Overhead Poetry

Poems with Sri Aurobindo's Comments

  On Poetry


Where lie the past noon-lilies

And vesper-violets gone?

Into what strange invisible deep

Fall out of time the roses of each dawn?

They draw for us a dream-way

To ecstasies unhoured,

Where all earth's form-hues flicker and drop,

By some great wind of mystery overpowered.

Sri Aurobindo's Comment

"The simple revealing directness and beauty evoke without effort a pure sense of mystic truth. The opening stanza and continuation are exceedingly fine, full of magic suggestion. In the last two fines there is a mixture of the intuitive and the illumined, the rest is pure intuitive—but occult because it is from a province of the occult that the intuition of the substance comes. The last two lines have, I think, an equal poetic excellence with the rest, but it is not the same."


(How do you find this poem ? Is it very surrealistic ?)

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