Blake's Tyger

A Christological Interpretation


Abdiel, 56, 73, 74, 76, 77, 86, 104, 105

Abrama, M . H . , 42 fn. 127

Adam, 56, 57, 126, 157

Adam and Eve, 54, 99, 107, 157

Ahania, 1 80

Albion, 153, 188, 195-96, 202, 224, 234, 246, 249, 250, 262

Alchemic and Hermetic thought, iii, viii

Alchemical philosophy, 27

America, 163, 202, 203

Ancient Mariner, The, 126

"And did these feet in ancient time . . ."

(interpretation), 245-53

"Angel Tiger", 42

Annotations to Swedenborg's Divine

Love, 70 fn. 58

Anti-Trinitarianism, 101-02

Arianism, 101 , 102

Arius, 102

Art, Artist, 10, 140, 141

"aspire", 96, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 107, 111 , 129, 226-27, 162

Aurobindo, Sri, 4, 5

Bacon, 249

Basu, Arabinda, vii

Bateson, F. W . , 5 , 1 3 , 54, 5 5 , 130, 13 1 , 157, 205, 246, 251 , 261

Beauty, 9, 10, 70, 1 40

Beelzebub, 118

Beulah, 207, 210

Blackstone, Bernard, 53, 146, 150, 154, 157, 159, 161 , 212, 214. 215 , 228

Blake: A Psychological Study, 225 fn .282

Blake and Modern Thought, 246

Blake and Tradition , v. 25 fn. 11 , 263

Blake as Artist, 3, 5 , 54, 132-33, 135, 136, 236

Blake Studies, 344

"Blake's Debt to Antiquity", 25 fn. 11 ,

168 fn . 109, l

Blake's Innocence and Experience, 132 fn. 11

Blake's Poetical Works, 141 fn. 5

Boehme, iii, 28, 171 , 173, 175, 181 , 182, 183, 246

Book of Ahania, The, 1 16, 166, 198

Book of Job, Illustrations of the, 236

Book of Los, The, 218, 233

Book of Thel, The, 231

Bowra, C . M . , 137, 139, 140, 141, 155, 156, 162, 167

Brown, Raphael , 48 fn. 17

"burning bright" , 4-1 1 , 34, 35

Butts, 141, 231 , 235

Buxton, J . H . , i

Canteenwalla, Dr. Ferdauz N . , vii

Cat Jeffery, 42

Cave of the Nymphs, 134

chain, 36, 68, 123-4

Cherub, 105

Cherubim , 48, 105, 225

"Cherub Cat", 42

Christ, 33, 40, 43, 5 1 , 61, 64, 66, 68, 92- 1 10, 1 5 1 -53, 247. 261

"Christ the tiger", 4 1 , 42, 256

Christian Doctrine, 102

Christology , 40, 69

"climb", 150, 157

Coleridge, 5, 127

Colossians , 102, 231 fn. 309

"Collective Unconscious" , 4, 142

Collected Poems of Sri Aurobindo, 4 fn. 7

Complete Writings of William Blake, The, 2 fn. l

Confessions, 73

Critical Essays on English Literature, iv, fn. 1

"Daughters of Beulah", 228

David, 46, 49

"David and Goliath", 5

De Doctrina Christiana, 45, 100-02, 265

De Victoria Verbi Dei, 45

"deep", 14, 89, 90, 91, 120, 239

"deeps", 13-16, 33, 77, 78, 88, 90, 9 1 , 92, 1 10, 238-39

Page 271

Demiurge, 27,170,173,177,209,222, 266

Demogorgon, 23,240 Desire, 70,158

deus absconditus, 28 Devil, 44

"devouring fire", 74,75

"devouring flame", 74,75,169

Dissertation upon the Mysteries of

Eleusis and Dionysus, 134 "Divine Humanity", 4,70,146,152,


"Divine Similitude", 84,97,118,265

"Divine Vision, The", 157,161,162, 167

Divine Vision, The, 53 fn. 2,146 fn. 36,


Druidism, 83

Duraiswamy, M.S., i, iv fn. 2

Dyne,Sonia,48fn. 17

Earth's Answer, 54,174,232


Eliot, T.S., 40,41,42,43,256

Elohim, 220

"Elohim Creating Adam, The", 226 Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics,

