handbook (Fourth Edition, New York), 1946.

Harding, D. W.

"William Blake" in From Blake to Byron, edited by Boris Ford (Pelican Books, Harmondsworth), 1957.

Hastings, J. (Editor)

Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh), 1934.

Hopkins, Gerard Manley

Poems and Prose, Selected with an Introduction and Notes by W. H. Gardner (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth), 1953.

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Kazin, Alfred

The Portable Blake, Selected and Arranged with an Introduction by Alfred Kazin (The Viking Press, New York), 1946.

Kelley, Maurice

The Great Argument (Princeton), 1941.

Keynes, Geoffrey

Blake Studies (London), 1949.

The Complete Writings of William Blake, Edited with all the variant readings (The Nonesuch Press, London), 1957.

Lewis, C. S.

A Preface to Paradise Lost (Oxford Paperbacks), 1960.

McColley, C.

"Milton's Battle in Heaven and Rupert of St. Herbert", Speculum, XVI, 1941.

Paradise Lost (Chicago), 1940.

Milton, John

De Doctrina Christiana

Paradise Lost

Paradise Regained

Monk, F. F.

Representative English Poetry (London), 1927.

Plowman, Max (Editor)

Poems and Prophecies by William Blake (Everyman's Library, London), 1939.


Raine, Kathleen

Blake and Tradition, Two Volumes (Bollingen Series XXXV -No.11, Princeton University Press, U. S. A.), 1968.

"Blake's Debt to Antiquity", The Sewanee Review, Summer, 1963, Vol. LXXI, No. 3. Also Bollingen Paperback (Princeton, 1977):

Blake and Antiquity.

"The Little Girl Lost and Found and the Lapsed Soul" in The Divine Vision, Studies in the Poetry and Art of William Blake, edited by Vivian de Sola Pinto (Gollancz, London), 1957.

William Blake (Published for the British Council and the National Book League by Longmans Green & Co., London, New York, Toronto), 1951.

Rajan, B.

Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader (London), 1947.

Rosenthal, M. L., Smith, A. J. M.

Exploring Poetry (The Macmillan Company, New York), 1957.

St. John

First Epistle


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The Revelation

St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies - English Omnibus of the Sources for the Life of St. Francis, translated by several hands and edited by Marion A. Habig (Franciscan Herald Press, Chicago).

St. Paul

Colossians, I.

Sampson, John

Blake's Poetical Works (Oxford), 1904.

Seturaman, V. (Editor)

Critical Essays on English Literature (Orient Longman, Madras), 1965.

Shakespeare, W.

King Henry the Fifth, Act III, Scene 1.

Swinburne, A. C.

William Blake (Chatto & Windus).

Wickstead, Joseph H.

Blake's Innocence and Experience, A Study of the Songs and Manuscripts (London), 1928. Williamson, George

A Reader's Guide to T. S. Eliot (London), 1955.

Witcutt, W. P.

Blake: A Psychological Study (London), 1946.

"William Blake and Modern Psychology" in John O'London's Weekly, April 4, 1947.

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