The Secret Splendour


Life's Extremist


The heart's sweet lava, lips trembling to star-shine,

 Clutch on the atom, foot on Everest-

Nothing suffices save immortal life.

And, though the deathless soul may flame out free,

 A gulf is yet the unbodied infinite.

 Nor can the dust's deep ache to laugh for ever

Be stilled in the mere marble our hand craves

To meet the ages with a god's form and face.

Our very limbs strain for the timeless smile.

 Its single lack empties the universe,

A worm that eats up the whole core of the sun.

 The Eternal even in this small soft flesh-Else a quick end that cuts short the long cry

Of the naked nerve throbbing to the horizon's edge.

O soon the peace of the perfect Avatar

Guarded by an aura of unfading day—

Or the safe dead armoured in their sleep of steel!

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