The, 50 fn. 25

Energy, 70,140

English Blake, 53 fn. 1

English Romantic Poets, 42 fn. 27

Enitharmon, 169,208

Entuthon-Benithon, 240,241,242

"Eternals", 159, 160,161,165,212,213

Eternity, 145-47,156,159,169,232,


Europe, 76,166,168,169,205

Everard, 171

Everlasting Gospel, The, 71, 72, 103,


Exploring Poetry, 22 fn. 6, 41

Ezekiel, 49

Father, Heavenly, 229

"fearful symmetry", 9-12, 86

First Book of Urizen, The, 159,233

Flaxman, 229

Ford, Boris, 2 fn. 2

"forests", 9-13,16,23,32,35,80, 82, 83,165,166,169,170,184,192,196, 199

Foster, Damon S., 53 fn. 2

Four Zoas, 4,140,141,144 fn. 18

Four Zoas, The, 55,164,168,173,174,


From Blake to Byron, 2 fn. 2

Frye, Northrop, 42 fn. 27,53 fn. 2

Future Poetry and Letters on Poetry,

Literature and Art, The, 4 fn. 8

"furnace", 91,124,172,173

Fuzon, 198-99

Gabriel, 90,92

Garden of Eden, 56,75,99

Genesis, 54,63

Gerard Manley Hopkins, 50 fn. 24

Gerontion, 40,41

"Ghost of a Flea, The", 5

Gnostics, 27,176

God, 147,148,175,228-30

Godwin, Jocelyn, 50 fn. 23

Gospel of John, The, 231

Gospel of Luke, The, 22

Grierson, Sir Herbert, 101

H, capital, 44,69

Habig, Marion A., 48 fn. 17

"hand or eye", 18,19,36,123


Harding, D.W., 2-3.7-8,24,30

"he", "him", 17-19,27,43,44,69.108,


Hell, 65

Hermetica, 28,170,171,176,193,209, 219

Holy Ghost, The; Holy Spirit, The, 50, 148,224

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 50,185

Hound of Heaven, The, 73

Human Abstract, The, 57, 232

"Human Imagination, The", 70, 152

Illustrations of the Book of Job, 236

Imagination, 4,147-49,152,153

Isaiah, 47,48, 104

Page 272

Jeffrey, 42

Jerusalem, 65,75,151,155,193,248

Jerusalem, Emanative, 1,53,55,244,


Jesus, Jesus the Imagination, 262,265,


Jesus of the Bible, 51-52


John o' London's Weekly, 141 fn. 8

John the Baptist, 108

Jung, 4,141,142,146

Kazin, Alfred, 22

Kelley, Maurice, 101

Keynes, Geoffrey, i, ii, iii, iv, 2 fn. 1,


King Henry the Fifth, 40,41 fn. 23

Kubla Khan, 126

Lamb, The, 168,207-08

Lamb and the Tyger, The, 30,31,33,

35, 37,38,40,44,45,46,47,206-08,

"Lamb of God", 207, 245,246,247

Learned derivations of the names of the

Zoas, 144 fn. 18

Lewis, C.S., 102

Light, 116,117

Lion, 136

Lion of Juda, 46

Little Flowers of St. Francis, The,

48 fn. 17

Little Girl Found, A, 134

Little Girl Lost, A, 133,239

"Living Creatures", 4

Logos, 43


Los, Los(-Christ), 4,28,141,142,172, 208-23,225,231,233,242,243,244, 252,257

Lowe, J. Livingstone, 126

Lucifer, 40,47,48, 59,104,181-82

Luvah, 4,141,142,177,178,180,189,


Lyca, 134-36


Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The, 29. 137,158,173,176,205,231

Mathematical Commentaries, 139

Matthew, Brother, 48

McColley, C, 45

Mellon Lectures, A.W., ii

Michael, 44,45,48,90,93,113,114

"Mills, Satanic", 245, 249,251

Milton, 155,240,245,247,248,249,


Milton, iii, 32,55,58,59,64,65,75,76,

83, 84,90,91,92,94,95,99,101;




Milton and Wordsworth, 101 fn. 158

Milton Handbook, A, 102 fn. 161

"Milton's Battle in Heaven and Rupert

of St. Herbert", 45 fn. 7

"Minute Particulars Organized", 6,43,



Moon, 115

"mortal god", 27,170,177

Mythology, Blake's, 221

Nature, 168,170,184

Neoplatonist tradition, 135,258

New Testament, The, 47 Newton,

Newtonian science, 102,249, 258

Nicodemus, 40

Night, 8,184-87,191,192,196

Nimrod, 107

Nonesuch Press, ii

Oaks, 83,194-95

"Ode on the Morning of Christ's

Nativity", 204

Old Testament, The, 47

Orc, 131,163,179,202-04

Original draft of The Tyger, 128-31

Paracelsus, 27,170

Paradise Lost, iii, 52,53,54,64,66,69,76,89,101,102,106,108, 111, 117,

157,158,185,187,220 221,230, 246,253,255,256,258,265

Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader, 45 fn. 8

Page 273

Paradise Regained, 102,108

Persephone, 134, 135

"Pestilence: the Death of the First-Born", 5

Philosophia ad Athenienses, 170

Pluto, 135

Platonists, 28

Pleroma, 252

Plowman, Dorothy, 144 fn. 18

Plowman, Max, 133,134

Pluto, 134,135

Poems and Prophecies by William

Blake, 133 fn. 13

"Poetic Genius, the", 70,216

Porphyry, 134

Portable Blake, The, 22 fn. 5

"Preludium", 159

Preface to Paradise Lost, A, 102 fn.


