The Adventure of the Apocalypse


O Pygmy of Perfection!...

When will I break through this blind stone of a breast?

O warrior light caverned in my small heart,

O dwarf with the hatchet forged in holy fire,

Lift thy edged ecstasy and drive through clay

The mystic fissure of a luminous laugh

Answering the golden infinite of God's love!

O pygmy of perfection, leap beyond

To thy full stature of bliss that knows no birth!

Then from the overarched eternities

Come back time's king to trample the gilded roof

Of the arrogant mind of me and plunge through thought

With the cry of a thousand oceans pouring down

Deep after deep of an inexhaustible truth!

Brim this whole body with one will ever white

And through each pore burst into the universe

To -drown it in a measureless Self that turns

All touches God discovering God anew!


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