Overhead Poetry

Poems with Sri Aurobindo's Comments

  On Poetry


They give us life with some high burning breath,

Life which but draws a golden road to death.

In vain we lift warm hands that quiver and cry

Unto the blue salvation of the sky.

Above, transparencies divine are spread

Of fusing fires—gay purple, eager red;

But who there heeds our love? Thwarted, alone,

We struggle through an atmosphere of stone.

The heaven-coloured distances lie dumb—

But all our hush is sleep or clay grown numb:

A blinded beauty fills our heart, a sun

Lost in gigantic self-oblivion.

Those ever-shining quietudes of bliss

How shall we know—pale wanderers from kiss to kiss?

Sri Aurobindo's Comment

"Very fine. The markings in the poem are meant to indicate lines of a high and inevitable felicity—revelatory in their expression and significance. Intuition seems to be their source. The others are more mental, but fine in their kind."


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