The Adventure of the Apocalypse



The golden sphere of the sun in earthly skies

Echoes a globe of God whose self is light

Hung over mortal mind in a blue of bliss.

Even as the soil's cry feels in the warm day

A wonder-seed within whose circled deep

Glows a great life which answers all its need,

So the mind's longing sees in that far Eye

All knowledge rounded to a rapturous whole.

Rishis have risen there and borne bright news

Back to the multitudes weeping in the dark

And time has thought the immortal hour was won.

But when the touch of this high burning orb

Lay on the gross and heavy heart of man

Each throb wras a white flash, yet in between

The flashes gaped the gloom of an abyss.

The utter alchemy no dream called down.

A sun beyond this sun above the mind

Waits in a mystery beyond the blue:

A night more vast than the blind distances

Between our reveries and the flame they reach

Is spread between that flame and fathomless truth's

Gigantic star seen like one diamond speck

Lost in a time-transcending loneliness.

Remote from the globed sun is that strange blaze—

It rounds not human knowledge but reveals

A gold in which mind's glimmering bents are drawn

Straight by a pattern holding God's full self

Of being and consciousness, delight and power

In a gathering of the immense to the intense,

A foursquare sun focussing eternity,

Formless perfection caught in perfect form!

Here is the all-creating primal Face

Veiled by its own projected rondure of fire

Midway the enormous gap twixt earth and heaven.

Here is the all-transmuting final Face

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Which shall remove that fire and make heaven earth.

That fire is man wearing the mask of God:

Here is God wearing the true face of man!


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