Proclus, 134

Prophecy, 264

'Prospectus", 231

Proverbs of Hell, 138

Psalms of David. 49 fns. 19,20,21

Psychology, 4, 141,142,146

Puritan, Puritanism, 59

Raine, Kathleen, i, ii, vii, 4,25-29, 50

fn. 23, 134,144 fn. 18, 146,167-97, 222,231,237,258,261, 262,263-65

Rajan, B., 45,101

Ratio, Reason, 70,71

Reader's Guide to T.S. Eliot, A, 41

Representative English Poetry, 24 fn. 9

Revelation of St. John the Divine, The, 44, 45,46,59 fn. 20

Rintrah, 205-06,231

Romantic Imagination, The, 137 fn. 1

Rossetti Ms., 54,55, 92

Rosenthal, M.L., 22,33-35,41

Sampson, John,T41 fn. 5

Satan, 40,44,47,56,57,58,65,66,68, 180,182

"Satan defying God the Father", 54

"Satan exulting over Eve", 54

"seize", "sieze", 17,26, 111, 112,113, 177-80,262,264,266

Selected Poems of William Blake, 5 fn. 12

Selected Poems - T.S. Eliot, 41 fn. 24

Self, 4,146

Seraphim, 48,95

Sethna, K.D. iii, v

Seturaman, V.S., i, iv fn. 1

Seurat, Denis, 246

Sewanee Review, The, 25 fn. 11,168 fn. 109

Shabda Brahman, 43

"Shadowy Female, The", 168,172,


Shakespeare, 40

Shelley, 14

"shoulder", 10,119,122

shoulder-art, 10,120

Signatura Rerum, 182

"skies", 12,13,14,16,77,88,92

Smart, Christopher, 42,43,256

Smith, A.J.M., 22,33-35,41

snakes, 5

Sola Pinto, Vivian de, 53 fn. 2

Son and Father, 43

Songs of Experience, The, 57,131,137,


Songs of Innocence, The ,139,206

Song of Liberty, 174

Song of Los, The, 233

"spears", 31, 32,60,61,162,164,166

Spectre, The (Reasoning Power), 149,


Sri Aurobindo, 4,5

Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Pondicherry, iv

Sri Aurobindo International Centre of

Education, i

St. Athanasius, 50

St. Augustine, 73

St. Bonaventure, 48 fn. 17

St. Francis, 48

St. Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early

Biographies, 48 fn. 17

St. John, 43

St. John's Gospel, 43,231

St. Paul, 43,44,102,230

"stars", 15,20-26,29,30,31,32, 36,37,

39, 58, 59,162,163,164,173-75,

180-81, 185

Page 274

Stukely, 225

Summer, 239


Supernature,3,4,5,38,141,142,146, 151,153, 157,207,208,252


symmetry, 9

Synecdoche,18, 85

Synesius, Bishop, 50

Swedenborg, 262

Swinburne, 23,24, 30

Taylor, Thomas, 134

Temenos, 50 fn. 23

That Night, 49

Tharmas, 4,141,142

Thompson, Francis, 73

Todd, 102

Traditions,Neoplatonic,Gnostic, Hermetic, Cabbalistic and Alchemical, 167

Trinitarianism, 101

Trinity, The, 54,96,102

Trusler, J., 3

Tutiensus, Rupertus, 45

Tyger's Artificer, Creator, Maker, The, 14,16-17,18,21,27,30,36

"Tygers", 197-200,238

Tyger, The, i, ii, iv, v, vi, vii, 30,33,43,






219,220,223, 231,232,233,234,



Udanadan,Udan-Adan, 162,241,243

Upanishads, 4,146

Urim, 63

Urthona, 141,142,174,180,213

Vala or the Four Zoas, 79,155

Vaughan, 48

Vision of the Last Judgment, A, 152

Visions of the Daughters of Albion,

The, 232

Voids, Newtonian, 251

War in Heaven, 158-67,182-88,192-97

Wars of Eternity, 150,151

Wheels, of Heaven, Satanic, starry,


William Blake, 4 fn. 10,23 fn. 8,146 fn.


"William Blake and Modern

Psychology", 141 fn. 8

Williamson, George, 41

Wickstead, Joseph H., 132,136 fn. 21

wings, 49,50,51,92,93-96,105,106,


Witcutt, W.P., 141 fn. 8,225,282

Word, the, 43

Wordsworth, 131

"work", 29,30,31,62,63,110,222

Workman, Workman Mind, 170,171,


Wrath, Divine, 39,49,50

Yoga, 4

Zeus of the Underworld and Olympus, 136

"Zoa", 141 fn. 7

Zoas, 4,143-45,257,262,264

Page 275

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